Kemisk Institut KU - Dept. of Chemistry UCPH

As the largest chem

The Department of Chemistry at the University of Copenhagen is a combined research and educational institution training bachelors, masterstudents and PhDs to the highest vocational standards within all fields of the molecular sciences.

Photos from Kemisk Institut KU - Dept. of Chemistry UCPH's post 12/09/2024

Congratulations to Professor Knud J. Jensen on being elected president of the European Peptide Society in May for a 4-year term. The European Peptide Society (EPS) was founded in 1989 to provide a legal framework for activities held by scientists in the field of peptides, who had previously met informally at the European Peptide Symposia, which have been held since 1958. The European Peptide Society has around 2,500 members and holds a major symposium every other year, with the most recent one held in Florence, where there were more than 1,000 participants. Professor Knud J. Jensen is the first Scandinavian to be elected president of the European Peptide Society.


The Department of Chemistry, UCPH and the Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University have joined forces to create modern, innovative teaching materials for chemistry in Danish high schools! Christine Brænder Almstrup is the project leader at the University of Copenhagen, and Mie Olsen is the project leader at Aarhus University. This initiative is generously funded by The Novo Nordisk Foundation, who recognize the importance of inspiring students to delve deeper into the fascinating world of chemistry.

The name “Alt er kemi” (‘Everything is Chemistry) highlights the importance of understanding chemistry, as it is present in everything around us. It also emphasizes the points made by Nobel Laureate Professor Morten Meldal. The new logo features both blue and red colors to symbolise the collaborative effort between Copenhagen University (KU) and Aarhus University (AU). Our project ‘Alt er Kemi’ aims to present the chemistry curriculum through engaging topics that highlight chemistry's relevance to humans and society, such as its potential solutions for the climate, environmental crisis, and health, as well as its scientific importance, illustrated by the work of passionate researchers. The website , where the Educational Materials will eventually be published has been bought.

If you have any questions regarding the project, you are welcome to drop Christine Brænder Almstrup an e-mail ([email protected]).

Physical chemistry textbook now free to download as a ‘gift’ to the community 26/05/2024

Physical chemistry textbook now free to download as a ‘gift’ to the community

University of Oxford chemist Peter Atkins has made the digital version of his book Concepts in Physical Chemistry free to download.

The retired Oxford professor said he had opted to give the e-book away – as part of a special collaboration with the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) – as a ‘gift and a thanks to the community’ who have given his other books a ‘loyal following’ over the years. ‘On reflection, I can also see that this is a way of reaching out to people who simply can’t afford the big book,’ he said, which sells for £75 in hardback.

Physical chemistry textbook now free to download as a ‘gift’ to the community Peter Atkins gives away Concepts in Physical Chemistry in collaboration with the Royal Society of Chemistry


Welcome to Sara Almudena López Paz who started as a tenure track assistant professor by April 1st, 2024.

Sara holds an MSc in Physics and a PhD in Chemistry from the Complutense University of Madrid in Spain, for her work on magnetic and superconducting cuprate-type materials. She later developed an interest in soft chemistry routes for the design of low-dimensional magnets during her stay at Kyoto University. In the last years, she was a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Geneva searching for new van der Waals magnetic materials.

Now she plans to continue exploring new low dimensional quantum magnets and unconventional superconductors in the inorganic section at CHEM, where she is setting up a solid-state chemistry laboratory for the preparation and characterization of novel quantum materials. Her research relies on advanced crystal growth techniques and on detailed structural and electronic characterization by combining electrons, X-rays, neutrons, and muons. Sara will also be part of the ESS neutron lighthouse QMAT.

“CHEM offers unique perspectives for the study of quantum materials with new capabilities. The participation of research networks with neighbor departments and the oncoming ESS facility makes the University of Copenhagen an exciting place to make science". When not in the lab, Sara enjoys exploring natural landscapes and local flea markets for hidden gems


Welcome to Olga Garmash who has started as a tenure track assistant professor at the Kemisk Institut KU - Dept. of Chemistry UCPH, Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen.

Olga comes from a position as a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Atmospheric Sciences at the University of Washington, US. She obtained her B.Eng. in Environmental Engineering from Tampere University of Applied Sciences, Finland, and her M. Sc. and PhD degree in Atmospheric Sciences from the University of Helsinki, Finland.

Olga's research is focused on the formation and evolution of secondary organic aerosols. The plan is that she will build a laboratory to investigate detailed secondary organic oxidation chemistry and its effect on particle formation and growth. She will have a specific focus on urban-remote boundary conditions.

Titles of Olga Garmash's theses

Ph.D., Atmospheric Sciences, University of Helsinki, Finland: "Mass Spectrometry Studies on Vapours Forming Atmospheric Aerosol Particles"

M. Sc., Atmospheric Sciences. University of Helsinki, Finland: "The Formation of Extremely Low-Volatility Organic Compounds in Oxidation of Aromatics: Implications on Secondary Organic Aerosol"


Last week we celebrated our Nobel Prize Laureate professor Morten Meldal, Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen 70th birthday with friends, colleagues, and students.

“I have known Morten Meldal for 40 years since we first met as postgraduate students at a conference in Greece back in about 1984. Now, with Morten having won the Nobel Prize, we are all incredibly proud of him, but more so because for him, it's a wonderful opportunity to be an advocate for both chemistry and peptide chemistry in general. More importantly, he's a fabulous role model for the younger generation, they can look up to him and see what he has achieved, and that they too can live their dreams as well” Professor John Wade, The Florey

Thanks to the organizers, the speakers, and all the participants for making the two-day symposium a great experience and with scientific discussions at the highest level.

And thanks to the symposium sponsors - Carlsbergfondet and Torkil Holms Fond.

Københavns Universitet - Kurser 04/04/2024

Intruktorer til Kemisk Instituts studiecafé

Læs det fulde jobopslag her:

Kemisk Institut ved Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet (SCIENCE), Københavns Universitet søger instruktorer til Kemisk Instituts studiecafé. Der søges 8-12 instruktorer med et brændende ønske om at hjælpe. Kemisk Institut tilbyder lektiehjælp til alle førsteårskurser samt udvalgte andetårskurser på bacheloruddannelsen i kemi, medicinalkemi og nanoscience.
Studiecaféen afholdes hver fredag i undervisningsugerne i blok 1-4 kl. 13.00-15.00 på HCØ. Kursusbeskrivelser for de enkelte kurser er offentliggjort på

Arbejdet består i at hjælpe de studerende med forefaldende arbejde i de pågældende kurser: Primært de ugentlige afleveringsopgaver samt hjælp til generelle spørgsmål til pensum. Som instruktor har man adgang til opgaver og evt. facitlister på forhånd. Lektiehjælpen foregår i en afslappet atmosfære, og det forventes man kan deltage i en faglig diskussion med de studerende, ud over det forventede pensum for dagen.

Stillingerne kan søges af:
Du er bachelorstuderende på 3. år eller kandidatstuderende i kemi, nanoscience, medicinalkemi eller en tilsvarende uddannelse. Det er et krav, at du er studerende.

Er du interesseret i stillingen beder vi dig sende en ansøgning bilagt bevis på indskrivning, via Jobportalen (tryk på linket "SØG STILLINGEN" nederst i opslaget), så den er universitetet i hænde senest den 29.4.2024.
Ansættelsessamtaler vil finde sted medio juni.
Universitetet ønsker at afspejle det omgivende samfund og opfordrer alle uanset personlig baggrund til at søge stillingen.

Københavns Universitet - Kurser Københavns Universitet er med cirka 40.000 studerende og 9.000 medarbejdere en af Nordens største forsknings- og uddannelsesinstitutioner.


Kemisk Institut KU - Dept. of Chemistry UCPH, congratulates professor Morten Meldal with Selskabet for Naturlærens Udbredelse - SNU awarding him with the H.C. Ørsted Gold Medal for outstanding contributions to chemistry, and to the support of Carlsbergfondet Ørsted Memorial Grant and Kongehuset.


Kom til "Science for Breakfast" med Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet

"Kritiske Råstoffer".
Udforsk den voksende efterspørgsel efter kritisk vigtige råstoffer til den grønne omstilling og behovet for at udvikle nye energimaterialer til solceller og batterier.

Minedrift spiller en central rolle i at drive den grønne omstilling og pt. er 80 % af verdens miner til sjældne jordarters metaller på kinesiske hænder. For at nå i mål med den grønne omstilling har vi både brug råstoffer og energieffektive materialer til solceller og elbiler.

Kom med til SCIENCE for Breakfast, når Kristoffer Szilas fortæller, hvordan den grønne omstilling afhænger af minedrift, Kirsten Marie Ørnbjerg Jensen taler om brugen af nanoteknologi til design af nye energimaterialer. Jens Højgaard Christoffersen, COWI, fortæller, hvordan virksomheden vil arbejde med bæredygtig minedrift i Grønland.

Tid: Tirsdag den 9. april kl. 8.15-9.30. Kaffe og croissant fra kl. 8.00.
Sted: Festauditoriet, Bülowsvej 17, 1870 Frederiksberg C

Tilmeld dig her:


Great to have a visit by the The Higher Education and Research Committee, Folketinget to experience and discuss chemistry, science, and research Kemisk Institut KU - Dept. of Chemistry UCPH together with Nobel Laureate Morten Meldal


Et helt år har du ventet på årets event! Men nu er det endelig tid til KemiRevy 2024!

Er du klar til tidsrejsen tilbage til HCØ? Lever Bendix, og er vasken stadig intakt? Tag en af dine venner fra studietiden under armen, en guldøl i hver hånd og kom til et brag af en revy!
Billet koster 85kr.
Billetter kan købes online, og i vandrehallen på HC. Ørstedinstituttet fra 12.15-13. i hverdagene ugen op til premieren.

Premiere fredag:

Lørdags forestilling

PhD fellowship in Biophysics 21/01/2024

Job opening

“PhD Project in quantitative imaging of GPCR mechanosensation”

Department of Chemistry, UCPH - Kemisk Institut, Københavns Universitet invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in quantitative imaging of GPCR signaling. The project is part of the research project “GPCRmec: Quantitative investigation of GPCR mechanosensation”, which is financed by the Novo Nordisk Foundation (Interdisciplinary Synergy Programme).

The deadline for applications is 27/1 2024, 23:59 GMT +1

Start date is (expected to be) 1/5 2024or as soon as possible thereafter.

The project

GPCRs are membrane proteins that take part in a myriad of physiological processes and are thus involved in numerous pathologies, which makes them the targets of about 36% of all FDA-approved drugs. This PhD project aims to investigate the role of GPCR mechanosensation in tissue-specificity GPCR pharmacology.

The project will be based on high-throughput processing of fluorescence images for the quantitative detection of multiple signaling pathways in single living cells. It will include the establishment of novel assays for the detection of mechanosensation at the subcellular level.

Principal supervisor is Associate Professor Karen Martinez, Department of Chemistry, [email protected], +

The PhD programme

Depending of your level of education, you can undertake the PhD programme as either:

Option A: A three year full-time study within the framework of the regular PhD programme (5+3 scheme), if you already have an education equivalent to a relevant Danish master’s degree.

Option B: An up to five year full-time study programme within the framework of the integrated MSc and PhD programme (the 3+5 scheme), if you do not have an education equivalent to a relevant Danish master´s degree – but you have an education equivalent to a Danish bachelors´s degree.

Read the full job post:

PhD fellowship in Biophysics Department of Chemistry invites applicants for a PhD fellowship in quantitative imaging of GPCR signaling. The project is part of the research project “GPCRmec: Quantitative investigation of GPCR mechanosensation”, which is financed by Novonordisk Foundation (Interdisciplinary Synergy Programme)...


In 2022, Professor Morten Meldal, University of Copenhagen was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry alongside Professor Barry Sharpless, Scripps Research and Professor Carolyn Bertozzi, Stanford University, for the invention and development of "click chemistry.", and he became only the 14th Danish Nobel laureate.

Today January 16, Meldal celebrates his 70th birthday.

Since receiving the medal and diploma from the Swedish king, Carl XVI Gustav, on December 10, 2022, at the Nobel Prize ceremony in Stockholm, Meldal has traveled extensively abroad to give lectures. But there has still been time to focus on research and teaching students, says Meldal, who became a professor at the University of Copenhagen in 2011.

"It is a great privilege for someone turning 70 to be able to be with all the young people. They come with a lot of flexibility in the mind," he says.

Morten Meldal has published over 300 publications and holds 21 patents. In addition to research, he has also been involved in founding several companies.

Pernille Harris, , Kemisk Institut KU - Dept. of Chemistry UCPHH - Kemisk Institut, Københavns Universitet says:" At the Department of Chemistry we are extremely proud of our Nobel Laureate and we are looking forward to celebrating Morten with a symposium in April".


Er du som studerende på udkig efter et kollegieværelse? Måske er Elers kollegium noget for dig.


Morten Meldal Symposium 2024

In October 2022, Professor Morten Meldal achieved the pinnacle of scientific recognition by receiving the prestigious Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his groundbreaking discovery and development of click chemistry.

Professor Meldal turns 70 in 2024 and the Department of Chemistry, UCPH - Kemisk Institut, Københavns Universitet wishes to honor and celebrate him, by hosting an international symposium on the 15th-16th of April, 2024. The symposium will encompass a diverse scientific program focusing on organic chemistry and chemical biology, as well as stories around Professor Meldal and his career.

The conference will be hosted at the H.C. Ørsted Building, Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen, Universitetsparken 5, Copenhagen.

Registration for the symposium is mandatory and the deadline for registration is 1/3-2024. Use the link below for registration.


Department of Chemistry, UCPH - Kemisk Institut, Københavns Universitet congratulates Professor Dimitrios Stamou on receiving 20 million DKK from one of Denmark's largest brain research programs, the LF Professorships from the Lundbeckfonden / Lundbeck Foundation.

"The grants enable the recipients to investigate an area within brain research by building a scientific environment involving younger researchers who will get the opportunity to unfold their talent. The three recipients were selected from a total of 21 applicants, and their projects contain truly exciting aspects within brain research, which is the Lundbeck Foundation's specific focus area," says Peter Thostrup.

Professor Dimitrios Stamou is a specialist in nanoparticles. In his project, he intends to use nanoparticles to investigate the functional patterns of naturally occurring molecular pumps. In humans and other mammals, these molecular pumps are responsible, among other things, for sodium-potassium transport across cell membranes, thereby regulating ion concentrations in nerve cells. Molecular pumps play a crucial role in the neural networks of the brain. The assumption has been that these pumps work continuously. However, Dimitrios Stamou has developed an ultrasensitive measurement method that he has used to show that this is not always the case. He aims to use nanoparticles to examine the details of the functional patterns of molecular pumps. The hope is that by doing so, it will be possible to understand how irregularities in the functional patterns of molecular pumps contribute to neurodegenerative diseases, providing insights into new forms of medication for these conditions.

Read the full post:


Johannes Brønsteds 1923 paper on acids and bases

“Einige Bemerkungen über den Begriff der Säuren und Basen”

has been selected to receive one of 2023’s American Chemical Society’s Division of the History of Chemistry’s Citation for Chemical Breakthrough awards.

Johannes Brønsted’s work was groundbreaking. Acids and bases are one of the few concepts in chemistry that are used every day and everywhere. You learn about it in school and you use it all the time – no matter what kind of chemistry you work with. The ACS Division of History of Chemistry has given us an occasion to remind that to ourselves.

Together with DTU Chemistry and hosted by IDA Kemi we celebrated the award with a small symposium. Huge thank you to Per Waaben Hansen for arranging this.

Professor Knud J. Jensen fra ACS Division of the History of Chemistry handed over a picture of the award to the Head of Department Erling Stenby and Head of Department Pernille Harris.

Researchers invent "methane cleaner": Could become a permanent fixture in cattle and pig barns 19/12/2023

Congratulations to Professor Matthew Johnson, at the Department of Chemistry, UCPH - Kemisk Institut, Københavns Universitet with the publication “A high-efficiency gas phase photoreactor for eradication of methane from low-concentration sources” in Environmental Research letters.

In a spectacular new study, Professor Matthew S Johnson, Ph.D. Hugo Russell and MSc. Morten Krogsbøll the Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen have used light and chlorine to eradicate low-concentration methane from the air. The result gets us closer to being able to remove greenhouse gases from livestock housing, biogas production plants, and wastewater treatment plants to benefit the climate.

A unique new method developed by a research team at the University of Copenhagen’s Department of Chemistry and spin-out company Ambient Carbon has succeeded in removing methane from air.

"A large part of our methane emissions comes from millions of low-concentration point sources like cattle and pig barns. In practice, methane from these sources has been impossible to concentrate into higher levels or remove. But our new result proves that it is possible using the reaction chamber that we’ve have built," says Matthew Stanley Johnson, the UCPH atmospheric chemistry professor who led the study.

Earlier, Johnson presented the research results at COP 28 in Dubai via an online connection and in Washington D.C. at the National Academy of Sciences, which advises the US government on science and technology.

Read the full report:

The research has just been published in the journal Environmental Research Letters, and you can use the link to download the paper.

DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ad0e33

Researchers invent "methane cleaner": Could become a permanent fixture in cattle and pig barns In a spectacular new study, researchers from the University of Copenhagen have used light and chlorine to eradicate low-concentration methane from air. The result gets us closer to being able to remove greenhouse gases from livestock housing, biogas production plants and wastewater treatment plants....

Dansk Kemi—Side 12 22/11/2023

Smog fra Bispeengbuen i København ryger direkte ind i stuen

En stor del af den massive bilforurening fra indfaldsvejen Bispeengbuen i København ryger direkte ind i folks hjem. Det viser særlige målinger lavet af forskere fra Københavns Universitet. Måleapparatet, som en af forskerne selv står bag, kan udfylde vores mangel på viden om lokal luftforurening.

Luftforurening slår over 4000 danskere ihjel før tid hvert år. Men lokalt har vi et ringe overblik over, hvor mange sundhedsskadelige stoffer, der er i den luft, vi trækker ned i lungerne. For i dag måler vi kun luftforurening på 14 udvalgte steder i Danmark.

Kemikere fra Københavns Universitet satte derfor egne måleapparater op på et særligt sted i hovedstaden, hvor luftkvaliteten ellers ikke måles: Nemlig ved motortrafikvejen Bispeengbuen - en af de vigtigste indfaldsveje til København, som fører igennem tæt bebyggede boligområder ind i hjertet af byen. Og forureningen fra de 50-70.000 biler, som hver dag kører hen over den sekssporede vejbro, ryger direkte ind i boliger, som ligger tæt på den. Det indikerer studiet anført af kemistuderende Frederik Hildebrand fra Københavns Universitet. Studiet er udgivet i tidsskriftet Dansk Kemi.

Forskerne placerede en række måleapparater dels langs Bispeengbuen, dels direkte uden for en beboet lejlighed 35 meter fra vejen samt inde i et af lejlighedens værelser. I over fire uger målte apparaterne, som er udviklet af forskere fra Kemisk Institut, niveauerne af forurenende stoffer i luften.

”I lejligheden stod måleapparatet i et opbevaringsrum, hvor der ikke var nogen personer inde, og hvor døre og vinduer var lukkede i hele perioden. Her fandt vi en tæt korrelation mellem den indendørs og udendørs luftforurening. Det vil sige, at luftforureningen kom direkte udefra og ind i rummet, selvom det altså havde været lukket helt af. Det var overraskende,” siger Frederik Hildebrand.

Læs hele historien her:

Studiet er udgivet i tidsskriftet Dansk Kemi.

Dansk Kemi—Side 12 Den digitale udgave af magasinet "Dansk Kemi". Dækker kemiens udvikling inden for industri, forskning og uddannelse.


Are you a student looking for a new place to stay, this might be something for you.

Studenterstudievejledere til kemisk institut 21/10/2023


Studentermedhjælpere til Kemisk Institut

Kemisk Institut ved Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet (SCIENCE), Københavns Universitet søger 2-4 studenterstudievejledere med tiltrædelse 1. december eller 1. marts.

Deadline for ansøgning: senest den 15. januar, 2024 – gerne før.
Den ugentlige arbejdstid er gennemsnitligt vil højst være 15 timer.
Timelønnen er 208,357 kr. (1. oktober 2023-niveau).

Dine arbejdsopgaver
Dine arbejdsopgaver vil være med fokus på formidling af kemi, medicinalkemi og/eller nanoscience. Dine arbejdsopgaver omfatter bl.a.
• Modtagelse af skoleklasser og gymnasieklasser med mundtlig præsentation af kemi, medicinalkemi og nanoscience.
• Besøg i skoleklasser og gymnasieklasser med mundtlig præsentation af kemi, medicinalkemi og nanoscience.
• Planlægning og udførelse af besøg af gymnnasieelever og -lærere der besøger Kemisk Institut som studiepraktikanter, SOP, SRP, KemiOL eller inspirationsdage osv.
• Øvrige praktiske opgaver fx i forbindelse med afvikling af arrangementer.
• Diverse ad hoc-opgaver.

Vi forventer
• Du har mindst 2 års studier tilbage af dit studie.
• Interesse for at formidle naturvidenskab til gymnasieelever og elever i grundskolen.
• Gå-på-mod til at løse opgaver i et team og lyst til at løse både store og små opgaver,
• Gode kommunikationsevner både mundtligt og skriftligt.
Vi tilbyder
• Spændende job, hvor du vil få mulighed for selv at præge dine arbejdsopgaver.
• Et udviklingsorienteret og internationalt miljø med en uhøjtidelig omgangstone.
• Arbejdstiderne aftales ad hoc, så de passer ind med dit studie. Der udvises fleksibilitet i eksamensperioder

Læs det fulde jobopslag her:

Studenterstudievejledere til kemisk institut Kemisk Institut ved Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet (SCIENCE), Københavns Universitet søger 2-4 studenterstudievejledere med tiltrædelse 1. december eller 1. marts.


Three researchers at SCIENCE have received funding from the Novo Nordisk Foundation's Research Infrastructure Programme.
One of them is Professor Knud Jørgen Jensen, CHEM for the “Peptide Foundry” receiving a DKK 8,539,618 grant.

This year, the Foundation is awarding 11 grants for the establishment of first-class research infrastructure that can form the basis for groundbreaking research at Danish research institutions. The funds allocated include the cost of both the advanced equipment and technical personnel who can ensure that the infrastructure produces results of exceptional quality.

"By awarding these grants, we aim to enable the creation of state-of-the-art technology hubs. These hubs will provide new knowledge to advance our understanding of important basic research questions and help to develop innovative technical solutions," says Lene Oddershede, Senior Vice President, Natural and Technical Sciences, Novo Nordisk Foundation

The supported facilities will offer open access for both public research institutions and industry. This will be of particular benefit to the larger research environments, as they act as platforms for generating new knowledge and encouraging collaboration.

Congratulations to Professor Knud Jørgen Jensen.


During the upcoming annual commemoration on 10th November 2023, Professor Paul Dupree from the University of Cambridge will receive an honorary doctorate in natural science from the Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen.

The honorary doctorate is in recognition of Prof. Dupree's outstanding contributions to unraveling the complex structure of the plant cell wall and the enzymes involved in its degradation and synthesis and extensive collaborations and networking with researchers at the Department of Chemistry as well as Plant and Environmental Sciences and Geosciences and Natural Resource Management. Prof Dupree applies a truly interdisciplinary approach ranging from advanced analytical chemistry to biochemistry and genetics and is a scientist of exceptional integrity. The fundamental insights on the chemistry of the natural world arising from Prof Dupree's work have also wide-ranging implications for overcoming many challenges in achieving sustainable production of food and materials. The Department of Chemistry congratulates Prof Dupree and looks forward to future collaborations.

Prof Dupree will be giving a seminar on 9. November at 15.00 in Auditorium 5 at the HCØ building, Department of Chemistry, University of Copenhagen


Skal du være et geni til matematik?


On the 22. September there was inauguration of the Novo Nordisk foundation NMR facility at the department of chemistry. Center head Prof. Mikael Bols presented the new facility for interested users.
High quality and modern NMR instruments are essential for research in organic and inorganic chemistry and the Novo Nordisk foundation NMR facility will provide that thanks to the generosity of the Novo Nordisk Foundation. The vision behind the facility was to strengthen and consolidate the NMR capabilities of the Department of Chemistry as it moves into the Niels Bohr building – the facility is also open to external users.

The instruments are:
1. One 500 MHz instrument optimized for proton detection. This obviously would give a higher sensitivity on proton spectra than is previously available but also on all 2D spectra that rely on proton detection – Noesy, Roesy, Tocsy etc.

2. One 500 MHz instrument with broadband probe for multinuclear detection and valuable for studying inorganic and organometallic substances.

3. One 400 MHz instrument for routine spectra.
The instruments are open for use now – interested users can contact Christian Tortzen ([email protected]). For external users technical assistance to run the spectra is provided. It is free, but the facility must be acknowledged in any publications: Novo Nordisk Foundation NMR facility at the Department of Chemistry (Grant: NNF21OC0067315).


Celebration of Nobel Laurate Morten Meldal's Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2022.


Hvordan kan et grundstof egentlig være kunstigt? Så er det vel egentlig ikke længere et grundstof... eller? 🤔

Dagens gode undren kommer fra miniforskerne Mio på 9 år og Mikkel på 7 år.

De har i samarbejde med Videnskabsklubben fået lov at stille deres bedste spørgsmål til og får i denne artikel svar fra Anders Døssing, som er lektor på Kemisk Institut KU - Dept. of Chemistry UCPH.

Læs hans forklaring på drengenes undren her 👉
.. eller send jeres eget gode spørgsmål til [email protected], så kan det være, at det også bliver taget op af journalisterne på og ender som en artikel! 🤩


Har du brug for et relevant studiejob?

”KU på besøg” er et nyt brobygningstilbud fra Københavns Universitet, hvor studerende overtager et helt gymnasium for en dag og underviser gymnasieeleverne i et emne fra deres uddannelse, som de synes er mest interessant. De fortæller også om deres liv som studerende – fagligt og socialt.

Læs mere om jobbet her:

'Vi var overraskede, da det virkede': Bageingrediens kan bruges til at genanvende materialer i tøj 04/08/2023

Tillykke til Jiwoong Lee gruppen med opdagelsen.

'Vi var overraskede, da det virkede': Bageingrediens kan bruges til at genanvende materialer i tøj Forskere på Københavns Universitet har fundet en metode, der betyder, at materialerne i polyester kan genanvendes.

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Videoer (vis alle)

Last week we celebrated our Nobel Prize Laureate professor Morten Meldal, Københavns Universitet - University of Copenha...
Et helt år har du ventet på årets event! Men nu er det endelig tid til KemiRevy 2024!Er du klar til tidsrejsen tilbage t...
Johannes Brønsteds 1923 paper on acids and bases “Einige Bemerkungen über den Begriff der Säuren und Basen”has been sele...
Skal du være et geni til matematik?
Celebration of Nobel Laurate Morten Meldal's Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2022.
Har du brug for et relevant studiejob?”KU på besøg” er et nyt brobygningstilbud fra Københavns Universitet, hvor studere...
The Department of Chemistry's gala party is the Department's annual gathering point for students and employees. In festi...
Josef and Line talk about Nanoscience
Ida and Laia talk about Chemistry
The show must go on
Kom til Kulturnatten på fredag og oplev Nobelpris modtager Morten Meldal præsentere click-kemi og se kemishow.  Find mer...

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Copenhagen, 1456

Ignite your love of learning, further your academics, and develop intercultural understanding.

Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen Københavns Universitet - University of Copenhagen
Nørregade 10
Copenhagen, 1165

Forskning fra Københavns Universitet skal være til gavn for borgere og samfund.

KUB Samf KUB Samf
Gothersgade 140
Copenhagen, 1123

Det Samfundsvidenskabelige Fakultetsbibliotek – en del af Københavns Universitetsbibliotek – dækker Antropologi, Psykologi, Sociologi, Statskundskab og Økonomi (og hjælper Folkesun...

Litteratur & Likør Litteratur & Likør
Nordisk Kaffebar, KUA

Litteratur & Likør - studiekredsen på Dansk er de studerendes helt egen studiekreds på Institut

Center for Køn, Seksualitet og Forskellighed Center for Køn, Seksualitet og Forskellighed
Emil Holms Kanal 2
Copenhagen, 2300

Nyheder og informationer fra Center for Køn, Seksualitet og Forskellighed på Københavns Universitet.

Det Kongelige Akademi - Institut for Bygningskunst og Design Det Kongelige Akademi - Institut for Bygningskunst og Design
Phillip De Langes Allé 10
Copenhagen, 1435

Institut for Bygningskunst og Design ved Det Kongelige Akademi. Her kan du følge med i instituttets programmer, forskning og kunstnerisk udviklingsvirksomhed.

Niels Brock Executive Niels Brock Executive
Nørre Voldgade 34
Copenhagen, 1358

Hos Niels Brock Executive tilbyder vi MBA og bestyrelsesuddannelser med over 10 års erfaring.

Studerende på Københavns Universitet Studerende på Københavns Universitet

En side til dig, der er - eller overvejer at blive - studerende på Københavns Universitet 🎓🏛️

KU Lighthouse KU Lighthouse
Tagensvej 16A
Copenhagen, 2200

The Innovation Center of University of Copenhagen

CBS Africa CBS Africa
Solbjerg Plads 3

CBS Africa seeks to enhance the knowledge of the diverse African cultures while creating a network that bridges the gap between CBS students and the African business environment.

Center for Applied Ecological Thinking Center for Applied Ecological Thinking
Læderstræde 20
Copenhagen, 1201

Center for Applied Ecological Thinking is a humanities research center focused on sustainability.

Uskolen Uskolen
Fælledvej 13
Copenhagen, 2200

Uskolen er Det Poetiske Bureaus kursusakademi med fokus på litteratur, kunst, sprog og samfund. Med