The Many Worlds Brewing

Borupvej 80, 3330 Gørløse


Important announcement from The Many Worlds Brewing

I have been contemplating this for quite a while now and I have come to the decision that The Many Worlds Brewing will stop operations as of 31/12/2023.

Since we started back in 2020, we have had a lot of struggles, everything from horrible landlords, increasing prices, threats of lawsuits from competing breweries, greedy banks and many other things.
All of these things have over time slowly sucked the joy out of an industry I fought so hard to get into. I poured all my savings and energy into starting this brewery.
Constant worries about the financial situation of the brewery and all the drama associated with it, has totally sterilized the experience for me.

Slowly I have come to the realization that I have fallen out of love with the craft brewing industry.

At this time, the right thing is to take a step back and see if the passion and drive come back. Maybe it will, maybe it won’t.

But the right thing isn’t to continue with a project that I can’t give my full attention and make products that I can’t stand by 100%. That isn’t fair to myself, much less our customers and dedicated fans.

That being said, we have had some amazing experiences. We have met people who have been immensely friendly and helpful and we have traveled to places we wouldn’t otherwise have, just to serve our beer to wonderful people.

We have traveled a lot to meet people in countries around Europe and have had the privilege of spending time with other brewers and beer drinkers and serving our beer to thousands of people. It has been an amazing privilege for us.

We have a decent stock of kegs that we need to sell before we close, so feel free to reach out if you are interested in any of them.

I want to personally thank Dry & Bitter Brewing Company for allowing us to brew or last few beers on their system. They are amazing people and great friends.

As mentioned, maybe The Many Worlds Brewing will return in the future, but for now we will take a step back and see if the passion and drive come back. If it does, then we will be back.

Please message us if you have any questions.

Much love
Chris & Trine - The Many Worlds Brewing



Due to a small delay in label production, we had to move packaging from last week to this week.

However, our brand new hazy IPA Lysbrud is coming this week. A beautiful hazy IPA made with a large amount of freshly harvested Danish wildflower honey, and dry-hopped heavily with HBC 586.
Keep an eye out at your local bars and bottle shops!


Here is a little sneak peek of our new beer we will be packaging at the end of next week. Aside from being the first beer with a Danish name, this is our second beer with honey. This is very special honey - it was harvested just 5 days before we used it, which was the first harvest of the year. The bees had access to white clover and rape-seed flowers (a staple of the Danish summer countryside) which are also depicted on the label. We then dry-hopped it heavily with HBC 586. Stay tuned for this one!


Today we packaged our first double IPA of 2023!

Per Aspera Ad Astra is now out at beer bars and bottle shops around Copenhagen and will be available across Denmark from next week.
It is also available on our webshop at

Featuring Phantasm NZ and Nelson Sauvin CGX from our friends at Hop Revolution and Crosby Hops.


Yesterday we brewed our first double IPA of 2023.

We wanted to keep this one under wraps for a bit, but we think it's such a cool beer and label that we had to share it now!
Double IPA's are what we made our name on and we are not kidding around on this beer.
It will be our second beer ever to feature Phantasm NZ and also Nelson Sauvin CGX from our friends at Crosby Hops and Hop Revolution.

The artwork is in our opinion the most beautiful and elegant on our lineup so far. As always our designer Keever Illustrator has worked some absolute magic.

Per Aspera Ad Astra means "Through hardships, to the stars". This phrase has been around since the Renaissance, but anyone who has been through hard times will find meaning in that phrase.
The label is partially inspired by a certain metal band's album cover - points if you can guess which band and album.

Stay tuned in the weeks to come for this beer!

Photos from The Many Worlds Brewing's post 09/05/2023

We are finally ready to reveal our first beer of 2023!
Quantum Jump is our first session IPA in cans. Clocking in at 4.5% ABV and brewed with a ton of wheat and oats.

This beer is made with a brand new hop product from Crosby Hops called CGX. This is a cryogenically concentrated hop pellet. We used Strata CGX alongside Mosaic and El Dorado T-90 hops.
As far as we are aware, this will be the first beer released commercially in Denmark made with CGX.

We are gearing up for canning early next week if all goes well, so keep your eyes open for this one.

Our first releases will explore different varieties of CGX.

We are so happy to be back doing what we love doing - making great beer.
Also our designer Keever Illustrator has made some amazing labels for our first releases, and we can't wait to share them with you all.



So as many of you know, we have been without a place to brew since January of 2023, due to issues with our previous landlord. This also meant that we had to pause brewing new beers.

However, we are now super happy to announce that we have found a new place!
We will very shortly start brewing in Gørløse, just outside Hillerød (so very close to our old location). If that place sounds familiar, that is because we will be moving in alongside our wonderful friends from Dry & Bitter Brewing Company!

We are still working on a few things, especially funding is a bit tricky, but we are moving along as fast as we can.

Now it is important to emphasize that we are not contract brewing, we will be brewing our beers 100% from start to finish, just like we always have been.

This move also gives us in-house canning ability and means we should be able to release beers on a much more regular basis.

Also, this will allow our breweries to exchange ideas and knowledge. For example, we will be adding a brand new reverse osmosis system, that we will both be using and we will of course share our knowledge about water chemistry. There are tones of areas that we can work together to make both better beer and better businesses.

We have know the guys and girls at Dry & Bitter for years now and we are super happy to start working alongside them, and we are so thankful that they have given us this opportunity!

More info will come as we go along and feel free to send us any questions you might have!🍻🍻🍻




So you may have noticed that we have slowed down a bit in the first 2 months of 2023, and there are reasons for that and we feel that now is time to address them.

At the end of 2022, our landlord informed us that he was going to sell the building we were brewing in, along with the equipment we were renting. We wanted to use this time to renegotiate the rent we were paying, which we discovered was 4-5 times higher than the average for the area.
He refused any negotiation and as a result we had no choice but to stop renting the brewery from him. The high rent was used to justify an inflated sales price for the building, basically we were pawns in a sales game. And under the conditions we were presented, it was unsustainable to continue renting the space and equipment, leading into an uncertain future ownership.

Spending 450.000 kr a year on rent for a brewery our size, is just not sustainable.

And as you know, we want control over our process. We are dedicated to quality and are therefore not interested in contract brewing in the classical sense, where we just send a basic recipe and someone else brews it for us, with no input or supervision from our side.

So rather than having someone brew our beer for us, we would rather look at other options for brewing, where we still retain control.
Options like the ones we are looking for, really don't grow on trees, so it's taking longer than we would ideally like. We almost had one lined up, but that fell through at the last minute.
Unfortunately we don't have tones of money to build a brewery or buy new equipment, so that's not an option.

We are especially bummed to not brew in Espergærde, where a lot of locals have embraced us as their favorite local brewery and helped us grow. If we could come back, then we would.

So there won't be any new releases from us just yet, while we are sorting out a new place to brew.
However, we do still have a webshop full of beer fresh beer, so don't forget you can still get our beers.

So don't worry - The Many Worlds Brewing isn't going anywhere!


For our last beer in our new canning release, we have what is to our knowledge only the second ever beer brewed in Denmark using NZ thiol powder.
If you don't know what Phantasm is, it's essentially the spent grape skins from Sauvignon Blanc wine production from New Zealand. They are then freeze dried and ground into a powder. The idea is that they contain a ton of thiols (think super fruity aroma compounds) that can be released by the yeast.

We loaded the whirlpool with Phantasm and then dry-hopped it heavily with Nelson Sauvin and Pacific Sunrise hops from our friends at Hop Revolution.

The name of this beer and the label is meant to pay tribute to the people who helped us get started and run this brewery. Even though we are a tiny operation, it takes the help and support of so many people to make beer (anything really) possible, from the maltster to the yeast lab, hop growers, designers, to the people of course buying and drinking the beer.

Space travel also requires thousands of people to happen and since space is a constant source of inspiration for our labels, what better way to symbolize it than a space colony on another planet.

It really is true that no one achieves anything alone.


Next up on our brand new canning beers is a beer that has already gotten so much attention, just from the artwork.
The Shape Of Things To Come is our first ever beer to use cryo hops, specifically Idaho 7 cryo along with a big dose of Strata and Citra.

We brewed a huge base beer using almost 20% flaked oats and just a touch of dextrose to dry it out slightly.

In the kettle we used Mosaic and Idaho 7 as well. We really wanted the cryo to shine in this beer and it really does!

The artwork is of course made by our amazing designer Keever Illustrator.
The Shape Of Things To Come is a book by H.G. Wells that looks at the world after it has acquired nuclear weapons and what the ethical and moral implications are of using such weapons.

Photos from The Many Worlds Brewing's post 16/11/2022

First in the line of new beers for next week we have:
Cold & Distant.
This is a beer we call a New Zealand Pilsner. This beer was brewed with 100% lager malt from and 100% Riwaka hops from New Zealand. We fermented it as cold as our yeast could handle in order to retain as much hop aroma and flavor as possible. It clocks in at 5.9% ABV.

We left it at 0C for several weeks to lager properly.

Super fruity but very dry and with a big hit of bitterness, this is the perfect pilsner for us.

The artwork is an interpretation of the picture that the Cassini space probe took through the rings of Saturn. The blue dot is Earth.

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Danish craft brewing. Based just north of Copenhagen.

Welcome to the Many Worlds Brewing!
A brewery all about science and the awesome universe we live in. Through our beer, we try and promote scientific ideas, awesome people and more. We hope to get to share our beer with as many of you as possible!

Videoer (vis alle)

Cycles Of The Sun, our brand new stout with coffee, cacao nibs, vanilla, chilli and cinnamon. Coming to your favorite ba...
Today we are brewing only our second beer ever, and third batch. This will be a 6.7% ABV beer called The Cosmic Perspect...
The Fourth Astronaut canning.
The Fourth Astronaut




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