
Talk Seat Media Room


You are the only person who can give yourself permission to feel inferior.


People should stop using religion to condemn spirituality.
Life is spiritual.
The moment you realize that spiritual controls the physical the better for on your spirituality.


As a woman, do not at any point in your life, confront another woman because of a man.
Own your own table and you will never beg for a seat.
Always be willing to walk away.


Are you an abusive woman?
As a man how would you know if you are dealing with an abusive woman.
Infact, abusive women are much more than people or the society might think.
Abusive women are harder to recognise because of the different form of abuse typically used by women.
The ways in which women use, usually are hidden and don't leave obvious wounds like a black eye.
This is mainly because of the different forms of abuse typically used by women.
Women abuse in subtler, less outward ways than men that can be difficult to spot.

It is also so easy to overlook an abusive woman.
This is because....Not only do women abuse in less obvious ways, but men are also typically very reluctant to admit to anyone (including themselves) that they’re being abused.
Abuse by a woman can be sneaky and chalked up to “just the way women are” or being “fickle.” But no matter how it’s explained, abuse is abuse, no matter who’s doing it.. even if it’s a woman.
Abusive women are demanding....demanding is selfish and having unrealistic expectations, and if the demands are not met she become aggressive, call the man names, pout, give him the cold shoulder, and withholding s*x. Whatever the response, its purpose is to condition or train him to do what she wants when she wants it done and not otherwise.

Demeaning and Belittling is sadly not uncommon for partners to put each other down and just excuse it as humor. Abusive women are very skilled at demeaning their partner in this kind of way.....they will do it infront of the children, guests, friends and even family....they look for chances to embarass and destroy the man's calling or put downs are common forms of this.
And the worst relationship killer is commonly used by abusive women and that is silent treatment....silent treatment is much much more worse which is an emotional choice not to communicate with their partner to hurt them.
Abusive women also use Withhold Affection & S€x. Abusive women commonly use this one to hurt or punish their man. While s*x should really only happen when both partners are feeling close to each other, willfully withholding s€x, to exercise power or hurt is wrong and damaging to the connection between partners.
Embarrassing their partner infront of people, they don't care about their partner's feelings and they always look for a chance that they can use to bring him down, be little him and disgrace him.

You do not have to be with the person who all you can do best is abuse.
Men are dying in silence, men don't know how to or who to talk to about the abuse because the society believes a man should not show their weakness, however, being vulnerable is not weekness.
To those abusive women out there, stop destroying our men.
They are the heads and they will always be with or without equality.
Treat your man with respect, stop being abusive to him just because he will not speak, and by doing so we gonna reduce more family killings.
A man killing the wife, children and later himself.
All this can be avoided, but, if you really can't, then leave another woman son alone and walk away.
Most men in abusive situations are there because they don't know how they will start explaining the abuse.
The society has also ignored the silent cry of a man which i believe something must be done.
Men are human beings and got feelings just like us women.
Enough for the boy child to die in silence.


A woman elegance is when her inside is as beautiful as the outside.
She is a doer
She is a believer
She is an achiever
As a woman you should focus on what you are good at.
Don't compete or compare yourself to no one.
Put effort and focus in what you do regardless the career.
Dedicate yourself to giving the it with passion.
Love what you do and again don't compare yourself with no one.
Remember no one is better than are the best version of yourself.
As far as you are doing your best then don't mind about public opinion.
Be happy
Be proud of you.
Be proud of your work.
Be proud of the most beautiful amazing woman you are because no one like you.


Courage is the power to let go of the familiar


Two things define you. Your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything.

Some change immediately they raise their head just a little and that's when you see their true colors

Same people when you they nothing or when they need your help would act like they are angels here on earth.

You have to be very careful out there not to let yourself misused by the same people who comes in form of "friends ".


Real men are catalysts to the growth of their women. It is one thing to see gold in it's raw state and recognise it is gold, it is another thing to work on it and make it glow.


Are you feeling frustrated because you are alone and you don't have that special person besides you today?
The only secret is to love you, to know that nothing is wrong with you and to stop comparing yourself with others.

Buy yourself fresh flowers.
Get yourself a bottle of champagne.
Treat yourself to a nice dinner.
Grab a packet of pop corns and go to the cinema....go to theatre.
Have that cosy evening in your home all by yourself.
Travel to that dream holiday destination....whatever it takes, spend on yourself and appreciate you.
You don't have to sit and wait for someone to do that for you.
You don't need to be in anyones company to do that...
Be your own beautiful company and most
importantly love you and always wear that smile.

Keel loving you guys.


Elevate your well-being with simple yet profound practices that will rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.
Create a morning routine
Talk to yourself positively
Set healthy boundaries
Celebrate your success.
Celebrate you
Choose you.
Be willing to walk away.
Don't beg for a sit.
Keep an attitude of gratitude.
Make your bed

Sparkle from within, radiate confidence, and cultivate a deep-seated love for the incredible person you are.


Focus + sacrifice = growth.
Most of us are stuck, in situations where we would like to change, but we can't. However if you focus your mind, on what you want,
then make the necessary sacrifice, growth is inevitable. As the week ends, and we begin a new one, think through this and start the week with courage and motivation and remember you can achieve anything if you plan and work towards it nothing is impossible to the willing
focus and Keep winning 👊💪


Speak Up, Speak Out and be counted!
Violence against girls, women and men is evitable ONLY when you choose not to remain SILENT.
If you feel vulnerable and need to talk to someone,
Don't hesitate give us a call
We are here to listen to you


Report Abuse,Say No to Abuse
Be Vulnerable Get Help!!


To those who transfer blame from one to another especially in relationships. When he or she left you, don't and never always spot blames your ex did to the current lover. Try as much as you can to open a new page, stop referring or pin pointing mistakes on the current. Some situations or mistakes may seem similar but he or she's not an angel. Give room for improvement and always adjust where necessary. In addition, learn to say sorry no matter who is wrong or right. Always smile and put your foot in your partner's shoe ...


Word of the Day ☑️☑️

Just because you are happy it does not mean that the day is perfect but that you have looked beyond its imperfections,
Be happy and light up the darkness within you
Have a wonderful weekend my Ninjas and Empresses and keep in mind that things will be okay at the end,if they ain't yet okay,it's not yet the End👊👊


Word of the Day

Vroooooooom 🔔🔔

Always be ready to survive alone,
some people suddenly change,
Today you are important to them, Tomorrow you are nothing to them and that is life
So elewa watu na utaishi poa don't expect a lot from people,keep in mind that you are the only trusted backup you g*t for you


As long as you feel that pain,it means that you are alive. As long as you make those mistakes, you are still human. And as long as you keep on trying, there is Hope
So do not let life challenges to paralyze you, instead allow them to help you discover who you are and remember it's okay to show your emotions


Speak out,and keep speaking out until you find the help that you need
Be Vulnerable,Get Help


Violence and abuse are poison to the society,let's make it STOP
Report Abuse,Say no to Abuse


In VIOLENCE we FORGET who we are


I am a victor of GBV ....
Having been a GBV victim..
I am a GBV advocate...
You too can be a victor of GBV
By saying no to ABUSE...
By reporting ABUSE....
By not condoning GBV
By the willingness to walk away from an abusive marriage/ relationships.
Do not continue being in an abusive relationship for whatever reason.
Keep choosing you all the time.


You can now set my audio IHINDA (Times) as your Skiza tune by sending the Word *Skiza 6910805* to 811

Photos from MareteTalkseat's post 16/05/2023



Happy Mothers Day


Always choose you☑️


Past behavior is a pretty reliable indicator of the future behavior,so be careful what you tolerate,Say no to what does not suit you

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