Center of Functional Medicine

Center of Functional Medicine

CCFM er din partner i et optimalt helbred. Vi kigger bag ved symtomer og identificerer de underligge

Over 40? Så gå i gang med hård styrketræning 28/12/2023

Work out please!

Over 40? Så gå i gang med hård styrketræning Hård styrketræning kan beskytte mennesker over 40 mod, at nerver og muskler ikke taler sammen. Det er aldrig for sent at komme i gang, viser nyt studie fra KU.

283 ‒ Gut health & the microbiome: improving and maintaining the microbiome, probiotics, & more 20/12/2023

Great podcast on what i love.

283 ‒ Gut health & the microbiome: improving and maintaining the microbiome, probiotics, & more View show notes here: a member to receive exclusive content: up to receive Peter's email...

Increased prevalence of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T variant in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, and its clinical implications 05/12/2023

Maby genes tells us how good we are in our detoxifications systems.

Increased prevalence of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase C677T variant in patients with inflammatory bowel disease, and its clinical implications BACKGROUND—Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is associated with an increased incidence of thromboembolic disease. Hyperhomocysteinaemia (hyper-tHcy), a condition associated with the C677T variant of 5,10-methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR), ...

1000 forskere afliver debat om kød: Kød er vigtigt for vores helbred 24/09/2023

Eat your meat:

1000 forskere afliver debat om kød: Kød er vigtigt for vores helbred Det kan være ødelæggende for både helbred og samfundets trivsel helt at udelukke kød fra vores kost, skriver en stor gruppe internationale forskere. Hvad er dit forhold til kød?

Microbiome Disturbances Reported as Signature of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis 19/09/2023

Ny artikel om ME (kronisk træthed) og tarm flora.

Microbiome Disturbances Reported as Signature of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Researchers at our Center for Infection and Immunity explore a new peer-reviewed study about the microbes in our gut and what they tell us about chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis.

#113 Kan man forbedre det perfekte? - med Ulrik Hjerpsted 15/07/2023

Ny podcast med Bevægelse og Co.

#113 Kan man forbedre det perfekte? - med Ulrik Hjerpsted Bevægelse&Co stiller med et glimt i øjet stillet spørgsmålet ‘kan man forbedre det perfekte?’. Vært Jonathan har sendt pølle med posten til USA og har ladet Dr. Hjerpsted fortolke analysesvarene. Funktionel medicin er spændende, og det har et (kun delvist afdækket) potentiale til at ...

Acute carbohydrate overfeeding: a redox model of insulin action and its impact on metabolic dysfunction in humans | American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism 26/04/2023

Stop overfeeding on carbs.

Acute carbohydrate overfeeding: a redox model of insulin action and its impact on metabolic dysfunction in humans | American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism A role for fat overfeeding in metabolic dysfunction in humans is commonly implied in the literature. Comparatively less is known about acute carbohydrate overfeeding (COF). We tested the hypothesis that COF predisposes to oxidative stress by channeling electrons away from antioxidants to support ene...

Improvement of attention span and reaction time with hyperbaric oxygen treatment in patients with toxic injury due to mold exposure - PubMed 29/03/2023

Mold and ADD. And HBOT

Improvement of attention span and reaction time with hyperbaric oxygen treatment in patients with toxic injury due to mold exposure - PubMed It is, by now, well established that mold toxins (mycotoxins) can cause significant adverse health effects. In this study, 15 subjects who developed an attention deficit disorder (ADD) and slowing of reaction time at the time of exposure to mold toxins were identified. Deficits in attention span and...

Hypertension is related to the degradation of dietary frying oils 27/03/2023

Avoid inflammatoric oils:

Hypertension is related to the degradation of dietary frying oils ABSTRACT. Background: The family kitchen resembles an uncontrolled laboratory experiment, and some discrepancies in the relation between the risk of hypertensio

Chronic Illness Associated with Mold and Mycotoxins: Is Naso-Sinus Fungal Biofilm the Culprit? 16/03/2023

Having problems with sinuitis might be mold. Atleast that what i think.

Chronic Illness Associated with Mold and Mycotoxins: Is Naso-Sinus Fungal Biofilm the Culprit? It has recently been demonstrated that patients who develop chronic illness after prior exposure to water damaged buildings (WDB) and mold have the presence of mycotoxins, which can be detected in the urine. We hypothesized that the mold may be harbored ...

Optimal dietary patterns for prevention of chronic disease - Nature Medicine 13/03/2023

As i Always said, remove carbs, or keep them low. For health. ❤️

Optimal dietary patterns for prevention of chronic disease - Nature Medicine Analyses of eight dietary patterns revealed that adherence to low insulinemic, low inflammatory or diabetes risk-reducing diets was associated with the largest risk reduction of cardiometabolic diseases and cancer in US men and women.

Helicobacter pylori eradication rates using clarithromycin and levofloxacin-based regimens in patients with previous COVID-19 treatment: a randomized clinical trial - BMC Infectious Diseases 03/02/2023

So they found out that using alot of antibiotics on a virus, was not so smart if you want to eradicate bacteria later. No surprise to me im affraid.

Helicobacter pylori eradication rates using clarithromycin and levofloxacin-based regimens in patients with previous COVID-19 treatment: a randomized clinical trial - BMC Infectious Diseases Background Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is affecting half of the globe. It is considered a main causative organism of chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, and different gastric maliganacies. It has been also correlated to extraintestinal diseases, including refractory iron deficiency anaemia,...

Chamomile as a potential remedy for obesity and metabolic syndrome 13/12/2022

Drink your tea.

Chamomile as a potential remedy for obesity and metabolic syndrome Obesity is an increasing health concern related to many metabolic disorders, including metabolic syndrome, diabetes type 2 and cardiovascular diseases. Many studies suggest that herbal products can be useful dietary supplements for weight management due ...

Dietary protein and the glycemic index handle insulin resistance within a nutritional program for avoiding weight regain after energy-restricted induced weight loss - PubMed 21/10/2022

Low glucose and high protein for the win.

Dietary protein and the glycemic index handle insulin resistance within a nutritional program for avoiding weight regain after energy-restricted induced weight loss - PubMed A HP/LGI diet is beneficial not only for weight maintenance after a LCD, but is also related to IR amelioration as assessed by TyG index changes. Registration Clinical Trials NCT00390637.

Correlation between 6-yr-old children with autism and glyphosate... 18/09/2022

Pesticides and autism :(((

Correlation between 6-yr-old children with autism and glyphosate... Download scientific diagram | Correlation between 6-yr-old children with autism and glyphosate applications. Glyphosate applications have been integrated over 4-year intervals; year shown + 3 previous years. from publication: Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate and the deterioration of health i...

Effect of fructose consumption on insulin sensitivity in nondiabetic subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis of diet-intervention trials - PubMed 07/09/2022

Fruits are an illusion of health, please eat it after dinner and not on an empty stomac. And not overeat it. Its fruit sugars.

Effect of fructose consumption on insulin sensitivity in nondiabetic subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysis of diet-intervention trials - PubMed Short-term fructose consumption, in isocaloric exchange or in hypercaloric supplementation, promotes the development of hepatic insulin resistance in nondiabetic adults without affecting peripheral or muscle insulin sensitivity. Larger and longer-term studies are needed to assess whether real-world....

How To Skyrocket Your Testosterone Naturally In Just 30 Days 06/08/2022

Do you want to learn about how to produce more testosterone?

Testosterone is a key s*x hormone that plays important roles in the body, regulating s*x drive (libido), bone mass, fat distribution, muscle mass and strength, the production of red blood cells,...

Yet, several studies indicate a population-level decline in testosterone in men.

So we decided to invite testosterone expert Lucas Aoun and doctor Ulrik L. Hjerpsted, one of the country's leading functional medicin doctors.

We gather at the Osteostrong location, in Østerbro, where you can sign up for a free bone health scan.

The two experts give practical advice, and answer ALL your questions

See you around?

How To Skyrocket Your Testosterone Naturally In Just 30 Days How To Skyrocket Your Testosterone Naturally In Just 30 Days. With Dr. Ulrik L. Hjerpsted and Lucas Aoun

How to age well: The role of the microbiome - Hack your gut 05/08/2022

Good one from a friend here:

How to age well: The role of the microbiome - Hack your gut If you want to age well, one of the most important things you can do is build a healthy microbiome. In our new Youtube Shorts series, we'll...

The effect of a fruit-rich diet on liver biomarkers, insulin resistance, and lipid profile in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a randomized clinical trial - PubMed 14/07/2022

Alot of people think fruits are healthy, and yes they may be slightly more healthy than candy, but because we are mostly passive, and over consume foods, fruit can be slightly bad for you. It increases S-glucose, like sugars, especially when taken as a mid day snack on an empty stomach.

The effect of a fruit-rich diet on liver biomarkers, insulin resistance, and lipid profile in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a randomized clinical trial - PubMed This trial was registered at Iranian randomized clinical trial website with IRCT registration no. IRCT20201010048982N1on October 15, 2020.

The Ketogenic Diet for Refractory Mental Illness: A Retrospective Analysis of 31 Inpatients 08/07/2022

Eat right for improvement of mental illness!

The Ketogenic Diet for Refractory Mental Illness: A Retrospective Analysis of 31 Inpatients Background and HypothesisThe robust evidence base supporting the therapeutic benefit of ketogenic diets in epilepsy and other neurological conditions suggests this same metabolic approach may also benefit psychiatric conditions.Study DesignIn this retrospective analysis of clinical care, 31 adults w...

The 10 hallmarks of aging - a deep dive with Dr. Olli Sovijärvi 13/06/2022

Join for this awesome event. About

The 10 hallmarks of aging - a deep dive with Dr. Olli Sovijärvi Learn how to reverse ageing and extend healthspan. A practical guide based on the latest research in the field of longevity!

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