InForm Interior - Concepts - Layout

InForm Interior - Concepts - Layout

Orientierung in der Welt des Einrichtens, Innenarchitektur mit dem gewissen Etwas und sehr viel Einfühlungsvermögen für die Wünsche meiner Kunden.

Ihre "Persönlichkeit" und der Ausdruck dieser steht für mich im Vordergrund. Meine Stärken liegen in den Bereichen :
Farb- und Raumkonzepte
Materialberatung für Wand, Boden und Decke
Individueller Raumausbau



Spannendes Material, zwar nicht kostengünstig aber mit dem absoluten Wow Effekt

Wirkt leicht wie Papier, ist aber steinschwer: Lichtbeton. Erfahren Sie mehr zu diesem spannenden Material auf unserem Blog.


zaha hadid's tapered tower in melbourne receives planning approval

Zaha Hadid, auch wenn Sie nicht mehr unter uns weilt, Ihre Architektur, bzw. Ihr Architektonisch genieler Ansatz wird durch Ihr Büro weiter bestehen ;) zaha hadid's first project in melboure, the sculptural 600 collins street tower has been giving the go-ahead with construction.



Tolles Video über eine für Chanel neu hergestellte alte Fassade aus Glas und eine Verbindung von Ziegeln.....sehenswert

Find out how Dutch firm MVRDV transformed a former townhouse in Amsterdam using glass bricks that are "stronger than concrete":

Movie by Robert Jan Westdijk for Warenar.


Architektur in mapolis

interessante Gestaltung einer Fassade im Jura, Gabionen und Holz im spannenden Kontrast spiel

Gabionen als Fassadenbaustoff. Ein seltenes Bild aber doch immer wieder schön! Hier das "Dom na Jurze" von Kropka Studio.


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Tolle Collection............Less is more

Renowned for the innate sensibility with the inherent quality and potential of each material, Paola Lenti uses creative approaches to sustainable materials which have made the company a leader in the outdoor furniture arena.
Paola Lenti as a brand is renowned for its peculiar approaches to colors and to materials that have made the company a ground breaking figure in the outdoor furniture arena.

The Company's newest collection of indoor design pieces aim to be essential, contemporary and timeless, including the Move sofa, the Kanji table and the Elsie dining chair which are debuting this month for the first time in the United States at Paola Lenti's long-time US partner Luminaire, at the company's Miami Design District showroom, Luminaire Lab.

More info at


Schöne Animation zwischen Kunst und Architektur ;)


Ein zumindest mal anderes Möbel

NOW on Architonic: IL PEZZO 10 side board by Cosimo Terzani, Barbara Bertocci for Il Pezzo Mancante


Die Zukunft kann Zuhause einziehen, Luctra Lamps, German Design Award, Red Dot Award..... alle diese Jahr, spricht alles für sich, tolle Verarbeitung und minamilistisches Design mit toller Lichtausbeute

The German Design Council has awarded LUCTRA® for it’s outstanding design quality and implementation of unique design trends. Luctra - Daylight has won this prestigious award in the category of “lighting”. After the Interior Innovation Award and the Red Dot Award, this is the third major prize going to the lamps “made in Germany” in the year of their market launch. LUCTRA has won this prestigious award in the category of “lighting”.

LUCTRA® not only offers award-winning design, but also a positive effect on the wellbeing of its users. LUCTRA® is the first biologically effective LED lamp system for the workplace which makes this knowledge available for use by everyone. All human beings have their own personal biorhythms. The more closely our daily routine follows this rhythm, the better we feel and the better we perform. Daylight is the signal generator which synchronises our inner rhythm with the natural course of the day.

More informations:


Mal wieder die Leichtigkeit des Seins, wunderschöner Tisch im Grundgedanken "weniger ist mehr, wirkt wie das Baltt einer Seerose getragen von sehr filigranen Ästen. Erinnert aber auch an Bilder von Miro

Chiuet table designed by Jun Jeong has a minimal thin surface supported by three steel legs. Viewed from some angles, is so thin that you might wonder if it has disappeared altogether!


Die neue Grand Dame der Architekten, von der Queen zur Dame geadelt, meiner Ansicht nach mehr als verdient

Congratulations to Dame Zaha Hadid, who has been named as the 2016 recipient of the Royal Gold Medal.

Given in recognition of a lifetime’s work, the Royal Gold Medal is approved personally by The Queen and is given to a person or group of people who have had a significant influence 'either directly or indirectly on the advancement of architecture.'

Here are just some examples of Zaha's great work.


Eero Saarinen, seine Entwürfe sind heute noch top aktuell, er würde heute 105 Jahre alt...hier nur ein klöeiner Auschnitt seines Könnens

Happy Birthday !

He was a Finnish architect and industrial designer famous for shaping his neofuturistic style. He would have turned 105 years old today!


Glass-bottomed swimming pool to be suspended 10 storeys above south London

Gewagtes Experiment in London, tolle Idee eines freischwebenden Pools ;)


tolle werbung für die neue Apple Watch bei Selfridges

First look at Apple's floral takeover of Selfridges' iconic window displays. From small things, great beauty grows:


Außergewöhnlicher Tisch der ganz typisch seine Herkunft zeigt


Eine Frage der Anpassung | mapolis | Architektur – das Onlinemagazin für Architektur

Schöne Bunte Welt, mal ein anderer Ansatz von Lebensraum der das herz lächeln lässt und somit einen bunten Tag beschert ;) Wenn schon von einer Stadt träumen, warum dann nicht gleich von einer wie aus einer besseren Welt, einer Stadt, die sich wie eine Pflanze im Einklang mit der Natur befindet und sich den äußeren Verhältnissen flexibel anpasst? Einen solch organischen Traum träumten Izaskun Chinchilla Architects mit i…


Schöne Integration eines Gästehauses in einen kleinen Wald

More architecture on Architonic:

From YOD Design Lab:

The guest houses are the variation of the hotel rooms in spa-complex Relax Park Verholy located in a pine forest in the Poltava region. Houses are built from lightweight metal frame structures made by BF Zavod company (Kiev) in accordance with the designers' drafts. The space of the house is 32 m² and the total weight of the frame with the sandwich panels, covering construction and floors, is 2200 kg.

One of the challenges that faced the studio was the realization of the project in a short time. Designers managed to complete it within only two months. During this period construction works were carried out, engineering networks and communications were established, and finishing works and decoration were implemented.

Instead of the usual solid base the house stands on the so-called screw base. This technology allows to set quickly the structure in any landscape without harming nature. This type of base helped to set the houses among the pines without damaging any trees or their root system. The houses are standing above the ground (at least a meter), so designers succeeded to manage without the base structure and the waterproofing. All drainages were hidden behind the front cladding.

The interior floors are tiled and equipped with water heating; the walls are covered with plywood from veneered oak, and ceilings and terrace – with larch plates. From the outside the building is covered with heat-treated plates made of solid alder. The house is equipped with water heating and channel air-conditioning. All lighting (diode lamps and background diode highlighters) are energy saving.

The interior is realized in minimalist aesthetics. For finishing designers used natural materials and colors. One of the walls in the house is fully glazed. In the daytime guests can enjoy nature without leaving the room, and for evening privacy the rooms have the dense curtains.

Design studio: YOD dеsign lab (Kiev, Ukraine)
Authors: Vladimir Nepiyvoda, Dmitriy Bonesko
Location: village of Sosnovka, Poltava province, Ukraine
Functional purpose: hotel rooms
Area: 32m2
Status: realized in 2015

Photos: Andrey Avdeenko
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Toller Kronleuchter exklusiv entworfen und gearbeitet von Panzeri für den neuen Showroom von Anna Rachele auf Tenriffa

Per l'apertura del nuovo punto vendita della catena Anna Rachele, a Tenerife, Panzeri ha prodotto in esclusiva, su indicazione dell'Arch. Leonardo Visconti, un lampadario con 70 luci, realizzato in ottone lucido con paralume in plastica.

For the opening of the new store of the chain Anna Rachele, in Tenerife (Spain), Panzeri has exclusively produced upon the design of Arch. Leonardo Visconti, a suspended chandelier with 70 lights, realized in polished brass with plastic lampshades.


Tolles Haus mit einem sehr offenen Charakter, grandiose Ausblicke


The Brief was to create a spectacular home which encapsulated the expansive 360 degree mountain and sea views. Though views out were paramount this needed to be carefully balanced with the required privacy from within. The living areas were to be open plan – enhancing everyday life. “The architecture needed focus on creating a contemporary, uncluttered and sculptural building,” said Tamaryn Fourie, senior associate and project team member.

The site is excellently positioned on the mountain ridge below Lions Head with views of Robben Island to the North and Camps Bay and the Twelve Apostles to the South.

Working with a relatively steep site and the fact that the Southern boundary is shared with a National Park, the design took on a sensitive approach. The secondary spaces were positioned at the lower levels with care taken to limit excavation. From the road these levels are concealed by a large North facing landscape wall – its customised angular design achieves a natural result. Strategically positioned penetrations within the landscape wall permit natural light and ventilation to the rooms beyond but glazing is set back and thereby concealed.

“On arrival at a mid-level one is lured through the main garage with its double volume and graffiti walls towards the shaft of light and splash of landscaping emanating from the glazed Entrance Area beyond. Sculptural timber clad stairs wrap themselves around a centrally positioned glass lift and take one to the upper levels of the house,” says Philip Olmesdahl, SAOTA director and project team member.

The building is limited to only two storeys above the ridge. The main living areas, pool terrace and garden are below with the family bedrooms strategically positioned at the uppermost level for privacy.

The ‘layering’ of the house permits different experiences in difference spaces. From the main stairs the linearity of the customised cast bronze coffee bar leads one into the ‘heart of the home’ - the Kitchen. The Kitchen in turn spills into the Dining Room and the Summer Lounge with its high ceiling of ribbed concrete. The Winter Lounge is also adjacent to the Kitchen but this time the ceiling is lower – framing the view – which together with the centrally positioned fireplace creates an intimate space for more informal gatherings.

“Throughout this level boundaries are blurred and there’s a wonderful continuity between internal and external living – it’s a house for all seasons and plays off the mood of the climate and surrounding landscape,” said Tamaryn Fourie. The large gallery type spaces emphasise the magnetism of the site and its ever present backdrop of the mountains and the sea.

A courtyard ‘cuts’ into main living areas – its waterfeature and delicate weathered Cor-Ten screen ensures a tranquil and sheltered space. The base of the waterfeature is glazed to scoop refracted light into the main garage below. The ‘woven’ Cor-Ten screen playfully reflects light internally whilst also offering privacy to the bedroom level above.

“The aesthetic of the top two storeys – when viewed externally – is of monolithic white concrete beams. Their weight is accentuated as they seem to ‘float’ on light glazed facades,” says Joe Schützer-Weissmann. With limited walls and columns this house is all about the view – even glazing has reduced mullions wherever possible.

A ribbed pre-cast concrete soffit creates continuity between the living spaces with all services being carefully co-ordinated so as to disappear within recesses. All off-shutter concrete was cast using a customised white concrete mix. Once cured this was sandblasted to reveal a fine – carefully selected – aggregate resulting in a robust and unprecious look.

The thin eaves of the zinc roof are also delicate in contrast to the massive beams below and appears to hover above the upper level.

The polished concrete floors of both the internal and external living areas ensure their seamless continuity. The timelessness of natural oak is celebrated and combined with feature brass insets for bedroom floors and all internal joinery.

The master bedroom which is on the uppermost level is set back from the boundary line to increase privacy from the mountain paths. “An expansive planter off the main bedroom reiterates the importance of the natural surroundings and their connection with the sea views beyond,” noted Philip Olmesdahl.

Project Name: OVD 919
Location: Bantry Bay, Cape Town, South Africa
Architects: Architects & Interior Architects: SAOTA
Project Team: Philip Olmesdahl, Tamaryn Fourie & Joe Schützer-Weissmann
Interior Decor: Studio Parkington
Completion Date: 2014

Photos: Adam Letch

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Esfera City Center / Zaha Hadid Architects

Neues tolles Projekt von Zaha Hadid, dem die Präsentation auch für die Olymopischen Spiele in Tokyo daran anschließend folgt.
Esfera City ist ein landschaftlich wie lebenswert spannendes Projekt

Zaha Hadid Architects' project for Esfera City Center in Monterrey, Mexico


spannende und interessante Belebung einer alten Brücke, durch die Leichtigkeit der Installation tritt der Kontrast Vergangenheit und Gegenwart nicht so stark in den Vordergrund ;)

PONT9 by MALKA Architecture in Paris, France.


Frank Gehry's "paper bag" business school in Sydney

Der Meister der Kurven wagt sich an ein neues Thema, Gebäudefassade mal wie eine Papiertüte anstatt kühlen Stahles Frank Gehry's building for Sydney's University of Technology has now opened, and has been described as "the most beautiful squashed brown paper bag".


Möbelentwürfe mal ein wenig um die ecke gedacht, bzw. verbogen oder fallend ;)

Whimsical Furniture by Lila Jang


ungewöhnlicher Tisch mit tollem 3D Effekt und einer Menge Tiefe

Duffy London layers the abyss table to look like ocean depths


hier das ganz mal ;)

designed by Nanette Lepore


Tolles Design und Wachsstifte finden mal eine andere Verwendung ;)


Droog | Wallpaper

Droog präsentiert hier tolle Tapeten der Designerin Irma Broom aus den Workbooks. Ihre Kollektionen sind vertreten im Centre Pompidou, MoMa New York, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam


Neues Projekt
Wellnessoase für die Dame des Hauses

Wellnessoase für Die Dame des Hauses
verwendet werden hier :
Eiffelgres Fliesen Pillart
Parkett Eiche concrete von Kährs
Tapete Osborne & Little / Chinese Dragon


InForm Interior - Concepts - Layout's cover photo


Wellnessoase für die Dame des Hauses


pluma cubic

Light and Building
Gute Nachrichten, LED ist inzwischen bei einer Lichttemperatur von 2700 Kelvin angekommen, also dem Lichtcharakter einer Glühbirne gleich.
Dadurch entstehen neue, wunderbar minimierte Lichtobjekte
wie die neue Buschfeld Serie "Lightlight-System" zeigt

Tolle Hand Made Leuchten bei

Wunderschöne neue Entwürfe auch von Brand van Egmond

FLOS zeigte tolle minimalistische Leuchten in der neuen Kollektion pluma cubic website


Schön wie hier gezeigt wird das massiver Stein gleich schwerelos wird !!!

From Tokujin Yoshioka:

A table of the universe. A massive stone frees from gravity and exists own presence as floating in the air. To the future, this is also my dream to the universe.

Agravic will be shown at Past - Present - Future : MARBLE ACROSS TIME, an art exhibition about Turkish natural stone for Milan Design Week.

Date : 2014. 4.8 - 4.14
Venue : Magna Pars Event Space, the ground floor, at Via Tortona 15, Milan

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