Nordic Hypnotherapy
Sundhed Og Skønhed Virksomheder i nærheden
Tacoma 98402
South Baker Street, Tacoma
Street Helen's Avenue, Tacoma
Velkommen til Hypnoterapi, Health Coaching & Healing hos Nina Osberg Nina Osberg, M.Ed, PCRM Certified Food For Life Instructor
Støjer sindet? Hypnoterapi hjælper med at skrue ned for støjen, skrue op for mental fokus og bidrager til bedre søvn om natten. Book en tid til en uforpligtende samtale eller en tid i Juni eller Juli til 250 kr pr time. (Jeg har ikke mange tider tilbage i Juni.) Skriv en kort besked herpå! Glæder mig til at vi ses!
Mvh. Nina 💜
Is the mind making too much noise?Hypnotherapy helps to turn down the noise, increase mental focus and contributes to better sleep at night. Book an appointment for a non-binding conversation or book a session in June or July for 250 kr per hour. (I don't have many slots left in June.) Write me a short message on here! Looking forward to seeing you! Best, Nina 💜
PS. Sessions can easily be done on-line!
I can also be reached at:
[email protected]
Hej! Jeg er her for at tilbyde min hjælp, især til dem der kæmper med stress og angst. 🌿✨
Ofte siger jeg til folk, der kommer til en gratis uddybende samtale, at jeg også kan hjælpe dem. Og jeg mener det oprigtigt. Hypnose og hypnoterapi er kraftfulde redskaber til at arbejde med stress og angst. Det er en måde at arbejde med en selv på, hvor man på en rolig og behagelig måde kan bearbejde forskellige uhensigtsmæssige tankemønstre, traumer og blokeringer indeni dig.
Hvis stress og angst ikke er noget vi er født med, så er det ikke en følelse, vi skal acceptere at beholde. Hvis sindet bliver ved med at forstyrre og 'larme', så er der hjælp at hente! 💛
Hypnose er utroligt effektivt til at håndtere uhensigtsmæssige tankemønstre. Jeg kan helt sikkert også hjælpe dig med dine udfordringer.
Hi! I'm here to offer my help, especially to those struggling with stress and anxiety. 🌿✨ Often I tell people who contact me for a free in-depth conversation that I can help them too. And I mean it sincerely.
Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are powerful tools for working with stress and anxiety. It's a way of working with yourself where you can calmly and comfortably process various unhelpful thought patterns, traumas and blockages within yourself. ✨
If stress and anxiety is not something we were born with, then it's not a feeling we should accept keeping. If the mind keeps making noise and the thoughts keep disturbing daily life, there is help! 💛
Hypnosis is incredibly effective in dealing with unhelpful thought patterns. I can definitely help guide you to more helpful thoughts. 🌿✨ These sessions can easily be done on-line! One of my online clients recently wrote to me:
Dear Nina,
The session we had was life changing for me. Thank you for your excellent care and guidance. Warmly, Theresa
(after our 4th session)
Eksamensangst? Der er hjælp at hente!
En klient skrev: Tusind tak for din store hjælp og enorme støtte! Jeg havde eksamensangst, og vores samtaler gav mig selvtillid og ro i sindet. Jeg gik ind til eksamen helt uden angst og scorede 12. Vores sessioner har været en kæmpe hjælp på mange andre måder og har gjort hverdagen lettere for mig! - Emma, 18 år
Telefon tid: mandag til onsdag fra 16:30 - 20,
fredag fra 14:30 - 19. +45 2921 1127
One of the articles I have written for Marlene's Sound Outlook magazine... 🌱❤️
Happy March 1st 🌿💛
Hypnotherapy has been helpful for many people in dealing with everyday stresses, anxiety or phobias. A session can just as easily be done on-line as in person. The first two sessions are 2 hours long and after that an hour and a half. Typically all that is needed is 4-5 sessions. I am running a 50% off, so the first session is only 98$
Here's what one client had to say:
Before I discovered hypnotherapy, I often felt stressed, anxious, overwhelmed and struggled to cope with everyday challenges. But hypnotherapy has helped me with my abandonment and control issues. It has also affected my management style. Now I feel more calm and collected, find it easier to handle stressful situations and let things roll off my shoulders. I really appreciate Nina's ability to listen and her genuine care, which has played a crucial role in my journey towards peace and calm. You are in good hands with Nina!
- Theresa, 57 years old (online client)
Write and tell me a little bit about your issue and to set up a free consultation at
[email protected]
Åbningstilbud: jeg giver 50% til de første 5 klienter (1-5 sessioner alt efter problemstilling a 1 1/2 - 2 timer). Tilbudspris: 500 kr. pr. session. Normalpris: 1.000 kr. pr. session. Grib chancen og kom dit problem til livs. Måske har du angst, en fobi, lavt selvværd, præstationsangst, depression, sukkertrang eller andet. Måske ønsker du mere trivsel og velvære i dit liv. Uanset hvad - tøv ikke med at kontakte mig. Send mig en sms med lidt info om dig og din problemstilling, til telefonnummer 2921 1127 og jeg vender tilbage. Sessionerne foregår i min hypnoseklinik i Viborg.
De venligste hilsner
Du kan læse mere på min hjemmeside:
Have a great Sunday! ❤️
Godmorgen herfra.... Good morning 🌞
Let me help you see beyond the clouds. My contact info is on the page and on my website!
Jeg kan lave hypnoterapi på både dansk og engelsk. (I can do our hypnotherapy session in either Danish or English.) Jeg håber vi ses! 🙂
Hej! Nu er min danske website klar. Jeg tilbyder en halvtimes intro session med en smagsprøve på hypnose til 250 kr. Det er ren afslapning og vi kan derefter lægge en plan om vi skal fortsætte! 🙂 Jeg glæder mig til at se dig!
Skriv eller ring for at booke en tid.
Hypnoterapi med Nina Osberg Hypnoterapi og Healing i Viborg: Din Vej Hjem til Mental Sundhed.
"It's not what you have on the outside that glitters in light, it's what you have on the inside that shines in the dark." ~Anthony Liccione
Art by Jungsuk Lee
There's a space within you that is open, free of ruminating thoughts; a space that is peaceful and expansive. It is only your thinking that stands in the way of feeling this within, but it is there! Let me guide you back to this space. Set up an introduction appointment with me!
Art by me: Nina Osberg
Happy Friday ❤️ Make it Great!
Hi There,
My website is finally up and running! Check it out, perhaps you or someone you know someone who would benefit from a session with me!
Here's the link to my website:
Photo by Nina Osberg (that's me) 🙂
Did you know?
"At age 80, Ardis Coffman had Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and chronic kidney disease. When her daughter decided to go WFPB, Coffman reluctantly agreed to try it too—for dinners only. Within a couple of months, Coffman’s doctor noticed such big improvements in her A1C levels that she decided to go 100% plant-based. "Now I'm 85 and in better health than I was at 45," she writes."
It's Never Too Late: How I Improved My Health at Age 80 with a WFPB Diet Since adopting a whole-food, plant-based diet at age 80, Ardis Coffman's improved her blood pressure and more. Read her inspiring story!
Worth ❤️🌱
Live to 100: Secrets of the Blue Zones | Official Trailer | Netflix Travel around the world with author Dan Buettner to discover five unique communities where people live extraordinarily long and vibrant lives.SUBSCRIBE: http...
Deeeelicious! 😋 Mushroom Lentil Stew 🌱❤️
The sauce is So So good!
Photo by Nina Osberg
A Classic 🌱❤️ Courtesy of Noyan Anne
1 bell pepper
10-15 cherry tomatoes
1 can of chickpeas (boiled)
1/2-1 red onion
lime juice
Salt pepper
Dr. Greger is Spot On! 💯 🎯
There is compelling evidence to recommend eating nuts at least three times a week to maximize your chances of living longer and healthier lives. Raw nuts are preferred over salted or toasted ones, and whole or chopped nuts over nut butters.
Interventional trials have shown that eating nuts improves artery function, and nuts may also improve blood sugar control, lower cholesterol, suppress inflammation, reduce oxidative stress, and feed our friendly gut flora. Watch the video "Do the Health Benefits of Peanut Butter Include Longevity?" at to learn more.
My Daily Dozen recommends at least one serving of nuts or other seeds every day. A quarter cup of nuts is considered a serving. Learn more about the Daily Dozen at
Based on the China Study and over 700 OTHER STUDIES, the more animal protein you eat, including milk, cheese, yogurt, chicken, beef, fish, the higher your risk of virtually ALL western DISEASES including cancer, diabetes, allergies, autoimmune disease.
Dr. T. Colin Campbell
Details the connection between nutrition and heart disease, diabetes, and cancer:
Great article: "Are Starches Good or Bad?" by Ocean Robbins
Are Starches Good or Bad? Starchy foods often get a bad rap. But what are starches, really? What foods contain them? And are there good starches and bad starches?
Annie shared: Great new study with some potentially good news for the planet. Making changes to your diet (consuming less or cutting out animal products entirely) can have a huge impact on the health of our planet!
The environmental footprint is much lower of not only a vegan diet but also with a reduced meat/dairy/egg reliant diet. ✌️
Read more here, The New York Times:
A few simple ideas....
Natalie shared:
My dad died suddenly at 56, from undiagnosed heart disease. No one suspected he was ill, because outwardly he looked healthy, he never smoked & hardly drank.
I myself developed the same condition, but due to my dad's death, I was checked & a diagnosis was made earlier. I was told although it could not be reversed, it could be managed with medication (which I would have to be on for the rest of my life) & weight loss.
I discovered that was not true, after becoming vegan & was able to fully reverse heart disease, along with type 2 diabetes & hypertension. I was able to come off all my medication. I am now the fittest & healthiest, I have ever been in my life.
It makes me so sad, that people die unnecessarily, because of their diet. The meat & dairy my dad loved to eat, literally killed him. A plant based diet not only prevents heart disease, but like in my situation, can also reverse it.
Heart disease & most cancers are caused by eating meat & dairy. Research also shows, that people who eat meat & dairy have twice the risk of developing conditions such as Alzheimers. So a simple switch to a plant based diet, can literally save your life.
I recommend, to anyone who values their lives & of those they love, they watch the following documentaries.
Forks over Knives
What the Health
The Game Changers
Go Plant-strong
You may just want to reconsider....
"TRUTH IS: Eating is way cheaper than eating meat and far healthier." -Frank
Happy Easter ❤️✌️🌱🌍
These 8 Countries are Embracing Plant-Based Food for the Planet To save the planet, we need to change how we eat. That’s why these eight countries are supporting, promoting, or investing in plant-based food.
My friend Linda ❤️ 🌱 Do yourself a favor and watch/share at least the first 5-10 minutes!
35 Years Vegan | How Linda Middlesworth Became THE Sexiest 79 Year Old On Earth! Linda has been vegan for 35 years, beating her cancer, heart disease and obesity. She is the Organizer for the Sacramento Vegan Society now with 5,055 member...
Klik her for at gøre krav på din sponsorerede post.
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Vindersgade 5
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Velkommen til Viborg Kropsterapi 🤗 For mere info gå ind på 💆♂️💆♀️
Fasanvej 46, Street
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Alternativ behandling - Massage - Healing - Spirituel Kunst - Horoskoptydning (Kommer snart)
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Are you a seeker? Do you somehow sense that there are more possibilities that you haven't chosen yet
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Uddannelse til Fodplejer, Kosmetolog og Hudterapeut, Fysiurgisk- og Terapeutisk Massør, Sportsmassør, Zoneterapeut og Akupunktør. Se også skolens mange kurser på www.viborghelsepr...
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Daglig krystal-visdom, clairvoyance og healing, samt Tarot og andre orakelkort, i et højt humør.
Enrico Dalgas Vej 11
Viborg, 8800
Jeg er dyreclairvoyant og kan skabe en bedre kontakt mellem dig og dit dyr og øge jeres gensidige forståelse og respekt for hinanden.