Bashy Quraishy

This FB page is for people who like to discuss political, cultural and religious issues, especially Turkey.

Bashy Quraishy (Official Page)

Born in India, but grew up in Pakistan. Studied Engineering in Germany and USA, and later studied International Marketing in London. Member of several Commissions, Committees and Boards, involved with Human Rights, Ethnic/Religious Equality Issues, anti-racism, anti-discrimination, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, both in Denmark, EU and internationally. Author of 8

Gaza Civilians, Under Israeli Barrage, Are Being Killed at Historic Pace 05/12/2023

Dear friends

'Israel prioritizes military success over consideration for the population'

All indications are that the ongoing war in Gaza is particularly bloody for the people of Gaza. This is pointed out, among other things, by the New York Times, which reports that almost seven out of ten people killed in Gaza are women and children.

According to New York Times, Gaza civilians, under Israeli barrage, are being killed at historic pace. By the end of Nov 2023, over 15,800 Palestinians are reported killed during the ongoing Gaza war, which is clearly the bloodiest of its kind.
Even a conservative assessment of the reported Gaza casualty figures shows that the rate of death during Israel’s assault has few precedents in this century, experts say.
The full article on NYT can be read on this link.

Gaza Civilians, Under Israeli Barrage, Are Being Killed at Historic Pace Even a conservative assessment of the reported Gaza casualty figures shows that the rate of death during Israel’s assault has few precedents in this century, experts say.

‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza 05/12/2023

Dear friends

According to a detailed report by Human Rights NGOs +972 Magazine and Local Call reveals that Israeli army’s expanded authorization for bombing non-military targets, the loosening of constraints regarding expected civilian casualties, and the use of an artificial intelligence system to generate more potential targets than ever before, appear to have contributed to the destructive nature of the initial stages of Israel’s current war on the Gaza Strip.

These factors, as described by current and former Israeli intelligence members, have likely played a role in producing what has been one of the deadliest military campaigns against Palestinians since the Nakba of 1948.

Please read the whole heart-breaking investigation report on the following link.

‘A mass assassination factory’: Inside Israel’s calculated bombing of Gaza Permissive airstrikes on non-military targets and the use of an AI system have enabled the Israeli army to carry out its deadliest war on Gaza.

Freed Palestinians Say They Were Tortured, Beaten and Starved in Israeli Prisons | Novara Media 02/12/2023

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Jeg har to spørgsmål til neutrale jødiske kommentatorer og hardcore Israel-tilhængere:

1. Hvorfor israelske gidsler, der blev løsladt af Hamas, forlod smilende, håndtrykte og sagde farvel til Hamas-kommandoer - kvindelige og mandlige - mens palæstinensere - hovedsagelig børn og kvinder, der blev løsladt, fortalte, at de blev tortureret, tævet og udsultet i israelske fængsler?
2. Står det i IDFs, israelske politis og myndigheders træningsmanual at mishandle palæstinensere, fordi de betragter dem som undermenneskelige eller menneskelige dyr, som israelske ledere ofte siger?

Forklar venligst med logik og gode argumenter.

Freed Palestinians Say They Were Tortured, Beaten and Starved in Israeli Prisons | Novara Media Palestinians released from Israeli prisons describe seeing 'blood everywhere' from beatings and being denied food, visits and legal advice. Daisy Schofield reports.

Two Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces in Jenin | Al Jazeera Newsfeed 29/11/2023

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Når ordentlig israelsk folk ville rejse sig og sige: Nok er nok!

På undskyldningen for at ødelægge Hamas, har de israelske besættelsesstyrker i stedet fuldstændigt fladet Gaza ud ved tæppebombning og har dræbt over 15.000 civile palæstinensere, herunder 6.000 børn. Det enorme antal er lige så mange som det samlede antal dræbte børn i væbnede konflikter rundt om i verden i løbet af 2021 og 2022 tilsammen.

Men det israelske militær har også haft travlt med at dræbe unge drenge på Vestbredden på den samme dumme undskyldning om terrorister og militante.

Men ifølge Netanyahu er jobbet ikke færdigt endnu.
Venligst kære israelere, slip af med denne fascistiske megalomane Netanyahu, ellers ville han trække alle i afgrunden.

Klik venligst på den korte video for at se brutaliteten.

Two Palestinian children killed by Israeli forces in Jenin | Al Jazeera Newsfeed This is the moment two children were shot by Israeli soldiers during a raid in Jenin in the occupied West Bank. An 8-year-old boy was shot in the head and a ...

Debat: Isam B: Den, der tier, samtykker til blodbadet i Gaza 26/11/2023

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Isam Bachiri er sanger og tidligere medlem af Outlandish. Han er en af de bedste sangskrivere og sangere, som Danmark har produceret i lang tid.
Han taler også om problemstillinger i det danske samfund, uretfærdigheder som folk oplever og på det seneste har talt kraftigt om dansk dobbeltmoral ved kun at give sin ubetingede opbakning til Israel, i Israel-Palæstina-konflikten.

Jeg poster hans seneste artikel i Information; Den, der tier, samtykker til blodbadet i Gaza, som du kan læse ved at klikke på linket.
Kommenter venligst, men med manerer og objektivitet.

Debat: Isam B: Den, der tier, samtykker til blodbadet i Gaza Til dig, der forholder dig tavst til folkedrab på palæstinenserne og eksporten af dansk våbenteknologi til Israel: Du kan ikke fraskrive dig et ansvar. Du står på den forkerte side af historien.


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Så vidt jeg kan huske, er det første gang, et dansk TV laver et 4-delt program om racisme på Arbejdsmarkedet i Danmark.
Lad os håbe, at TV 2 forholder sig seriøst til sagen.

Programmet er mandag den 27. nov. 2023 kl. 20.40 på TV 2 Echo.

TikTok · BreakThrough News 22/11/2023

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Lyt venligst godt efter, hvad denne tidligere Obama-rådgiver Stuart Seldowitz sagde til denne stakkels egyptiske gadesælger i New York om 4000 dræbte børn i Gaza, profeten Mohammad, Koranen og islam.
Mit spørgsmål er enkelt: Hvis sådanne hårde pro-israelske rådgivere sidder i høje embeder i USA's regering, hvilken slags modbydelige råd ville de så give beslutningstagere om P-I-spørgsmålet.

Her er videoen, som du kan høre ham højt og tydeligt.

TikTok · BreakThrough News 7904 likes, 512 comments. “Former National Security Council advisor Stuart Seldowitz caught on video stocking and taunting NYC vendor with racist insults: “If we killed 4,000 Palestinian kids, you know what, it wasn’t enough!" Under Pres. Obama, Seldowitz advised the White House on policy towa...

IDF combat helicopter targeting Hamas fighters at Nova festival massacre shot some partygoers by mistake, says Haaretz 19/11/2023

IDF combat helicopter targeting Hamas fighters at Nova festival massacre shot some partygoers by mistake, says Haaretz An IDF combat helicopter firing at Hamas militants at the Nova festival massacre reportedly also hit partygoers.

IDF combat helicopter targeting Hamas fighters at Nova festival massacre shot some partygoers by mistake, says Haaretz 19/11/2023

Dear friends
While this story was first published by Israeli newspaper Haaretz on 18th Nov and has been circulating in the social media, I checked if the international media has also written about it. Yes, they have but the mainstream western media has either ignored it or has tried to debunk it. USA Magazine Newsweek only mentioned it under Fact Check. When I commented on Newsweek webpage and asked some questions, my comment was rejected as inappropriate.

The Haaretz newspaper revealed Saturday that an Israeli military helicopter opened fire on Palestinian gunmen but wounded Israelis participating in a festival during an Oct. 7 attack by Hamas against Israel.The Haaretz newspaper said an Israeli security assessment was based on an investigation by police with Hamas gunmen who were arrested Oct. 7.
Israel's Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper also published a report on Israeli Air Force helicopters intervening in the attack carried out by Hamas from Gaza on Oct. 7. The newspaper reported that the Israeli forces “found it difficult to identify Hamas militants,” adding that helicopter pilots “used artillery” against civilians at the festival.

Any comment?

IDF combat helicopter targeting Hamas fighters at Nova festival massacre shot some partygoers by mistake, says Haaretz An IDF combat helicopter firing at Hamas militants at the Nova festival massacre reportedly also hit partygoers.

Israeli air strikes kill 32 in south Gaza amid calls for civilians to flee 18/11/2023

Israeli air strikes kill 32 in south Gaza amid calls for civilians to flee Israeli air strikes on residential blocks in south Gaza killed at least 32 Palestinians on Saturday, medics said, after Israel again warned civilians to relocate as it turns to attacking Hamas in the enclave's south after subduing the north.

Israeli air strikes kill 32 in south Gaza amid calls for civilians to flee 18/11/2023

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Siden den 7. oktober 2023 har Israel bombet store dele af Gaza City - enklavens bykerne - til murbrokker, beordret affolkning af den nordlige halvdel af den smalle stribe og fordrevet omkring to tredjedele af Gazas 2,3 millioner palæstinensere. Mange af dem, der er flygtet, frygter, at deres hjemløshed kan blive permanent.

Fredag den 17. november 2023 har dødstallet blandt civile palæstinensere nået mere end 12.000, heraf 5.000 børn. Det betyder for hver israeler, der bliver dræbt i Hamas-angreb; Israel har taget hævn ved at dræbe 10 palæstinensere.

Hæv venligst din stemme om denne udvikling, fordi en sådan hensynsløs magtdemonstration kun ville skabe had og umuliggøre fred.

Israeli air strikes kill 32 in south Gaza amid calls for civilians to flee Israeli air strikes on residential blocks in south Gaza killed at least 32 Palestinians on Saturday, medics said, after Israel again warned civilians to relocate as it turns to attacking Hamas in the enclave's south after subduing the north.

Supreme court rejects Rishi Sunak’s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda 15/11/2023

Dear friends

In these dire times of continued I-P conflict and Israel’s brutal flattening of the Gaza strip, good news is hard to come by.
But today, I wish to share with you news that would have far reaching consequences for European and Danish efforts to deport asylum-seekers and refugees to Rwanda.
The British Supreme Court has dealt a severe blow to British government’s wicked plans to send refugees out of the country by rejecting the government’s plan to deport asylum seekers to Rwanda.
I hope that some Danish lawyers would take the Danish government to court on their plans.
Thanks you British Justice system.
The whole article can be read by clicking on the link below.

Supreme court rejects Rishi Sunak’s plan to send asylum seekers to Rwanda Judges uphold appeal court ruling over risk to deported refugees and deals blow to PM’s ‘stop the boats’ strategy

Doctor who has worked in Gaza denounces Israel’s targeting of hospitals 05/11/2023

Dear friends

It is has become sickeningly customary for IDF and Netanyahu to keep justifying the brutal bombardment of hospitals by making claims that they are bombing hospitals because Hamas uses these places as their command centers.
If we want to know the truth from non-Palestinian sources, please click on this link and listen to the Norwegian doctor who has worked in Gaza for 16 years.
Listen to him carefully before commenting.

Doctor who has worked in Gaza denounces Israel’s targeting of hospitals “The civilian precautions take priority over the military. So in accordance with the Geneva Convention, you can’t bomb hospitals unless they have very clear ...

Photos from Bashy Quraishy's post 25/10/2023

Dear friends
According to the international media, on Oct 24 French President Emmanuel Macron met with Netanyahu in Jerusalem and proposed that an international coalition fighting against Islamic State in Iraq and Syria be widened to include the fight against the Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza. With typical BB arrogance and stupidity, Netanyahu went many steps further and called Hamas as N***s.
To have a comment on Macron and Netanyahu meeting and this strange proposal, yesterday I was invited by RT.
Here is the link to the interview. Please let me know if you agree with my comments. Keep the comments civilized and objective.

Kind regards

All of Palestine is under attack. - JVP 24/10/2023

Dear friends
The American NGO, Jewish Voice for Peace has sent a very heart breaking news on the social media today. It says; "This isn’t a war on Hamas. It’s a war on the Palestinian people. The expansion of Israel’s regime of Jewish supremacy relies on the destruction of all Palestinian life. For Palestinians, there is no right way to protest their subjugation, and nowhere safe from Israeli violence."

Silence on such atrocities is a support for an oppressor. Speak up!
Please click on the link to read the whole story.

All of Palestine is under attack. - JVP While international attention is focused on Gaza, the Israeli government and extremist settler groups are taking the opportunity to accelerate the ongoing ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the West Bank.


Tit for tat or an eye for an eye would make us all blind

Palestinian-American physician and poet Fady Joudah lost 17 members of his family to Israel’s bombing in Gaza. He speaks passionately about the need to humanize Palestinians.

It is time that we all listen to his plea, which is the need of present time and the only way forward.

Hundreds dead as Arab-Israeli conflict erupts again 07/10/2023

Dear friends

According to the international media, Israeli/Palestinian conflict once again has flared up due to Hamas attacks on Israeli towns and in response, massive Israeli retaliation is going on.
Unfortunately, people may have forgotten that nearly 200 Palestinians have been killed in Israeli military raids in the West Bank but due to Palestinian attacks on Israeli targets, over 30 people have lost their lives.
The tensions from West Bank spread to Gaza, where Hamas-linked activists held violent demonstrations along the Israeli border in recent weeks.
This tit for tat attacks have no end in sight until the International community makes an earnest effort.
For detailed information, please read this article from Euronews -Brussels.

Your objective views are welcome for a balance discussion.

Hundreds dead as Arab-Israeli conflict erupts again Hamas militants fired thousands of rockets and sent dozens of fighters into Israeli towns near the Gaza Strip early on Saturday.

Proposed law against the public burning of holy scriptures in Denmark | 17/09/2023

Proposed law against the public burning of holy scriptures in Denmark | Denmark is a peaceful country where laws are respected, and the society practices an age-old proverb; One can always agree to disagree. This mindset has helped Danes to avoid big differences, minimise societal conflicts and live a rather peaceful life. The cornerstone of accepting the differing opin...

Mobs burn Christian churches, homes in Pakistan after blasphemy allegations 16/08/2023

This is a moment that has shamed all Pakistanis. Those who are involved in burning a church must be punished to the fullest extent of the law. All Pakistanis, including the Expats should stand by our Pakistani Christian brothers and sisters in their hour of deep pain and anguish.
It is the special duty of the religious leaders to denounce such acts of terror against Christian community because, it is often their adherents who take law in their own hands and commit such crimes on the name of religion.

Mobs burn Christian churches, homes in Pakistan after blasphemy allegations Hundreds of people armed with batons and sticks attack churches in Jaranwala after the Quran was allegedly desecrated.

‘It’s a miracle I’m alive’: the Pakistani policeman who survived June’s tragic Greek shipwreck tells his story 26/07/2023

Dear friends
Many of us still remember the horrible tragedy of June 2023 in the sea near Greece where more than 500 people perished in a sunken ferry that came from Libya to Europe with nearly 700 passengers.

One of the survivors is a Pakistani policeman, who told his story before and after the shipwreck.

I hope that people would refrain to take such risk and the authorities in the developing countries and in Europe would find a workable solution so that such tragedies are avoided.

I would especially request NGOs and community representatives in the developing countries like Pakistan and in the west to campaign among communities regarding the risks involved in such travels.

The full article is available on this link:

‘It’s a miracle I’m alive’: the Pakistani policeman who survived June’s tragic Greek shipwreck tells his story Naked and helpless in the water, Usman Siddique saw the Greek coastguard ship ‘looking at us but not rescuing us’

Finnish police suspect neo-N**i group prepared for "race war" using 3D-printed weapons 23/07/2023

Dear friends

Scandinavia is famous for its peace-loving people, welfare systems and very functioning societies. far right violence, anti-humanity movements and racist ideology was almost unheard of.
Unfortunately, that has slowly but surely changed. All Scandinavian countries have well organized fascist parties based on N**i ideology that commit hate crimes, violence against innocent people, including minorities. There are many reasons for this development, but populist political rhetoric and negative media coverage has played a big part in it.
The latest example is of Finland.
Hopefully, the authorities would take note of this and make sure that far right movements are not allowed to prosper and become a big danger to the societies.
The full article can be read on this link.

Finnish police suspect neo-N**i group prepared for "race war" using 3D-printed weapons A preliminary probe has uncovered evidence that the suspects trained with the intention of committing a terrorist offence.

Greece boat tragedy, Titan sub & dehumanising hypocrisy 14/07/2023

Dear friends
I just read a very thought-provoking article on the double morals of the western world.

Dalal Al-Bizri, a Lebanese writer and researcher asks; Why do Titan sub victims' lives matter more than migrants killed in the Greece boat tragedy?

This very well-argued article can be read by clicking on the following link.

Greece boat tragedy, Titan sub & dehumanising hypocrisy June saw two horrific tragedies occur just three days apart - a coincidence which shone a spotlight on the stark hypocrisy of the world's response: hundreds who died fleeing danger sank with no trace but five seeking it were lionised and mourned.


Dear friends

The regime and some top generals think that by forcing some of the PTI politicians to leave, launching the new political and creating an atmosphere of fear, they would continue the present imported government, then two latest surveys should open their eyes. Over 95% people are still backing Imran Khan and PTI.

Imran Khan’s vote bank is intact and in the coming election, people would give their proper response and verdict.

Flere indvandrerkvinder end nogensinde før er rent faktisk i arbejde - Vinkel360 27/04/2023

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I årevis har vi hørt fra danske politikere og myndigheder, at etniske minoriteter er en belastning for det danske samfund, fordi de ikke vil arbejde, deres kvinder bliver hjemme, og de ikke bidrager til landets velfærd.
Vi, der arbejder med minoriteter samt nogle oprigtige eksperter og NGO'er, forsøgte at fortælle myndighederne, at sådanne negative udtalelser ikke er baseret på virkeligheden.

Men vores stemme druknede i højre politiske larm og mediernes uansvarlige dækning.
For at gøre ondt værre, for nylig ønskede denne populistiske regering at indføre arbejdspligt for kvinder med minoritetsbaggrund.

Jeg håber, at dette seneste Nye tal fra Dansk Industri som viser, at rekord mange disse kvinder allerede er i arbejde.

Lad os håbe, at regeringen vil gå væk fra ubrugelig projekter og kassere sin symbolpolitik.

Flere indvandrerkvinder end nogensinde før er rent faktisk i arbejde - Vinkel360 Regeringen vil indføre arbejdspligt for kvinder med indvandrebaggrund. Nye tal fra Dansk Industri viser, at rekord mange indvandrerkvinder allerede er i arbejde.


Wonderful gesture by Imran Khan towards Sikh minorities

The statement of the representative of the delegation of the Sikh Community that called on Chairman PTI Imran Khan on 12 April, 2023 is a testament that a great leader is inclusive, cares for all citizens and treats them with respect.
Listening to this articulate Sikh brother warmed my heart.


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Hvis man havde brug for endnu et bevis på denne regerings hjerteløse og populistiske politik, så bare se på finansieringen af ukrainsk flygtningebosættelse i Danmark, fra de penge, der tages ud af bistand til fattige lande, burde være nok.
Det har jeg aldrig sagt før, men jeg skammer mig over at være vidne til denne skammelige politik, som bliver praktiseret af Mette Frederiksens regime.

Regeringen vil finansiere ukrainske flygtninge med ulandspenge fra omstridt migrationsfond og Sahel
Regeringen tager omkring to milliarder kroner fra den danske ulandsbistand i 2022 for at finansiere ny særlov for ukrainske flygtninge. Næsten halvdelen af pengene findes gennem nedjusteringer i Danmarks støtte til nærområde- og migrationsstøtte i Sahel og regeringens omstridte migrationsfond.
Støtte til skrøbelige stater, klimaindsatser på Afrikas Horn og fredsindsatser i Mellemøsten og Sahel.
Det er nogle af de områder, som nedprioriteres økonomisk for at finansiere den særlov for ukrainske flygtninge, der blev vedtaget i sidste uge.
Særloven indebærer nemlig et indhug i udviklingsbistanden på godt og vel to milliarder kroner i 2022. Det er penge, der allerede var fordelt på finansloven.
Nu har regeringen meldt ud, hvilke konkrete poster pengene skal tages fra. Af de omkring to milliarder kommer 1,86 milliarder fra udskydelser og nedjusteringer i Danmarks bistand til udviklingslandene. De resterende 146 millioner fra annulleringer.
Den største portion kommer fra støtte til nærområder, migration og skrøbelige stater. Her nedjusterer Danmark sit bidrag med 987 millioner kroner.
Omkring 688,5 millioner kroner tages fra en pulje, der oprindeligt var afsat til klima- og miljøindsatser.
De sidste 213 millioner findes gennem omprioriteringer af Danmarks øvrige bidrag til for eksempel internationale sundhedskriser, WHO og den internationale finansieringsinstitution (IFC).

Moral is good but double moral is not twice as good • The European Times News 23/03/2022

Dear friends

My latest article In The European Times - Brussels - about Danish Special Ukrainian Law that Danish government recently passed.
The law is a clear violation of all conventions, is against morality and actually would ferment an already discriminatory and poisonous atmosphere in Denmark. On top of everything else, this is not a wise signal to send for a society that calls itself democratic and prides in being a defender of human rights.

You are welcome to share it.

Moral is good but double moral is not twice as good • The European Times News Human beings have always sought asylum and refuge outside their own homeland for several reasons. It could be due to war- external or civil, invasion and occupation by another state, political oppression, abuse of minority rights, religious or cultural persecution and the list is endless.

Pakistan PM lauds UN for International Day to Combat Islamophobia 16/03/2022

UN adopts resolution proposed by Pakistan designating March 15 as ‘International Day to Combat Islamophobia’

The resolution was adopted on 16th March 2022 by consensus by the 193-member world body. It emphasised the right to freedom of religion and belief and recalls a 1981 resolution calling for “the elimination of all forms of intolerance and of discrimination based on religion or belief”.
Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has welcomed a decision by the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) to approve a resolution setting March 15 as the International Day to Combat Islamophobia.
It is worth mentioning that Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan was the first person to raise the issue of Islamophobia at the UN in his historic 2019 address to the General Assembly. Since then Pakistan has repeatedly called for international attention and efforts to address the issue.

Pakistan PM lauds UN for International Day to Combat Islamophobia Imran Khan welcomes UNGA’s approval to a resolution setting March 15 as International Day to Combat Islamophobia.


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For den nyfundne godhed er åbenbart kun begrænset til bestemte mennesker; særloven gælder kun flygtninge fra Ukraine, mens flygtninge fra eksempelvis Syrien og Afghanistan ligesom alle andre flygtninge er omfattet af udlændingeloven.
Det er en klokkeklar forskelsbehandling, som tilsidesætter desperate flygtninges behov for beskyttelse til fordel for en kynisk prioritering af nationaliteter og geografi.
Johanne Dalgaard
Embedsmand, freelanceskribent

Særloven illustrerer, hvor langt ud vores menneskefjendske flygtningepolitik er kommet

Johanne Dalgaard - Embedsmand, freelanceskribent

Er ordet 'flygtning' simpelthen blevet så belastet af negative konnotationer, at man end ikke ønsker at forbinde det med nogen, man sympatiserer med, spørger Johanne Dalgaard.

Ganske selvfølgeligt skal vi i Danmark tage imod flygtninge fra krigen i Ukraine. Og ganske selvfølgeligt skal vi give dem de bedst mulige betingelser for at leve et ordentligt liv, selvom deres hjemland står i flammer.

Det er nu vi skal løfte vores blik fra vores snævre nationale, indenrigspolitiske mure og kigge ud over Europa og verden og anerkende, at en flygtning er en flygtning. Nød er nød. Krig er krig. Og beskyttelsesbehov og desperation er ikke forbeholdt bestemte lande eller etniciteter.

Klik venligst på linket for at læse denne fantastiske artikel.

Denmark opens its arms to Ukrainians, while trying to send Syrian refugees home | CNN 11/03/2022

I have been following the international media regarding Denmark’s special treatment of people who are coming from conflict area in Ukraine.

Many people around the world are critical of Danish discrimination. The latest article in CNN is a very strong condemnation of double standards that Denmark is practicing with regards to Syrian and Ukrainian refugees.

Denmark does not seem to realise that it is our moral duty to help those who are running for life and seeking safety because there is oppression and human rights violation in their country, and occupation by foreign forces.
Denmark does not care that that all UN and EU human rights conventions do not ask governments to make special laws for people who have the same background, colour, religion, or culture.
That is why, such laws that Danish government is making now for refugees from Ukraine are based on racist thinking and unequal treatment of people in need.
How can Danish politicians be proud of such discrimination and on top of it are boasting openly about this?

Denmark opens its arms to Ukrainians, while trying to send Syrian refugees home | CNN When Denmark became the first liberal democracy to tell Syrian refugees to return to their war-torn home in 2019, Russian jets were still dropping missiles in Syria, in an effort to help President Bashar al-Assad's regime regain control of the country.

Photos from Bashy Quraishy's post 10/03/2022

Dear friends

You normally read my political posts but for the coming few days, I shall also share with you photos and happy instances.
Politics is great but there are other moments in life that give joy to eyes and spirit.
I hope that you agree with me.


Here er en artikel af UTKU H. GÜZEL,Cand.mag., blogger, der handler om Danmark og anti-rusland retorik.

Klik venligst på linket for at læse denne meget gode analyse af dansk krigsmagerfeber, der har grebet politikere og medier.

Knips, knips – det er tid til at vågne op fra den kollektive hypnose Det er en smule komisk, som alle er blevet eksperter i Putins sindstilstand og kender til mandens planer. På samme vis er det også absurd at se, hvordan danske politikere står på række for at rose amerikanerne.

Photos from Bashy Quraishy's post 04/03/2022

Dear friends
After 2 year’s Corona pause in political activism, it was my first international conference. It was a pleasure to meet dedicated people from various countries, establish beneficial contacts, get many invitations, and witness the displayed glory of Italian Senate and how, political system works there.
I came home with bobbling energy and hope that intricate issues of conflicts and human rights violations can be minimised with the help of civil society activism.


Photos from Bashy Quraishy's post 23/02/2022

Dear Friends
Pakistan's ties with Russia have moved past the bitter Cold War hostilities in recent years and the chill in the relations between Pakistan and the US has further pushed the country towards Russia and China.

In Pakistan, USA has lost a dependable friend in the East because of its own arrogance, selfishness and egoism.

Photos from Bashy Quraishy's post 19/02/2022

Dear friends

I know that diehard supporters of Israel would not appreciate a dose of truth from Israeli media and few would even call me anti-Semitic for reading Haaretz but they have their eyes shut from realities.

Peace would only come between Israel and Palestine if both sides of the conflict is known and understood by the world.

What do you think?

Photos from Bashy Quraishy's post 16/02/2022

Dear friends

For many years, Israel enjoyed unquestioned support in the West, especially among the Jewish communities.
Right or wrong but Israel managed to have a total loyalty.

But now many progressive Jewish people in the west are not pleased with the onslaught from far right lobby and the settlers tactics in Israeli politics and society.

To this, one can only say; Better late than never.

Tell Biden not to steal from the Afghan people! 15/02/2022

Dear friends

Does not USA know that Afghan people were not responsible for 9/11 attacks? Actually half of them weren’t even born at the time. They need more than humanitarian aid – they need their money to be returned to them to shore up their collapsing economy.

Biden's decision is outright theft. The funds are not Biden’s to distribute. They belong to the Afghan people.

Tell Biden not to steal from the Afghan people! Biden’s decision to steal $3.5 billion of Afghan money and give it to US 9/11 families is disgraceful, infuriating, and heartless. The funds aren’t Biden’s to distribute. They belong to the Afghan people.

Photos from Bashy Quraishy's post 15/02/2022

Tribute to one of the greatest literary genius - Mirza Ghalib who passed away on 15th Feb 1869.
May his poetry and wisdom enlighten the world for ever.

The Jews dressing as Muslims to get around a prayer ban 08/02/2022

Dear friends

This latest news from Israel/Palestine is not something, one should take sides but to keep an eye on the developments. I am not a religious person but work with human rights. So, if Israelis and Palestinians must co-exist in the future, there is a need for a political solution.

Orthodox Jews would not allow Palestinian Muslims to pray at the wailing wall, the holiest site for Jews so they should also think about the sensibilities of the other side.

What is your view on that?

The Jews dressing as Muslims to get around a prayer ban Some extremist Jews reveal that they have been dressing as Muslims to enter and worship at Temple Mount/al-Aqsa Mosque compound.

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