Baba Yaga App

Personal menstrual health guide/coach/fairygodmother app, empowering you with daily cycle superpowers Download on the App Store!

Your personal menstrual health guide-coach-cheerleader-fairy-godmother, empowering you with daily hormone powers.

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 08/07/2024

Could you imagine a world in which periods are super “normal?” Like, actually normal. 🩸❤️ 🔴​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A world in which there are safe choices of bathrooms for everyone.
A world in which period products are free in public spaces (just as toilet paper already is).
A world in which everyone is safely educated on how the cycle actually works.
A world in which you get asked respectfully about your ovulation when you go to the doctor, and not made to feel inferior when you don’t ovulate any longer.
A world in which menopause is fully understood as just another natural process, and not some ugly deadline to be afraid of.
A world in which holistic healthcare is available to all people who “feel like something is off,” instead of being treated as crazy or mentally unstable.
A world in which we can all have healthy conversations about our biological processes and the psychological effects they have on us, without any religious dogma or judgmental shame creeping in.

How freeing. 💥

Let’s build this world together!

👉 come explore with us over on Substack 🌹

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 28/06/2024

The only reason we treat periods badly (and as something bad) is because of cultural, patriarchal, linear, binary, colonial control-over power structures that have seeped into every aspect of our lives, including medicine and healthcare.​​​​​​​​​The only reason periods are ever “impractical” is because of the linear expectations at work or the social stigma on “making a mess.”​​​​​​​​​The only reason we still have so many virtually untreatable conditions is because they were never taken seriously (until very recently)!

Friends, we have so much more in common than you may think. Let's just work with each other instead of against each other... We have bigger opponents to contend with - the systems.

From love for all menstruating-bodies.
The Baba Yaga

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 27/06/2024

Enough equating periods with womanhood, pathologizing the menstrual cycle, and painting any and all expressions that aren’t cis-male as evil. It’s beyond time to recognize that it’s gonna have to be all of us or none of us. No one is taking your experience away if you include more people in your language. We can only win.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Read the whole newsletter at

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 25/06/2024

I’m about to post a new newsletter on substack this week - this one is obvi all about Periods and Pride! Full disclosure, I *was* planning to post this today but then my premenstrual rage crept up on me early (cycle day 22) - so I had to take myself into my safe space to get angry and punch something (a pillow ofc)… IYKYK​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​As I’m practicing self compassion, feeling my feelings, and trying to be more authentic in every aspect of my public persona, I am letting you know that it’s perfectly reasonable to want to burn it all down in the face of this polycrisis of eco cide and gen o cide and late-stage capitalism and “culture wars” and all that f**kery… It’s not you, it’s everything! I get it.

Sit with your anger. Feel it. And then ask it where it wants to go.

What can you put your hands on in order to change it today?
What is one small step you can take towards transformation of whatever pi**es you off the most?
Whom can you support, stand up for & with, and co-create with right now?

Do that.

From love, Natalie & the Baba Yaga 🩸❤️‍🔥

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 22/06/2024

I often talk about integrating our anger. As women and feminine-coded folks, we are socialized to be emotional and soft. We are supposedly "great at feelings", we are somehow "naturally predisposed to care for others", and we apparently have "the empathy gene."​​​​​​​​​However, we all know that this socialization does not include the so-called "negative emotions" - and definitely not something so harsh as anger or rage.​​​​​​​​​In fact, although we have already reclaimed sadness and melancholy from the grips of scary hysteria-wielding psychologists who'd rather lock women up and give them lobotomies than to acknowledge the fullness of a woman's inner life, we still come up short whenever we want to talk about our (so often justified) anger. It's almost as if the only feeling we're not allowed to experience, talk about, let alone process is that.
Friends, this is systemic. Which is why we need to pull that out at its roots!
And you know what's amazing about "femme rage"? We don't have to look far for it! Just wait for your next premenstrual phase to roll around (you know, those last few days before your period starts) and really feel into what comes up. Except, this time, don't shame yourself for it, don't push it down, and maybe don't release it at your partner for something random (unless they deserve it, you know, for like leaving the dishes in the sink or making a mean comment about PMS...)
Don't know how to do that quite yet? I created a free 5-day challenge for just this! You're invited to "Fight Period Cramps For Good" and get started on this healing journey towards cramp-free living with the R's: Rage, Rest, and Reflect! Comment CRAMPS below and I'll send you the link 🙌

Don't experience period cramps?! Good for you, I love that for you (said completely unsarcastically). But if you'd like to get some help accessing your rage anyways, you're still invited, love! Just give it a try ❤️

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 20/06/2024

Gentle reminder: your menstrual cycle is your engine. The phases you go through (thanks to the hormones estrogen, progesterone) grant you different strengths and weaknesses in each ~week of your cycle.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Yes yes, we knew this already - you might say... 🤷‍♀️

But did you know that you can apply this self knowledge, this inner wisdom, to EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF YOUR LIFE?!
Even your activism and creative power! 💪

Learn how you can work with your cycle to organize, protest, share online, integrate, boycott, and rest & recharge for the next round.

A long-term, sustainable revolution is going to be co-created only when we work at the Earth's pace. And friends, our menstrual cycle is the ultimate manifestation of the Earth's pace.

Sending you love and strength!

Wanna learn more about what you can do in this global resistance? Check out - I collected some resources for your summer of revolution!

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 19/06/2024

You've heard me say "I can't offer you decolonisation work, as I'm doing this work myself - but I can offer you personal shadow work around beating shame and living a cyclical life that goes against linear patriarchy." Well, I hope to explain a bit better what I mean by this in today's Substack.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I compiled a list of people to follow, teachers to learn from, activists to engage with, and communities to become a part of for your own decolonial unsettling work.

And in case you're wondering "Why does a menstrual cycle coaching app talk about geno cide and ecocide and this ongoing polycrisis we’re facing?"... It's because every struggle for liberation on this planet is connected. Yes, even your period cramps. They’re caused by inflammation. Inflammation is connected to stress and trauma. Trauma is both individual and collective. These systems of capitalism, white supremacy, patriarchy, and colonialism create perpetual fear and terror in this world and while we might not all be to blame, we sure all share the responsibility of taking accountability for them, by dismantling and integrating and rebuilding a better world.

Remember: We live in a world in which living an existence outside of whatever is considered the "dominant norm" is in itself an act of resistance. Let's work together towards changing that for all of us!

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 17/06/2024

I’m beyond thrilled to announce the latest update to the Baba Yaga Cycle Coach app. It’s been a journey to get here, navigating through life’s chaos and the relentless push for social justice – from protests to boycotts (no regrets; the fight for 🍉 liberation is essential!). But at long last, the update is here, and it's all about empowering YOU.

Inspired by the ancient wisdom of "Gnothi Sauton" ("Know Thyself”), this update is designed to help you truly understand your menstrual cycle in a world that often tries to diminish, misinform, and control us. In a society where medical gaslighting and systemic oppression are rampant, knowing your body becomes an act of resistance. Baba Yaga Cycle Coach is your tool for reclaiming that power, offering an intuitive and supportive experience tailored to your unique cycle patterns.

With this update, you’ll find everything you need more easily, from tracking your cycle to accessing personalized tips that support you through the ebbs and flows of menstruation. It’s about breaking free from the constraints that keep us distracted and unproductive, helping you harness your hormone powers daily.

In this dying imperialist paradigm, I can’t offer you decolonization teachings (I’m deep in that process of unlearning colonialism and relearning emergent strategies, myself), but I can offer you this small and mighty act of rebellion: Know Thyself!
Remember, we can’t sustain a revolution without being in tune with our authentic selves. This app update aims to arm you with the knowledge and resources to stay energized and in sync with your body. Dive into the new Baba Yaga Cycle Coach – get it now on the App Store or at 🥰

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 11/06/2024

Somedays, I feel like I will die on this hill...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​It is my deeply personal & collective intention that periods and fertility and menstrual health become so well taught, so well talked-about, so well "normalized" that they've become almost boring. Another part of our overall health that we can openly talk about such as our resting heart rate and blood pressure...
Because not only are menstrual cycles a fifth vital sign to those who have them, but they are also the life-creating cycles of every single mammal on this planet. So, not caring about them, is essentially not caring about life.

Join us over on Substack for a guided 3-week journey of deconstructing period (mis-)beliefs, healing our shame, and reclaiming our health.

Let’s set ourselves up for a successful summer—by which I mean, a revolutionary summer, a healthy summer, a cyclical summer.

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 07/06/2024

In this week's newsletter I explore how periods desperately need a rebranding...​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Lady time – Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, US

Time of the month – Australia, Canada, New Zealand, UK, US

Strawberry week – Austria, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Switzerland

Andrés, el que viene cada mes – Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Perú, Venezuela

Aunt flow – Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Taiwan, UK, US

I'm with uncle Chico – Brazil

Would you agree?

Oh, and let's not forget the last 100 years of tampon and pad ads... I've created an overview of crazy old ads, going back all the way to 1870. Shame always baked in. Come read all about it on Substack!

PS, I even included a great example of what's possible if we imagine a new way of doing marketing for period products.

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 06/06/2024

What if I told you, you carry the life-death-rebirth cycle in your womb(space)?​​​​​​​​​What if I told you, your period is both your biggest release valve and a health indicator?​​​​​​​​​What if I told you, you can use your hormonal ups & downs to regulate your nervous system?

With this container, I’d like to accompany you on a journey of deconstruction and reclamation through your inner underworld and through your light. We’ll travel into your past, experience the present moment in a new way, and re-create your future.

3-week long Substack container, to do in your own time or to follow along live.

I will upload 3 posts per week for you to sit with, engage with, feel into, write about, and share in your circles, with

✨ journaling prompts
✨ embodiment exercises
✨ a powerful inner-world shame-healing meditation

Join us in the paid tier of the Baba Yaga Bulletin over on Substack. We're starting today ✨

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 04/06/2024

Here the some effective healing affirmations for you!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​My strength grows from my softness.

I trust my body and its phases over other people’s expectations.

I have a right to make all decisions about my own body.

I co-create safe community, there’s no need for competition.

My value is not tied to my output.

I am beautiful in every phase.

I am free when we are all free.

I surrender to my grief, my hope, and my love.

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 03/06/2024

Misinformation & shame are directly correlated.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This may not be immediately intuitive, but not getting the information we need about how our bodies work (or even what they look like, apparently) leaves behind the nasty aftertaste of gaslighting. We can find countless very pink icons of a uterus on stock platforms, but images that depict our anatomy accurately get censored or banned. Now, that may be a small thing for some, but when we see a rise in book bans and menstrual health education bans and general misinformation about early human life that constantly gets hijacked by religious fanatics and turned into political campaigns, we have to become extra-vigilant with our healing efforts.

We are here to change this!

Awareness and recognition are the first steps to healing shame. When we name it, we can examine it more closely. When we examine it, we can trace it back to its roots. When we trace it to its roots, we can pull it out. When we pull it out, we can plant new seeds of love and acceptance. And when we move through the world from a place of love and acceptance, we can start revolutions, we can change those systems that want to push us back into shame, we can co-create spaces of education and new world building in which all of us (or none of us) get adequate access to information, support, healing, understanding, and nurturing. Are you with us?

Say it with us:

Periods are not dirty.
The menstrual cycle is not a mystery.
Not all women bleed and not all who bleed are women.

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 28/05/2024

It's Menstrual Health Day 2024 and I wish we were all celebrating and clapping each other on the backs for our achievements of stigma-free periods, menstrual health equity for all, and an end to period poverty everywhere. Alas, we are not there yet. (In fact, I'd love to direct you to an amazing & informative rant in 's Stories --if you understand German-- because it's FIRE 💥🩸)​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​If you've been following me here at the Baba Yaga for a while, and especially if you've been reading my bulletin over on Substack, you'll know that I like to raise awareness, to celebrate micro- and macro-victories, and to spread education in the world of menstrual health. I usually show you that we have not come very far yet, at all. But today, in honor of Menstrual Health Day, I invite you to something slightly different: a kind of Utopia Building, if you’ll indulge me.

Join in the dreaming of a new world over at today. If we can dream it, we can create it!

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 26/05/2024

Join the conversation about a over on our Substack. This month is Menstrual Health May and it's also Mental Health Awareness Month -- I'm sure you know how the two are inextricably linked.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​I'm inviting you to join the paid tier for a 3-week journey of deconstructing, healing, and reclaiming our cyclical bodies: Break Your Period Shame 🩸

We're starting on June 6th. See you there, friend!

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 13/05/2024

Dear Mamas, how has Mothers Day landed for you this year?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In the midst of all this hypocrisy and heartbreak and grief, what gives you strength to keep going?

I hope you feel loved and supported every day. I hope you feel well-resourced in order to organize and mutual aid our way through this revolution towards a just and liberated world for all. I hope you are healthy enough to thrive and help each other thrive.

These are just some of the basic affirmations I have for a New World.

Today, but every day, really, I vow to initiate as many people as possible in the ways of the cycle: intuition, discernment, and surrender.
I vow to support all types of Mamas near and far as best I can. I vow to love my own Mama as best I can.
I vow to heal my inner Mama, so I don't go around whacking people with my biased ignorance.
I vow to uplift the voices of those who have historically never been listened to.
I vow to find my back to Mama Earth every single day.
I vow to move in relationship pace, to hold all children as sacred, and to fight for liberation.

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 30/04/2024

Head over to for this very first instalment of the Baba Yaga Bulletin! Intersectional feminist menstrual health news roundup: this week is all about change!​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Leave some love ❤️🩸

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 28/04/2024

How does it feel when I tell you: You have permission to just get angry. Let it all out. No judgment. No repercussions. No shame.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Try it (safely, potentially at home, maybe kicking and screaming into your pillows). I promise, it's a freedom like you've never known before.

To all the wonderful women, femmes, thems, afab souls, and (trans-) men out there: we have so many valid reasons to be really, freaking angry.

What if you had a space to let it all out? No questions asked, no drama, no stress...? What are you most angry about?
And one final question: now that you've allowed yourself to actually feel the rage, express it (safely), and transmute it, what can we do about it? Are we ready to mobilize and organize and fight back? The student protests in the US and worldwide and their forceful suppression show us how important it is to use your anger as fuel, to transform it into aligned action towards liberation for all.

So, LET'S freaking GOOO, baby!

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 26/04/2024

I have a confession to make... I am not great at Instagram marketing. Some days, I feel like that's a badge of honor in a world of go-go-go. What do I mean by this? How can I teach about a slower cyclical life, educate about the natural hormone cycles that govern our entire existence, and work towards co-creating a holistic & inclusive alternative to the many period tracking apps that are either made by men, backed by male VC funding, or worse, just want to sell your data to the highest bidder, while having to play this toxic Instagram game?! There is some positive movement on the femtech market - I'm not saying it's all bad - but overall, female and femme health is still taboo. Or have you tried talking to your uncle about the color of your period blood recently...?! Exactly. Now, there's a valid argument to be made about whether or not I would want to discuss such topics with a cis-man in my life... I won't rest until we live in a world where this is possible and not cringey for all those who don't have a "divine feminine circle of goddesses" in their life. I won't rest until periods are so commonplace in our conversations that we're bored not disgusted by talking about them. I won't rest until every last human alive understands how important a healthy menstrual/ovulatory cycle is to our entire life, not just our fertility. So, I am not great at Instagram marketing, because, I can never condense these important & nuanced topics down to bitesized content. I am not great at Instagram marketing, because I flow with the inspiration from within and from you lovely people - not some linear schedule. I am not great at Instagram marketing, because I simply don't have the energy to post multiple times a day.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​If you're interested in expelling the colonial-capitalistic-supremacy-patriarchy from this world, and you understand that you have to start in your own body & mind, come join the conversation over on Substack! I can't wait to connect with you!

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 07/04/2024

I was recently told: Teach what you most need to learn.​​​​​​​​​I have suffered from period cramps - sometimes more severe, sometimes a little less heavy - almost every month since my very first period. I have cursed my period, I have hated it, I have dreaded it. I've followed all kinds of advice, put expensive oils on my tummy, taken pain killers like smarties. Nothing has given me any lasting effects. Yes, there are some amazing bandaid solutions out there, and many of those have worked for me, too. But, no matter how well prepared I was, the next period would come and with it - my CRAMPS.​​​​​​​​​
Does this sound at all familiar to you, as well? Then keep reading, cuz I have discovered / remembered a remedy that has given me lasting results - for about a year now *fingerscrossed. It has been such a game changer that I started sharing it with my trusted group of beta testers in the Baba Yaga app, my closest friends, my menstrual cycle coaching clients, as many people with periods as I could find. And it looks like it actually is grasping CRAMPS at the root!
Over the next few weeks I'll share much more about what CRAMPS are, how and why we get them, and even how they might be connected to other femme-coded issues like "people pleasing", "imposter syndrome", and "perfectionism".
But for now - and because I know that if you suffer through your CRAMPS every month, you are looking for a lasting remedy NOW - not later... I won't beat around the bush and share with you the 3 R's of Cramp-Free Living: Rage, Rest, Reflect!

This is a free 5-day challenge that you can do in your own time from wherever you are. No strings attached, no equipment needed, no expensive or complicated routines to memorize. In less than 10 minutes each day, you'll learn how to set yourself up for lasting wellness in your menstrual cycle - so that you can kiss your cramps goodbye!

Comment CRAMPS below & I'll send you the signup link!

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 19/03/2024

Let's get real. As the sacred crones of our cycle, we honor the power of our premenstrual rage. It's not just PMS – it's a calling to reclaim our space, our boundaries, and our unapologetic fierceness.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​💥 Feel that fire burning within you? It's the ancient wisdom of the crone archetype, urging you to speak your truth, set your boundaries, and demand the respect you deserve.

🌑 Embrace the darkness of the premenstrual phase as a sacred time for reflection, introspection, and yes, a little righteous anger. It's not about being "hormonal" – it's about honoring the full spectrum of our emotions as powerful catalysts for change.

🌙 So go ahead, let that urge to tell everyone to f*** right off be your battle cry. Embrace your rage as a sacred part of your cycle, and watch as it fuels your transformation and liberation.

Let's unleash our sacred rage and reclaim our power.

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 18/03/2024

🔥 Raging Against the Stereotype: Am I Hysterical or Just Justifiably Angry? 🔥​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Let's dismantle the outdated notion that our justified anger is dismissed as mere hysteria. It's way beyond time to reclaim our emotions and demand to be heard.

💥 Anger is a powerful force for change. It's a sign of passion, resilience, and a refusal to accept the status quo. So, next time someone questions your emotions, ask yourself: Am I hysterical, or am I just fiercely advocating for what's right?

💪 Own your anger. Embrace it as a catalyst for action. Let's break free from the confines of stereotypes and rewrite the narrative on our emotions.

Join the movement. Stand tall. Speak up. Your anger is valid, and your voice matters.

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 17/03/2024

🌺 Let's talk cramps and inflammation 🌺​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Those monthly battles with pain? They're not just physical. They're a reminder of the deeper wounds we carry, both individually and collectively. But here's the thing: healing starts with acknowledgment. By recognizing the root causes of our pain, we empower ourselves to address them head-on.

🌿 Trauma runs deep 🌿

Whether it's personal or inherited, trauma manifests in our bodies and minds. But it doesn't have to define us. It's time to rewrite our stories and break free from the cycles of pain and oppression.

🌸 Colonialism's lingering impact 🌸

The scars of colonialism are blatantly gaping, festering. It's up to us to heal these shreds of exploitation and reclaim our autonomy (not just slap band aids on them). Let's challenge the systems that uphold inequality and injustice, starting with ourselves.

🌿 Take action. Make change. 🌿

It's not enough to simply acknowledge our pain. We must actively work to dismantle the systems that perpetuate it. Advocate for equitable healthcare, support ALL marginalized voices, and engage in active traitorship to the systems that profit off your dis-ease. Learn, heal, and educate. Build communities based on mutual aid, support your neighbors, and join decolonization circles.

🌺 Get creative 🌺

Imagine a world where menstrual pain isn't dismissed, but understood as a symptom of deeper systemic issues. Where access to holistic healthcare is a right, not a privilege. Together, we can make this vision a reality.

Let's heal together, from within and without. It's time to reclaim our power and forge a path towards true liberation.

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 15/03/2024

Are You Patriarchy's Worst Nightmare?​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​In a world that seeks to silence us, our mere existence as empowered, liberated, and unapologetically "crazy" women, femmes, and theys is a direct threat to the patriarchal status quo.

💥 Every step we take towards liberation sends shockwaves through the systems of oppression. Our refusal to conform to narrow societal expectations strikes fear into the heart of patriarchy.

🔥 By embracing our power, we dismantle the structures that seek to keep us small and submissive. We challenge the narrative that tells us to stay quiet, stay small, and stay in our place.

💪 So, let's be loud. Let's be bold. Let's be exactly who we are meant to be – unapologetically, authentically ourselves. Because in our authenticity lies our greatest strength.

Embrace your power (spoiler alert: it's a lotta rage and equally as much rest, mixed some reflection, and a pinch of release!). Defy the patriarchy. Together, we are unstoppable.

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 14/03/2024

💪 Imagine a world where every person has the agency to make decisions about their own body and health without interference or judgment.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​🌺 Picture a society where reproductive decisions are made freely and without fear of judgment or coercion. Women and AFAB people are empowered to choose if, when, and how they become parents, leading to healthier families and communities.

🌿 Envision a world where gender equality flourishes, as women are not held back by the burden of unwanted pregnancies or restricted access to reproductive healthcare. With equal opportunities and resources for all people, regardless of gender expression, we unleash the full potential all of humanity.

🌸 Imagine the ripple effects of such autonomy: economic prosperity, improved mental and physical well-being, and a society built on the foundation of respect for individual rights and bodily integrity.

In this world, everyone thrives because autonomy is not a privilege, but a fundamental human right.

💥 What could we accomplish if we were all empowered to own our autonomy? 💥

Let this image spark reflection and fuel your commitment to fighting for bodily sovereignty. Together, we can create a future where every individual's rights are respected and upheld.

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 13/03/2024

🌿 Healing & Deconstructing Colonialism 🌿​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Reflect on the legacy of colonialism and its lingering impact on our lives and our bodies today. Unravel the threads of oppression and reclaim your autonomy. True healing begins by reclaiming our stories and reconnecting with our ancestral wisdom.

Let's dismantle the oppressor mindset, both within ourselves and within society. Embrace a holistic approach to healing that honors our interconnectedness and celebrates our diversity. Together, we can rewrite the narrative and create a world rooted in compassion, empathy, and understanding.

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 23/12/2023

You are not the same person every single day. If you have a menstrual cycle, if you ovulate, you are cyclical. It is your biological default to be going through different phases. It is not a condition or a fault in your being, it is just a hormonal fact.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​If you want it to be more - your gift, your superpower, your magic - WELCOME! ✨🌙
And if you'd just like to learn to navigate it all - no magic, no extra meaning, no more mystery - WELCOME!🩸❤️

At the Baba Yaga, we believe knowledge is power.
Knowing yourself starts with understanding that you are inherently good - nothing about you is bad, just cuz you bleed once a month.
It also starts with understanding that you are not dirty - nothing about you is dirty, just cuz you bleed once a month.
And it start with understanding that you are not crazy - nothing about is crazy, just cuz you bleed once a month.

Every menstruating body is welcome here.

Much love,
the Baba Yaga 🧙‍♀️

Photos from Baba Yaga App's post 08/02/2022

Imagine a World in which every menstruator has the freedom and privilege to live their life in sync with their hormone cycle. Whoa.
We know - this is why we're asking these questions:
How would your life be different, if you didn't have to force yourself into a linear lifestyle anmore?
How would your life be different, if you could just take pms-days or heavy-bleeding-days off from work? (Or what if you didn't even need to anymore!!?)
How would your life be different, if you planned ALL your dates and appointments according to your best cycle days?
It's nothing short of this level of freedom and empowerment that drives us to build an app that integrates your life with your hormones! If you hear this call, if this resonates with you, join our growing community today! Sign up as a beta test (if you have an iPhone) or put yourself on your email list! We look forward to getting to know you & hearing all about your cycle-syncing-needs.
🩸Linkinbio 🩸

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Munich, 80687

In meiner Praxis in München biete ich folgende Therapieformen an: manuelle Behandlungsmethoden, Triggerpunktbehandlung, craniosacrale Therapie, Schröpfen, Pflanzenheilkunde und Lab...

Victoria Männel - Praxis für Osteopathie und ganzheitliche Gesundheit Victoria Männel - Praxis für Osteopathie und ganzheitliche Gesundheit
AinmillerStr. 34, RGB
Munich, 80801

Individuelle und ganzheitliche Therapie für deine Gesundheit! Osteopathie, Kinderosteopathie, Osteopathie für Frauen, Naturheilverfahren, Ayurveda, Yoga, Training, Coaching.

Youbi的小宇宙 Youbi的小宇宙

希塔療癒師/導師 |豐盛意識/整合療法/靈魂暗夜療癒師 Hi~我是定居在德國的心靈療癒師Youbi老師,謝謝你看到我🩵💙💜

Sei gesund mit der Natur Sei gesund mit der Natur

Gesund sein mit der Natur. Tipps zur Selbsthilfe bei verschiedenen Problemen.Naturprodukte, ätheris

Sposobnost promjene Sposobnost promjene
Munich, 80331

Maria Sono Magia. Everything in the Universe is vibrating. Maria Sono Magia. Everything in the Universe is vibrating.

Maria Eno Soundwork Klangmusik / Klangmeditationen Sound practitioner in Chania, Kreta 🎼S

Naturheilpraxis Birgit Over Naturheilpraxis Birgit Over
BodenstedtStr. 60
Munich, 81241

Ich bin Heilpraktikerin und ISBT-Bowen-Therapeutin und arbeite überwiegend am Bewegungsapparat.

Heal Solutions Heal Solutions
Munich, 80801

Alternatív gyógyászat, Reiki kezelés, Lélek gyógyászat, tanácsadás Alternatív gyógyászat, Reiki kezelés, Lélek gyógyászat, tanácsadás

Jikiden Reiki - ősi Japán kézrátétes gyógymód. Energia gyógyászat - Lélek gyógyászat, Tanácsadás és Egyéb alternatív gyógymódok bevonásával mint a Gyógynövények, Hangok, Színek é...