- the one SaaS-platform to integrate all partners along the supply chain. Alle wollen transparente Wertschöpfungsketten, aber kaum einem gelingt es.

Warum? Weil die Welt bunt, komplex und vielfältig ist! Das wollen wir auch nicht ändern. Stattdessen kombinieren wir diese Vielfältigkeit mit unser langjährigen Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet der Wertschöpfungsketten und den neuesten Technologien, um die Interaktion zwischen Unternehmen und ihren Partnern immer weiter zu verbessern. Wir wollen die Art und Weise ändern, wie globale Lieferketten in Zukunf


Rhein-Ruhr Startup Afterwork! Am nächsten Mittwoch, 18. Mai, 18:00h ist es wieder so weit. Sei dabei:


Connor joined our team already a few months ago. As Business Development Consultant, he is responsible for advising potential customers with a focus on the UK / Ireland. Originally, he comes from the town of Rugby, England. In the video excerpt, he explains what convinced him to join and if he also played Rugby himself 🏉🏉🏉

Are you also looking for an exciting new professional challenge ? Check out our current job offers:

Ever Given released from Suez Canal 106 days after blockage | Logistics | Supply Chain Digital 07/07/2021

Suez Canal Update: The Ever Given has finally left the Suez Canal after more than three months of negotiations

The Suez Canal Authority (SCA), the Ever Given’s owner Shoei Kisen Kaisha Co. Ltd., and their insurers, signed a compensation that allowed the ship to leave the Suez Canal. Therefore, the Ever Given could now start its journey to Rotterdam.

Read more at:

In March, the 400 metre container ship blocked the canal, one of the most important waterways in world trade for six days which delayed billions of dollars’ worth of goods.

In a previous article, we had gathered a few facts and figures about the Suez Canal blockage. Read more at:

Ever Given released from Suez Canal 106 days after blockage | Logistics | Supply Chain Digital Local authorities free the Ever Given from judicial seizure as its owner Shoei Kisen Kaisha and local authorities agree to compensation settlement

Supply chain collaboration: leveraging the potential of digital networking 02/07/2021

More complex supply chains, increasing volatility in global markets, unforeseen events; There are numerous factors that complicate collaboration with partners along supply chains. In this context, there is often talk of optimizing “supply chain collaboration.” But what exactly is behind it?

Read more at:

Click here or the German version:

Supply chain collaboration: leveraging the potential of digital networking Since the closure of large parts of the container port Yantian at the end of May, container ships have been jammed in front of South China.


Exciting topics, discussions and a bit of event atmosphere: That's what we had yesterday at the hybrid ruhrSUMMIT 2021. In a panel discussion about logistics startups, their way into B2B business and how startport supports them, Arne talked about our experiences and insights. Thanks for the great panel discussion!

Container-Stau in Südchina: Ein weiterer Stresstest für die Logistikbranche 25/06/2021

First the Suez Canal blockage, now congestion in the fourth largest container port in the world - a real stress test for the logistics industry. This shows all the more how important it is for the individual parties to work together to get a grip on the adverse effects.

Read more about the developments and effects on global trade:

Click here for the German version:

Container-Stau in Südchina: Ein weiterer Stresstest für die Logistikbranche Seit der Schließung von weitgehenden Teilen des Containerhafens Yantian Ende Mai stauen sich die Containerschiffe vor Südchina.


Congratulations Hima!🎉 Hima Bindu Challa, our co-founder and Head of Product Development, is featured by the US Global Trade Magazine as one of the Top 11 Women in Logistics.

With the Women in Logistics Spotlight, Global Trade Magazine honors leading women in logistics who are redefining the industry. We are very proud that Hima is one of them. Keep it up!🙌🏽

Click here to read the whole article:

SCM: Schleppender digitaler Wandel aufgrund zu hoher Komplexität 14/06/2021

Was hält Unternehmen davon ab, in die Digitalisierung ihrer Supply Chain zu investieren?

Zu hohe Komplexität und die Angst vor möglichen Fehlern zählen zu den zentralen Faktoren, die den digitalen Wandel aktuell ausbremsen. Das zeigten kürzlich die Ergebnisse des 14. Hermes-Barometers. So stimmten 42 Prozent der befragten Logistikentscheider*innen dafür ab, dass sie aufgrund der hohen Komplexität und aus Sorge vor Fehlern zurückhaltend agieren.

Weitere Erkenntnisse lest ihr auf unserem Blog:

SCM: Schleppender digitaler Wandel aufgrund zu hoher Komplexität Zu hohe Komplexität und die Angst vor möglichen Fehlern zählen zu den zentralen Faktoren, die Unternehmen davon abhalten, in die Digitalisierung ihrer Supply Chain zu investieren.


Ab heute verfügbar: Unser E-Paper zum Thema Supply Chain Visibility im Mittelstand

Die digitale Transformation im Supply Chain Management schreitet voran. Gerade für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen ist es jedoch eine besonders große Herausforderung, die Digitalisierung zu beschleunigen und Transparenz zu generieren. Erhalte in unserem E-Paper wertvolle Informationen zu aktuellen Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätzen. Was sind typische Gründe dafür, dass die Umsetzung der Digitalisierungsstrategie und der Wunsch nach mehr Transparenz gerade bei Mittelstandsunternehmen oft scheitern? Wie generiere ich Transparenz und was sind die Kostentreiber?

Mehr Infos unter:

Viel Spaß beim Lesen!

Supply Chain Visibility - What It Means and Why It Matters 21/05/2021

Supply chain visibility has become a widespread term in logistics. However, what does it actually mean to build a transparent supply chain and why is it so important for supply chain management?

Supply chain visibility is much more than just tracking goods. It means not only seeing where the goods are currently located, it's about gaining an overall view of the entire supply chain.

Read more about what it constitutes and what benefits it offers to companies in our latest article:

Supply Chain Visibility - What It Means and Why It Matters Supply chain visibility has become one of the megatrends in logistics. However, what does it actually mean and why does it matter?


"We need to enable people along the supply chain to communicate and to exchange information as easily and intuitively as possible"

As Co-Founder and Product Developer of, Hima Bindu Challa develops the platform's features to make it as easy and intuitive as possible for users to share information with their partners. In her webinar "limbiq SCM - Supply Chain Visibility, Collaboration, Documentation" today at 5pm, she will discuss what "supply chain visibility" and "collaboration" actually means and how important it is for B2B business. She will also provide insights into our platform and show how can help to easily improve workflows along the supply chain.

More information at:

Blank sailings on Transpacific and Asia-Europe trades 07/05/2021

There were a high number of blank sailings last year, particularly due to the Corona Pandemic. The analyst Sea Intelligence has released an analysis this week showing a high number of cancelled sailings especially in March 2020.

Read more about the insights and reasons for blank sailings:

Blank sailings on Transpacific and Asia-Europe trades There were a high number of Blank Sailings last year particularly due to the Corona pandemic. When were peeks and what are further reasons?


We are happy to welcome our new team member Constantin!🚀

Constantin Mans joins us as Sales Development Representative. He brings significant experience in customer acquisition and project management. Besides, he is a very open-minded person and we are absolutely sure that he will be a great addition to our team!

Are you also looking for a new professional challenge? Check out our current job oppurtunities:


Get to know our solution for more transparency, better collaboration and clear documentation in a 40 minute-webinar including Q&A session.

Our Co-Founder & Full Stack Expertise Hima Bindu Challa will start on 11th May 2021 at 5 PM. She will show how to improve supply chain visibility and partner collaboration without large upfront investment. Get answers to the following questions:

➡How can I provide supply chain visibility?
➡How can I manage my exceptions?
➡What is meant by visibility, collaboration and supply chain control tower and how important is it for B2B business?
➡How does limbiq SCM work and how does it help your business?
➡What else is limbiq offering in near future?

For those who prefer a session in German, we offer an alternative date on 18th May at 5 pm. Our Co-Founder & CEO Arne Paul Oltmann will lead through the session and focus on the following questions:

➡What are the benefits of supply chain management software?
➡How does limbiq SCM work?
➡Is it time-consuming to implement limbiq SCM and do my partners also have to use limbiq SCM?
➡How does my data get to limbiq SCM and is it safe there at all?

Register for free at:

General Average and further estimated developments after Suez Canal blockage 23/04/2021

It has been exactly one month since the Ever Given, one of the world's largest container ships, ran aground in the Suez Canal. And it is still estimated that the consequences will be felt until summer.

In the meantime, the owner of the Ever Given has already declared the “General Average”. But what does that exactly mean? We briefly summarized a few facts about the General Average and the estimated developments of the ripple effects on Asia-Europe network capacity. Read more at:

General Average and further estimated developments after Suez Canal blockage On April 1, the shipping company Evergreen Marine reported the "General Average". What exactly does this term stand for?


Digitale und innovative Lösungen der Transport- und Logistikbranche stehen am 06.05.21 von 08:00-10:00 Uhr im Mittelpunkt des Innovationsfrühstücks, organisiert von
SVG Garage, startport, HK100 und KRAVAG. - Und wir sind dabei! 🎉

In einzelnen Gesprächsrunden stellen wir unsere Lösung für ein effizientes und transparentes Supply Chain Management vor. Dazu gibt es ein köstliches Frühstückspaket direkt ins (Home-)Office geschickt.

Die Teilnahme an der Veranstaltung ist kostenlos. Hier geht's zur Anmeldung:

Automation in road freight transport - What potential does “platooning” offer? 16/04/2021

The progress of automation is already evident in modern vehicles, for example in the form of advanced driver assistance systems that help drivers stay in their lane, maintain their speed or brake in good time. In freight transport, truck platooning is a preliminary stage on the way to autonomous trucks. But what does "platooning" actually mean? What potential does it offer for the future ? And what is the current status of development ?

Read more at:

Automation in road freight transport - What potential does “platooning” offer? In freight transport, truck platooning is a preliminary stage on the way to autonomous trucks. What exactly does "platooning" mean?


SAVE THE DATE: Am 19. April um 17 Uhr werfen wir in unserem Webinar "Kosten senken im Supply Chain Management" einen Blick auf Herausforderungen, Einsparpotentiale und Kostenfallen bei der Digitalisierung des Supply Chain Managements.

Welche Tools helfen mir, die Digitalisierung voranzutreiben? Wie gelingt die Umsetzung schnell, effektiv und ohne große Vorabinvestitionen?

Zentrale Themen sind unter anderem:
➡Performanceverbesserungen durch Collaboration Tools
➡Einsparpotentiale durch intelligente Workflows
➡Fallstricke und Kostenfallen bei der Digitalisierung

Klingt interessant? Jetzt kostenlos anmelden unter:

Suez Canal Blockage - Facts and Figures 09/04/2021

The Suez Canal has reopened but the consequences are still clearly noticeable. We have summarized a few facts and figures on the Suez Canal Blockage below.

Besides, we give you some background information on the Suez Canal as the fastest maritime route between Europe and the lands lying around the Indian and western Pacific oceans. The blockade has shown how important and at the same time how fragile the Suez Canal is as a waterway for world trade. But are there any alternatives?

Read more in our article:

Suez Canal Blockage - Facts and Figures The blockade of the Suez Canal led to immense effects on cargo traffic and world trade. A brief review: The container vessel "Ever Given" veered off course in a sandstorm.


Welcome to the team Christian! 🚀

Christian Korda joins our team as Sales Director. He is very passionate about startups and innovative tech-products and has a strong background in digitalization and successfully selling various SaaS-solutions.

We are very happy to have you on board!

Mit schlanken SCM-Softwarelösungen Digitalisierungspotenziale nutzen und Kosten reduzieren 31/03/2021

Nicht nur hohe Investitionskosten, auch komplexe IT-Landschaften und ein hoher Implementierungsaufwand halten Unternehmen davon ab, in die Digitalisierung der Supply Chain zu investieren. Warum es sich trotzdem lohnt, aktuelle Digitalisierungspotenziale zu nutzen und wie schlanke SCM-Softwarelösungen helfen können, gleichzeitig Kosten zu reduzieren, lest ihr im heutigen Artikel 👇🏼

Für weitere Informationen zu dem Thema "Kosten senken im Supply Chain Management" bieten wir am 19. April um 17 Uhr außerdem ein kostenloses Webinar an. Schaut gerne mal vorbei:

Mit schlanken SCM-Softwarelösungen Digitalisierungspotenziale nutzen und Kosten reduzieren Schlanke Softwarelösungen bieten das Potenzial, ohne hohe Investitionskosten die Digitalisierung im Supply Chain Management voranzutreiben.


There is no denying the fact that innovative digital solutions offer the potential to transform the industry. Nevertheless, the digitization of the supply chain is still barely advanced in many companies and poses major challenges. We talked to Menno Benningshof, Consultant Supply Chain Management, Men-2B about the current challenges, opportunities but also about possible dangers. Besides this, he told us what he would advise companies that want to become more digital.

Read the whole interview at:

Combined Transport: Development, Challenges, Digitization 17/03/2021

Each mode of transport has its advantages and disadvantages. To take advantage of more than one mode of transport, it makes sense to combine them. This brings us to the topic of “combined transport”.

Read more about the current challenges, development and digital innovations 👇🏼

Combined Transport: Development, Challenges, Digitization As the name suggests, combined transport (CT for short) refers to the combination of several modes of transport.


FOB und EXW sind häufig genutzte Incoterms in der Transportlogistik. Aber was genau versteht man unter FOB und EXW und was sind eigentlich Incoterms?

Die wichtigsten Punkte zum Begriff "Incoterms", FOB und EXW haben wir in folgendem Artikel zusammengefasst:

„Veränderung passiert nicht von alleine“ – Hima Bindu Challa im Gespräch über Frauen als Gründerinnen - Innovationsplattform für Logistik Startups - Startport 09/03/2021

Als Gründerinnen sind Frauen gerade in der Logistikbranche aktuell noch wenig vertreten. Dass die Logistik für Frauen aber eine sehr attraktive Branche für die Gründung eines Unternehmens sein kann, zeigt unsere Co-Founderin Hima Bindu Challa.

Im Gespräch mit startport spricht sie über Frauen als Gründerinnen, das Gründen in der Logistikbranche und wie Frauen dazu ermutigt werden können, Unternehmerinnen zu werden.

Jetzt lesen👇🏼

„Veränderung passiert nicht von alleine“ – Hima Bindu Challa im Gespräch über Frauen als Gründerinnen - Innovationsplattform für Logistik Startups - Startport Gründerin Hima Bindu Challa mit Ministerin Dr. Franziska Giffey im Duisburger Innenhafen August 2020. Frauen ...


Job offer 📣 We are looking for a Full Stack Engineer to join our team!

Are you full of ideas and want to make them real? Are you ready to take on new challenges and develop software for simple supply chain management in a unique startup atmosphere? Then you are in the right place.

About the job:
-design, implement, test and create services in an agile, cross-functional team
-connect systems and platforms with each other and create the next generation system
-visualize and bring the supply chain process intuitively closer to the user
-develop out-of-the-box solutions that create a new standard in the industry

Find more information at:

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

PS: Feel free to share this job offer in your network😊

Container handling 2020: Comparison of the three busiest ports in Europe 03/03/2021

Container handling developed very erractically last year. In particular, the lockdown in China had a strong impact in the first half of the year. In the second half, the numbers increasingly recovered and hence the decline was even less than expected.

Read more on our blog:

Container handling 2020: Comparison of the three busiest ports in Europe We compared the figures of container handling from 2020 compared with the figures of the previous year using Rotterdam, Hamburg and Antwerp as examples.

7 junge und spannende Startups aus dem Ruhrgebiet - 26/02/2021

"Das Ruhrgebiet digitalisiert sich - und zwar rasant." - Sieben spannende Startups aus dem Ruhrgebiet - Und wir sind mit dabei 🎉 Vielen Dank!

7 junge und spannende Startups aus dem Ruhrgebiet - Das Ruhrgebiet digitalisiert sich - und zwar rasant! Hier einige junge Startups aus dem Ruhrgebiet, die jeder unbedingt kennen sollte. Es geht um Gatch, Knowbody, limbiq, Neonlab, Novaheal, Snackhelden und Uma.

Brexit - changed customs regulations and impact on logistics 25/02/2021

Almost two months have passed since the end of the Brexit transition period. How have customs regulations changed and what impact have the changes had on logistics?

Even before the end of the transitional period, there was chaos at British ports because companies were trying to fill their warehouses before the new regulations came into effect. We took a quick look back at what has changed and what is special about the “Northern Ireland protocol”.

Read more in our aricle below:

Brexit - changed customs regulations and impact on logistics With Brexit customs relations have changed. Customs and import declarations are now required for all goods imported from the UK into the EU and vice versa.


How do I achieve resilience in the supply chain?

The resilience of a supply chain can be defined by both the ability to withstand disruptive factors and the ability to recover quickly from disruptions. But how exactly do I achieve that?

Near- Offshoring, the logistics setup, multisourcing and building transparency and agility are decisive factors. We would like to dive deeper into these topics in our webinar "What makes a supply chain resilient?" and show why resilience in the supply chain is becoming increasingly important and how resilience can be achieved by considering these areas.

The webinar is free and takes place on 3rd March 2021 at 5 PM.

Register now at:

We are looking forward to your participation!

Building supply chain resilience - what it means and why it matters 18/02/2021

The term resilience actually comes from the area of psychology, where it describes the ability to cope with stress and crises. This can also be applied to the supply chain.

Read what resilience means for the supply chain and which factors are of particular importance 👇🏼

If you want to learn more about this topic, visit our webinar "What makes a supply chain resilient? 5 building blocks to make your supply chain more resilient":

Building supply chain resilience - what it means and why it matters The term resilience actually comes from the area of psychology, where it describes the ability to cope with stress and crises.


Welcome to the team Connor!🚀

Connor joins our team as a Business Development Consultant. He is responsible for advising potential clients with a focus on the United Kingdom / Ireland. Originally, he comes from the town of Rugby, England. By the way, the sport "Rugby" originates from this town 🏉

We are happy to have you on board!

Das Visibility-Paradox 11/02/2021

"Es geht nicht um die Vernetzung von Daten, es geht um die Vernetzung von Menschen"

Supply Chain Visibility - Ein viel diskutiertes Thema, quasi der "Heilige Gral" der Logistik-Welt. Gleichzeitig aber wird das Thema unter Fachleuten als größte Herausforderung angesehen, weil es weitgehend noch nicht gelöst zu sein scheint. Damit kommen wir zum Visibility Paradox.

Was es damit genau auf sich hat, lest ihr im heutigen Artikel von Arne Paul Oltmann:

Zu genau diesem Thema bieten wir außerdem ein kostenloses Webinar an. Schaut gerne mal vorbei:

Das Visibility-Paradox Visibility ist der Heilige Gral der Logistik. Alle suchen danach und es bleibt doch unerreicht.

Track and Trace: More transparency for supply chain management 10/02/2021

Track & Trace is no longer a foreign term to us. But what exactly is it all about? What requirements should a Track & Trace system meet?

In this article, we took a closer look at what constitutes a Track & Trace system and why end-to-end visibility is becoming increasingly important.

Read more at:

For more information on the growing expectations towards shipment tracking, visit our free webinar "Track & Trace - The Next Generation: A visibility tool of the last decades. What it offers and what more it can offer."

Check it out now:

Track and Trace: More transparency for supply chain management Track & Trace is no longer a foreign word to us all. But what exactly is it all about? What requirements should a track & trace system meet?

5 neue Startups, die bald bestimmt abheben - 09/02/2021 stellt wieder fünf Startups vor, die "jeder kennen sollte". Heute sind wir mit dabei 🙌🏼

5 neue Startups, die bald bestimmt abheben - Es ist mal wieder Zeit für neue Startups! Hier wieder einige ganz junge Startups, die jeder kennen sollte. Heute stellen wir diese Startups vor: talkindly,, peaq, Luggage Pool und Domi.


Fehlende Container, erhebliche Preissteigerungen der Frachtraten, unterbrochene Lieferketten - Aktuell sind in der Transportlogistik massive Beeinträchtigungen zu spüren. Als Geschäftsführer des 4th Party Logistics Dienstleisters PROLOGUE Solutions GmbH erlebt Patrick Merkel die Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie im Logistiksektor hautnah mit. In einem Interview hat er uns erzählt, in welchen Bereichen er die stärksten Auswirkungen sieht, wie die PROLOGUE auf die aktuellen Herausforderungen reagiert und welche Herausforderungen die Digitalisierung mit sich bringt.

"Dass Technologie allein noch nicht in der Lage ist, die Geschäftsmodelle weitreichend zu beeinflussen, hat die fehlgeschlagene RFID Revolution vor einigen Jahren eindrucksvoll bewiesen."

Vielen Dank für das tolle Interview Patrick Merkel!

Jetzt lesen unter:


Widely used, practical and easy to manufacture: The Euro pallet. This year, the Europool pallet (or shortly Euro-pallet) celebrates its 60th birthday. That's why we took a closer look at what at first appears to be an inconspicuous wooden construction but has revolutionized logistics 🚀

In a joint Enterprise Lab of EPAL and the Fraunhofer Institute the Euro-pallet is even getting intelligent. Read more in our article:

Click here to get to the German version:

Auf eine Frage mit... - Innovationsplattform für Logistik Startups - Startport 03/02/2021

Wir wurden von startport zu den Herausforderungen der Logistik von morgen interviewt 👇🏼

Wir haben darüber gesprochen, warum besonders im Midsize-Market überwiegend noch analog kommuniziert wird, wie wir genau hier mit unserer Supply Chain Management-Software ansetzen und welche Chancen wir aus der Corona Krise ziehen konnten.

Schaut gerne mal rein:

Auf eine Frage mit... - Innovationsplattform für Logistik Startups - Startport Was denken die Visionäre der Logistikbranche? In unserer Reihe „auf eine Frage mit…“ finden wir ...

10 Fakten über das Chinesische Neujahr 02/02/2021

Nächste Woche am 12. Februar 2021 beginnt das Chinesische Neujahr. Das bedeutet nicht nur Feiertage in China, sondern auch Auswirkungen auf die Logistik weltweit. Viele Fabriken bleiben sogar mehrere Wochen lang geschlossen.

Und wusstest Du bereits, dass das Mond-Neujahr nicht nur in China gefeiert wird? Und dass sich das Chinesische Neujahr jedes Jahr nach dem ersten Neumond zwischen dem 21. Januar und 21. Februar richtet?

2021 beginnt übrigens das Jahr des Büffels. In diesem Artikel haben wir noch ein paar weitere interessante Fakten zusammengestellt.

Jetzt lesen👇🏼

10 Fakten über das Chinesische Neujahr In knapp einer Woche beginnt das Chinesische Neujahr. Das bedeutet nicht nur Feiertage in China, sondern auch Auswirkungen auf die Logistik.


We are starting a second webinar series in February 🎉

After a successful start in January, we want to repeat our webinar series in February. So you have another chance to participate in our webinars on topics such as supply chain visibility, resilience and track & trace. We will also offer three new dates to introduce you to our platform. There will be events in German as well as in English.

For more information, check out our website:

We are looking forward to your participation!

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Philosophenweg 31-33

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