Conscious Dating Denmark

Conscious Dating Denmark

Træt af anstrengte kaffedates? Le og leg dig til en helt anden måde at møde andre singler på.


Ta**ra in Denmark?

The Tribal Vibe Summer Festival 2024

For the 5th Summer in a row we invite you to join us for 4 - 8 days and share beautiful days of connection and insights.

Beyond the ta**ra festivals due to the high level of community commitment and the tribes six practices create a very safe space for you to explore personal or relational workshops.

You can go deeper with us: our workshops are 2,25 - 4,5 hours.

The progression of the days, each with their own theme, are carefully designed to hold space for a safe and deep personal expansion.

The theme this year is "Rediscover Eden", and we invite you to come and together with the highy skilled faciltators create an amazing garden of joy, connection and insights.

We hold space for ALL of you
- your uniqueness is welcome!

The Tribal Vibe Video: Maj-Britt Hansen for The Tribal Vibe Video Testimonials 08/06/2024

Meet Maj-Britt Hansen, a fairly new member of The Tribal Vibe community. She attended her first The Tribal Vibe Summer Festival last year...

The Tribal Vibe Video: Maj-Britt Hansen for The Tribal Vibe Video Testimonials Maj-Britt on what it feels like to join the festival


We are looking forward to vibrate with these lovely ladies


Conversations about “everything ta***ic”
Meet the facilitators when they present gems from The Tribal Vibe Summer Festival 2024 toolbox

Over the next few weeks we will be presenting the facilitators and organizers of this year's festival. They will share ideas and tips about the tools and methods that we use to create the festival with the theme of 2024: “Rediscover Eden”.

Follow us to meet:

Wednesday 29th at 19:00 on Facebook/Instagram:

Signe and Bea will talk about the purpose and why this is not “just another ta**ra festival”. We will cover the ideas behind and how the festival works and presents many of the methods/tools that give body to the soul of this festival.

We will also share a little practical gift of the soothing “Tribal Breath” with you.

Andrea and Milan will talk about Ta**ra

Wave and Lil will conversate on The Wonders of the Mind-Body connection

Eva and Wies’s talk will cover Working with the Body

Scarlett and Anne will reflect on Music & Conscious Movement

Ronski and Rune will share some wisdom about Meditation & Mindfulness

Bernhard and Matilde will share more on how to build an Eden

Sarah and Sara Sun will discuss the experiences of Volunteering

As a conclusion of “Talks about Everything Tantric” Signe, Bea and Wies will talk about the 6 mandatory practice tools, we use to ensure a spacious, free safe, thriving and authentic environment in our tribe.

All these conversations will serve for you to get to know us better and give you some tips, so you can start preparing for the amazing experience that the Festival will bring you.


Glæder du dig til sommer?

Det gør vi!

Programmet for årets lækreste retreat-festival aka "love camp" The Tribal Vibe Summer Festival er her nu! (link i kommentarfelt)

Vi kan næsten ikke vente til igen i år at møde alle de dejlige mennesker, nye som kendte, når vi samles i 5-8 gyldne sommerdage.

Lutter leg og læring i spændende, unikke workshops skabt til festivalen, med sauna og solskinstimer i cafeen og masser af fede fælles oplevelser skaber nye forbindelser, venskaber, kærlighedsrelationer etc.....

Er du stadig i tvivl?
Om det er noget for dig, så tag en smagsprøve på søndag 12.5., når vi laver A Day with the Tribe for alle som er nysgerrige på TTV.

Det koster kun 195 kr for en eftermiddag i det grønne.

Sådan melder du dig til: mobilpay 195 kr til 118907
+ send navn til [email protected]


Conscious Dating 05/11/2022

Super Excited!
It seems Date Night for Singles 8 December is really striking a core! Lots of singles joining us.

This is going to be soooo much fun for me too!

Conscious Dating Er du single og har du lyst til at møde andre singler på en sjov, ubesværet og mere autentisk måde?...


We need more of it.
A whole lot more!

We need more gentle, physical touch with no agenda other than to do good and feel great.

And we need to feel our hearts being touched.
By the presence of others
To be seen.
To reach out and to be found.
To be held in respect with kindness and gentleness.

Happy Friday

Kvindecirkel 2022 - nyt kvindegruppe-forløb 25/10/2022

Kvindecirkel 2022
- begynder tirsdag 1. november kl 18.00

Dette kvindegruppe-forløb er måske til dig, der har lyst til at mødes og arbejde sammen med andre kvinder. Hvis du er nysgerrig efter at gå på opdagelse i dig selv og det at være kvinde anno 2022, så dette måske for dig.

Vi tager på opdagelse i nogle af kvindelivets vigtigste områder
- oplevet og forstået gennem en kvinders krop og med en kvindes sind. Gennem sharings i cirklen, øvelser, meditation og bevægelse, udforsker vi forskellige områder af en kvindes liv.

Her er nogle af de temaer, kvindecirklen vil fordybe sig i:

- Her er jeg! Hvem er du? - vi undersøger hvad vi indeholder og hvem vi er i og uden andres blik på os

- Selvværd og de sunde grænser - vi skal bl.a. arbejde med Wheel of Consent 🙂

- Autentiske relationer - både med dig selv og med andre

- Kvindens unikke krop & seksualitet - om sanseligheden, nærheden og om de interessante forskelle på østrogenbåret og testosteronbåret kroppe

- Tilgivelse & Hengivelse - for at kunne opleve den bløde hengivelse, må vi ofte igennem svære tilgivelselses-processer

- Nuet & den lyse fremtid - udgangspunktet for den succesfulde sti fremad kræver at turde være med det som er nu

Tilmeld dig her:

Få mere info her:
OBS Begrænset antal pladser

Kvindecirkel 2022 - nyt kvindegruppe-forløb Kvindecirkel 2022 er et kvindegruppeforløb på seks gange til dig, der ønsker at møde og udvikle dig sammen med en mindre gruppe kvinder (6-10)


Ready for love?
Wanna meet singles at a fun , relaxed and intimate event?

Conscious Dating will be back soon. Stay tuned!

Pm your e-mail If you want to know about it first

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Videoer (vis alle)

Meet the Conversations about "Everything tantric" - Meet the Facilitators
The Tribal Vibe Summer Festival 2023  8-15 July              Join the tribe and explore the sweetness and richness of li...
Reset your dating life!#consciousdating #tantra #authenticrelating #circling
Ready for love?Wanna meet singles at a fun , relaxed and intimate event?Conscious Dating will be back soon. Stay tuned! ...

