CBS Vamos

CBS Vamos seeks to promote relevant academic, social and professional events tailored to students interested in Latin America.

Besides that, we intend to create a network of students, professionals and academics who want to make an impact in the region.

Photos from CBS Vamos's post 10/11/2021

Hola Network!

We are looking for new members to join us and help relaunch our beautiful society
So if you have any interest in Latin America and wish to meet with other like-minded individuals (and speak some Spanish) do not hesitate and send us your CV + a short message as to what you could bring to the organization and which position you are applying for to [email protected]

If you have any questions about the positions please feel free to contact us directly on DM, Instagram or email.


We are looking for participants!

Universum is an international company who is currently recruiting CBS students to find out about your career expectations, motivations and preferred companies.

Your participation is important as you could be their next hire 😊

Please follow the link:

For any questions you can reach out to [email protected]

This survey is independent and anonymous and is held in collaboration with Universum – Employer Branding consultancy.

Photos from CBS Vamos's post 02/11/2021

💀 Feliz Dia de los Mu***os 💀
or Day of the Dead is one of Mexico´s most important celebrations.
During the brief period between the 31st of October til November 2nd, the souls of the dead awaken and return to the living world to feast, drink, dance and play music with their loved ones.
It is a blend of Mesoamerican ritual, European religion and Spanish culture where calaveras 💀 are the most prominent symbols.

You can read more about it here:


Who are we?
We are a Student Society at CBS that focuses on Latin America and wishes to connect and create an ever-growing network of students, professors, professionals, organizations and businesses that have an interest in what goes on in Central and South America.

Are you looking to be part of our Society?
There are different ways to achieve that:
- You can be a passive member and follow our social networks to keep yourself informed.
- Join us in our events and meet-ups to just chill and get to meet latinos living in CPH
- Become a volunteer and help out creating content, organizing events and establish relations with partners
We will open recruitment soon so stay tuned!

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