Birgit Middendorf - Praxis für Osteopathie und Faszienarbeit
Bei uns steht die Behandlung des Bindegewebes, der Atmung und des Nervensystems im Vordergrund
In der Medizinsendung „Doc Fischer“ hat sich Ärztin und Journalistin Dr. Julia Fischer gestern Abend mit der Osteopathie befasst. In dem SWR-Beitrag kommen Experten und Patienten zu Wort, die Osteopathie wird gut verständlich erklärt. Anschauen und Teilen erwünscht:
Birgit Middendorf - Praxis für Osteopathie und Faszienarbeit updated their business hours.
The Fasciacytes: A New Cell Devoted to Fascial Gliding Regulation - PubMed Labs Hyaluronan occurs between deep fascia and muscle, facilitating gliding between these two structures, and also within the loose connective tissue of the fascia, guaranteeing the smooth sliding of adjacent fibrous fascial layers. It also promotes the functions of the deep fascia. In this study a new c...
HELLO! Let us continue our embryonic fascial journey....
Now that you know that fine reticular fibers are creating space for the embryo to allow growth and shaping of a being to occur (MARCH 22nd POST), one particular function of this embryonic web of fascia will surprise you.
This embryonic fascial tissue plays a big role in muscle morphogenesis. This is why I believe fascia, and this system, to be muscle's partner. There is a LOT of detail around this, but here is a brief summary.
There are fibroblasts (collagen generator) that contain a transcription factor (Tcf4+) that help establish a pre-pattern structure for the muscle. In weeks 21-23 of gestation, a dense irregular connective tissue, with a predominance of collagen fibers, below the subcutaneous adipose tissue contains projections. These projections extend superficially to arrange adipose tissue and deeply to embed muscle tissue! So, these tissue projections 'tell' the muscle how and where to go!
This is the START of the great story of the muscle and all things to come.... more soon...
STAY tuned to see how more of YOU was formed!
Check out this photo of ALLLL the things the embryo is doing in the first few weeks of life!! INCREDIBLE!!!
Ein gesunder Darm macht glücklich 😊: Wusstest du, dass sich die Darmgesundheit maßgeblich auf das allgemeine Wohlbefinden auswirkt?
Eine gesunde Darmflora kann man zum Beispiel durch eine Darmsanierung erlangen:
Fascia can actively contract and thereby influence musculoskeletal dynamics – Fascia & Fitness March 31, 2019 Fascia can actively contract and thereby influence musculoskeletal dynamics Fascial tissues form a ubiquitous network throughout the whole body. There is an interest in the role of fascia as a force transmitter in muscular dynamics. However, fascia is regarded as a passive contributor...
Fascia Acts as a Second Nervous System Research is showing that Fascia acts as its own Nervous System.
Darmflora: Fast 2000 unbekannte Bakterienarten im menschlichen Darm entdeckt - SPIEGEL ONLINE - Gesundheit Forscher haben in menschlichen Stuhlproben DNA-Rückstände aufgespürt, die Hinweise auf fast 2000 neue Bakterienarten liefern. Ihre Analyse soll helfen, die Darmflora des Menschen besser zu verstehen.
Das ist meine private Geschichte! Heute möchte ich euch meine persönliche Geschichte erzählen und euch den privaten Menschen zeigen, der hinter der Marke Liebscher & Bracht steht.
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TRENDO is a European research project on endometriosis. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie S...
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