A Firefly's reflections

Here I will post inspiring Poems, Songs, Pictures, ... for those who are interested in insight or mi


Poetry und demand chance and challenge:

Ask me a question related to Meditation, mindfulness or wisdom! And I will answer it with a poem.


Publish a related poem of yours in the comments!


Vote for poems published here by liking them!

Have insights and fun!!!


This is my latest poem. It is a song, too. I will post it later, stay tuned!


I have written this poem today, in German we do not say that we pay attention. Hence the idea.


Hier ist ein Gedicht zum Mut machen. Ich wünsche allen eine schöne Adventszeit.


Lumy's Eid:
Ich für mich selbst möchte sein,
Die, die da ist, um mich zu befreien,
Ein Licht, den Weg zu sehen,
Ne Insel, fest zu stehen,
Die mit ScheißE am Schuh zugibt, nicht zu entgehen
Und bereit ist dazu, echt zu fühlen und zu sehen.
Und ne Freundin, wie allen, die wir Liebe, Wahrheit und Pfad teilen hier.


Like a tree in the wind of fate with the roots deep and firm in the ground, in which nothing but stillness allowed me to retain the hold, I grow outward into being, and when I feel the strength, it takes, I bring up flowers and want to be near you. Yet, when I fear to loose myself in the outside world, I am allowed to be clear: I close down and rest within myself.


Für alle, die Fränkischen Dialekt. Erstehen und / oder mögen, habe ich eine geführte Meditation veröffentlicht:
Viel Freude damit!

Free Artsy Landing Page - Leucht-kraft-quelle 14/07/2021

My website is online now!


Free Artsy Landing Page - Leucht-kraft-quelle Owen Banks's latest project is inspired by John Edmark's works, who endeavors to share the joy of discovery with others in a continuing pursuit of the timeless patterns of change.

update1 vom 7.7.2021 14/07/2021

Dies ist ein kurzes Video auf Deutsch darüber, was ich so alles mache und plane.

update1 vom 7.7.2021 Hier erzähle ich für alle, die mich als Künstlerin oder Meditationslehrerin entdeckt haben, kurz meine Geschichte und was ich zur Zeit mache und plane.


Spare dreams

What is a dream but a stick used when keeping a fire,
First to push other Sticks into the blaze with More ease,
Thus partly burned falling short from what we may desire,
let go for spare dreams so fast at hand? Then we burn these.




Erleuchtung und Verblendung

Das selbe Licht ist immer da,
kann unsre Welt erhellen.
Wir sehen nicht und nimmer klar,
Wenn wir uns selber stellen,
Als käme auf uns zu was dann
Klarheit ins Dasein bringt.
Das bringt uns nur Unruh, was kann
Wahrheit, die da eindringt,
Wo kennen heißt, von außen sehen,
Im Innern schon erreichen?
Mag Blendung meist daraus entstehen,
Doch inn'rer Sonne weichen.


Möge los zu lassen die Buddha Natur in uns allen frei setzen!



There are butterflies around as ever
But advice must sound: let's never
Strain the laws and neglect
The reign of cause and effect!

I mean all effects happening anywhere, with no need of me being influenced as when throwing a boomerang. This is my way of believing in "Karma".


The cogwheel's tale

A cogwheel inside a machine,
Yet never turned, at first felt keen
On taking part in the endeavor
All other wheels took part. It never
Gave up, and it never gave in,
Had always known it as a sin
To take existence and not give
work back to it, just as if
One was at the end of a chain, the receiver.
It craved to be used and remained a believer
In interconnected existence as such.
Though seeing some wheels being twisted that much
That they squeaked, rattled and became hot
It felt weak and thought, that it may not
Be built for such friction and speed.
It stopped it's addiction and need
For turning and just looked around.
What was this bar for, that it found
between two of it's cogs by now still?
"Is my time to move coming, and will
I be working as good as the rest?"
Then the bar moved, one second at best.
Thus it turned the wheel half the way round
And with it also turned the whole ground.
And thus all its surroundings were changed.
And whole groups of fast wheels rearranged.
And the cogwheel was startled and watched.
And it knew itself part of all It touched.


Springtime I see for now delayed.
Signals to me: "calm down and wait!"
New snow in April I will not miss.
True though today this is still what is.
I'll take that chance to see clear how -
While I advance - to Be here now.


Just in case you may know, what I am talking about here:


Der Frauenabend wird verschoben.
Eine Baustelle hat das Internet hier lahmgelegt o:

fever 28/03/2021

https://youtu.be/S69c4bNOwxA this is my new song. It is about mindfulness and unprejudiced perception,
Letting go of believes and concepts,
Open-minded empathy and wisdom.

fever a song about perspective taking, prejudice and open minded perception as well as letting go of believesand wise precaution.It contained the story of the monk...


Hier ist das Video zu unserem inklusive Frauenabend am 31. März:



Ich werde den Frauenabend zum Nürnberger Frauenmonat März

31. März 2021 um 17:30 Uhr

Inhaltlich hauptsächlich gestalten, der aufgrund des lockdowns online stattfinden wird.
Er wird 1,5 Stunden dauern.

Hier ist die derzeitige Version der Ausschreibung dafür:

Frauen-Abend im leo
„Ich bin stark. Ich bin wichtig. Ich fühle mich wohl.“

Wir machen uns einen gemütlichen Abend.

Mit Meditation, leichter Bewegung und Kunst.

Alle Frauen und Mädchen sind willkommen.

Bitte bequeme Kleidung anziehen.

Falls das Angebot wegen Corona nicht stattfinden kann,

machen wir ein Angebot über Zoom.

Danach möchten wir den Frauen-Abend öfter anbieten.

Vielleicht sogar jeden Monat.

Mit verschiedenen Themen.

Die Brügg’nbauer und das leo freuen sich auf DICH.

Wann: 17:30 Uhr

Mittwoch, 31. März 2020

Start: 17:30 Uhr

Wo: Inklusives Stadtteilhaus leo
Kreutzerstraße 5

90439 Nürnberg

Anmeldung und weitere Infos bei:

Monika Schropp
Tel.: 0911-6587608

Handy: 01573 – 3189692

E-Mail: monika.schropp[at]elkb.de


Der Monat März ist Frauenmonat.
The month of March is women's month.

Trusting women
Wherever we look into the horrible
So that we nearly don't dare to look,
Some women dare to face it.
Let us build on these women!



Unfold into the unknown
As blooming blossoms blessed with bliss,
Touching, taking, giving, going,
Mind, there's much too much to miss!


A snail's teaching

What you need more, when heading for
What still seems far from where you are,
Than increased speed, craving in greed
Your goal's appearance is perseverance.


Sehen wir uns heute Abend um 20:00 MEZ auf Zoom zum meditieren mit Einführung und Zeit für Fragen?


Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, confer...


The treasure hidden in the relative perspective is the appreciation of the need for love.


Out of fear

As I know, I'm much more
Than this small me in fear
For it all being here
Passes by
Fast as I
Yet know how to watch for
What will stay over time.
I can say now, that I'm
Now set free, for that's Me.


Dreams come true?

DREAMING of being a superhuman,
Invincible, managing, strong,
Faithful, unfailing, and knowing that you can
Just never get any thing wrong.
Longing for resting ground, longing for ease And for love and a purpose in life,
I've as the best thing found strong inner peace
That I saw from the surface, then I've,
As I've read of paths, stepped on paths looking for ways
To draw near at last to taste this state,
As I got a chance, dared a glance, took my own pace
I saw clear, mine was, to meditate.


Lost alone
On my way
I see YOU
The way you are
Is the path I follow
For my next step
Thank you , teacher!

My Meditation Teacher is Miles Kessler, who lives in Israel.



As a snail once taught:
Our hope will make us butterflies.
Through this tale some thought:
To cope let's take these utter lies
As our dreams, that take us through
And now in vain they strive.
Yet this dream did once come true:
A wow to stay alive
And this hope saved one young catepillar's live.


Enjoy my songs!


May you find out yourselves!


May you show up to be, what it takes!

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