Hartico OÜ
SANO Automatic Powered stair climbers makes life easiere! Our product series: Liftkar SAL, Liftkar HD, Modulkar, Unikar
Hartico OÜ - Ergonomic and smart transportation solutions for last mile
Electric Stairclimbers LIFTKAR,
Professional trolleys MODULKAR and EXPRESSO
XETTO mobile lifting platforms
🌟 Elevate Your Workplace with OmniSuit! 🌟
Discover the game-changer that is OmniSuit, the first 2-in-1 exoskeleton in the Baltics! 🚀
👥 For Companies:
Invest in OmniSuit to create a workplace where well-being meets productivity.
🌐 Boost your team's performance, reduce sick leave, and foster a sustainable work environment. OmniSuit is not just an exoskeleton; it's a commitment to the health and longevity of your employees.
💼 For Employees:
Say goodbye to fatigue and hello to a new era of work comfort! OmniSuit is your partner in tackling overhead tasks and lifting activities effortlessly.
Embrace a healthier work life, reduce strain, and perform at your peak every day.
Ready to transform your work experience? Elevate your reach with OmniSuit! 💼💪
✅️Füüsilise raske töö ja sundasendite lihtsustamiseks on olemas lai valik kestlikke lahendusi.
✅️Kutsehaiguste ennetamiseks ja tööasendi- ohutsoonide vs ergonoomilisuse hindamiseks on olemas TASUTA AI tööriistad
✅️Tule 25.10.2023 Ergonoomikapäeval Tartu Maaülikooli seminarile ja saa rohkem teada.
👉Eesti ja Läti ergomoomika-eksperdid on kohal.
Kuna tänavu möödub ergonoomika õppekava avamisest Eesti Maaülikoolis 25 aastat, siis on ergonoomikakuu tähistamine võetud veidi suuremalt ette. Ettekandeid aktuaalsetel teemadel oodatakse kuulama ergonoomikast huvitatud inimesi, eriti endisi, praegusi ja tulevasi tudengeid.
Link Facebooki sündmusele: https://fb.me/e/1aAHwhb19
Link registreerimislehele: https://forms.gle/iTWpgPnnXQysUXk76
⏩ The world of occupational health and safety is rapidly improving!
✅ Opportunities to work for more healthy years and avoid physical strain are getting better every year.
Toomas Türkson, CEO of Hartico OÜ had the honor to participate as a speaker at the largest Occupational Health and Safety conference in the Baltics, with over 2000 attendees.
👏 I want to thank all the participants for their engagement. A huge thank you goes out to the conference organizers, Kārlis Apalups and Inga Ezerose, for their exceptional work.
Hartico OÜ esitles Ehitusmess "Eesti ehitab / Estbuild" exoskeletone ja tööabivahendeid tervele kehale!
💡👉💚 Tervist toetavad spetsiaalsed tööabivahendid aitavad levinud kutsehaigute ennetamisel ja töötervise parandamisel.
✌️Heameel oli näha Eesti inimeste suurt huvi tervise vastu.
😎👉Jah, tööd võib teha ka ilma väsimuse ja valuta!
🥳Telli oma ettevõtesse innovatiivsed tööergonoomika ja töötervise valdkonna kõige uuemad lahendused Harticost
We are thrilled to have been invited as keynote speaker at the Latvijas Universitāte seminar, where Toomas Türkson CEO of Hartico OÜ presented on the challenges of occupational environments in the Baltic countries and Latvia.
During the event, we also demonstrated how , coupled with techology, can provide effective support for physically demanding and ergonomically complex jobs.
Today, Eerik Marmei, the Ambassador of the Republic of Estonia, and embassy staff in Latvia visited the Hartico exhibition at the House 1 trade fair center in Riga, where the exhibition takes place from March 23-26.
During the visit, Eerik Marmei and Hartico CEO Toomas Türkson discussed ways to improve workplace safety and make the work environment safer for everyone.
We are proud to support the Latvian companies on their journey towards zero workplace accidents.
Hartico is showcasing innovative exoskeletons, AI-powered solutions, ergonomic products, and PPE that protect the health and safety of workers from Ergosante, Auxivo, Comau, Liftkar, Liftsuit, Hapo, Matext, and FENTO.
More than 500 000 satisfied FENTO customers worlwide!
Introducing Fento Knee Pads from Hartico OÜ!
These knee pads offer superior protection and comfort for heavy-duty work and other activities that put stress on your knees. Features include:
👉Made from premium materials
👉Engineered to meet high standards of quality and safety
👉Adjustable straps for a comfortable fit
👉Suitable for everyone, regardless of size or shape
💚Medically tested to support the lower leg and protect the patella
💡Made in cooperation between sailmaker René van Rijn, who went to his doctor with chronic knee complaints, and Geert Kaal, a physiotherapist specialized in knee and back complaints.
Fento is dedicated to providing the best knee protection on the market. Their mission is to prevent knee injuries and improve work safety. With a focus on innovation and customer satisfaction, Fento knee pads are the choice for those who want the best for their knees.
Get your Fento Knee Pads today and enjoy peace of mind knowing your knees are protected. Visit our website to learn more and place your order now."
Hartico supports Fento retail and wholesale in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania
💚 Presentation of Hartico OÜ exoskeletons, personal protective equipment and wearables at the annual conference of Estonian occupational health workers.
💪💚🤓Physical well-being is an important component of mental health (EU Statistical Office survey 2015)
🤔Health maintained today is invaluable tomorrow.
🕺🤸♂️Wearables for physical work increase the well-being of employees and increase the sustainability of companies.
👏Thanks to the conference organizers! 4 conference halls, a day full of presentations by professionals in their field
💡Did you know - E V E R Y, DHL van is equipped with special transport trolley made by Expresso Germany
Hartico has delivered another batch of new trolleys.🕺
🤓Why is this cart so special?
Because it is:
🐘made of light but strong aluminum,
⛷️stair case function,
🐍puncture-proof but soft wheels,
👉large foldable support plate,
🐾support plate that protects the goods from snow and dirt
🦍protection rubber-strips on the frame
🤸and exceptionally good ergonomics + comfort in use.
Check this out and ask for more.
Hartico OÜ has 3000+ professional transportation trolley models in portfolio to help your company
The exoskeleton COMAU MATE XT, makes your work easier!
Lifting power up to 11kg.
More information at homepage of Hartico OÜ Baltic Exoskeleton Center: https://hartico.ee/en/product/exoskeleton-mate-xt/
Success in innovation starts with education and training
Future exoskeletons in combination with automatization helps build safe and healthy workplaces to manage MSD risks.
A big thank you to Professors and the team of TalTech - Tallinna Tehnikaülikool for hosting us at Industry Centre
We look positively to the future cooperation between Hartico OÜ and Taltech in the field of exoskeletons and ergonomics, to bring new learning opportunities to the educational landscape.
What is LEA?
Team Hartico is an expert in field of ergonomics but not only. We do use LEA Postural Analysis application developed by ErgoSanté.
We can upgrade your working environment with innovative solutions as as exoskeletons, ergonomic tools, robotics and tools that reduce body fatigue.
LEA is a Postural Analysis tool for Occupational Health.
LEA automatically identifies joint movements and angles and compare them with the RULA Ergonomic Standard.
LEA is designed to translate your assessments and results into simple charts.
We trust LEA helps you address people’s postural challenges.
LEA : Nouvel outil d'analyse posturale (simple et gratuit) LEA est un outil d'analyse posturale 100% gratuit développé par ErgoSanté et mis a disposition pour le public. LEA utilise un algorithme d'intelligence arti...
With the innovative Noonee Chairless Chair, you can support your legs, save your back, walk freely and sit where you need to.
60% less load on the legs and a straight posture on the back.
Contact the Hartico OÜ team to learn more about the Chairless Chair 2.0.
HARTICO OÜ 🦾🦿 I Nous avons eu le plaisir de recevoir dans nos locaux d'Anduze Toomas Türkson, CEO de la société Hartico OÜ qui distribue les solutions ErgoSanté.
Au programme, visite de la manufacture des Cévennes menée par Samuel Corgne, CEO du Groupe ErgoSanté et Arnaud Declomesnil, directeur commercial et présentation des solutions exosquelettes. Un moment convivial qui permet de resserrer les liens avec nos revendeurs.
🍀Hartico OÜ has opened a new store near Tallinn in Peetri!
👉💡Come visit us! We have a great selection of ergonomics products and equipment:
🍀The world's best electric stair climbers LIFTKAR
🍀The world's best performance-enhancing exoskeletons
🍀The world's best professional carts for transporting goods
🍀Baltic premiere of ergonomic lifting and transport tools
💚We advise and improve the occupational health of your company!🌱
💚Näitame Hartico tiimiga uusi ergonoomilisi töötervishoiu lahendusi ehitusektorist meditsiinisekorini jt valdkondade töötajatele.🍀 Eksosketetid, elektrilised trepirobotid jm.
Tule proovi ise järgi Eesti Ehitab 2022 messil.
Reedel ja laupäeval kõikidele külastajatele tasuta sissepääs messile😉
Special edition of Foldable Staircase made in Estonia, made for professionals now available from Hartico.
Loading and unloading of heavy loads has never been so easy.
See how heavy American Side by Side refrigerator steps in with Electric Stair Climber to van.
Foldable Stair Case for Loading of Van with Stair Climber from Hartico Loading and unloading heavy goods with foldable staircase using stair climber is really easy. Transportation of packages, parcels, refrigerators, washing mac...
Baltic premiere of exoskeletons HAPO, LiftSuit and CarrySuit. April 24-27th at Riga Exibition House1, Hall 2 Booth 21.
No more back pain! We make your life easier.
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
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Peetri, 75312
Ofmet metallmööbel on mõeldud kontorite, ladude, arhiivide, spordisaalide, fitness klubide, ujumisbasseinide, haridusasutuste, tööstusruumide tarbeks.
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