lím collective

An experimental platform exploring artistic practices in health and care contexts

Photos from lím collective's post 29/09/2024

Performance artist Sandro Masai is well into his collaboration with the residents at Ranum and Holstebro refugee centers. The workshops explore how to work with sound and movement as a form of care that centres culturally specific knowledge and practice, such as capoeira and candomble - in which rituals, stories, dance and music are understood as a form of cultural self-defence. The workshops create a process to share, exchange and experiment with overlaps and connections between culturally situated sounds, movements and rhythms that the residents bring to the workshop space.  

Sandro Masai works with durational performance, butoh and participatory artworks in his practice where he investigates themes such as decolonisation, ancestral knowledge,  and spirituality. He has exhibited and performed nationally and locally, i.a. at the Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, ARoS, Trapholt, Kunsten, and Kunsthal NORD. The artist's work is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, Aalborg Municipality's Art Foundation, and KulturKanten. Masai holds an MA in Design from Kolding Design School and a BA in Art and Technology from Aalborg University

The project is kindly supported by Ranum og Holstebro Refugee Centers, The Danish Art Foundation, Trygfonden and Den Jyske Kunstfond.

Photos from lím collective's post 27/09/2024

Performance artist Sandro Masai is well into his collaboration with the residents at Ranum and Holstebro refugee centers. The workshops explore how to work with sound and movement as a form of care that centres culturally specific knowledge and practice, such as capoeira and candomble - in which rituals, stories, dance and music are understood as a form of cultural self-defence. The workshops create a process to share, exchange and experiment with overlaps and connections between culturally situated sounds, movements and rhythms that the residents bring to the workshop space.

Sandro Masai works with durational performance, butoh and participatory artworks in his practice where he investigates themes such as decolonisation, ancestral knowledge, and spirituality. He has exhibited and performed nationally and locally, i.a. at the Den Frie Udstillingsbygning, ARoS, Trapholt, Kunsten, and Kunsthal NORD. The artist's work is supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, Aalborg Municipality's Art Foundation, and KulturKanten. Masai holds an MA in Design from Kolding Design School and a BA in Art and Technology from Aalborg University

The project is kindly supported by Ranum og Holstebro Refugee Centers, The Danish Art Foundation, Trygfonden and Den Jyske Kunstfond.

Photos from lím collective's post 19/08/2024

Breaking Down Whiteness is an awareness raising study group about internalised racism. It is a peer-to-peer working space for and from white people. Over the course of 8 weeks we will work with Layla F. Saad’s book “Me And White Supremacy” and follow the learning framework set out by the book. In this group we will learn about our own racist thought patterns and the ways it is often (unconsciously) practised in everyday life.

8 Sessions on Wednesdays from 20.00-21.30:
4 September, 11 September, 18 September, 25 September, 2 October, 9 October, 16 October, 23 October

Photos from lím collective's post 07/08/2024

Som kunstnerdrevet platform er vi meget taknemmelige over samarbejdet med kurator platformen  ARIEL Feminismer i det Æstetiske. Sammen arbejder vi på at udvikle trygge processer og infrastrukturer for kunstneriske praksisser, der udfolder sig  udenfor  institutionelle rammer.  “Hver fugl synger med sit næb”  et samarbejde mellem billedkunstnere Sóley Ragnasdóttir og Inga Gerner Nielsen og medlemmer på det socialpsykiatriske bo- og arbejdstilbud Enggården. Projektet er  den del af Lim Artist Placements (LAP)  - som undersøger hvordan man kan skabe udvekslinger mellem kunstnerisk praksis og sundheds-og socialsektoren.
Kurateret af Ariel Feminismer i det Æstetiske.
Foto: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson.

Photos from lím collective's post 16/07/2024

During our the exhibition “Meanwhile, senses are organised” at Huset - we hosted an amodk youth workshop facilitated by performance artist Sandro Masai, community organiser Erica Figueiredo, and movement facilitator Clara Dybbroe Viltoft. The workshop was a time-space to practise tuning into the body’s perceptory abilities - exploring how the undercurrents of energies, norms, and relations in a space can be brought to the surface through the movement of collective knowledge. The amodk workshop is a soft-exploration of power and space, a guide that invites you to map a space with a multidimensional approach to sensing reaching across time, space and bodies. Explore the amodk maps on amodk.info 〰️

atmospheric map of domestic knowledges (amodk) is a collaboration between the artists Alex/Alexandra Jönsson, Cliff Hammett, graphic designer Kamilla Mez and the development consultant and movement facilitator Clara Dybbroe Viltoft, artist Sandro Masai, and housing activist and community organiser Erica Figueiredo.

'Meanwhile, senses are organised' is initiated by lím collective and co-curated with ARIEL - Feminisms in the Aesthetics.

The project is kindly supported by KulturKanten, Region Nord, Aalborg Kommune, the Danish Arts Foundation, and Ny Carlsbergfondet. 

Thank you to Operation 8 for documenting the day!

Photos from lím collective's post 11/07/2024

En kæmpe tak til alle, der deltog den 22. juni til åbningen af U/synlige Interventioner på Buens Bogcafé. Jeres tilstedeværelse og støtte gjorde begivenheden virkelig speciel!

Event højdepunkter:
✨ Performance: Del LaGrace Volcano's BODIES THAT QUEER fangede og rørte os alle.
🎥 Screening: Noah Holtegaards 4.48 Dysphoria gav indsigt og udløste meningsfulde samtaler.
🗣️ Artist Talk: Samtalen mellem Del og Noah var ærlig, gav os indsigt i kunstnernes praksis og liv og var dybt engagerende.
Vi er utroligt taknemmelige for støtten fra vores community og de stærke bidrag fra vores kunstnere. Denne udstilling kaster lys over de komplekse realiteter ved trans synlighed og usynlighed i Aalborg, og vi kunne ikke have gjort det uden jer.

En særlig tak til:

Særlig tak til: Eli Ståhl
Støttet af:

For dem, der gik glip af åbningen, kan I stadig opleve Noah Holtegaards 4.48 Dysphoria via QR-koder placeret langs trans community ruter i Aalborg.

Følg på Instagram for mere information om adgang til værkerne 🌈


A huge thank you to everyone who joined us on June 22nd for the opening of In/visible Interventions at Buens Bogcafé. Your presence and support made the event truly special! 

This exhibition shines a light on the complex realities of trans visibility and invisibility in Aalborg, and we couldn’t have done it without you.

You can experience Noah Holtegaard's 4.48 Dysphoria via QR codes located along trans community routes in Aalborg.

Photos from lím collective's post 09/07/2024

Tak til alle medlemmer, mere-end-menneskelige venner og gæster, medarbejdere, kunstnere og nysgerrige Thyboer som deltog i vores  offentlige  fejring af projektet “Hver fugl synger med sit næb”; et samarbejde mellem billedkunstnere Sóley Ragnasdóttir og Inga Gerner Nielsen og medlemmer på det socialpsykiatriske bo- og arbejdstilbud Enggården. Kurateret af Ariel Feminismer i det Æstetiske. Foto: Rikke Ehlers Nilsson.

Photos from lím collective's post 08/07/2024

Thanks to for listing us on their site 🦋

Photo by
From exhibition „Meanwhile, senses are organised“ by -
YoHa - Cliff Hammett - with support from .viltoft - - Erica Figueriredo -
Supported by:

Photos from lím collective's post 27/06/2024

U/synlige interventioner kort

I lørdags åbnede udstillingen U/synlige interventioner med en fernissering ved Buens Bogcafé i Aalborg. Udstillingen kan opleves i det offentlige rum i Aalborg og Skagen, hvor QR-koder på plakater og klistermærker leder til en online-visning af Noah Holtegaards videoværk 4.48 Dysphoria. Her er et kort over ruten i Aalborg. Kortet kan også findes i print på Buens Bogcafé.

In/visible Interventions map

On Saturday, the exhibition In/visible Interventions opened with a vernissage at Buens Bogcafé, Aalborg. The exhibition takes place in public space across Aalborg and Skagen where QR codes on posters and stickers will lead you to an online screening of the video piece 4.48 Dysphoria by Noah Holtegaard. Here is a map of the route in Aalborg. A print out of the map is also available for free at Buens Bogcafé.

Photos from lím collective's post 07/06/2024

Inga Gerner Nielsen og Sóley Ragnarsdóttir er huskunstnere på Fountain House Enggården i Thy, som er en del af LAP - lím artist placement 2024. I april og i maj afholdtes to tre-dages workshops for medlemmerne på Enggårdens kreative enhed Skærlund. Her følger logbogsnoter fra første workshop i april:

Dag 3

“På tredjedagen kunne vi mærke, hvordan vores arbejde med egne mønstre begyndte at samles til et fælles projekt. Inga Gerner Nielsen startede dagen med at introducere til hvordan hun i sin kunstpraksis arbejder med at åbne sine sanser, mens hun lavede mønstre af tørrede eukalyptusblade og roser, som et af medlemmerne havde taget med til workshoppen.

Efter frokost blev vi assisteret af flere medlemmer fra Enggården, som for at hjælpe Inga med at løse puslespillet om, hvordan man samler en trækonstruktion til et stort lysbord, som hun havde taget med. Tanken er, at vi efter de to workshops vil samle alle mønstre på bordet til at vise processen omkring at skabe en fælles fortælling om Enggården.

I løbet af dagen fik vi besøg af en gruppe i regionens administration, der havde tildelt midler væk fra Enggården. Her fik de indblik i, hvad medlemmerne savner så meget, når huset ikke kan være aktivt; den dyrebare oplevelse af fællesskab, som opstår, når medlemmerne samles og engagerer sig i kreativt arbejde omkring bordet.”

Husk der er fernisering for projektet tirsdag d. 25. juni! Læs mere her: Åben refleksionsdag // Hver fugl synger med sit næb

Projektet er støttet af Statens Kunstfond, Region Nordjylland, TrygFonden og Den Jyske Kunstfond (Slots- og Kulturstyrelsen)

Photos from lím collective's post 21/05/2024

Inga Gerner Nielsen og Sóley Ragnarsdóttir er huskunstnere på Fountain House Enggården i Thy, som er en del af LAP - lím artist placement 2024. I april og i maj afholdtes to tre-dages workshops for medlemmerne på Enggårdens kreative enhed Skærlund. Her følger logbogsnoter fra første workshop i april:

“På dag to var vi fordybet i at skabe hver vores mønstre omkring bordet, da samtalerne begyndte at åbne sig op. Personlige historier og indblik i, hvorfor et sted som Enggården er så vigtigt.

Sammen med kurator Nina Wöhlk fra ARIEL - Feminisms in the Aesthetics kiggede vi Skærlunds arkiv; en fantastisk samling af tegninger, tryk, skulpturer og tekster af tidligere medlemmer og besøgende på Skærlund. Vi gik også på opdagelse i Enggårdens bibliotek af bøger om kunst og kreativitet som rehabiliteringsmodel i psykiatrien. Samlingen af bøger stammer fra overlæge Johannes Nielsen personlige bibliotek. Nielsen var sammen med Thyfonden med til at stifte Enggården og etablere stedet som et ‘Fountain House’ tilbage i 1993.”

Photos from lím collective's post 15/05/2024

Thank you everyone for joining us for the artist talk "Sharing and learning" with YoHa - the artist duo Matsuko Yokojoji and Graham Harwood, as well as cultural producer Anila Ladwa.

YoHas has worked to address the cultural impact of technical infrastructure in public healthcare systems for more than 30 years, making a substantial contribution to the development of artistic practices as forms of critical inquiry. With the project ‘Database Addiction, Table of Tables’ (2016), the artists and their team developed a collective process with staff and service users at Lambeth Addictions Consortium, an addiction clinic in Brixton (UK), to explore how access to patient care is hardcoded into databases that unlock or block a person’s care. Often, this knowledge is embodied within service users lives but the unequal power structure normalised within the healthcare sector deems it invisible and intangible.

‘Database Addiction, Table of Tables’ mediates the technical data as a large visual mapping on an oversized oval conference table, underlining the inherent power that lies within the data. For Meanwhile, senses are organised the table was reconstructed in 90%of its original size by Helene Wöldike and Alexandra Jonsson.

‘Meanwhile, senses are organised’ is initiated by lím collective and co-curated with ARIEL - Feminisms in the Aesthetics.

The project is kindly supported by Kulturkanten, Region Nordjylland, Aalborg Kommune, Statens Kunstfond, and Ny Carlsbergfondet.

📸 Operation 8

Photos from lím collective's post 14/05/2024

Pop by until 8pm tonight to explore Meanwhile, senses are organised - a collection of collaborative work of artists, activists, and organisers working intimately and structurally with and within systems of care. Thanks to curator Nina Wöhlk from ARIEL - Feminisms in the Aesthetics, a nomadic platform for curation and learning for engaging introductions to the artists and the field of socially engaged practices.

“Meanwhile, senses are organised” presents performative, digital, and graphic modalities, the artistic work examines invisible structures from two specific care-based environments in the UK and Denmark. The projects revolve around sensemaking in the context of complex data systems that govern for whom and how healthcare can be accessed, as well as in the context of collective cartographies of embodied knowledges of space. By way of addressing opaqueness in power structures, sensing as making sense and as a means to form agency, “Meanwhile, senses are organised” points to new awareness of what defines our care contexts.

‘Meanwhile, senses are organised’ is initiated by lím collective and co-curated with ARIEL - Feminisms in the Aesthetics.

The project is kindly supported by Kulturkanten, Region Nordjylland, Aalborg Kommune, Statens Kunstfond, and Ny Carlsbergfondet.

Thanks for Operation 8 for engaging documentation of the day!


Vi har arrangeret en improviseret omvisning i Meanwhile, senses are organised på udstillingens sidste dag i morgen tirsdag 14/05 kl. 13:00-14:00 i Tilgang på Huset i Hasserisgade.

Det ville glæde os at se jer til en kop kaffe og omvisning, hvis nogen skulle have lyst og tid til at kigge forbi her på falderebet 💜

Udstillingen viser værk skabt i samarbejde med sundheds og socialsektoren i Danmark og England, bl.andet med bidrag fra den engelsk-japanske kunstnergruppe YoHa som har arbejdet med kunstneriske samarbejder i sundhedsfeltet i over 30 år.

📸 Operation 8

Photos from lím collective's post 13/05/2024

Inga Gerner Nielsen og Sóley Ragnarsdóttir er huskunstnere på Fountain House Enggården i Thy, som er en del af LAP - lím artist placement 2024. I april og maj afholdtes to tre-dages workshops for medlemmerne på Enggårdens kreative enhed Skærlund. Her følger logbogsnoter fra første workshop i april:

Dag #1
"Vi begyndte første dag med at deltage i den daglige morgenmøde, hvor medlemmer af Enggården informerer hinanden om dagen. Huset drives af medarbejdere og medlemmer i fællesskab og hvor ansvaret tages af de, som har dagsformen til det. Efter en sang til at afrunde mødet, fulgtes vi til fods ned af grusvejen til den kreative enhed Skærlund. Huset har været aflukket for nyligt pga. en nedskæring i støtten fra Thisted Kommune, og hvor workshoppen skabte en midlertidig genåbning af huset.

Vi begyndte workshoppen med at Sóley fortalte om hvordan hun arbejder med at skabe mønstre af sin enorme samling af servietter og tapeter. Hun introducerede til enkle teknikker til at skabe mønstre med afsæt i Skærlunds eget arkiv af billeder skabt af tidligere medlemmer. Opgaven var, at skabe mønstre med inspiration fra hvad Enggården betyder for dem."


This Thursday at 6 PM, we warmly invite you to the opening of Meanwhile, senses are organised at Huset i Hasserisgade - a gathering of collaborative work by artists, activists and organisers working on and within systems of care.

Through performative, digital and graphic modalities the artistic work examines invisible structures of institutionalised care. From two specific care-based environments in The UK and Denmark the projects unfolds artistic approaches for sensemaking in the context of complex data systems, that govern for whom and how healthcare can be accessed, as well as in collective cartographies for mapping embodied knowledges of space. By way of addressing opaqueness of power structures as well as sensing as a form of agency "Meanwhile, senses are organised" points to new nodes in our care contexts.

"Meanwhile, senses are organised" presents collaborative work by artists YoHa - Matsuko Yokojoji and Graham Harwood, Alex/ Alexandra Jonsson, Cliff Hammett, graphic designer Kamilla Mez and community workers Clara Dybbroe Viltoft and Erica Figueiredo. The project is initiated by lím collective in collaboration with Hjerterummet Blå Kors and co-curated by ARIEL - Feminisms in the Aesthetics

Photos from Zonesister's post 13/03/2024

Zonesister / Sara Hagins collab with Aalborg Universitetshospital continues. We cannot wait!
Supported by Statens Kunstfond TrygFonden Region Nordjylland

Photos from lím collective's post 30/01/2024

Sneak peak into future performative moments extending the exciting and important work Body Tongues Techno_Rage, a micro-residency research and performative moments by Sall Lam Toro, Suzie The Cockroach, and Fazle Shairmahomed and Keiria Hissabu.


Det glæder os at kunne dele denne spændende artikel hos NORDJYSKE om Inga Gerner Nielsens kunstneriske arbejde med sygeplejeuddannelsen i Hjørring, som har fokus på mødet mellem kunstneriske praksisser og sundhedssektoren og hvilke nye refleksioner dette kan bringe. Læs mere her: https://bitly.ws/38c89

I foråret 2024 skal Inga Gerner Nielsen sammen billedkunstneren Sóley Ragnarsdóttir, som en del af Lím Artist Placement (LAP), udforske modeller og mønstre bag selvorganiserede psykiatriske tilbud sammen med medlemmer af det socialpsykiatriske institution Enggården i Thy. LAP er et pilotprojekt, der undersøger nye samarbejdsformer mellem samtidskunstnere og omsorgsfælleskaber i og omkring sundheds- og socialsektoren i Nordjylland. Læs mere her: https://limcollective.info/lap

Egholm-beboere i brev til EU: - Beskyt vores truede dyr 18/12/2023

Egholm-beboere i brev til EU: - Beskyt vores truede dyr De vil gerne passe på den lysbugede knortegås og strandtudsen 🦆🐸💜

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Videoer (vis alle)

#Repost @noahholtegaard with @use.repost・・・4.48 Dysphoria examines the pathologization of gender nonconformity and the i...
#Repost @noahholtegaard with @use.repost・・・4.48 Dysphoria examines the pathologization of gender nonconformity and the i...
#Repost @noahholtegaard with @use.repost・・・4.48 Dysphoria examines the pathologization of gender nonconformity and the i...
#Repost @noahholtegaard with @use.repost・・・4.48 Dysphoria examines the pathologization of gender nonconformity and the i...
#Repost @noahholtegaard with @use.repost・・・4.48 Dysphoria examines the pathologization of gender nonconformity and the i...
#Repost @noahholtegaard with @use.repost・・・4.48 Dysphoria examines the pathologization of gender nonconformity and the i...
📣 Pressemeddelelse på @idoartdk af @ariel_feminisms om @soleygendary & @ingagerner udstilling, som er en del af @lim_col...



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