
El Centro CAITANYA, Institución especializada en el Tratamiento de los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria.

El Centro CAITANYA, Institución especializada en el Tratamiento de los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria, tiene como objetivo brindar un servicio integral, para pacientes que padecen de anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, comedores compulsivos, trastornos alimentarios no específicos, desordenes sicológicos asociados y problemas relacionados al peso. El centro CAITANYA cuenta con un equipo interdisciplinario, abordando las áreas sicológicas, nutricionales, médicas y psiquiátricas.

Photos from Caitanya's post 30/07/2018

Terapia para el Manejo de Ansiedad

Hoy, en el centro CAITANYA, aprendimos diferentes técnicas y estrategias para reducir la ansiedad. El trabajo se trata dibujar líneas y círculos para ayudarte a traer los pensamientos al presente, lo cual reduce la ansiedad porque vives el aquí y el ahora. Además tienes la oportunidad de expresar libremente tus sentimientos a través de los dibujos y colores.

Puedes encontrar más estrategias en este link:

Transcript of "Why thinking you're ugly is bad for you" 25/07/2018

- "6 de cada 10 niñas prefieren no hacer algo porque piensan que no se ven lo suficientemente bonitas. Estas no son actividades triviales. Son actividades fundamentales para su crecimiento como seres humanos y como contribuyentes a la sociedad y al campo del desarrollo laboral."
- "31 %, casi uno de cada tres adolescentes no están interesados en los debates de clase. Evitan participar en los debates de aula porque no quieren llamar la atención por su aspecto físico."
- "Uno de cada cinco no asisten a clase durante los días que no se sienten cómodos al respecto."
- "Y en la temporada de exámenes, si no crees que te ves lo suficientemente bien, específicamente si no crees que eres lo suficientemente delgada, obtendrás una nota menor a la del promedio de tus compañeros quienes no se preocupan por eso de la apariencia. Y este fenómeno se ha generalizado en Finlandia, EE. UU. y China, y se da independientemente de lo que en realidad pesan estos jóvenes."

Transcript of "Why thinking you're ugly is bad for you" TED Talk Subtitles and Transcript: About 10,000 people a month Google the phrase, “Am I ugly?” Meaghan Ramsey of the Dove Self-Esteem Project has a feeling that many of them are young girls. In a deeply unsettling talk, she walks us through the surprising impacts of low body and image confidence...

¿Qué tanto sabe de la anorexia y la bulimia? | El Espectador 12/09/2017

¿Qué tanto sabe de la anorexia y la bulimia? | El Espectador La psicóloga Juanita Gempeler y la psiquiatra Maritza Rodríguez hacen un recuento de todo lo que debe conocer frente a estas enfermedades mentales, catalogad...

Why Do Some People Get Eating Disorders? 31/08/2017

En este artículo encontrarás información sobre las causas de los desordenes alimenticios y factores protectores para la prevención.

Why Do Some People Get Eating Disorders? Eating disorders are complicated illnesses that stem from a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and environmental factors.

Ortorexia, la obsesión por comer sano que termina en enfermedad 05/08/2017

Ortorexia, la obsesión por comer sano que termina en enfermedad Las dietas en las que se eliminan varios grupos de alimentos considerados poco saludables son cada vez más populares. Pero estas prácticas pueden rápidamente convertirse en una obsesión que te acaba enfermando. Este desorden alimenticio, que fue identificado por primera vez en Estados Unidos en los…

Which Level of Eating Disorder Treatment is Right for Me? 29/03/2017

Que tipo de tratamientos hay para los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria y como decidir cual es el apropiado en cada caso.

Which Level of Eating Disorder Treatment is Right for Me? Treatment for eating disorders is complex. How do you know which level of treatment is right for you?

The Medical Explanation for your Most Common Anorexia Symptoms 14/02/2017

Lee la explicación para los síntomas mas comunes en la Anorexia

The Medical Explanation for your Most Common Anorexia Symptoms Learn common symptoms of an eating disorder to educate the public and help patients struggling with an eating disorder to get them medical attention.

Problematic Dieting in Children Can Predict Obesity and High Blood Pressure - Medical News Bulletin 16/01/2017

Estudios indican que adolescentes que hacen dietas y usan medidas extremas para perder peso, tienen riesgo de desarrollar Obesidad, presión arterial elevada y otros problemas cardiometabolicos. Lee este artículo.

Problematic Dieting in Children Can Predict Obesity and High Blood Pressure - Medical News Bulletin Eating patterns of 11.5-year-old children were assessed. Those who demonstrated problematic eating behaviours in an attempt to lose weight were more likely to develop complications in cardiometabolic health at 16 years old.

To the Parents of a Child in the Beginning Stages of an Eating Disorder 14/12/2016

Si tu hij@ esta en las etapas iniciales de un desorden alimenticio, lee estas recomendaciones, de una persona en recuperación, sobre como actuar.

To the Parents of a Child in the Beginning Stages of an Eating Disorder "What I wish I was able to say to both myself and to my parents..."

What Does it Mean to “Listen to Your Body?” 22/09/2016

Aprender a escuchar a tu cuerpo es el objetivo final del tratamiento nutricional para los desordenes alimentarios. Lee este artículo

What Does it Mean to “Listen to Your Body?” If you’ve ever tried to practice self-care, then you’ve probably come across the advice to “listen to your body.” What exactly does that even mean, though? Is it when my fiancé and I listen to each other’s tummies and laugh at the noises of gas bubbles and digestive enzymes? Maybe it’s obeying the v...

Timeline photos 17/09/2016

5 formas de callar a tu voz interior perfeccionista...

Click the link for 5 ways to squash your inner perfectionist before she sabotages you: I think my favorite is tip #5. What about you?

Parents Should Avoid Comments on a Child’s Weight 03/08/2016

Excelente artículo!!

Parents Should Avoid Comments on a Child’s Weight New research suggests that careless comments about weight gain can have repercussions for years afterward.

What causes an eating disorder? Risk factors 24/07/2016

Conocer los factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de los Trastornos de la Conducta Alimentaria, puede ayudar a prevenirlos.

What causes an eating disorder? Risk factors The factors that contribute to the onset of an eating disorder are complex. No single cause of eating disorders has been identified; however, there are known contributing risk factors.

4 ways to like what you see in the mirror 28/06/2016

Como sobrellevar los días en los cuales no te sientes bien con tu cuerpo

4 ways to like what you see in the mirror What to do when your clothes don’t work, your hair’s a mess, and nothing looks like it should.

Why Full Anorexia Recovery Is Crucial for Brain Health 23/06/2016

La recuperación del peso es crucial en una persona con Anorexia Nervosa para "rescatar al cerebro" de los efectos de la desnutrición y permitir que la terapia psicológica sea efectiva y se produzcan los cambios en comportamiento que llevarán a la recuperación . Lee este articulo

Why Full Anorexia Recovery Is Crucial for Brain Health Recovery from AN requires weight restoration and nutritional rehabilitation. This must be prioritized over insight. Three recent studies on the brain illustrate why.

Las niñas no nacen odiando su cuerpo. ¿Qué hago para que no lo aprenda? – Niños de Ahora 23/06/2016

Las niñas no nacen odiando su cuerpo. ¿Qué hago para que no lo aprenda? – Niños de Ahora Las niñas no nacen odiando su cuerpo. ¿Qué hago para que no lo aprenda?

Timeline photos 02/06/2016

Conoce sobre los 9 objetivos, a nivel mundial, para la prevención de los desordenes alimentarios

1000s of activists, non profits and affected people came together to set these NINE GOALS. We need policy change and action now by the governments of the 40+ countries that are involved.

Dear Policymakers,

Nine Goals: Taking Action Against Eating Disorders

The following NINE Goals were developed as a global manifesto to be acted upon by policymakers and governments to take action on the growing epidemic of eating disorders across the globe. With the highest mortality rates of any mental illness the time for action is NOW. Effective solutions and programs should be markedly scaled up. Health systems must be structured to address early intervention with evidence-based treatment. Communities and providers must be educated on the realities of eating disorders and be able to assure access to services. Families are an important part of the solution.

These are attainable goals and we call for systematic review by policy makers to support achievement of the NINE Goals.

1. We call for all front line providers (including pediatricians, primary care doctors, dentists, emergency room and school health providers) to be educated in the identification, diagnosis and referral to appropriate services of eating disorders.

2. We call for accessible and affordable evidence-based treatment, with early diagnosis and intervention a priority.

3. We call for public education about eating disorders to be accurate, research based, readily available and geared to end stigma about eating disorders.

4. We call for an end to mandatory weighing and BMI screening in schools, and development of evidence-based health programs.

5. We call for increased awareness of diversity in eating disorders, as eating disorders affect a wide cross section of the world's population, including people of all ages, sizes, weights, genders, sexual orientations, ethnicities, nationalities, and documentation status.

6. We call for community and family eating disorders treatment support programmes to be available for all.

7. We call for research-based interventions to be delivered in schools and universities on the facts about eating disorders, and how peers and staff can best support patients and families during treatment.

8. We call for government agencies to include eating disorders services as part of health systems, public education campaigns, and regulatory bodies.

9. We call for the World Health Assembly and the World Health Organization to formally recognize June 2 as World Eating Disorders Action Day.

Timeline photos 01/06/2016

Truth #1: Many people with eating disorders look healthy, yet maybe extremely ill.

Learn more and read all of the Nine Truths about Eating Disorders at

A Letter from My Thighs: Why Do You Hate Us So Much? 01/06/2016


A Letter from My Thighs: Why Do You Hate Us So Much? What have my thighs ever done to me to cause me to hate them so much? Nothing! Here are 7 steps to becoming friends with our bodies

Eating Disorders: The Role Of Family And Friends - Generation Next 30/04/2016

Conoce como puedes ayudar a un ser querido que esta atravesando por un desorden alimentario

Eating Disorders: The Role Of Family And Friends - Generation Next Family and friends play a crucial role in the care, support and recovery of someone with an eating disorder. The effects of an eating … Read More »

Timeline photos 17/03/2016

En Caitanya, el tratamiento nutricional de los desordenes alimentarios se realiza a través de la alimentación consciente ( Mindful Eating ). Lee este articulo para que veas como puede beneficiar esta práctica en la recuperación de estos desordenes.

3 Reasons Why You Should Get Rid Of Your Scale 12/03/2016


3 Reasons Why You Should Get Rid Of Your Scale Every day, tons of women and men have the morning ritual of standing on a bathroom scale. If weight was truly just a neutral number for most...

¿Como puedo ayudar a prevenir un desorden de alimentación? | Caitanya 29/02/2016

Lee estas recomendaciones para que contribuyas en la prevención de los desordenes alimentarios

¿Como puedo ayudar a prevenir un desorden de alimentación? | Caitanya Las personas aprendemos observando a los demás, más aún si los demás son significativos en nuestra vida (ej. Mamá, papá, amigas, hermanos, etc.) La mejor manera

Common Types of Eating Disorders Observed in the Elderly Population |... 26/02/2016

¿Sabias que las personas de la tercera edad también pueden tener un desorden alimentario? Lee este artículo

Common Types of Eating Disorders Observed in the Elderly Population |... While eating disorder sufferers are commonly stereotyped, the reality is eating disorders do not discriminate based such as age, race, gender, or...

Timeline photos 24/02/2016

No puedes saber si alguien tiene un desorden alimentario solo por su apariencia. Personas con distintos pesos, tamaños y forma del cuerpo pueden tener un desorden alimentario.

Timeline photos 19/02/2016
Timeline photos 13/02/2016

Tu eres el autor de tu historia de vida; en cualquier momento puedes decidir empezar un nuevo capítulo

You can always start a new chapter.

¿Qué Causa un Trastorno Alimenticio? | National Eating Disorders Association 05/02/2016

¿Qué Causa un Trastorno Alimenticio? | National Eating Disorders Association Call our toll-free, confidential Helpline, Monday-Thursday from 9:00 am - 9:00 pm and Friday from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm (EST): Holiday Closures

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Plaza Modena Oficina 15 Y 17 Avenida Interoceanica Km 10. 5

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 10:00 - 17:00
Martes 10:00 - 17:00
Miércoles 10:00 - 17:00
Jueves 10:00 - 17:00
Viernes 10:00 - 17:00

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