University of Batna 2 جامعة باتنة

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University of Batna 2 is a non-profit Algerian public University[2] located in Fesdis,[3] Wilaya of Batna in Algeria. It was founded in 1977 as University of Batna[4] and then restructured[5] on July 2015 by presidential decree,[6] which led to a split into two distinct universities,[5]namely University of Batna 1 and University of Batna 2. On 4 February 2017, the University was named after the Algerian national Hero Mostefa Ben Boulaïd. Also called the father of the Algerian revolution[7] whom centunary[8] celebration was held in the city of Batna. Now UMB2 University Mostefa Ben Boulaïd is one of the largest Universities[9] in Algeria and Africa with its (33.458)[10] enrolled students and (1,833)[10]staff members. Under the authority of the vice-chancellor Dr. Tayeb BOUZID the University comprises a general management office, (04) vice-rectorates, (05) Faculties, (03) Institutes, and a Central Library. Fesdis, #English, #Batna, #Algerie, #UB2, #Algeria, #Université, #University

Vidéos (voir toutes)

كلمة نائب المدير المكلف بالبيداغوجيا - البروفيسور مراد بريوة -
طلبة جامعة باتنة 2 يتمكنون من تصنيع جهاز قياس حراري عن بعد
L’Université de Batna 2 mobilisée pour faire face à la pandémie COVID-19
شريط فيديو ملخص للفعاليات والنشاطات المنظمة في السنة الجامعية الماضية بجامعة الشهيد مصطفى بن بولعيد
Bacheliers 2017La plateforme des demandes d'hébergement en ligne sera ouverte à partir du 16 Août 2017
Cérémonie d'ouverture de l'Année Universitaire 2016-2017



University Of Batna 2

Informations générales

Graduate Programs
Post-graduate Programs
Open University

Autres Science, technologie et génie civil à Batna (voir toutes)
HSE engineer HSE engineer
Batna, 05116

HSE engineer

INFO Batna INFO Batna
Batna, 05000

إعداد البحوث كافة المستوايات التعليمية مذكرات التخرج إصلاح و بيع قطع و برامج الحاسوب

Batna Physics Club Batna Physics Club
Batna, 0500

The one and only physics club, with our unique events, workshops and projects, we're here to level up