Aussie Above

Aussie Above

Have a certified drone pilot take your videos and pictures from a unique perspective


Great view on a clear day! You can see to the mountains


From my time in the USA, it never ceases to amaze me the variety of landscapes available. Here is a over near close to Louisiana.


Taken near the Mexican border of Mercedes, Texas. Don't you just love it when you can see for miles and miles


This was taken lower downtown in Quito. Photoshopped out the powerlines. Drone footage of


How about this view from the horse station up from the 13,000 (4,000 meters) it was a spectacular day and the views were !

¡Que tal esta vista desde la estación de caballos arriba del 13,000 (4,000 metros) fue un día espectacular y las vistas fueron !

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Oe2-55 Rita Lecumberry

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Escalón De Tumbaco

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Tumbaco, 593+0991658917

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Quinta Amaranto Quinta Amaranto
Gaspar De Carvajal S3-138, Camino A La Comuna, Barrio Cochabamba

Quinta Amaranto, se alquila, sitio ideal para todo tipo de evento social, empresarial, a 14 Km de Q