Bosch Connected Industry

Bosch Connected Industry

With NEXEED, Bosch Connected Industry offers IIoT software and services for the digital factory


This 🙏 Peter Kornisch, our expert, reflects on what has really touched him this year – both professionally and in his private life. He is grateful for his colleagues at Bosch Connected Industry and his children 👨‍👩‍👧. Who are you thankful for today?


Heute ist Nikolaustag. Haben Sie schon in Ihren Stiefel geschaut?🎅🥾


"My contribution to society 🌍 should be more than just paying taxes" says our colleague Eva Baumert and that's why she volunteers at the crisis intervention team of Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe 👩🏻‍⚕️ (KIT Stuttgart). On today's she tells us about her job there, what she has learned for herself, and how her work as a group leader at Bosch benefits from her experiences gained there. 👐👂


The real challenges of an industrial digitalization project often come as a surprise. 😮 In our new white paper, we identify five barriers to digital transformation that lie below the surface – and offer a blueprint for your successful project. Find out more about the “Iceberg model for digital transformation in manufacturing”:


A lot has happened this year at Bosch Connected Industry. As 2023 is drawing to a close📆, we would like to take a moment to think about some of our most important experiences. Follow up with us every 🙏 before Christmas to see what our colleagues are grateful for this year. Laura, who is currently writing her Bachelor’s thesis in project management, thanks her colleagues for motivation and support.


Navigating your digital transformation in manufacturing toward success is more complex than it seems: while many challenges are well-known, others are hidden below the surface and only detected when it’s already too late⛵. In our latest white paper, we take a close look at the reasons why many companies across industries fall short of reaching their digitalization goals. But most importantly, we identify the success factors and provide a program sketch that makes sure your project follows a save course. Find out more:


Weniger Drama😟 mit Nexeed Automation! Wieso? Und warum spielt Hardware-Unabhängigkeit eine entscheidende Rolle dabei? Das verrät Jörg Scherrieble im Video👇.


Digital transformation in manufacturing is a real challenge 🫢 – and a purely technical approach is not enough to implement a smart factory successfully. In our new white paper, we have condensed the experiences, learnings, and success factors of our company’s 10-year digitalization journey in a nutshell. Click here to find out more:


We greatly enjoyed this year's ! Our Albrecht and Cramer were delighted meeting you and talking all things . Who visited us on our joint booth with rexroth?


Thumbs up for the start of SPS 👍 We couldn’t be more excited! If you’re in Nuremberg, come meet us and Bosch Rexroth at our joint booth 450 in hall 7! We look forward to seeing you there and talking about all things with you!


Was bewirkt die Standardisierung von HMI und SPS in der Produktion? Unser Experte Maximilian Albrecht ist überzeugt: Sie steigert die Effizienz bei Instandhaltung und Inbetriebnahme und kann sogar dabei helfen, den Fachkräftemangel abzumildern. In seinem Vortrag auf der SPS in Nürnberg (14. November, 16:50 Uhr, Technology Stage in Halle 3) erfahren Sie was dahintersteckt. Besuchen Sie uns auch an Stand 450 in Halle 7 – wir freuen uns schon auf Sie:


Just one more week to go until SPS opens its doors in Nuremberg! Of course, we will also be there to give you insights into the world of . Come visit us at booth 450 in hall 7, talk to our experts, and learn how solutions like Control plus can take your factory to the next level of automation! Learn more here:


Fachkräftemangel, häufige Personalwechsel und hohe Instandhaltungsaufwände: Wer diesen Herausforderungen in der Produktion gewachsen sein will, braucht nicht nur smarte Automatisierungslösungen, sondern auch einen hohen Grad an Standardisierung. Wie das gelingt, erklärte unser Experte Maximilian Albrecht in seinem TechTalk zum Thema „Standardisierung von SPS & HMI in der Produktion“ letzte Woche. Hier erfahren Sie mehr:


Imagine you could automate your production line in half the time… 😌💭
We can assure you: this is actually possible! Control plus from Nexeed Automation is based on modular engineering and comes with reusable, pre-programmed building blocks. Visit us at SPS (November 14 to 16, booth 450, hall 7) and find out how you can connect all kinds of devices quickly and easily:


Catena-X has officially been launched! Are you already a part of the ecosystem 🌐 – and do you know what to do to implement your first sustainable use cases? No worries if you don’t – we’ve got you covered: watch the recording of our web seminar for free and learn how to get started in the Catena-X data space using digital twins and a Digital Twin Registry!


As always, we had a great time at the Nexeed User Meeting! Thanks to everyone who helped with the organization and to our amazing attendees who shared their ideas with us and their peers. Check out our snapshots capturing the atmosphere at the location. 📸
We are looking forward to seeing you again next year! 😊


In modern production, efficiency and standardization go hand in hand. However, the larger the company, the more difficult it becomes to standardize. At , we are very proud to have accomplished this difficult task. Visit us at SPS to meet our expert Maximilian Albrecht at booth 450 in hall 7– he’ll be happy to let you in on the secret: 😉


Wie können Automatisierung und ein hoher Standardisierungsgrad dazu beitragen, aktuelle Herausforderungen in der Produktion zu lösen ­– ob Fachkräftemangel oder die Suche nach immer effizienterer Instandhaltung und Inbetriebnahme? Eine Antwort auf diese Frage gibt unser Experte Maximilian Albrecht im TeDo-TechTalk am 26. Oktober. 🎤 Melden Sie sich jetzt kostenfrei an:


Greetings from the heart of the NEXEED User Meeting! Our gathering is all about sharing ideas, enhancing collaboration, and exploring the endless possibilities of . Today, we are also celebrating a remarkable 25 years of coming together for this occasion!
Thank you to everyone for coming and for your input! We are looking forward to another 25 years of working together 😉🤝


Exciting News! 🚀 The User Meeting is taking place tomorrow – and it’s actually the meeting’s 25th anniversary! Right now, preparations are in full swing, and we are impatiently counting the hours until the kick-off... Stay tuned for live updates and behind the scenes glimpses!
Sneak Peek below! 👀🎉


“No sustainable use cases without digital twins!” was one of the takeaways 💡 of Josepha Pfeiffer’s web seminar on participation in the Catena-X data space last week. You missed the seminar but would still like to know more? Watch the recording now for free:


Are you looking for ways to reduce engineering efforts for your software? With Control plus from Automation, you can save up to 50 percent developing time! To find out more, visit expert Werner Cramer at (booth 450 in hall 7) from November 14 to 16 in Nuremberg:


The countdown is running… only one more week until the SICK Solution Hackathon! 🤖
We’re very excited to see what the participants will develop with the help of our hack coaches Dominic Schabel and Peter Klotz – and our tools from Bosch Semantic Stack! If you’re curious as well, make sure to tune into the livestream on October 26:


Are you in Ludwigsburg for ? Then make sure to join our expert Birgit Boss and Thiago Weber Martins from SAP at the Community Day session on October 16th! As managers of the Eclipse Digital Twin Top Level Project, they will give you a comprehensive overview of the project, delving into the critical aspects of standardization and homogenized semantics for interoperability. Learn more:


Are you looking to get started with sustainable use cases in the Catena-X ecosystem? Then register for the free web seminar on October 12 featuring our expert Josepha Pfeiffer👩‍💻! She will give you the knowledge and tools 🔧 you need to participate in the Catena-X data space, share data across companies, and increase your transparency and sustainability across the entire product lifecycle. Register here to learn more:


Big events cast their shadows ahead: mark your calendar 📆 for the from November 14 to 16 in Nuremberg. Register here and meet us at the joint booth with no. 450 in hall 7.


Whether you want to calculate your carbon footprint or create a digital product passport: if you want to implement a sustainability use case in the Catena-X data space, you will need a Digital Twin Registry. Learn why and how in our free web seminar on October 12 with real-life examples. Our expert Josepha Pfeiffer will be happy to show you. Register today:


Raus aus dem Skalierungsdilemma und rein in die Konferenz: Am 24. Oktober wird unser Experte Dr. Ulrich T. Wolters auf der VDI Wissensforum-Konferenz „Der Digitale Zwilling in der industriellen Wertschöpfung“ einen Vortrag über Digital Twins halten. Dabei erklärt er unter anderem, wie Sie Herausforderungen im Produktlebenszyklus zuverlässig mit datengetriebenen Entscheidungen bewältigen können. Erfahren Sie mehr:


Do you know the real secret behind the success of digitalization? Since today is , we’ll let you in on it: at Bosch Connected Industry, our coding skills are fueled by 😉☕ It stimulates our creative circuits, sparks innovative ideas, and helps to stay concentrated even during long coding sessions. A match made in digital heaven!
What is your go-to energy boost? Let us know below 👇


Time to party! Yesterday, our summer closing event took place, and it’s been on our minds nonstop 🎉The theme brought a lively Latin American vibe to our parking lot with delectable cocktails 🍹, churros, chili con carne, and much more.
Next to enjoying the DJ`s beats, the event was the perfect opportunity to socialize with colleagues from various departments. The weather seemed to have caught onto our good vibes as well and graced us with sunshine all day long.
Thanks to everyone for coming and making this event a memorable one. Here’s to many more!


Data exchange in ecosystems like Catena-X is the prerequisite for a more sustainable automotive industry. But how do you actually share and collect data across your product’s lifecycle without endangering your data safety? 🔒 Our answer: the Digital Twin Registry! Learn why it acts as your entry ticket to the Catena-X data space and how to implement use cases in our free web seminar on October 12! Register today:


No new use case without aspect models! That’s why we are providing the participants of this year’s Sick Solution Hackathon with the Aspect Model Catalog from Bosch Semantic Stack.
It offers a digital library 📚 for aspect models, giving an overview of all available models for easy reuse, management, and exchange.
Find out more about the Aspect Model Catalog here:


In the European Union, the digital product passport for newly manufactured automotive batteries 🔋 will become mandatory by law in late 2025. If you want to meet this deadline, you need to act now – and get your data ready for the Catena-X data space! We will show you exactly how in our upcoming web seminar on October 12. Register now for free and profit from real-life examples and practical tips!


It’s soon time for the Sick Solution Hackathon and we’re happy to be part of it!

Our Digital Twin Registry, a tool from Bosch Semantic Stack, will be used as basis for the implementation of use cases. It works a bit like a phone book for : all twins “born” during the Hackathon can be identified, retrieved, and modified easily and efficiently. We can’t wait to see what the participants will develop with its help! 😉
Learn more about the digital twin registry here:


Are you curious about how dataspaces made in Europe improve businesses and public administrations?🤔 Our colleague Felix Schuech will be joining a panel discussion with Michaela Drost, Meike van't Hoen, Patric Steiler and Jean-Francois Cases exploring this topic during the DIGITAL X by T-Systems in Cologne. Learn more about the topic and the fair here:


How much CO2 is created during my product’s lifecycle – and how can I reduce it? 💡
If you’re looking for an answer to this question, you will end up using – and a Digital Twin Registry. Learn how they can help you track your product’s carbon footprint and implement additional sustainable use cases in our free web seminar on October 12! Register now:

Training campaign: Bosch trains over 130,000 associates in technologies of the future 18/09/2023

Qualification is the key to Industry 4.0! 🗝️ That’s why we’re part of Bosch’s training campaign, offering a wide range of different courses for both our products and specialist topics like IT security. Whether you’re looking for crash-courses in the Nexeed Industrial Application System or for advanced trainings tailored specifically to system administrators: we’ve got you covered!
Learn more about the global training campaign by Bosch in the latest press release:

Training campaign: Bosch trains over 130,000 associates in technologies of the future Labor shortage: Bosch relies on vocational training and professional development as well as intelligent technology


You’ll certainly have heard about Catena-X. But do you really know what it takes to actively participate in this ecosystem, to share your data and implement sustainable use cases? Join our free web seminar on October 12, learn why the Digital Twin Registry is your entry-ticket to the Catena-X data space 🎟️, and how it will help you drive transparency across your entire product lifecycle. Register today:


Get a sneak peek at one of the hack coaches at this year’s : check out the video of our expert Klotz to find out how he will support the attendees during their challenges! 👇

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