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Moment of excellence - Business Coaching Online 05/01/2024


Do you sometimes wish to act cooler in critical situations? If so, the tool “Moment of Excellence” might help you to better cope with stressful moments in future.

So, how does it work? In short, it is about enabling individuals to make the results of their entire learning history available to themselves in a way which is appropriate to the situation.

The tool uses the so called "anchoring". In this context existing positive experiences – your “Moments of Excellence” - can get newly linked with an external stimulus (such as a gesture or a touch) and subsequently evoked again when needed.

In seven steps connections are getting established supporting you to “survive” critical situations more confidently in future:
1. Identify the anchor point
2. Collect resourceful situations
3. Select the most resourceful situation
4. Visualize the situation
5. Anchor
6. Return to the present
7. Manifest the anchor through training

The Moment of Excellence can also be modified to a Moment of Importance in order to e.g. counter the slights of narcissistic superiors.

But how to train yourself on both the Moment of Excellence and the "Moment of Importance"? This is described in more detail (with a reading time of appr. 3 min.) in my blog at: https://businesscoachingonline.de/en/moments-of-exc/

What were your Moments of Excellence in life?

Source: “”Der Zauberlehrling”, das NLP Lern- und Übungsbuch” by Alexa Mohl, Junfermann publishing house, Paderborn (Germany), 2010; Source of photo: iStock by Getty Images

Moment of excellence - Business Coaching Online Do you sometimes wish to act more relaxed in critical situations and come under pressure less often? In the following I am introducing a technique that helps

The Resource Telescope - Business Coaching Online 26/12/2023


Do you mentally prepare yourself for upcoming stressful moments, such as target-setting discussions with your boss? If not, you probably belong to the majority of employees, because with all the hectic and in view of tightly scheduled daily routines there is very often no room for the “mental gym”.

Nevertheless, it can be extremely helpful to acquire appropriate routines to act more relaxed in such situations. The probability that you will actually perceive such moments as pleasant is significantly higher if you visualize the upcoming to-be situation as concretely as possible in advance in order to bring it to mind shortly before it happens.

An example for such a visualization – called "priming" - and how it works step-by-step is described in more detail (with a reading time of appr. 2 min.) in my blog for self-coaching at:

Do you have any experiences with such kind of visualization techniques? Would be great to share!

Source: „Coaching mit Ressourcenaktivierung“ (Dr. Miriam Deubner-Böhme, Dr. Uta Deppe-Schmitz, Hogrefe Verlag, 2018); Source of photo: unsplash (Matthew Ansley)

The Resource Telescope - Business Coaching Online At this point, I would like to introduce you to a tool for a resource-oriented look into the near future - the so called "resource telescope".


As international business coach & mentor I come frequently across interesting coaching tools which are also applicable for self-coaching. Self-coaching can be seen as an additional resource that you can draw on to navigate challenges, cultivate creative and constructive thinking and develop a growth mindset.
These coaching tools - all of them easy to apply in your daily routines - I will introduce to you on this platform. In case of interest you can learn more about them by visiting my blog at: https://businesscoachingonline.de/en/blog/

I’m looking forward to your feedback 😉

Source of photo: iStock by Getty Images

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