SafariWellness UA

SafariWellness UA

Consultancy - Healthcare, Wellness, SPA, Massage, rest/relaxation, Treatment, Patient education, Reh


Booking a quality massage is a health investment not an expense!


Купуй меньше - отримуй більше 🔥

Любити себе, піклуватися про себе і робити своє щастя пріоритетом - не егоїстично. Це необхідно.

Замов 2 сеанси масажу та отримуй 3-й у подарунок 🎁*

*кількість місць обмежена
Деталі за телефоном +380638206687


It’s not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and to make your happiness a priority. It’s necessary.
Born out of a sincere understanding and passion for wellness,
we focus on the physical, emotional and mental well-being of our clients.
Leave stress, tension and troubles behind as our experienced massage therapists
help your mind relax and regain its balance.


We make you feel confident and ready for your new achievements.
We focus on the physical, emotional and mental well-being of our clients.
# #київ

Photos from SafariWellness UA's post 13/10/2021

Біль у спині може бути пов’язана зі стресом, напругою та іншими нефізичними проблемами

Щодня витрачати час на розслаблення та освіження важливо для хорошого життя.

Ваша здатність виробляти енергію прямо пропорційна вашій здатності розслаблятися.

Замовте зустріч у нас зараз…



Massage therapist, beauty masters and wellness coach


and it's benefit #1: Female Hysteria was treated with massage of the pelvis Freud Hysteria treatment.

Female hysteria was a disease diagnosed in Western medicine until the middle of XIX century. In the Victorian era it was the usual diagnosis of a wide range of symptoms, including fails, insomnia, fluid retention, abdominal heaviness, muscle spasms, intercorted breath, irritability, strong headaches, loss of appetite and ′′ tendency to cause problems ".

Women who exhibited anxiety, mood swings and depression were sent by their husbands to the doctor, who diagnosed them with a condition called ′′ hysteria ". Their treatment was based on a ′′ pelvic massage ′′ in order to achieve the hysterical paroxism, known today as or**sm.

It was so much the number of women who started to attend consultations to receive their ′′ treatment for hysteria ′′ that doctors at the end of the workday were exhausted and with their hands cramped; so they decided to invent a useful device that produced rhythmic vibrations and hysterical paroxyism was achieved faster and easier in the patient without the common manual massage: and here is the origin of the vi****or. At that time it was seen as a healing device, even the most wealthy women, had them in their homes for when they felt ′′ hysteria buds ". After the appearance of that device in pornographic films, it took a netly sexual nuance - erotic and began to be seen as a sinful instrument.

From this alleged disease, Sigmund Freud began to develop his guess of the unconscious. Freud ended up claiming that what was known as female hysteria was triggered by a traumatic fact that had been suppressed in the unconscious, but it continued to emerge in the form of attacks that lacked explanation. It was the beginning of what we know today as Psychoanalysis.

History is in favor of the theory that claims Sigmund Freud and Jean-Martin Charcot were the ones who caused hysteria to disappear as a disease by digging into the study of the mind. As diagnosis techniques improved, the number of cases decreased until none left.

Hysteria treatment.

Female hysteria was a disease diagnosed in Western medicine until the middle of XIX century. In the Victorian era it was the usual diagnosis of a wide range of symptoms, including fails, insomnia, fluid retention, abdominal heaviness, muscle spasms, intercorted breath, irritability, strong headaches, loss of appetite and ′′ tendency to cause problems ".

Women who exhibited anxiety, mood swings and depression were sent by their husbands to the doctor, who diagnosed them with a condition called ′′ hysteria ". Their treatment was based on a ′′ pelvic massage ′′ in order to achieve the hysterical paroxism, known today as or**sm.

It was so much the number of women who started to attend consultations to receive their ′′ treatment for hysteria ′′ that doctors at the end of the workday were exhausted and with their hands cramped; so they decided to invent a useful device that produced rhythmic vibrations and hysterical paroxyism was achieved faster and easier in the patient without the common manual massage: and here is the origin of the vi****or. At that time it was seen as a healing device, even the most wealthy women, had them in their homes for when they felt ′′ hysteria buds ". After the appearance of that device in pornographic films, it took a netly sexual nuance - erotic and began to be seen as a sinful instrument.

From this alleged disease, Sigmund Freud began to develop his guess of the unconscious. Freud ended up claiming that what was known as female hysteria was triggered by a traumatic fact that had been suppressed in the unconscious, but it continued to emerge in the form of attacks that lacked explanation. It was the beginning of what we know today as Psychoanalysis.

History is in favor of the theory that claims Sigmund Freud and Jean-Martin Charcot were the ones who caused hysteria to disappear as a disease by digging into the study of the mind. As diagnosis techniques improved, the number of cases decreased until none left.

Photos from SafariWellness UA's post 12/10/2021

We are opened for business, safariwellness UA - , , , # give yourself, yourbody a treat ,


Pamper yourself with a metameric massage in Kyiv - Oxygenate, assimilate and eliminate UA


Массаж от африканских мастеров с медицинским образованием, Красивая и хорошая девушки(Украинский и Африканских)

Здоровое, красивое, гибкое тело без болей и зажимов! С нами это возможно!

Массаж от африканских мастеров с высшим медицинским образованием:
- различные техники массажа
- массажисты - реабилитологи с большим опытом работы
- решение всех проблем и недостатков позвоночника и тела
- приятный массаж в расслабляющей атмосфере

30% на первый визит по промокоду "ОЛХ"


Life is full of stress. One thing that gets most ignored by us is our skin. So, lets take a moment to address this need. Let’s start caring again.
We are here to help you and address your need.
We welcome you to our paradise
Lets schedule an appointment then?


Massage is not just a luxury it is a way to a happier healthier life.
Start making changes to your life.
So don't waste your time thinking and start changing
Born out of a sincere understanding and passion for wellness,
we focus on the physical, emotional and mental well-being of our clients.



Правда медитація відпускає
маніпулювання наш
Записуйтесь на прийом зараз !!
З нами!!
#массаж #здоровье #красота #антицеллюлитныймассаж #массажист #массажкиев #релакс #спорт #массажспины #массажлица #коррекцияфигуры #реабилитация #массажднепр #полтава #масаж #отдых #шугаринг #киев #красивоетело


It's easier to prevent than to fix.

So why waste your time
Contact US NOW!!
And book your appointment!!


Massage is the only form of physical pleasure to which nature forgot to attach consequences.
To book your peace moment


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Opening Hours

Monday 05:00 - 22:00
Tuesday 05:00 - 23:45
Thursday 05:00 - 23:45
Friday 05:00 - 23:45
Saturday 00:00 - 23:45
Sunday 00:00 - 23:45