Kreativ, improviseret og genrefri musik. To koncerter hver tirsdag 20:30 og 21:30 Signup for newsletter:

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Primi støttes af Koda Kultur, Statens Kunstfond, Vesterbro Lokaludvalg, Københavns Kommune, Wilhelm Hansen Fonden, William Demant/JazzDanmark.

Lao Dan solo flute concert live at Koncertkirken Copenhagen 20240710 11/07/2024

Lao Dan solo flute concert live at Koncertkirken Copenhagen 20240710 Lao Dan – suona m.m.Lao Dan, en pioner inden for kinesisk eksperimentel jazz, forener gamle melodier fra sit hjemland med fri improvisation. Med sin mestring...


We are lucking forward to seeing you on Thursday Christianshavns Beboerhus 😁

21. Røysum/Aardestrup/Jørgens trio
22. Lao Dan meets Laser Nun
23. PRiMi Inprovisers Orchestra


Are you ready for Copenhagen Jazz Festival?
We are indeed!
PRiMi PoPuP Thursday July 11th Christianshavns Beboerhus
FB event coming soon

PRiMi 20240220 - Muntzing - Wikstrøm - Berre - Filipsen 07/06/2024

New on the PRiMi Youtube-channel:

Müntzing / Wikström / Berre is an auditory anarchy where the sound palette is expanded to the extreme. The trio unites three extremely interesting Scandinavian musicians within the electroacoustic genre. The three musicians have met in different contexts and played in different constellations for over 10 years. Here they are supplemented by Anders Filipsen on synths. This recording is from February 20, 2024 at H15 Studio.

Hermann Müntzing - Electronics
Qarin Wikstrom - Voice, objects, synths, effects
Håkon Berre - Drums and percussion
Anders Filipsen - Synts

PRiMi 20240220 - Muntzing - Wikstrøm - Berre - Filipsen Müntzing / Wikström / Berre is an auditory anarchy where the sound palette is expanded to the extreme. The trio unites three extremely interesting Scandinavi...

PRiMi 20231205 - Watts Edwards Østvang 06/06/2024

New video on the PRiMi Youtube channel:

Watts / Edwards / Østvang

This trio is a collaboration between Norwegian drummer Tollef Østvang and two key figures in the British improvised music scene, John Edwards and Trevor Watts. The trio premiered as a commissioned work for the Motvind festival in Norway in 2022.
In this video you can experience the first 15 minutes of the concert at H15 Studio on December 5, 2023.

PRiMi 20231205 - Watts Edwards Østvang This trio is a collaboration between Norwegian drummer Tollef Østvang and two key figures in the British improvised music scene, John Edwards and Trevor Watt...

PRiMi 20231128 - Riris Baars Haugerud 04/06/2024

New video on the PRiMi Youtube channel:

Riris / Baars / Haugerud

Since the 70s Dutch reed player Ab Baars has lent his unique style as a tenor, clarinet and shakuhachi player to a multitude of adventurous and great projects. Tor Haugerud has been a staple of the Norwegian scene for improvised music and jazz, committing himself to a nuanced and spontaneous style of percussion.
Combining these two gentle giants in the trio format is bass player Alexander Riris. Having led and composed for larger ensembles for some years, he put together this group in 2022 to explore the naked freedom that defines the saxophone trio.
This is the first 16 minutes from the concert, which was held at H15 Scene on November 28, 2023.

PRiMi 20231128 - Riris Baars Haugerud Since the 70s Dutch reed player Ab Baars has lent his unique style as a tenor, clarinet and shakuhachi player to a multitude of adventurous and great project...

PRiMi 20240423 - Mark Solborg - Tungemål 31/05/2024

Mark Solborg "Tungemål" is new on the PRiMi Youtube channel (first part of the concert, not the full concert):

TUNGEMÅL (meaning Idiom or tongue) is concerned with the electrified guitar as a voice in contemporary chamber- musical contexts. With this comprehensive project Solborg wishes to elaborate the intimate listening experience, and develop methods and tools for the creative work at hand.

Susana Santos Silva - trumpet
Mark Solborg - guitar
Simon Toldam - piano and keys

PRiMi 20240423 - Mark Solborg - Tungemål TUNGEMÅL (meaning Idiom or tongue) is concerned with the electrified guitar as a voice in contemporary chamber- musical contexts. With this comprehensive pr...

PRiMi 20240423 - Daphnie - Amalie Dahl 31/05/2024

Dafnie / Amalie Dahl,
new video on the PRiMi Youtube-channel with first part of the concert:

Amalie Dahl's Dafnie is an energetic and expressive band with roots in the jazz environment in Trondheim. The quintet shapes and colors Amalie Dahl's strong and melodic compositions with great conviction.

Amalie Dahl - saxophone, compositions
Oscar Andreas Haug - trumpet
Jørgen Bjelkerud - trombone
Nicolas Leirtrø - contrabass
Veslemøy Narvesen - drums

PRiMi 20240423 - Daphnie - Amalie Dahl Amalie Dahl's Dafnie is an energetic and expressive band with roots in the jazz environment in Trondheim. The quintet shapes and colors Amalie Dahl's strong ...

Photos from PRiMi's post 29/05/2024

Great rounding off of an impressive season

With a line of highly talented musicians in exciting duo constellations, PRiMi ended its spring season with a great concert evening. Here are some photos from the evening - for more information: See under "events - past".

PRiMi 20240521 - Sarah Rossy and PJ Fossum (Rossy/Fossum) 23/05/2024

New on the PRiMi Youtube-channel:


This is uncut fragments of the concert by Sarah Rossy and PJ Fossum at PRiMi, tuesday May 21, 2024.

PRiMi 20240521 - Sarah Rossy and PJ Fossum (Rossy/Fossum) Rossy/Fossum is a duo collaboration between Canadian musicians Sarah Rossy and PJ Fossum.The duo performs a dynamic improvised set of music sourced from timb...

Primi 20240521 - Elisabeth Coudoux cello and performance 23/05/2024

New video on the PRiMi Youtube-channel:

Elisabeth Cordoux

Cellist Elisabeth Coudoux came from classical instrumental studies via Jazz to New Music and free improvisation in her search after new sounds and playing techniques. As a solo artist, exploring the instrument’s sound range is a constant broadening search for her own voice. This video is recorded at PRiMi on tuesday, May 21 and is excerpts from Elisabeth’s concert.

Primi 20240521 - Elisabeth Coudoux cello and performance Cellist Elisabeth Coudoux came from classical instrumental studies via Jazz to New Music and free improvisation in her search after new sounds and playing te...

Photos from PRiMi's post 21/05/2024

Good music with humor and poetry

Cellist Elisabeth Coudoux usually lives in Cologne, but visited Primi this Tuesday with her wonderful performance and improvisation on the cello.
She was followed by PJ Fossum on keyboards and electronics along with the amazing voice of Sarah Rossy.
Next Tuesday, Primi rounds off the spring season, but has a number of Primi-Popup's, including during the jazz festival.
Here are some photos from the wonderful Primi evening.

Photos from PRiMi's post 23/04/2024

Energy and poetry

Where Amalie Dahl's Dafnie played energetic and expressive music that has its background in the Norwegian jazz scene in Trondhjem, Mark Solborg's Tungemål was differently poetic and intimate. Here are photos from the two magnificent concerts.

PRiMi 20240220 - Jacob Anderskovs "Emerald" 20/04/2024

Jacob Anderskov's "Emerald"
Now you can watch an excerpt of the concert on the PRiMi Youtube-channel. The fantastic composition is taken from Anderskov's work "Emerald", which was presented February 20 under the Copenhagen Winterjazz Festival. Watch it here:

PRiMi 20240220 - Jacob Anderskovs "Emerald" Jacob Anderskov's "Emerald"Light, shadow and deep-dark color combinations alternate effortlessly in the soundscape of the new studio record from Jacob Anders...

Primi 20240416 - Nonotation by Lone Aagot Meinich 19/04/2024

"nonotation" by Lone Aagot
This tuesday, April 16, 2024, H15 Scene was decorated with different types and shapes of paper. During the "nonotation" performance musicians would scribble things on paper, but it was never revealed to us, the audience.
On the PRiMi Youtube channel is now a video with moments from the performance for you to enjoy. You will find it here:

Primi 20240416 - Nonotation by Lone Aagot Meinich “nonotation” by Lone Aagot Meinichnonotation is a hybrid composition for amplified papers, paper pens, copymachines, improvisers. “A score searching for its ...

Photos from PRiMi's post 17/04/2024

“nonotation” by Lone Aagot Meinich

Nonotation is a hybrid composition for amplified papers, paper pens, copy machines, improvisers etc. “A score searching for its shape / non-shape : expressed / processed / compressed on / off site in / out side ... a new brick in the never ending translation-representation-reproduction puzzle”

Lone Aagot - performer/composer - Michal Biel - tapes - George Chiper-Lillemark - video

Here are some photos from the evening, which combined video, performance, music and a lot of paper...

Photos from PRiMi's post 09/04/2024

"Short sets" opened the Primi-evening at E5 with the seven musicians playing short sets (!) in different constellation. After a break followed the Vilhelm Bromander Unfolding Septet with all musicians playing together. A really interesting evening. Here are some photos from the concerts.


Remember to sign up for PRiMi newsletter. Next one is right around the corner!


New on the PRiMi Youtube-channel:

Brutters - the brothers Frederik and Christian Wallumrød - played at PRiMi on tuesday 27, 2024. Their electonic universe was almost overwhelming, using drups, autoharp, samplers and a lot of different pedals. Here are the first 16 minutes of the concert

PRiMi 20240305 - Lone Aagot Meinich / Campanula Quinton 10/03/2024

Hvad er en Campanula Quinton?

Se den på PRiMi Youtube channel i denne video fra den 5. marts 2024 på H15 Scene:
Her spiller Lone Aagot Meinich, musiker med base i København, på sin Campanula Quinton, der er opfundet af Helmut Bleffert og kun produceret i seks eksemplarer. Lone Aagot Meinich arbejder inden for fri improviseret og eksperimenterende musik, såvel som inden for moderne klassisk og tidlig musik.

PRiMi 20240305 - Lone Aagot Meinich / Campanula Quinton Lone Aagot Meinich is based in Copenhagen playing violin and Campanula Quinton, a newly invented string instrument by Helmut Bleffert. Working in the fields ...


New videos on the PRiMi Youtube channel:

20240206 - Speak [rec.] repeat: Five young contemporary composers was bringing their new works to this evening, where we experienced a concert based on voice recordings, words, repetitions mixed with live electronics and instrumental fragments.

20240220 - Tyler J. Borden on cello & Louise Dam Eckardt Jensen on saxophone and flute

20240220 - Maggie Nicols' Mega Choir - "Sharing practices of freedom"

20240227 - Westgaard Strid Hernandez with Kat Hernandez - violin / Hein Westgaard - guitar / Raymond Strid - trommer

20240305 - Borage: Megan Jowett on Viola and James Banner on double bass

Please remark: These videos are typically not full concerts, but excerpts from the events.

Enjoy! (and remember to 'like')

Photos from PRiMi's post 06/03/2024

Photos from yesterday's concert with Borage

Borage is Megan Jowett and James Banner and we had the pleasure of listening to them tuesday, April 5. at H15 Scene.
After Borage came a very nice and plesant concert with piano and electric guitar.
And then came a presentation of a strange 'violin' shaped almost like a tinkerbell flower, and with a fantastick full and rich sound. It had 5 strings and a number of 'substrings', and was played expertly.
As a final 'string concert' a number of the players of the evening came together and played with 'strings'.
Here are some photos from the first and last concert.

Photos from PRiMi's post 28/02/2024

Poetry and doomsday

Tuesday, February 27, started quietly and almost poetic with Kat Hernandez on violin, Hein Westgaard on acoustic guitar and Raymond Strid on drums and "things".
After their beautiful sound, "Brutter" took over with the brothers Fredrik Wallumrød on drums, drum synth and lap steel and Christian Wallumrød on drum machines, synth and autoharp. And it didn't exactly go quietly. Here are photos from the evening.

Photos from PRiMi's post 21/02/2024

Full house!

Tuesday's extensive winter jazz program meant that a lot of people had found their way to H15 Studio and H15 Stage. There was a "Full house" both musically and in terms of the audience. Please check the program under "Previous events" (Tidligere begivenheder) here on the PRiMi page. Here are photos from four of the five concerts on Tuesday, February 20.

Photos from PRiMi's post 15/02/2024

With a crush on Crush - and on Margaux

There are signs of spring in the air, not least in PRiMi, where the joy of playing comes out every Tuesday evening. Crush String Collective and Norwegian composer Christian Wallumrød opened the evening with "pointillistic folk music" (read the review in Salt Peanuts), and was followed by a "free jazz" quartet with Margaux Oswald on the piano.
Here are some photos from the evening - not so many this time, because we were busy recording both concerts on video.


Primi-koncerter anmeldt i Salt Peanuts

Læs hele anmeldelsen af de to koncerter med først Crush String Collective og derefter kvartetten med Margaux Oswald, Frank Gratkowski, Christian Weber og Michael Griener.
Du kan læse anmeldelsen her:

Primi 20230307 - Mija Milovic solo 14/02/2024

New on the PRiMi Youtube-channel:

Mija Milovic solo at PRiMi on March 7, 2023. An almost symphonic performance combining synthesizer, electric guitar and voice. You will find the video from the first part of her performance here:

Primi 20230307 - Mija Milovic solo Mija Milovic is a Danish/Montenegrin songwriter, improviser and producer based in Copenhagen. She is part of the alternative rock band SLIM0.Mija offers a ne...


New on the PRiMi Youtube-channel:

Gorgone - Celiné and Andreas Voccia

Gorgone is exploring sonic frontiers through modular synthesis and piano fusion. It is an avantgarde musical project, realized through the artistic collaboration of Andreas Voccia and Céline Voccia, which merges a modular synthesizer and piano, channeling influences from contemporary classical music, free jazz, and the intricate symmetries observed in natural phenomena.
Now you can listen to and see two excerpts from the concert.

Primi 20240109 - TS Høeg gives a new years speach 11/02/2024

New Years speach by TS Høeg
We have successfully patched together two video recordings from mobile phones and is now able to present to you the new years speach by TS Høeg. Enjoy!

Primi 20240109 - TS Høeg gives a new years speach Copenhagen's own TS Høeg hosts PRiMi to welcome everyone into the new year!TS Høeg gives a new year's speech about being king of the World and how to solve a...

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Klub Primi

Klub Primi er Københavns klub for improviseret, kreativ og genrefri musik. Et mødested, der arbejder på tværs af kategorier, grænser, alder og køn. Akustisk radikalitet, elektroniske nybrud, free jazz, lydkunst og endnu navnløs lyd-alkymi er elementerne, når Klub Primi udforsker undersiden af den fintslebne top af det musikalske isbjerg. Der hvor det urovækkende, det som stikker dybere i menneskene, er gemt. Med tre koncerter hver tirsdag afsøger Klub Primi musikkens og lydkunstens nyeste bevægelser, ligesom vi præsenterer de foregangsfigurer, der allerede har demonstreret at kunsten hele tiden må genopfinde sig selv.

Klub Primi is Copenhagen's club for improvised, creative and genre-free music. A meeting place that works across categories, borders, age and gender. Acoustic radicality, electronic revolutions, free jazz, sound art and sound alchemy yet to be named, are the elements when Klub Primi explores the underside of the finely tuned tip of the musical iceberg. This is where the awakenings, the elements that cut deeper, are buried. With three concerts each Tuesday, Klub Primi illuminates the latest movements in music and sound, as well as the groundbreakers who have already demonstrated that art must constantly reinvent itself.

Videoer (vis alle)

CarlsenKalas - Happy Birthday, Morten Carlsen
Rituals - Sidechains
Jomi feat. Friis
Følfod - Klub Primi den 17. september 2019
Horse Orchestra med Jeppe Zeeberg
Event Horizon - Greg Cohen og Randi Pontoppidan
Kaleiido i Klub Primi


Halmtorvet 15


20:00 - 23:59

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