Department of Digitalization

The Department of IT Management at Copenhagen Business School

The Department of Digitalization conducts research within the following research areas related to information technology and information systems:

Use and exploitation
Information management

Our core values are:

- Scholarly work with enduring consequences
- An affirmative work environment
- Diversity and pluralism
- Collective action and collaboration
- Workplace interact



The increase in COVID-19 infections in Copenhagen has led to a governmental shut down of campus as of Wednesday 9 December.
This means that all classes and other activities on campus are cancelled. When possible, classes will go online instead – keep yourself posted on, Canvas and Calendar 😷

All written sit-in exams on Tuesday 8 December will be carried out as planned, but if your exam was to take place on 9 December or later, it may be postponed until January or February. And it will most likely be carried out in a different way. If your exam has already been converted to an online activity, it will be carried out as planned 👩‍💻

You will find specific information about your exams on as soon as it is available, and no later than 16 December. So stay posted! 📜

We are very much aware of the uncertainty this new situation might cause, and we recommend that you contact Student Hub, if you have any questions or need someone to talk to.

Find out more:

Platforms & Digital Markets Regulation: In Search of New Principles - DMC Forum | Digital Markets Competition Forum 02/12/2020

Check this out!

Platforms & Digital Markets Regulation: In Search of New Principles - DMC Forum | Digital Markets Competition Forum 4th of December, 2020 Virtual Event The Digital Markets Competition Forum initiative at CBS, directed by prof. Carmelo Cennamo, invites you to partake in a virtual roundtable discussion on “Platforms & Digital Markets Regulation: In Search of New Principles” on December, 4 2:00 pm CET / 08:00 am...

Photos from Bitlab - Copenhagen Business School's post 21/04/2020

In these times, it is wonderful to see how everyone is contributing with help - in whatever capacity that might be. Our very own Bitlab is utilizing our 3D printing to create protecting gear together with a number of others throughout the country. Thank you so much for all you do! 👏👏

Seminar on Fake News 31/10/2019

Seminar on Fake News 21 November 2019 💭🗣

The problem of Fake News is one of our time’s most pressing challenges - it is widely believed to have played a major role in the election of Trump and Brexit, and in general, threatens the healthy functioning of news media in a modern democracy. In this seminar, The Platform for Digital Transformation brings together practitioners and academic scholars to better understand the phenomenon and to develop research strategies to address it.

Sign up here or join the webinar

Seminar on Fake News The problem of Fake News and other problematic online content is one of our time’s most pressing challenges -- it is widely believed to have played a major role in the election of Trump and Brexit, and in general threatens the healthy functioning of news media in modern democracy. The problem of

Designed for Digital: How to Architect Your Business for Sustained Success - Jeanne Ross (MIT) 30/09/2019

Join our upcoming seminar and discover how you can architect your business for sustained success in an in-depth discussion with Jeanne W. Ross, Cynthia Beath and Abayomi Baiyere.

Sign-up here:

Designed for Digital: How to Architect Your Business for Sustained Success - Jeanne Ross (MIT) Designed for Digital: How to Architect Your Business for Sustained Success - Jeanne Ross (MIT).

Forside 26/07/2019

As a new student, you have the great opportunity to attend the DØK intro program. For much more information on what that entails have a look at the page below.

It's gonna be a blast 🙌🎉


Study start - bachelor | CBS - Copenhagen Business School 26/07/2019

🎓📘 On Friday the 26nd, CBS has sent out replies to everyone now admitted to CBS

We would, therefore, like to say a big welcome to every new student attending this September 👏

For more information on what to know when starting your studies at CBS follow the link below.

Once again, WELCOME 😀🙌

Study start - bachelor | CBS - Copenhagen Business School

PhD defence: Benjamin Flesch 26/06/2019

The Department of Digitalization, Copenhagen Business School wishes Dr. Benjamin Flesch congratulations with obtaining his Ph.D.

Social Interaction Model, Social Set Query Language, and Social Set Visualizer (SoSeVi) are the three novel contributions from the Ph.D.

If you would like to read more about this Ph.D. see the link below:

Once again a great congratulations 😊👏

PhD defence: Benjamin Flesch


👏 A big congratulations to our colleagues Stefan Henningsson and Lorenz Törmer, who were awarded the Best Paper Award at ECIS for their paper titled "Dynamic Capabilities Building in the LEGO Group"

By elaboration on the creation of the LEGO Group's Enterprise Architecture capability, the paper develops a theoretical model to explain how companies can deliberately build dynamic capabilities in preparation for the digital future.

Once again a big congrats! 😊

Danish Hub for Cyber Security | Industriens Fond 11/06/2019


CBS and Department of Digitalization are among the partners in a newly founded Danish Hub for Cybersecurity. The hub is aiming to strengthen Danish companies when working with Cybersecurity. The project is a collective effort with a great number of parties involved as well many initiatives already underway - all working to increase competencies within cybersecurity.

To know more about the hub and what projects and actors are involved, please see the link below 😃

Danish Hub for Cyber Security | Industriens Fond Små og mellemstore virksomheder er langt fremme, når det gælder udviklingen af innovative services og produkter, men i takt med at virksomheder verden over bliver udsat for nye trusler i form af cyberangreb, ligger der et uudnyttet vækstpotentiale inden for produkter og løsninger med høj sikke...


Wanna hear more from Department of Digitalization and the things that go on here?

Then please go follow our LinkedIn page where you can get insights into the day-to-day life at the department, current research projects and also much more on our studies 👏

We will see you there! 😃

Fundamental changes in society challenge CBS - here is the university's response - CBS WIRE 03/06/2019

Congratulations to our colleague, Till Winkler, who has been appointed Associate Dean of Digital Transformation of Curriculum 👏

In his own words,Till Winkler is looking forward to helping our students become even more digitally savvy 😃

Read more about the position in the article below, featuring the Dean of Education, Gregor Halff, together with also newly appointed Associate Dean of Life-long Learning, Rasmus Johnsen.

Fundamental changes in society challenge CBS - here is the university's response - CBS WIRE The societies of Denmark and Europe are undergoing fundamental changes. The average working lifetime is going up, and labor markets demand for continuous education. At the same time, digitalization keeps offering new opportunities for education, but it also gives rise to new challenges. Earlier this...


The renowned scholars seminar series at the department of Digitalization. On Friday, we welcomed Prof. Dr. Claudia Loebbecke who gave a talk on: Big Data: Yet another IS Wave Becoming the "New Normal" for Management, Society, and Research

CBS professor will lead us safely through disruption 08/05/2017

CBS professor will lead us safely through disruption If Denmark fails to get ahead in designing and developing information technology, we become a nation of digital users; a nation that only learns to use, but fails to develop.


Interested in deploying digital platforms for your business?

Join us at Copenhagen Business School for our Executive Summer School, 14-18 August 2017, and sign up for the course "Digital Transformation in Practice" taught by experienced ITM faculty members.

You can find further information here:

Digital Transformation in Practice | CBS Executive Digital technology is pervasive in virtually any aspect of today's modern life. Subsequently, a digital transformation of business and organization has become part and parcel of any sector and industry regardless of size and orientation. Enabled by various capacities of digital technologies, novel b...

Timeline photos 02/12/2016

Today, we had the pleasure to welcome Professor Joey F. George from Iowa State University. During our renowned scholars seminar series, he presented his research on "Culture, Media & Deception".


Deceptive communication has been studied for decades, but within that vast body of work, relatively little research has been done regarding the roles of cultural or media differences and their effects on deception and its detection. Even less research has been done where culture, media and deception intersect. This presentation describes a study of deception detection, where judges from various countries have been asked to detect deception among people from outside their culture and who speak different languages. In addition, the judges were asked to judge the veracity of people across four different media. The research questions: Can people detect deception among members of other cultural groups? And what is the role of computer-mediated modes of communication in successful deception detection?


Get the competitive advantage with big data | CBS - Copenhagen Business School 02/07/2016

Copenhagen Business School has established a new Centre for Business Data Analytics ( ) at the Department of IT Management. cbsBDA’s vision is to turn big data sets into business assets by generating meaningful facts, actionable insights, valuable outcomes, and sustainable impacts.

The new centre is led by our Professor Ravi Vatrapu and consists of 2 assistant professors, 9 PhD students, 5 research assistants, and 11 collaborating faculty from CBS and beyond. The research project ( is one of 4 projects already underway at our new centre with competences in the computational social science, theoretical computer science, data mining, machine learning, text analytics, information systems, econometrics, psychology, marketing, and public health.

cbsBDA aims to operate in the “Pasteur’s Quadrant” by its pioneering research on set-theoretical big data analytics as well as developing novel organisational applications that realise business value and create societal impact.

Get the competitive advantage with big data | CBS - Copenhagen Business School CBS establishes a Centre for Business Data Analytics. The mission is to turn big data into business assets for Danish companies. Photo: Roskilde, Lars Just/PolfotoFront page photo: ShutterstockWhat has rock 'n’ roll got to do with big data analytics? The rhythm of the huge Danish music festival


Our Assistant Professor Mari-Klara Stein, together with three colleagues, has been awarded the “European Research Paper of the Year” by CIONET (the leading community of executives in Europe) for their study "Coping with Information Technology: Mixed Emotions, Vacillation, and Nonconforming Use Patterns”, published in MIS Quarterly in June 2015.

Watch the award ceremony, where Mari and the other finalist (Anne Scherer from ETH Zurich) describe their research in the short video below.

CIOCITY 2016 ERPOTY AWARD CEREMONIE European Research Paper of the Year 2016! Watch the winner and the runner-up discussing the major findings of their research. Selected out of a shortlist of ...

Timeline photos 20/04/2016

On Friday, we welcomed Professor Kevin Crowston from Syracuse University ( During our renowned scholars seminar series, he presented his research on "Citizen Science: Learning to Effectively Contribute in Virtual Organizations".


Virtual citizen science projects such as the Zooniverse ( provide tools and opportunities for public engagement in scientific research, thus providing an increasingly important venue for informal science education. However, these projects raise the question of how new contributors to such open online collaborative projects learn to participate. Many studies of informal learning apply the framework of situated learning, which emphasizes novices observing and participating in practice as well as interacting with more experienced participants. However, online citizen science projects offer participants only limited forms of engagement with practice. To explain how newcomers learn in such restricted settings, we extend the notion of situated learning and suggest that volunteers exploit varied modes of access to practice, feedback and relationship building. In current work, we are extending this work by exploring how machine learning systems can be used to support learning by newcomers.

Timeline photos 12/03/2016

On Friday, we welcomed Dr. Hamid Ekbia (Indiana University Bloomington) to our renowned scholars seminar series. He gave a talk on the topic "Heteromation and Other Stories of Computing and Capitalism".


The computerization of the economy has shifted the landscape in terms of the relations of human persons and digital machinery, systematically moving a large majority of people toward economically essential but marginal roles. In this new division of labor, much of the work undertaken by humans is hidden, uncompensated or poorly compensated, and naturalized as part of what it means to be a “user” of digital technology. In my work with Bonnie Nardi, we examine instances of this kind of participation in economic production, which we dub “heteromation.” Heteromation is a new logic of capital accumulation, which extracts economic value from low-cost or free labor in computer-mediated networks. I will present a précis of our book with the above title (2016, MIT Press), where we study the mechanisms, drivers, and value contributions of a wide variety of heteromated labor.

More about Dr. Hamid Ekbia and his research:

Timeline photos 27/02/2016

This week, we had the pleasure to welcome Prof. Jan Pries-Heje from Roskilde University. We had an engaging seminar on the topic "Design Thinking for Decision Support; the Creativity Passdown Effect".

More about Prof. Jan Pries-Heje and his research

Timeline photos 22/01/2016

Our Associate Professor Chee-Wee Tan has received the Outstanding Associate Editor Award for services rendered to MIS Quarterly (MISQ):

Congratulations Chee-Wee!

Chee-Wee: "I am both honored and humbled to receive the award. While it is a privilege to be recognized for my contribution to the leading journal in the field, I must say that equal credit should be accorded to the Senior Editors (SEs) for whom I have had the pleasure of working with as well as the wonderful crop of reviewers whose dedication and professionalism I rely on. Also, I would like to express my appreciation to the department in facilitating my work as an Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly (MISQ)."

#cbsCSSL-Computational Social Science Laboratory(CSSL) 26/11/2015

We are pleased to host the Danske Bank Big Data Analytics Competition exclusively for students in our Big Data Analytics and Big Social Data Analytics courses.

The competition brings together diverse datasets (real-world business data + big social data + stock data) and students with advanced business and data analytics skills.

The mantra at our Computational Social Science Laboratory ( is to transform big data sets into business assets. Let the analytics begin!

#cbsCSSL-Computational Social Science Laboratory(CSSL)


Our Associate Professor Chee-Wee Tan has a new paper in MIS Quarterly (co-authored with Izak Benbasat and Ronald Cenfetelli). Congratulations Chee-Wee!

Title: An Exploratory Study of the Formation and Impact of Electronic Service Failures

Chee-Wee: "We are very happy that our paper has been accepted for publication in MIS Quarterly (MISQ). The paper explores how electronic service failures manifest on e-commerce websites and their impact on consumer behavior. Throughout the review process, we are extremely appreciative of the time and effort expended by our Senior Editor Ron Thompson, Associate Editor J. J. Po-An Hsieh, as well as two anonymous reviewers to continuously provide constructive feedback and invaluable advice to assist us in improving the paper. It is a humbling and inspiring experience to work with the review team to develop the manuscript and see it mature over time :) "

MIS Quarterly E-commerce service failures have been the bane of e-commerce, compelling customers to either abandon transactions entirely or switch to traditional brick-and-mortar establishments. Yet, there is a paucity of studies that investigates how such failures manifest on e-commerce websites and their impact…

Big Data - fra vision til handling | Industriens Fond 01/10/2015

Today, we officially start a new research project at ITM "Big Data Analytics for Social Business" funded by the Danish Industry Foundation (Industriens Fond). The formal project kick-off is on 23-Oct-2015 (

The project team is led by ITM’s Professor Ravi Vatrapu (Computational Social Science) with co-PI’s from ITM and three other departments at CBS: Daniel Hardt (Computational Linguistics), Lisbeth la Cour (Time-Series Econometrics), Torsten Ringberg (Marketing) and Per Østergaard Jacobsen: Business Analytics).

Two assistant professors and two PhD fellows are hired at ITM on the grant and CBS co-financing. We welcome Raghava Rao Mukkamala (Formal Methods and Set Theory), Abid Hussain (Data Science and Design Research), Niels Buus Lassen (Statistics and Predictive Analytics) and Benjamin Flesch (Visual Analytics and Computational Set Analysis) to the ITM family.

The project will systematically collect, combine, and analyse business data and social data to (a) advance research in Computational Social Science, (b) create value for Danish companies in terms of tools for social product innovation, dashboards for corporate social responsibility and sales forecasters, and (c) train employees and managers for data-driven decision-making.

Check out the webpage of Computational Social Science Laboratory (CSSL) for an overview of the projects, publications, team members and infrastructure.


Big Data - fra vision til handling | Industriens Fond Evnen til at håndtere, analysere og udnytte Big Data kommercielt er en udfordring for mange virksomheder på tværs af brancher. Gennem fem Big Data-projekter ønsker Industriens Fond at etablere tætte samarbejder mellem videnspersoner og virksomheder, så de sammen kan skabe forretningsmæssig værdi ud…

Timeline photos 09/09/2015

Our Associate Professor Jonas Hedman commented upon the launch of Swipp's new mobile payment app on TV2 (Danish).

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