Master Digital Business and Innovation Management - FH Münster
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Die Zukunft meistern. Treten Sie unserer innovativen, digital gebildeten Gemeinschaft bei. Bauen Sie
You forgot to apply or missed the deadline?
No problem! We extended the application deadline so YOU can have the chance to apply for !
Don’t wait to apply! It’s open until the 2nd of July! 💻
Registration is still open!
Apply for until the 15th of June! 💻
Apply here:
We are looking forward to meeting you soon! ☺️
Do you know what is happening tomorrow? 💻
Yes, exactly! We are hosting our second information session 😊
So if you didn't have the chance to meet us in April, we are hoping to see you on the 9th of May at 18:00 o'clock! ☺️
Are you free tonight? Let’s meet and talk about the master program !
Come along in our zoom meeting and ask all your questions! We are happy to see and meet you tonight at 18:00!
(Link for Event in link.tree)
See you later! 👋
Today we want to introduce you to Selin! In our short interview she will explain to you why she choose for her master program!
Check it out! ⬇️
“Hey! My name is Selin, I am 23 years old and a graduate of the double degree program „International Studies in Management“ at the Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences and the Czech University of Life Sciences Prague. During my studies, I was able to gain practical experiences at Miele, the German Foreign Office, Dr. Oetker and Open Innovation City Bielefeld. Based on these experiences, I decided to pursue a master's degree in „Digital Business and Innovation Management“ at the Münster University of Applied Sciences.”
How does the application process for DigiBIM work? 🤔
Now it is time for you to apply at our webside. It is possible to do that until 15.06 🗓️
Afterwards, the online application is going to be checked whether all requirements are met. If yes, the candidate is invited for an interview 🫱🏼🫲🏾
After all interviews are done, the final decisions are send out and it is possible to register for the study program at the FH Münster webside 🎉
Hey students! It is time to take a break! ☀️
Enjoy your days off while spending some time with your friends and family! ☺️
We are looking forward seeing all of you back on the 17th with some fresh energy 🥳
The application period started! So what are you waiting for?! 🤔😍
For the application you need the materials mentioned above ☝🏼 You only need to hand in these document online 📲
If more documents are needed the selection committee will get in touch with you.
Hope to see you soon at the 👋🏼
Starting today you can finally apply for the Digital Business & Innovation Master Program !
We are looking forward to receiving your application! ☺️
And remember: if you still have some questions about the program, feel free to join our information sessions on the 24th of April or 9th of May!
(See Link in our linktree! ☺️)
Can you imagine that the first Sprint of the 2nd semester is already finished? ✅
The DigiBIM students learned a lot about Project Management in the last two weeks. Main topics were project management methods, approachs and tools, as well as change management ✍🏼
Interesting insights from other study programs, experts in the field and entrepreneurs were given during some sessions in the lectures 🫶🏼
What do you think should be a Sprint topic in the future? 🤔
Masterstudierende aufgepasst!
Es ist wieder soweit! In Kürze startet das CHE Ranking unter dem Motto "Sag, wie's ist" mit Ihrer Befragung der Studierenden. Die Umfrage richtet sich an alle Masterstudierenden der Fachgruppe Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Wirtschaftsinformatik. Den Link zur Befragung erhaltet ihr direkt von der FH per Mail. Also: Checkt eure Postfächer und nehmt euch die Zeit, um euren Studiengang zu bewerben. Wir zählen auf euch!💪
Das CHE-Hochschulranking ist das umfassendste Ranking deutscher Universitäten und Fachhochschulen. Grundlage der Beurteilung sind neben Informationen zu Studium, Lehre, Ausstattung und Forschung vor allem die Urteile der Studierenden über die Studienbedingungen an ihrer Hochschule. Ein weiteres Kriterium ist die Bewertung der Studiengänge durch Professor*innen der einzelnen Fächer.
Die Ergebnisse werden unter und im ZEIT Studienführer 2023/24 veröffentlicht.
5 Resons why DigiBIM is the perfect fit for you 🫱🏻🫲🏽
1. Interdisciplinary: DigiBIM students can have totally different backgrounds - so you can learn a lot from each other and gain insights from various standpoints 🔍
2. Future-orientated: The study program is a perfect base for a sucessful start into your future job. Different innovative tools, concepts and practical methods are taught for that 📈
3. Hands-on-mentality: DigiBIM offers the opportunity to start your own start-up during the program or work together with companies on current challenges 💪🏼
4. Flexible: It is your own decisons what you would like to do in your experiantial semester and with which company you would like to do a project in the 1st & 2nd semester 💭
5. Open-minded: Open feedback and culture is one of the core values of DigiBIM. Students and professors are aware of the unique possiblity of interesting discussions 🗣️
Hope to see you soon in our information sessions where you can learn even more about these points 😍
Don’t forget! 🚨
Would you like to learn more about the master’s program Digital Business and Innovation Management? Or studying in Münster?
No worries! During our Information Sessions all of your questions will be answered. We are looking forward meeting you!
FireSide Chats as unique possibility for DigiBim students!
Last winter semester the DigiBim students had the opportunity to join meetings with experts from different companies talking about interesting topics:
📌 Isabella Becker - Consultant Customer Experience:
Exploring the digital transformation in the automotive industry - From traditional automobile manufacturer to modern mobility service provider
📌 Colton Weaver - Global Team Lead, Performance Marketing:
Finding success in failure
📌Anne-Kathrin Kuhlemann - CEO Stadtfarm:
Social business in practice & future food
📌 Henning Ahlert - Managing Director Check24 Hotel:
Check24 in tourism - How does the business model of a comparison platform works in the tourism sector?
Thanks to all participants and speakers for great discussions and insights! We are looking forward to more FireSide Chats in the coming semester.
Today is officially the first day of summer semester 2023! 🥳
We wish everyone a successful semester!
Starting Monday the Research Seminar starts again! 🔍💻
In the Research Seminar, theoretical basics of scientific work and writing are taught. These basics will then be applied in the form of your own research paper. Likewise, the students will write a master's thesis and then present the results in a colloquium.
We wish everyone attending a great time researching on interesting topics! Keep up your good work! 💪
Big News! We created a new possibility to connect and exchange thoughts and opinions for all former and current students!
Throughout the years we noticed the value of giving everyone the possibility to speak to each other and connect.
If you are a student of DigiBIM or have already graduated we happily invite you to join our LinkedIn Group:
We also kindly ask you to spread the word among your colleagues and send them an invite as well!
Let‘s help each other out in every way we can, because together is always better! 💙
Thanks everyone!
Would you like to learn more about the program and talk to current students of the master? No problem!
Meet us at the Mensa am Ring in on the 28th of January from 10am - 4 pm! Together with Master and More we will answer all of your questions!
We are looking forward to meeting you!
Happy New Year!
We wish you all the best for #2023!
Your ✨
Have you ever wondered how to structure and create internal communications or virtual events that grab peoples’ attention?
Let's see what fireside chats are and how they can be used in the 21st century!
It’s experiential-Friday!
Leah also decided to do a semester abroad. She decided to study at the Western Sydney University in Australia!
Let‘s check out why she decided to do a semester abroad and how she has been experiencing it so far!
Why did you choose Australia as your semester abroad for your experiential semester?
"| have never been to Australia and the experiential semester is a great opportunity to live in an English speaking country. Also, the partner university WSU sounded promising with a broad offer of interesting courses.“
What have you been experiencing so far?
"I met a lot of international students from all over the world and made great new friendships in the university. Also, the WSU is a different style of university offering new ways of learning. Besides that, it was interesting living on campus and have a "real" university life which is totally different to our way of living and studying in Germany.
I also loved having the opportunity to travel throughout Australia and experience different parts of the country and culture.“
Do you have any tips when planning the semester abroad as your experiential semester?
"Think about what you want to achieve with your semester, ask yourself: what are your goals?
When thinking of doing a semester abroad, then I advise everyone to have a look at the website of the international office and their partner universities.
Then, you should do some research of what the potential university can offer in terms of classes and what interests you. If you need some more advise, always talk to a supervisor."
Welcome to Experiential Semester - Friday!
This week we want to raise awareness of the various opportunities available during the Experiential Semester!
What you can do:
🌍 study abroad
🔎 pursue your own start-up idea
💻 initiate a project in a start-up
📲 work for an organization in your home country or abroad.
As you can see, there are many possibilities to individual pursue your semester. Together with your supervisor, you can plan your semester!
Do you know Daniel Schlegel?
After graduating from Master-Studiengang Digital Business and Innovation Management he now is part of the Management Trainee Program at Bosch.
Enjoy our short interview and get to know his passion and current position a little bit better!
It is semester abroad friday and today Julia will tell us about why she choose Finland as her semester abroad what she is looking forward to the most. 🦌❄️🌅
Why did you choose Finland?
I actually didn't have much choice to choose my exchange country as I was rejected to all of my priorities due to high demand after covid. Lastly, I was offered Finland as a remaining space. As I originally wanted to go to the Baltic or Scandinavian countries nevertheless, Finland was a quite cool alternative, and I am actually very happy here!
What are you most looking forward to during your semester abroad?
I love to get to know new cultures, meet new people and experience living in another country. Finland is famous for its unique nature, so I hope to also travel a lot and spend time in a nature, that is really stunning! All in all, I am looking forward to just having a great time with new people and learn in one of the most digitalised countries in the world!
Do you have any tips when planning the semester abroad in Finland?
Having done a semester abroad in my bachelors as well as now, I would say that it is important to start organising as early as possible, as especially places in the student houses close to the uni often are very limited. You will also get support from the FH at this. And other than that: don't stress too much: you will meet a lof of new people on site, that are in the same situation and have the same worries and concerns. Everthing will work out easily in the end and you will have a great time for sure!
Are you thinking about studying abroad?
Time is running fast & our second Sprint: E-Commerce and Logistics has already come to an end. Within two weeks the students learned about the importance of supply chains, storage, and E-Commerce.
During their second lecture, some students from Colombia shared their ideas about logistic concepts in different cultures.
Can you guess the topic for our third Sprint starting next week?
Do you know Alexander Böhn?
As a former Master-Studiengang Digital Business and Innovation Management student, he now works as a Consultant at PD - Berater der öffentlichen Hand GmbH.
In this short interview, he gives you some insights into his master's thesis, his current job, and how prepared him for it.
Cultural Coffee break in ☕️
Last Friday some of our students came together with business students from and enjoyed some coffee and cake.
A lot of interesting topics such as the cultural differences and different student lifes of Germans and Colombia were discussed.
The students enjoyed the international exchange and hopefully it wont be the last time seeing each other.
What do you know about Colombia? 🇨🇴
Our second image film of Master in Digital Business and Innovation at FH Münster is also a must-see!
We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Ben & Jerry's Melina Bumann for their great collaboration!
Also, a big thank you to re:mood film agency potential students get many insights into potential projects and the cooperation between students and companies!
It's time to turn Netflix off and Youtube on - it's worth it!
Abschlussarbeiten, Praktika oder Jobeinstieg nach dem Studium - wer gut vernetzt ist, hat es leichter den Weg ins Berufsleben zu finden. Um Studierende beim Aufbau ihres persönlichen Karrierenetzwerks zu unterstützen, veranstaltet der Fachbereich Wirtschaft, die Münster School of Business (MSB), seit über 20 Jahren den Business Day.
The first sprint in design thinking for the students has come to an end!
Within one week, the students learned to identify customer-oriented problems and to develop suitable, market-oriented solutions.
Together in groups they
- discussed current, relevant topics
- conducted interviews for their market research
- and developed first solutions for their relevant topic!
Many thanks to for a day of training in methodology and making great contacts & to .de for the delicious catering!
Are you ready for the next Sprint?
Schon gesehen? Der neue Imagefilm für ist online!
VIELEN DANK für die tolle Zusammenarbeit Münster School of Business und der BASF in !
Justus Hilling gibt den zukünftigen Studierenden einen guten Einblick in den praxisorientierten Master-Studiengang Digital Business and Innovation Management - also schaut doch gerne vorbei!
Auch ein großes Dankeschön an das Team von re:mood film agency!
Klicken Sie hier, um Ihren Gesponserten Eintrag zu erhalten.
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