Hotel Pro Forma

Hotel Pro Forma was founded in 1985, and the artistic director is Kirsten Dehlholm.

Hotel Pro Forma is an international production house - an artistic meeting place for cross-disciplinary artistic work within performing arts, opera and exhibitions.


Saturday 24 August, 14-15.30 at
The Central Hall, Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek.

On July 8, 2024, our beloved director, and artistic director Kirsten Dehlholm passed away, aged 79.

On 24 August we commemorate Kirsten with speeches and musical performances at the Glyptotek, where she staged six legendary works between 1978 and 2019.
The commemoration will take place in the Glyptotek's beautiful Central Hall.
All speeches are in Danish.

The doors to the Central Hall open from 13.30.

Tickets only through this link:
Tickets are free, but mandatory.

Please note that due to limited space, it is not possible to reserve or buy a ticket at the Glyptotek.
Seats are primarily for seniors and disabled people.

Mindeord om instruktør, scenograf m.m. Kirsten Dehlholm. 10/07/2024

Mindeord om instruktør, scenograf m.m. Kirsten Dehlholm. Af Ulla Strømberg. Mindeord om instruktør, scenograf m.m. Kirsten Dehlholm. 79 år er ingen alder, og Kirsten Dehlholm forblev evig ung i sin tilstedeværelse med…

Photos from Hotel Pro Forma's post 10/07/2024

Director Kirsten Dehlholm has passed away, aged 79.

Kirsten Dehlholm (b. 5 April 1945) was Hotel Pro Forma's artistic director since its founding in 1985. Together with Hotel Pro Forma, she produced more than 60 works which were shown in over 30 countries ranging from exhibitions and performances to opera productions. Kirsten Dehlholm achieved great national and international recognition and received many prestigious awards and honors with Hotel Pro Forma, among others Thorvaldsen Medaillen, 2013, The honorable Reumert of the Year, 2015, The Distinguished Artist Award from International Society of Performing Arts, 2015, Performance of the Year Reumert, NeoArctic, 2017, and the Life Achievement Award at the Prague Quadrennial, 2019. In 1995 she received the lifelong grant from the Danish Arts Foundation.

Hotel Pro Forma's chairman of the board, Tom Ahlberg, states:
It is a shock and great sadness to receive the news of Kirsten Dehlholm's death. It's only been a few days since she presented the latest big plans for new shows. Kirsten Dehlholm was a unique artist who, with her strong visual sense, her desire to test new artistic approaches and ability to create connections across artistic directions, set completely new standards for contemporary art.
Personally, I have followed Kirsten Dehlholm since Billedstofteatret's performance Sirene in Øbro-Hallen in 1984. I have had the privilege of following the artistic considerations and processes up close since 2005. Dehlholm's characteristic was that all performances used very different artistic techniques, nothing was given. I will miss this strong artist, her wondrous universes and ability to accomplish the unthinkable.

The funeral will take place at a private ceremony. A memorial service will be held at the end of August.

Hotel Pro Forma's performance FLAMMENWERFER opens Aarhus Festival as planned at The Concert Hall of Aarhus with performances on 30-31 August and will be performed as planned at the Royal Danish Theatre on 26, 27 and 28 September 2024.


Instruktør og kunstnerisk leder Kirsten Dehlholm er gået bort, 79 år gammel.

Kirsten Dehlholm (f. 5. april 1945) var Hotel Pro Formas kunstneriske leder siden stiftelsen i 1985. Sammen med Hotel Pro Forma producerede hun mere end 60 værker, som blev vist i over 30 lande rækkende fra udstillinger og performances til operaopsætninger. Kirsten Dehlholm opnåede stor national og international anerkendelse og modtog med Hotel Pro Forma mange prestigefulde priser og udmærkelser, blandt andre Thorvaldsen Medaillen 2013, Årets Hæderspris, Reumert, 2015, The Distinguished Artist Award v. International Society of Performing Arts, 2015, Årets Performance Reumert, NeoArctic 2017 og Life Achievement Award på Prag Quadriennalen, 2019. I 1995 modtog hun den livsvarige ydelse fra Statens Kunstfond.

Hotel Pro Formas bestyrelsesformand, Tom Ahlberg, udtaler:
Det er et chok og en stor sorg at modtage beskeden om Kirsten Dehlholms død. Det er kun få dage siden, hun fremlagde de seneste store planer for nye forestillinger. Kirsten Dehlholm var en unik kunstner, som med sin stærke visuelle sans, sin lyst til at afprøve nye kunstneriske greb og evne til at skabe sammenhænge på tværs af kunstneriske retninger, satte helt nye standarder for samtidskunsten.

Personligt har jeg fulgt Kirsten Dehlholm siden Billedstofteatrets forestilling Sirene i Øbro-Hallen i 1984. Jeg har haft det privilegium at følge de kunstneriske overvejelser og processer på nært hold siden 2005. Kendetegnende for Dehlholm var, at alle forestillinger benyttede vidt forskellige kunstneriske greb, intet var givet. Jeg kommer til at savne denne stærke kunstner, hendes forunderlige universer og evne til at gennemføre det utænkelige.

Bisættelsen sker ved privat ceremoni. Der afholdes mindehøjtidelighed i slutningen af august.

Hotel Pro Formas forestilling FLAMMENWERFER åbner som planlagt Aarhus Festuge i Musikhuset Aarhus med opførelser d. 30.-31. august og opføres som planlagt på Gamle Scene, Det Kongelige Teater d. 26., 27. og 28. september 2024.


Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets still available for August 30, but almost sold out. Hereafter follows performances at The Royal Danish Theater on September 26, 27 and 28, 2024.

More information and tickets

Photos from Hotel Pro Forma's post 03/07/2024

“…when we in FLAMMENWERFER e.g. see the vocal ensemble’s dresses light up between two screens with projections, it is a unique collaboration between Denmark’s most important lighting designer Jesper Kongshaug, professor and fashion designer Henrik Vibskov who designed the dresses, and the fantastic rising star, the video designer Magnus Pind.”
Sceneblog, March 9, 2024

Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets still available for August 30, but almost sold out. Hereafter follows performances at The Royal Danish Theatre on September 26, 27 and 28, 2024.

More information and tickets


Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets still available for August 30, but almost sold out. Hereafter follows performances at The Royal Danish Theater on September 26, 27 and 28, 2024.

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“The result has become a deeply moving, painfully beautiful total theatre”
Norsk Shakespearetidsskrift

Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets still available for August 31, but almost sold out. Hereafter follows performances at The Royal Danish Theater on September 26, 27 and 28, 2024.

More information and tickets


Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets available for August 30 and 31, but almost sold out. Hereafter follows performances at The Royal Danish Theater on September 26, 27 and 28, 2024.

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“…another masterpiece from the performing arts laboratory Hotel Pro Forma”
Sceneblog, March 9, 2024

Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets available for August 30 and 31, but almost sold out. Hereafter follows performances at The Royal Danish Theater on September 26, 27 and 28, 2024.

More information and tickets


Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets available for August 30 and 31, but almost sold out. Hereafter follows performances at The Royal Danish Theater on September 26, 27 and 28, 2024.

More information and tickets


“Flammenwerfer celebrates art that doesn’t allow itself to be suppressed”
Sydsvenskan, March 9, 2024

Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets available for August 30 and 31, but almost sold out. Hereafter follows performances at The Royal Danish Theater on September 26, 27 and 28, 2024.

More information and tickets


Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets available for August 30 and 31, but almost sold out. Hereafter follows performances at The Royal Danish Theater on September 26, 27 and 28, 2024.

More information and tickets


Pine trees by Carl Fredrik Hill

Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets available for August 30 and 31, but almost sold out. Hereafter follows performances at The Royal Danish Theater on September 26, 27 and 28, 2024.

More information and tickets



AXIS MUNDI – Hotel Pro Forma’s 40th Anniversary Performance!
Store VEGA, May-June 2025.


In May next year (2025) Hotel Pro Forma premiers with AXIS MUNDI – a new site-specific performance in large format with 20 performers and newly composed live music by Den Sorte Skole.
AXIS MUNDI is staged in Store Vega’s beautiful concert hall, experienced from above on balconies from different angles. AXIS MUNDI unfolds on a huge image filling the entire floor with clippings from the famous, labyrinthine copper print ‘The drawbridge’ by the Italian architect Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-78).

Den Sorte Skole (Martin Højland, Simon Dokkedal) and 20 performers.

Direction and dramaturgy Kirsten Dehlholm, Marie Dahl
Original music Den Sorte Skole: Martin Højland, Simon Dokkedal
Costumes Mads Nørgaard
Light design Jesper Kongshaug
Concept and production Hotel Pro Forma

See link in bio.

From left: Martin Højland, Marie Dahl, Kirsten Dehlholm and Simon Dokkedal
Photo: Viola Sinne Moth Jacobsen

More information and tickets


“As the dark voice (Blixa Bargeld) fills Malmö Live's hall my arms get goosebumps”.

- Sydsvenskan, March 9, 2024

Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets available for August 30 and 31, but almost sold out. Hereafter follows performances at The Royal Danish Theater on September 26, 27 and 28, 2024.

More information and tickets

Photos from Hotel Pro Forma's post 19/04/2024

Sale TODAY! From 12-17. And tomorrow Sat. from 11-16. See you at Tomsgårdsvej 19,, Cph NV (corner of Rentemestervej/Tomsgårdsvej).


Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets available for August 30 and 31, but almost sold out. Hereafter follows performances at The Royal Danish Theater on September 26, 27 and 28, 2024.

Photo: Emma Larsson

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"It's the poetry of madness (...) I think it's fantastic".

Expressen, March 11, 2024

Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets available for August 30 and 31, but almost sold out. Hereafter follows performances at The Royal Danish Theater on September 26, 27 and 28, 2024.

More information and tickets



Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets available for August 30 and 31, but almost sold out. Hereafter follows performances at The Royal Danish Theater on September 26,27 and 28, 2024.

More information and tickets

Photos from Hotel Pro Forma's post 10/04/2024

SALE at Hotel Pro Forma! Friday, April 19 from 12-17 + Saturday, April 20 from 11-16 Pro Forma, Tomsgårdsvej 19, CPH NV. Come pick a sculpture, prop, poster, book, or costume element from our previous projects.


Blixa Bargeld's insanely equilibristic vocal is perfect as the schizoid Carl Fredrik Hill in Hotel
Pro Forma's "Flammenwerfer". Dagens Nyheter, March 9 2024.

Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets available for August 30 and 31, but almost sold out. Hereafter follows performances at The Royal Danish Theater on September 26,27 and 28, 2024.

Photo: Emma Larsson

More information and tickets


I aften går vores skønne skuespiller Ingrid-Marie Thorlacius på scenen i ’I krydset får de ny sofa’ på Team Teatret i Herning.

’I krydset får de ny sofa’ har turneret flot rundt i Danmark siden 2022 og forestillingen i aften er den sidste i denne omgang.

Der er ganske få billetter tilbage til opførelsen i aften. Læs mere på Team Teatrets hjemmeside.

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Videoer (vis alle)

We are so grateful of all the great reviews for the Danish premiere of FLAMMENWERFER. FLAMMENWERFER will be performed at...
We are so grateful of all the great reviews for the Danish premiere of FLAMMENWERFER. FLAMMENWERFER will be performed at...
TRAILER FOR FLAMMENWERFER OUT NOW Experience FLAMMENWERFER at The Concert Hall of Aarhus during Aarhus Festival. Tickets...
Blixa Bargeld's insanely equilibristic vocal is perfect as the schizoid Carl Fredrik Hill in Hotel Pro Forma's "Flammenw...
I aften går vores skønne skuespiller Ingrid-Marie Thorlacius på scenen i ’I krydset får de ny sofa’ på Team Teatret i He...
Jesper Kongshaug on his inspiration and work for FLAMMENWERFER.The performances in Malmö Live Concert Hall are sold out,...
BEHIND THE SCENES Preparations for FLAMMENWERFER!  The performances of FLAMMENWERFER in Malmö Live Concert Hall are now ...
How does video designer Magnus Pind transform Carl Frederik Hill`s work in FLAMMENWERFER? Experience FLAMMENWERFER at Ma...
COSTUMES FOR FLAMMENWERFER IN THE MAKING AT HENRIK VIBSKOV STUDIOVocal performer Randi Pontoppidan from vocal ensemble I...
Hotel Pro Forma proudly present HENRIK VIBSKOV who is creating costumes and set design for FLAMMENWERFER. Henrik Vibskov...




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