
Not your typical dev. We bring the light to your ideas!

Photos from QKinnovations's post 10/05/2022

👩🏽‍💻 How to get real and honest feedback from your customers? How to avoid bad data from user testing? How to effectively test your idea?

We listed 5 quick tips to help you start having successful conversations with your customers and making the right questions:
1️⃣ Talk about their life instead of your idea
2️⃣ Talk about specifics in the past instead of generics or opinions about the future
3️⃣ Talk less and listen more
4️⃣ Do not fish for compliments
5️⃣ Do not expose your ego

💡 Source: the content of this post was taken from the book The Mom Test by Rob Fitzpatrick.


😍 Wouldn’t it be great if you could design an app, website or platform, and see it coming to life exactly as you wanted? Our talented team of designers, developers and engineers can deliver even better than that!

💡 Don't worry about technicalities, because we will listen to all your requirements, and intermediate the contact between your needs and the technical ex*****on of your idea into the feasible and viable product of your dreams.

Timeline photos 06/05/2022

💻 Did you know that there are nearly 9000 programming languages out there?

If we count all from the 18th century until today, of course, many of these languages were specific to particular machines and aren’t used anymore.

Timeline photos 05/05/2022

✨ Here is a reminder that you have what it takes to change your reality.

💡 When envisioning an idea, we tend to get overwhelmed with the amount of different approaches we can take. Where to start? What tools to use? Who to contact? If you are not satisfied with the pathway you are on, know that you have the power to change it. Let’s talk, and we can help you focus on what matters most.

Timeline photos 04/05/2022

🔋 In a single hour, the amount of energy coming from the sun that hits the earth is 430 quintillion Joules. That's 430 with 18 zeros after it! This is more energy than the entire earth consumes in a year. It is a clean, abundant and virtually unlimited source (because it won’t die for the next 5 billion years), but with many technological challenges to tackle.

☀️ Maria Telkes dedicated her entire career to this big star (literally), inventing many solar-energy applications, received several patents, and constructed the world’s first modern residence heated with solar energy.

👏 We can’t praise and thank Telkes enough for being one of the world’s foremost pioneers in the field of solar energy.

Photos from QKinnovations's post 03/05/2022

💡 Do you take design seriously? Paraphrasing Steve Jobs “Design is a really, loaded word. I don’t know what it means. So we don’t talk a lot about design around here, we just talk about how things work. Most people think it’s about how they look, but it’s about how they work”.

📚 That is why we have separated a quick list of 3 must-read books about design:
▫️ Don’t Make Me Think, by Steve Krug
▫️ The Design of Everyday Things, by Don Norman
▫️ The Mom Test, by Rob Fitzpatrick

💬 Do you know other good ones? Share with us in the comments!


😲 Did you know that part of our innovation consulting involves workshops online? There are effective approaches to fulfill basic business and digital product development needs, and having collaborative workshops with you and your team is a very valuable one.

Here are a few of them:
▪️ User Personas Workshop: Understand your target audience, uncover their pain points and create your users personas
▪️ Feedback Workshop: Onboard users to get feedback on your product, validate your design and build the app together with them
▪️ Corporate Identity Workshop: Define the mission, vision and values of your business. Discover why you do what you do.

💡 Does that sound interesting to you? Contact us to know more and how we can help you grow your business!

Timeline photos 29/04/2022

💸 Did you know that 92% of the world's currency is digital?

This means that most of the money you earn, transact with, use to buy goods and services exists only on computers and hard drives. Only an estimated 8% of currency globally is physical money.

Timeline photos 28/04/2022

💭 Do you take the time to reflect on the present and on your next move?

⏳ People often think that we must keep going as fast as we can to achieve our goals. We believe that actions should be based on deep reflection, acknowledging the tools you have at the moment, evaluating the scenario you live in, and being conscious about what to do next aligned with a vision.

💡 If we add more meaning to what we do with our time, we will definitely make better decisions to implement our ideas.

Timeline photos 27/04/2022

🔐 In the digital era it’s only natural to be concerned about cyber privacy and security, but what about our physical, modern life?

Security systems today are more advanced than ever, but back in 1966 the idea for a home surveillance device seemed almost unimaginable. That was the year that Marie Van Brittan Brown, and her partner Albert Brown, applied for an invention patent for a closed-circuit television security system.

👀 When it comes to the security of your business, depending on where you live, video surveillance is a must. Security cameras increase overall safety, help to prevent crimes, break-ins, and it shows your customers that you care about their safety.

And that is all thanks to brilliant minds like Brown, the forerunner to the modern security systems.

Photos from QKinnovations's post 26/04/2022

💭 Do you have an idea and wish to start brainstorming with your team online? Are you looking for open source illustrations, inspiration for your brand and UI designs? Do you want to create content and plan your social media strategy?

We listed a few free platforms to help you get things done:
✔️ Collaborative boards:
✔️ Content creation: , unDraw.co,
✔️ Logo design:
✔️ Social media management:

💡 Last but not least: are you looking for a trustworthy, affordable and innovative software development company to implement your idea? Contact us, we’re here to help you!

Photos from QKinnovations's post 26/04/2022

💭 Do you have an idea and wish to start brainstorming with your team online? Are you looking for open source illustrations, inspiration for your brand and UI designs? Do you want to create content and plan your social media strategy?

We listed a few free platforms to help you get things done:
✔️ Collaborative boards: Miro.com
✔️ Content creation: Canva, UnDraw, Dribbble
✔️ Logo design: Tailor Brands
✔️ Social media management: Buffer

💡 Last but not least: are you looking for a trustworthy, affordable and innovative software development company to implement your idea? Contact us, QkInnovations, we’re here to help you!


🌻 In this spring, we have partnered up with the Northeastern University and their talented class of Digital Marketing from the College of Professional Studies, more specifically, within the organization Experiential Network (XN), which is dedicated to providing students with the opportunity to work with companies and provide expertise and guidance that reinforces learning in the classroom - virtually, in our case.

👩🏽‍💻 The students will have the chance to evaluate our Social Media Strategy, SEO and Metrics Development.

👏 We are extremely ecstatic and can’t wait to see the amazing results you will bring, and hoping that all students gathered a valuable and interesting learning experience about digital marketing in the software development industry.



Connect with your friends through the places you love!

📲 Download now on Apple Store!


🌯 Are you a foodie who loves to post everything you eat outside? Have you wondered if the restaurant reviews online are trustworthy? Do you wish to know all the favorite places to eat of your friends & family?

🚀 We are soon launching an app just for you: .app! We helped one of our beloved clients to develop this amazing place to share your favorite places with your favorite people.

📲 Check out the website to know more, and subscribe to the email waitlist to be one of the first to know!


✨ As we reflect back on the year that’s about to end, we have nothing but gratitude for all the wonderful people we got to work with, and all the projects we got to create.

🙏 Thank you 2021 for all that you’ve taught us. Wishing everyone a healthy, joyful, successful and peaceful 2022!


✨ QK Team wishes you a merry Christmas!

💭 “Christmas is a season not only of rejoicing but of reflection”, Winston Churchill

🎄 May the holidays bring you plenty of love and joy. Take care, stay healthy and enjoy!


👏 Congrats to for this achievement!

🤝 It’s our pleasure to provide software development and consultation, transforming their product into the best possible experience to clients. Let’s expand and grow together!

Timeline photos 20/10/2021

🤯 Nowadays we can't imagine our lives without technology. In fact, can you even remember how life was without Wi-Fi?

What makes it possible for us to make this post right now, and allow you to read it as we speak, is thanks to an Austrian-American actress and natural genius: Hedy Lamarr.

The initial idea was to create a communication system during the war, with which the Americans could have the information “hopping” from one frequency to another, without being detected by the enemies. Even though she was one of the inventors and patented this technology, she never received the notoriety and acknowledgement she deserved for her creation. Lammar and her co-creator were awarded with the patent, but the American Navy decided against the implementation of the system. It’s believed that one of the reasons was because, back in those days, women couldn’t be both a glamorous movie star and a brilliant inventor. It was only in 1997 that Lamarr and the co-creator, George Antheil, received awards and recognition for their legacy.

💭 We hope this story makes us reflect on how we should never underestimate one another, and rather support anyone who shows their innovative side. If only someone had stimulated the geniality of people like Hedy Lamarr, we could have had even more incredible inventions in the world.

Photos from QKinnovations's post 19/10/2021

🗯️ “The most technologically equipped generation in human history is the generation most haunted by feeling of insecurity and helplessness”, observed the famous Polish sociologist Zygmunt Bauman (1925-2017), known for his views of the future of society.

There’s no arguing in the fact that social media and technology can have a negative effect on human’s mental health, communication, relationships, privacy, and so on. However, as creators of new technology, and conscious about what we put into this world, we have to take responsibility and lead the development of tools that are helpful, valuable and delightful to the society, without alienating them. 

💡 Create your products with responsibility with us!

Timeline photos 18/10/2021

📣 Our new website is live! Check out now our services, your benefits, and how we can build amazing products together! 🚀

Photos from QKinnovations's post 11/10/2021

🤔 People always ask us if we are a startup or a company. And here’s the answer: we are an IT consulting & software development company, working within the startup culture. What does that mean? We have our clients, infrastructure and financial stability, but we work in a different way in comparison to most development companies, because we value:

💡Flat hierarchy
🚀Multiple hats
⌚️ Flexible work
🥳 Encouragement
🤝 Focus on people

What do you think about the startup culture?

Photos from QKinnovations's post 11/10/2021

🤔 People always ask us if we are a startup or a company. And here’s the answer: we are an IT consulting & software development company, working within the startup culture. What does that mean? We have our clients, infrastructure and financial stability, but we work in a different way in comparison to most development companies, because we value:

💡Flat hierarchy
🚀Multiple hats
⌚️ Flexible work
🥳 Encouragement
🤝 Focus on people

What do you think about the startup culture?

Timeline photos 07/10/2021

💭 An advice that most people will give you is to dedicate time only to “the right things”. If you’re developing a product, make sure to use the “right" technology. If you’re starting a new project, invest in the “right" tools. If you’re learning something new, read the "right" material.

💡 Even though we advocate for the use of “right” strategies, we are here to remind you that there’s actually no loss in failing because you used the “wrong” strategy. In fact, you’re closer to success, because you simply discovered which pathway not to take anymore.

🚀 Remember that every time, every attempt, every experience, and every action holds a valuable lesson in it.

Timeline photos 06/10/2021

🤔 Can you imagine a world where anyone from any background can become a developer?

🌎 It is our world. And Grace Hopper was the computer pioneer that helped that reality come true. Also a mathematician and naval officer, she is known for her contributions to computer programming, software development, and the creation of programming languages. A real innovator, with an influential career in the U.S. Navy and in the computer industry.

👩🏽‍💻 Her goal was to encourage young people to learn how to program - and we can say that Grace’s legacy lives on.

Photos from QKinnovations's post 05/10/2021

👩🏽‍💻 Product development is not simply coding, it’s about dreaming and creating it. Whatever you want to bring to life, we can help you make it come true.

And what differentiates us from competitors? What is the benefit we deliver? With us you will:

📈 Work more efficiently with transparent communication and easy workflows
💰 Optimize your budget, save money and invest more in your customers
🤝 Be the creator of your product, according to your needs, with our flexible contracts and fully custom-built software

Discover more on our website in the bio, and book a call with us!


📣 Check our new amazing https://www.linkedin.com/company/qkmountain/ website, it’s live now and better than ever! Easily find information of all our features and customized solutions just for you.


🤔 Would you say that we lack role models in our generation? We hear this quite often. However, we know amazing people from present and past generations that validate our hope for a better and brighter future. In fact, you might know many of them because of their brands, products, achievements, but not for their names or admirable stories.

🤩 That’s why every Wednesday we will share some of these inspirational figures with you!

👩🏻‍💻Today we start with introducing you to Ada Lovelace, the first computer programmer. Let us be thankful for her contributions to computer science as we know it, and inspired by her forward-thinking mind!

Photos from QKinnovations's post 28/09/2021

🤔 Have you heard of Tavel’s Hierarchy of Engagement?

📈 It is a framework created by Sarah Tavel, venture capitalist and former Product Manager at Pinterest. She believes that focusing on users’ engagement is the key to build valuable and long-lasting companies.

In which level are you? Will your core action scale to enough users? How are you ensuring your users will stay?

💡 If you don’t know where to start or how to answer these questions, contact our team, we’re here to help you!


💭 Do you wonder how international startups manage the communication with team members doing home office? Would you like to take a sneak-peek into our work routine? Then follow us on Instagram!


💎 How do you define your values? In QKI we organized an internal workshop where all of us discussed our own values openly, and defined our top 3 core values as a company. We did this together because we believe that our team is one of the factors that differentiates us from competitors!

🌎 DIVERSITY | We are an international, open-minded and authentic team. Being diverse means being approachable, not thinking in a restricted way, and offering original ideas.

💡 INNOVATION | It’s in our name. We are young, curious and creative. We belong to the digitalized generation, therefore we value fast development, growth and exceptional quality. There is nothing we can’t do, because we go the extra mile!

🤝 TRUST | Through easy communication, we manage our processes with responsibility, commitment and transparency. Our clients can rest assured, because we offer 360 degrees assistance.


🚀 Our mission is focused on solving problems digitally, striving for quality, improving the organization of businesses, saving time, money and resources. We are developing for impact.

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