Klinik for japansk akupunktur

Klinik for japansk akupunktur

Japansk akupunktur i København Her behandles du, som det unikke individ, du er.

Japansk akupunktur kan være med til, at du kan genvinde dit gode helbred, opnå velvære, få mere energi, styrke dit immunforsvar og forebygge sygdomme. Allerede fra første behandling er vi i gang med at spore og behandle på årsagen til dine symptomer, samt at behandle symptomerne direkte. Jeg er uddannet i traditionel japansk akupunktur (Meridian Terapi / Keiraku Chiryo) og Shonishin (japansk akupunktur til børn).


Case: Persistent Diarrhea Treated With a Non Invasive Needle (Teishin).

An elderly woman came to the clinic complaining of suffering from several daily bouts (10-15 pr. day) of diarrhea which left here fatigued as well as hindered her in participating in social events and travelling. This had started 6 months ago after contracting an intestinal bacterial infection.

Abdomen: There was rubber like tension the size of a small fist in the area of ren-12 (spleen excess) and also tightness on left st-25 area (liver deficiency. The ming men area was cold to the touch both superficially and also when pressing deeper down into the underlying tissue.

Pulse: The spleen pulse position was excess (spleen excess) and was also slightly floating and wiry (liver deficiency). The pulse of the spleen position was bound (below the sinews and irregular) indicating accumulation of the spleen.

Meridians: The spleen meridian was wiry on its right lower limb portion (spleen excess). The liver meridian had some tightness on the its right thigh portion (liver deficiency).

Diagnosis / Treatment:
The diagnosis was one of 'liver deficiency spleen accumulation' and the treatment consisted of non-invasive needling with a golden teishin first to sp-5 (son/metal point) then to sp-2 (mother/fire point) on the left side spleen meridian.

The spleen meridian and the ming men warmed up very nicely during treatment.

The points for treatment were selected according to chapter 75 of The Classic of Difficulties, which is mainly concerned with more severe control cycle disease also known as accumulation - disease which doesn't heal by itself.

The diahrea stopped immediately after the treatment and hasn't returned since.


Case: Bilateral Knee Pain Treated with Non-Invasive Needling (Teishin)

A female patient in her late sixties came to the clinic complaining of bilateral knee pain which had persisted for several years and had made it very difficult for her to walk.

A scan of the patient's knees showed bilateral wear of cartilage severe enough for the physician to recommend knee joint replacement of both knees.

On palpation both swelling and nodulation was found both in both knees in the pattellar region as well as behind the knee. The left knee also had a Baker's cyst.

Abdominal, pulse and meridian palpation first revealed a pattern of Spleen Deficiency Kidney Excess which was treated with a golden Teishin tonifying the left side Kid-3. The patients right knee warmed up and swelling started to subside.

After treating Kid-3 a new pattern emerged. This time it was a a Liver Deficiency Spleen Excess pattern. This pattern is common in Baker's cyste. The pattern was treated using a golden Teishin tonifying the right side Sp-1. The cyst drained almost completely.

After treatment nodulation and swelling of both knees had reduced significantly the knee pain had receded by 70-80%. The remaining pain went completely away within the following 24 hours. The patient has had no pain in her knees since.

The most important thing in acupuncture is to tonify the deficiency and drain the excess. (Kyo Jitsu Ho Sha).

The first pattern to show up was Spleen Deficiency Kidney Excess Pattern.
Tonifying the Earth point on the Kidney meridian shunted the stagnant Ki of the Kidney meridian into the Spleen. This helped the body clear the Dampness (Kidney Excess) which had accumulated in the knees and the surrounding tissues.

The second pattern was Liver Deficiency Spleen Excess Pattern. The stagnant Ki in the Spleen (leading to local Phlegm-Fluid accumulation = Baker's Cyst) was shunted into the Liver by tonifying Sp-1. The Liver now had plenty of Ki so it nourish the sinews properly again and this took care of the nodulation and, in the end, took care of the pain.


The Gentle Power of the Teishin, a new Qiological Podcast airing on the 16th of April.

A big thank you to Michael Max for hosting a conversation about the Teishin.

It was a great pleasure talking with esteemed colleagues Gary Klepper and Dr. Ehrland Truitt on this topic.

Check out the link below:



'Fun' little case - Gall stones?


Patient complains of acute pain in the solar plexus and distending pain in his right flank and in the area of his right kidney. He also suddenly suffers constipation and general soreness in the entire abdominal region.


Abdominal palpation reveal a nodule on the left border of the navel (GB excess sign) and also a nodule on the right side GB mu point.

The Gb pulseposition was excess and the pulse was fast (7 beats pr breathing cycle).

right GB meridian on the thigh was tight.

Diagnosis and Treatment:

All findings put together pointed to Gb Fu Heat.
Treated points were left side Gb 41 (Wood) and Gb 40 (Source). Both points were treated with a Teishin (non-onvasive needle).

The patient broke out in sticky sweat which was especially prominent on the border of the lower right portion of the rib cage.

When the sweating subsided after about 30 seconds all symptoms (not sure about the constipation) had cleared.

Home | NAJOM 13/03/2024

For anyone interested in Japanese approaches to acupuncture, moxibustion and other modalities. check out North American Journal's (NAJOM) 30th anniversary issue which is out now.

I have had the pleasure of writing an article for it.

Meridians are Real, Qi is Real
North American Journal of Oriental Medicine
Volume 30, number 90, March 2024 - 30th anniversary issue.

Home | NAJOM The North American Journal of Oriental Medicine (NAJOM) is a non-profit worldwide forum for the promotion and development of Japanese approaches to Oriental medicine. Our goal is to facilitate networking among practitioners and inspire them to deepen their knowledge and refine their skills.


Efteruddannelse i Japansk akupunktur for TCM / klassisk uddannede akupunktører.

Seizen Hari (整然針) - Japansk akupunktur

Seizen Hari er, som alle former for japansk Meridian Terapi, baseret på princippet om at ‘Sygdom skal diagnosticeres og behandles via meridianerne,’ at ‘Sygdom starter med et Underskud af Vital Energi’ samt ‘Underskud skal styrkes, og Stagnation skal Bevæges’

Diagnosen udføres primært gennem palpering af abdomen og af meridianerne samt gennem pulslæsning. Diagnosen leder direkte til punktvalg, der både tilgodeser behandlingen af årsag og symptom. Behandlingen udføres primært med en Teishin - en japansk ikke-invasiv nål af sølv, guld, titanium eller andre metaller.

Seizen Hari er et systematisk, logisk og pragmatisk akupunktur system solidt rodfæstet i klassisk akupunktur teori (Nan Jing, Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen, Jin Gui Yao Lue og Shang Han Lun) og i århundreders japanske akupunktur tradition for blandt andre blinde og svagtseende udøvere.

Seizen Hari er på samme tid meget blid og yderst kraftfuld.

Workshops afholdes alle i Vendersgade 14, st th, 1360 København K.

Alle workshops er begrænset til kun 10 deltagere for at sikre kvaliteten af undervisningen og af den praktiske indlæring.

Tilmelding til workshops til Helle Mackenhauer på [email protected] efter først-til-mølle princippet.

Pris pr. workshop: 2800,-

Tilmeldings- og betalingsfrist 14 dage før den pågældende workshops start.
OBS: Tilmelding er først gældende ved registreret indbetaling.

Der udstedes kursusbevis efter endt kursus.

9./10. September 2023. Seizen Hari Workshop I - Simple mønstre

Workshoppen gentages

24./25. februar 2024. Seizen Hari Workshop I - Simple mønstre

Diagnose og behandling af simple mønstre��Der undervises i abdominal-, meridian- og pulspositions diagnose af simple mønstre. Ligeledes undervises der i behandling af samme mønstre med en Teishin (japansk ikke-invasiv nål).

Der udleveres en Teishin på workshoppen.��Efter endt workshop kan deltageren selvstændigt diagnosticere og behandle simple mønstre. Disse udgør størstedelen af det man ser i klinikken til daglig.

Minimumskrav for deltagelse: Tredieårsstuderende på en uddannelse i klassisk akupunktur eller TCM akupunktur.


Seizen Hari (整然針) - Japansk Meridian Terapi

Seizen Hari er, som alle former for japansk Meridian Terapi, baseret på principperne: ‘Sygdom skal diagnosticeres og behandles via meridianerne’, ’Sygdom starter med et Underskud af Vital Energi’ samt ‘Underskud skal styrkes, og Stagnation skal Bevæges’

Diagnosen udføres primært gennem palpering af abdomen og af meridianerne samt gennem pulslæsning. Diagnosen leder direkte til punktvalg, der både tilgodeser behandlingen af årsag og af symptom. Behandlingen af punkterne udføres med en Teishin - en japansk ikke-invasiv nål.

Seizen Hari er et systematisk, logisk og pragmatisk akupunktur system med solidt rodfæste i klassisk akupunktur teori (Nan Jing, Huang Di Nei Jing Su Wen, Jin Gui Yao Lue og Shang Han Lun) og i århundreders japanske akupunktur tradition for blandt andre blinde og svagtseende udøvere.

Seizen Hari er på samme tid meget blid og yderst kraftfuld.

Workshop i Grundlæggende Seizen Hari (Japansk Meridian Terapi)

Diagnose og behandling af simple mønstre��Der undervises i abdominal-, meridian- og pulspositions diagnose af simple mønstre.

Ligeledes undervises der i behandlingen af samme mønstre med en Teishin (japansk ikke-invasiv nål).

Der udleveres en Teishin på workshoppen.��Efter endt workshop er deltageren i stand til at selvstændigt diagnosticere og behandle simple mønstre. Disse mønstre udgør størstedelen af det man ser i klinikken til dagligt.


Thomas Bøgedal Sørensen, der har stået i mesterlære i Japan, har praktiseret akupunktur i 20 år.

Seizen Hari udspringer af Thomas’ baggrund i japansk Meridian Terapi samt primære fokus at forsøge at omsætte klassiske principper til noget praktisk brugbart.

Thomas afholder jævnligt workshops i bl.a. Danmark, London og Tokyo i forbindelse med efteruddannelse af akupunktører nationalt samt internationalt.


Dato: 13. og 14. maj 2023. Begge dage 10-17

Sted: CET, Ryesgade 27, Baghuset, 1. sal, 2200 København N

Pris: 2800,- DKK (inklusive Teishin)

Der udleveres kursusbevis efter endt workshop

Minimumskrav: Tredieårsstuderende på en klassisk eller TCM akupunktur uddannelse.

Tilmelding til Helle Mackenhauer på email [email protected]
OBS Sidste tilmeldingsfrist 7. maj, 2023.

Se mere på www.jaku.dk

289 San Jiao, Xin Bao, Mingmen- The Flow of Fire • Thomas Sorensen - qiological 31/01/2023


289 San Jiao, Xin Bao, Mingmen- The Flow of Fire • Thomas Sorensen - qiological 289 San Jiao, Xin Bao, Mingmen- The Flow of Fire • Thomas Sorensen Jan 31, 2023 | Acupuncture Mingmen (命門) is a lifeblood point in the flow of fire and qi in the body, yet remains shrouded in an enigma. For those who seek to understand their fate, the point—which translates to “Gate of Des...

‎Qiological Podcast: Connections and Principles of Japanese acupuncture, The Nan Jing, and the Saam Method på Apple Podcasts 16/11/2021

Tak til Qiological.com podcasten for at have mig som gæst.


‎Qiological Podcast: Connections and Principles of Japanese acupuncture, The Nan Jing, and the Saam Method på Apple Podcasts ‎Udsendelse Qiological Podcast, EP Connections and Principles of Japanese acupuncture, The Nan Jing, and the Saam Method – 16. nov. 2021



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Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 18:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 18:00