Interplan Congress, Meeting & Event Management AG

4 x in Deutschland • seit 1969 am Markt • 3.500 Kongresse in 20 europäischen Ländern organisiert

Generative AI Chatbot Toni gibt spezifische Antworten auf Kongress Websites 05/08/2024

Herzlich willkommen TONI ✋ – ein ganz spezieller Onboarding Prozess:

In dem Fall geht es nicht um eine neue Kollegin, sondern um unseren . TONI kümmert sich seit Frühjahr 2024 um die Anfragen, die über die Webseiten zu verschiedenen Kongressprojekten eingehen. Sie ist 24/7 für Teilnehmende erreichbar.

In unseren Teams lag zu Beginn durchaus auch Skepsis in der Luft, als TONI ihre ersten Einsätze machte. Wir haben einen hohen Qualitätsanspruch und setzen seit jeher den Fokus auf individuelle Kundenbetreuung.

Unsere Ansprechpartner bei aiaibot und das Team Innovation & Digital Transformation bei Interplan haben die Implementierung gut vorbereitet und eng begleitet. Die Ergebnisse haben uns und unsere Kunden beeindruckt.
TONI agiert kompetent, kundenorientiert und ist jederzeit hilfsbereit.
Der Umgang mit dieser Technologie ist für unser Team ein super spannendes Feld und wir sind bereits dabei, weitere Servicebereiche mit KI-Unterstützung weiterzuentwickeln.
Genaueres zu diesem interessanten Onboarding Prozess lesen Sie hier:

Generative AI Chatbot Toni gibt spezifische Antworten auf Kongress Websites Chatbot Toni beantwortet Anfragen rund um den jeweiligen Kongress.

Photos from Interplan Congress, Meeting & Event Management AG's post 01/08/2024

Hall of Fame - The Aura of Such a Place! ✨

Last week, Interplan Managing Director Dr Markus Preussner was inducted into this esteemed gallery during a festive ceremony in Dusseldorf.
The MICE Hall of Fame® honours long-standing successful personalities in the MICE industry across the categories of Agencies, Companies, Suppliers/Hosts, and Speakers/Moderators, recognising outstanding achievements and impact in these sectors.

Dr Markus Preussner was honoured that evening alongside the successful entrepreneurs and visionaries Ulf Gassner, Matthias Beinlich, Corsin Parolini and event moderator Aljoscha Höhn. The entire Interplan team extends its heartfelt congratulations.

"Thank you very much for this special honour! I deeply appreciate the recognition, which is also a testament to the hard work and dedication of the entire Interplan team. I am delighted to celebrate this moment with friends from the industry", comments Preussner.


What's coming in ?


July is defined by Summer Holidays, EURO 2024, Olympic Games, Ice Cream, Holidays, Sun, Sea, or Mountains.
Our review of the month looks a bit different, though, because "after one congress, the next one is already in sight." There was a lot to do. We wish everyone in our community a sunny and relaxing holiday!☀️

Photos from Interplan Congress, Meeting & Event Management AG's post 25/07/2024

How do you keep a well-established congress successful every year? 🤫

“After the game is before the game” – a common soccer quote says.
An extensive and detailed debriefing after each event is an important component for the success of future congresses. The open evaluation of current experiences and results is the basis for targeted innovation and improvements that precisely meet the needs of all involved.

Together with ERA and m-events Cross Media GmbH, we have been working on exactly this over the past week.
With the common goal of making the congress experience even better in terms of quality and worthwhile in every respect for all stakeholders.
Under the impression of the successful 2024 edition, we worked on new ideas that will be realised in 2025.

Our team came back highly motivated from Parma and we are going straight into the preparations for .
We love being part of a fantastic congress team!

Photos from Interplan Congress, Meeting & Event Management AG's post 22/07/2024

What a fantastic evening!

The summer party is one of the highlights of the Interplan year.

Last week, the celebrated a wonderful party in one of Munich's most beautiful beer gardens. 🎉

When almost the entire team comes together, it's always something special. Everyone can feel the team spirit and great warmth.

Our team celebrated themselves and their successful work. Well deserved!


We take care of around 50 events a year. Each one is unique and has its own character and particular vibe.
What we immediately noticed when looking through the first pictures of FOBI 2024: lots of smiling faces 😊.
Participants, industry representatives, customers, and our team are beaming at the camera.

Education in theory and practice, exchanging experiences, and meeting colleagues are the most important motivating factors for our participants. Together with the organiser, we as PCO develop a concept that creates the best possible environment for the learning and communication needs.

If there is also fun and a good atmosphere on site, a congress visit becomes a unique congress experience.
The have once again done a great job. 🚀❤️🚀

We wish the participants and exhibitors of FOBI 24, our local partners, and our team a great event finale and a safe journey home.


In the day-to-day business, there's not always time and space for topics beyond operations.

For us, it is essential to hear the opinions and perspectives of all employees on topics like organisation, work environment, management – everything that concerns our team or could be moved.

Open communication and transparency are core values for us and we create various opportunities and formats for active exchange – for example, the regular breakfast round with the management. Christine Hense travelled from Munich to join her colleagues in Hamburg to learn together with Kirsten Knight what topics are currently in focus within the company. And what do you think is the hot topic? During the breakfast round, it became clear how much the Interplan team appreciates the flexibility of our working time and location model. As a company, we give our colleagues the freedom to plan their working hours and location independently within the framework of our flexible model. To ensure smooth collaboration, it requires mutual understanding, everyone's engagement, and the right work organisation.

Great ideas were exchanged to fine-tune even more details. 💡

More than just talking about corporate culture and values, it’s a joy to see them brought to live and implemented through mutual trust, openness, and commitment as the best form of teamwork.

What topics are occupying your team?


Half-time 2024, our spring season is completed!
Congratulations to all our amazing for successfully delivering 26 projects with passion and dedication.
We were delighted for many live reports, warm greetings and fantastic photos from congress venues all over Europe! ❤️
Follow our directly to get even more insights!

Find out what else was going on in !


Long-standing relationships create loyalty, effectiveness and real partnership.

Home game for our team at the Leipzig last week with the congress ERNÄHRUNG 2024. Almost 2,000 participants met under the umbrella of the DGEM German Society for Nutritional Medicine to discuss the influence of nutrition on planetary health from various perspectives and to exchange specialist knowledge.

Interplan is hosted with various clients at least once a year at this location.

The many years of collaboration have resulted in trusting partnerships that are highly valued by all parties. We understand the requirements and wishes of our mutual customers and share a common understanding of quality, professional implementation and communication when working together.

You truly feel that the teams know each other well and are happy to work hard for the success of the project.

The congress marked the kick-off event for this year's Interplan-Leipzig series. We will be back in July with UPDATE Hematology/Oncology, in September with the 76th Congress of the German Society of Urology (DGU) and in October with VISZERALMEDIZIN 2024.
We are looking forward to it and send our best wishes to Leipzig! 🤗


wrote history. We celebrate outstanding Teamwork!
This milestone would not have been possible without the fantastic collaboration and dedication of everyone involved.

We are extending a heartfelt thank you to:
🤝 our wonderful client for their trust and inspiring vision
💡 our reliable and creative partners, who were at our side every step of the way
👥 our tireless team, perfecting every detail with passion and precision

SUCCESS in teamwork stands for being:

✅ Supportive
✅ United
✅ Collaborative
✅ Committed
✅ Empathetic
✅ Strategic
✅ Synergetic

Each individual demonstrated these qualities and all their energy to ensure that the participants had an unforgettable congress experience.

Together we have shown what can be achieved through teamwork and shared goals. We are grateful for the partnerships and look forward to many more successful projects with you!


🌍 International Networking, Exchange, and Participation: The Key to Success! 🌍

At Interplan, we believe in the immense value of building and nurturing an international network, exchanging knowledge, and active participation. These elements are crucial for driving innovation and growth in today's interconnected world.

Recently, our colleague Sina had the opportunity to attend the (AWC24) in Graz. This event served as a perfect example of the benefits of global engagement.

🤝 Networking: Meeting professionals from various industries and regions provided Sina with fresh perspectives and invaluable connections that will drive our future projects and collaborations.

💡 Knowledge Exchange: Engaging in thought-provoking discussions and sessions enriched our understanding and introduced us to innovative ideas and practices.

🔗 Active Participation: Being actively involved in such events promotes active dialogue and strengthens our position on the global market.

How do you engage in networking and knowledge exchange? We'd love to hear about your experiences and insights!


Klingelt‘s? 🎶

Wir sind einer der TOP PCO’s in Europa und bieten unseren Teilnehmenden und Industriepartnern den besten Hotel-Buchungsservice. Zirka 100.000 Gäste betreuen wir im Jahr.

Unser Team braucht Verstärkung im Bereich Hotel-Einkauf. Deine Aufgabe ist es, für jeden Bedarf genau die richtigen Angebote zu finden und perfekte Lösungen anzubieten.

Zeige deine Stärken und dein Herz in unserem Team!
Wir sind die Profis in der Kongressbranche und freuen uns darauf, wenn’s bei uns klingelt und du dran bist!

Mehr Details zu dieser spannenden Herausforderung auf unserer Karriereseite:



Together we achieve more.

⚽ A football match is always won by the strength of the team. It is all about the perfect teamwork of everyone involved: the team, coach, support staff, the environment, and the fans.

⚽ Congress organisation is very similar. Client, PCO, location, partners, and participants all contribute their part to the perfect event.

⚽ Everyone gives their best for the grand finale!

⚽ The are looking forward to the European Championships 2024 and are eager to get started!

😊 We wish all the teams every success and a great time here in Germany.


Out for Gala-Dinner, this time not as an organiser, but as a guest!

Traditionally, we celebrate our INTERPLAN anniversaries each year with a very special evening.🎉

This time, we had the honour of congratulating seven amazing employees. Together, they reflect on 95 years full of dedication, passion, expertise, and loyalty for our clients and events.

The board members Bruno Lichtinger and Dr. Markus Preussner celebrate successes and milestones together with the team.
It’s a strong sign of great appreciation and an important part of our vibrant company culture.

The evening also provided a wonderful opportunity for colleagues from all over Germany to reunite. Stories and anecdotes were shared, there was much laughter, and toasts to the future were made.

A big thank you to all the anniversary celebrants – you are the heart and soul of Interplan. ❤️ Here’s to many more years of fantastic collaboration.


We celebrate 70 years of great commitment to occupational therapy with the DVE!

The German Occupational Therapy Association (DVE) marks an impressive anniversary. 🎉

Seventy years of networking, ongoing training and committed representation of the interests of occupational therapists in Germany.

From professional partnership to friendly collaboration – we are proud
to accompany and support the DVE over many years in the organisation of their annual congress.

We are looking forward to working with the DVE for many more years to come!


Last week, our colleague Nils Molly, Manager Innovation & Digital Transformation, was a guest speaker in the customer forum at to present our practical experience in integrating generative AI into our projects.

„The gradual integration of AI is helping us to improve service quality and at the same time ensure efficient processes. The start with aiaibot was of course exciting and we are happy about the initial successes.
A great basis to continue working with AI tools. There is a lot more to come.“ – says Nils Molly.


You know: Everything is new in . But some activities are repeated annually and have almost become a tradition – like the Wings for Life World Run.


In den ersten vier Monaten 2024 wurden weniger Organspender als im gleichen Zeitraum 2023 gezählt. Die vorläufige Statistik verzeichnet für Januar bis April bundesweit 292 postmortale Organ­spender, das sind 19 weniger als 2023, wie die Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation (DSO) in Stuttgart mitteilte.

Es seien 888 Spenderorgane an die internationale Vermittlungsstelle Eurotransplant gemeldet worden; 2023 waren es in den ersten vier Monaten 954. Aktuell warteten in Deutschland knapp 8.400 Patienten auf ein geeignetes Spenderorgan, sagte der baden-württembergische Gesundheitsminister Manne Lucha (Grüne). Das neue digitale Spendenregister soll jetzt helfen.

Digitalisierung bedarf meistens auch einer komplexeren Entscheidung. Das kennen wir aus Erfahrung in der eigenen Branche. Manchmal muss man einen großen Schritt machen und über seinen Schatten springen, manchmal schubsen uns digitale Angebote und reduzieren Hürden. So ist es auch mit der neuen digitalen Möglichkeit die Entscheidung für oder gegen die Organ- und Gewebespende zu dokumentieren – das Organspende-Register ist ein zentrales elektronisches Verzeichnis in dem die Erklärung für oder gegen eine Organ- und Gewebespende eingetragen werden kann. Der Eintrag ist freiwillig und kostenlos und kann jederzeit geändert oder widerrufen werden. Im Gegensatz zum Organspendeausweis, der zum Beispiel verloren gehen oder nicht auffindbar sein kann, ist das Organspende-Register zu jeder Zeit verfügbar. Im Ernstfall kann das zum Abruf berechtigte Personal im Krankenhaus bei Vorliegen der Voraussetzungen jederzeit darauf zugreifen und die Erklärung einsehen.

Hier geht's zum Register:


Unser Team ist nach einer großartigen wieder zurück im Unternehmen – voll bepackt mit frischen Eindrücken, neuen Kontakten und wertvollen Einblicken in unsere Branche.

Besonders stolz sind wir auf unsere fünf Kolleginnen, die am YOUNG STARS Programm der MICE Impact Academy teilnahmen. Sie waren begeistert von den Sessions und Gesprächen vor Ort. Sandrin Alb fasst es treffend zusammen: "Wir müssen noch mehr Brücken zwischen Generationen und Kulturen, aber auch zwischen Kongressen und der breiten Öffentlichkeit bauen." Christine Hense, Director People & Operations, war Teil eines spannenden Panels der IMPACT Creators: "Es war ein interessanter Dialog, der die vielschichten Aspekte von Nachhaltigkeit in der Veranstaltungsbranche gut beleuchtet hat."

Interplan war in Kooperation mit dem Munich Convention Bureau auch mit einem Stand vertreten.
Sina Ehresmann und Sylvie Lohr waren begeistert von den zahlreichen Branchengesprächen und dem intensiven Networking.

Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle, die uns vor Ort besucht und den Austausch gesucht haben.


HAPPY Mother's Day! HAPPY Father's Day!

At INTERPLAN we count on a strong team and many longstanding employees.

More than 35% of them are mums or dads. Depending on the phase - and parents know what we are talking about - it is
very challenging to balance work and family life. 😉

For this to succeed, there needs to be regular and open dialogue between employees and management.

Part-time models, free time planning and location-independent working are important framework conditions.
If mutual understanding and flexibility are added to this, it is possible to balance one's own family situation with professional goals. We are grateful that so many parents contribute their personal strengths and competences: Leadership and organisational talent, curiosity and a willingness to learn are just as characteristic for mothers and fathers, as for true .

❤️A big THANK YOU to our entire team for their cooperation and „Interplan spirit“, where everyone contributes what they do best.❤️


The Wings for Life World Run 2024, 🏃the largest running event in the world, has once again made history. On May 5th, a staggering 265,818 participants from 192 nations across 169 countries came together for a great cause, collecting kilometers along the way. Talk about a record-breaker! And that's not all: a new fundraising milestone was reached with €8.1 million raised, all of which goes directly into spinal cord research.
Our Interplan-Team, covered over 100 km with immense motivation and joy, as you can see in the photos! Huge thanks to everyone who participated and ran, for those who can’t.



What's coming in ?


🔍 Attention Innovators: What does the future hold for the Events Industry?
As our colleague Sina prepares for the exciting IMEX 2024 in Frankfurt, we've come up with something special. We all love a good story and thrilling challenges, don't we?


Question: What three innovations could revolutionise the events industry in the coming years?

Share your ideas in the comments and meet Sina at the Munich booth F150 (Hall 8) to discuss how these trends could shape our industry. Sina is looking forward to your creative responses and engaging discussions!


Our teams were traveling across Europe in April, sending postcard greetings! 📫

We are celebrating successful congresses with our clients and hope all participants had a great time on-site. We enjoyed it!

Looking forward already, as the next few weeks hold more great projects in exciting destinations for us!


Taking a moment, sharpening our focus, reflecting...
After exciting days at the congress in Krakow, it's hard to 'come down'. Instead of heading straight home from the 12th EuroELSO Congress, the team planned a visit to the Auschwitz Memorial due to its geographical proximity. Quite a stark contrast programme. We often post about shared activities like sports, celebrations, or event outings – as a team, these occasions are simply wonderful. Usually, it's about the fun in the group.

The impressions each individual takes away from the memorial exhibition are different and very personal. It's comforting to know, and it's encouraging when colleagues share similar perspectives on these matters. The exchange at Auschwitz, and also on other truly important discussions in our society, has a lot to do with trust within the team and with the people we work with every day.

Photos from ICE Kraków Congress Centre's post 29/04/2024

The ICE Kraków Congress Centre is planting a congress avenue, and we had the privilege of being part of the planting of the 45th tree. Karin Seidel and Christian Reim are members of the on-site Interplan team organising the EuroELSO Congressss in Krakow. A meaningful and lasting symbol for the congress and collaboration in the industry.


Where do we find superheroes if not in healthcare and medical science? 🦸‍♂️

Scientists, nurses, and doctors are the true heroes of our society – they're the ones who keep us healthy and thriving. From providing care to patients and diagnosing illnesses to conducting groundbreaking research and developing life-saving treatments, they do it all. They're not just healthcare professionals; they're our guardians of well-being.

At Interplan, we're here to support these superheroes. Whether it's through educational platforms, facilitating professional exchanges, or organising medical events, we're dedicated to empowering their mission.

We want to support you in your mission by providing you with the best opportunities and platforms for learning, meeting, sharing and networking. Our goal is to organise medical and scientific congresses and association meetings that contribute to the enhancement of the sector and create an interface with the pharmaceutical and medtech industry and patient associations.

So here's to our everyday superheroes – thank you for all that you do!

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Landsberger Straße 155


Montag 08:00 - 18:00
Dienstag 08:00 - 18:00
Mittwoch 08:00 - 18:00
Donnerstag 08:00 - 18:00
Freitag 08:00 - 17:00

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