
Digital agency with extensive experience in web development, digital marketing and web design.


Great news! We have a new friend - the Marzipan Gallery! 🙂

www.martsipan.ee 👈

We have upgraded and improved their e-shop to make it more convenient, faster, and safer for customers. 🥰

If you want to buy marzipan, then you should visit them at www.martsipan.ee and use our promocode - DIGIELU. ✅

Don't miss the chance to visit their fantastic exhibition of marzipan figures. If you plan to visit their gallery with a child, your child will have an excellent opportunity to try and create a marzipan figure himself! 💯

If you want to open your online store, or need a web page for your business, or perhaps you already have a website and need maintenance, then contact us at www.digielu.ee 🔥


Check out our article on Zone Media. It may be helpful. ✅

Also, you can read the original article in English on our website: https://digielu.ee/en/blog/2023/01/02/how-to-do-a-competent-technical-task-for-website-development/

Stay tuned! 🔥

Veebilehe arendamise tehniline lähteülesanne on esimene ja ilmselt üks olulisemaid etappe iga kaasaegse veebiprojekti loomise ja käivitamise protsessis.

Selle oskuslikkusest sõltub nii töö edenemine ja kvaliteet kui ka lõpptulemuse kooskõla kliendiga. Mida kvaliteetsemalt on lähteülesanne koostatud, seda kiiremini ja lihtsamalt kulgevad kõik vajalikud etapid ja töö veebilehe käivitamisel. Seetõttu ei tohiks selle dokumendi tähtsust alahinnata.

Loe lähemalt meie blogist: https://www.zone.ee/blogi/2023/02/07/partner-soovitab-edukas-veebileht-saab-alguse-padevast-lahteulesandest/


Morning coffee with Zone Media, Maksekeskus and Posti (Itella). ☕️

Thanks for the invitation and interesting meeting! 🙏🏽

Toidutänavad - Eesti kõige suurem tänavatoidu festival 14/02/2023

New update for www.toidutanavad.ee is out! 😍

Pärnu event has been added to the page. 🥳

Check out the animated website and take part in Toidutänavad events with the Digielu team! 🤩


Toidutänavad - Eesti kõige suurem tänavatoidu festival Toidutänavate ürituste igaaastane traditsioon sai alguse 2020. aastal Tallinna Lauluväljakult ning kinnitas koheselt kanda kui üks oodatumaid pereüritusi Eestis.


Attention all entrepreneurs! 💥 Get ready to take your website to the next level with our latest article on "The Key to a Successful Website: A Competent Initial Task". Check it out now! 🤩


Five reasons why your business should have its own website - DIGIELU 23/01/2023

Five reasons why your business should have its own website 📣

Online life is dynamic and constantly changing. A quality website is essential for your business to have a strong presence online. You will be behind your competition, and without a website, you’ll fall behind. A website is essential for any marketing effort.

Check out full article! 🔥

Five reasons why your business should have its own website - DIGIELU Why your business should have its own website? The website design should be able to attract visitors and convert them into customers.


We are updating 🚀and improving the and concept of our . More services 🤩 and more detailed information about each of them are coming soon! We started own IT blog 📝, where interesting articles about are waiting for you! Link will be available soon! 🔥

Stay tuned! 😎



Happy New Year! May the coming year be full of grand adventures and opportunities. Dream big and make the most of 2023! 🎊🎄🎇


Have you heard of ? 🧐

We have made a for a future browser that will work with the help of and . 🔥

In any case, check out this 👉 https://amarokwolf.xyz modern & colorful website! 🤩


We Wish You a Merry Christmas! 🎄❤️


Tänavu sai palavalt armastatud .EE domeen 30-aastaseks!

Kuni aasta lõpuni ehk viimaseid päevi kehtib sooduskampaania, millega saad kodumaise domeeni endale tunduvalt odavamalt.

Loe lähemalt: www.paljuonne.ee

Toidutänavad - Eesti kõige suurem tänavatoidu festival 08/12/2022

We're happy to announce that a new website for Toidutänavad is done! 🔥


This website is designed to provide you with the most up-to-date information about Toidutänavad events in Estonia. 🍕

We hope to see you at one of these events! 🥳

Suur Tallinna Toidutänav 2023
Suur Rakvere Toidutänav 2023
Suur Haapsalu Toidutänav 2023

Toidutänavad - Eesti kõige suurem tänavatoidu festival Toidutänavate ürituste igaaastane traditsioon sai alguse 2020. aastal Tallinna Lauluväljakult ning kinnitas koheselt kanda kui üks oodatumaid pereüritusi Eestis.

Partner soovitab:Veebilehe optimeerimine paneb tulud kasvama 05/12/2022

Partner soovitab:Veebilehe optimeerimine paneb tulud kasvama Tänapäevase veebilehe optimeerimine mõjutab otseselt seda, kui hästi nii otsingumootorid kui ka kasutajad sinu veebilehte tajuvad.

Partner soovitab:Veebilehe optimeerimine paneb tulud kasvama 03/12/2022

Check out our first blog post for Zone Media about website speed performance (Estonian language)! 🤩

Today's website speed optimisation has a direct impact on how well both search engines and users perceive your website. If this important preliminary work is done in a high-quality and responsible manner, you will soon notice the smooth growth of the sales of your services or products and also of your target group. 😎

From now on, we will publish our blog posts there frequently so that people can understand the websites more. 🔥

Partner soovitab:Veebilehe optimeerimine paneb tulud kasvama Tänapäevase veebilehe optimeerimine mõjutab otseselt seda, kui hästi nii otsingumootorid kui ka kasutajad sinu veebilehte tajuvad.


Tähelepanu! Järgneb teadaanne arendajatele & progejatele. Eilsest lõppes ametlikult tugi PHP versioonile 7.4 ning sellega seoses tuletame kõigile meelde, et on tagumine aeg viia oma rakendused üle uuematele PHP versioonidele. Tahame rõhutada seda, et meil saad testida uuemaid PHP versioone ilma, et peaksid oma veebilehe seadistusi muutma. Kirjutasime sellest hiljuti ka blogis:
Seda, kas kasutad aegunud PHP versiooni, saad teada MinuZones oma teenuste ülevaate lehel, kus sulle kuvatakse vastav teavitus. Rohkem infot jätkuvalt toetatud PHP versioonide kohta leiad aga siit: https://www.php.net/supported-versions.php



Eemaldasime veebimajutusteenuse aastahinnast 80%!

Uuri lähemalt: www.zone.ee

*Kampaaniapakkumine kehtib uutele Virtuaalserveriteenuse pakettidele Starter, Business ja Pro, aastase arveldusperioodi korral. Pakkumine lõppeb 29.11.2022 kell 23.59. NB! Olemasolevaid teenuseid kampaaniahinnaga pakettide vastu vahetada pole võimalik!

Digiagentuur | DIGIELU | Teie usaldusväärne digipartner 24/11/2022

Why do my company need a website? 🧐

A modern website is an effective business tool that directly or indirectly brings profit. 💰 A website is the first contact with a business and brand, the first impression of a company or person.

The experience we have accumulated, an integrated approach, a high level of competence in all areas of website development and promotion of Internet resources provide our customers with convenient, favourable conditions for cooperation and confidence that everything will be done as planned and will fully satisfy their expectations. 🤩

✅Landing page. The creation of sites of this type is often ordered by private entrepreneurs who need a small resource where they can post brief information about themselves and their business.

✅The corporate website is a full-fledged Internet representation of the company. It allows you to solve a set of tasks, both image and presentation nature, and commercial.

✅An online store is a site that allows you to sell goods over the Internet. It is an essential marketing tool that allows you to start or expand your online sales, thereby helping your business grow.

Of course, this is not a complete list of resources that can be used to run a business. But today they are the most in demand among companies operating in Tallinn, Tartu, Pärnu and other cities in Estonia.

Our goal is to create online stores with a beautiful design and logical navigation, convenient for shopping on all devices: tablets, smartphones or computers. An effective online store is both functional and does not require additional training for managers: its structure is thought out, and the filling process is simple and intuitive. It is these stores that users like - both sellers and buyers 🤝

Need a website or webstore? Feel free to contact us!
[email protected]
🤳 +372 55523777

Digiagentuur | DIGIELU | Teie usaldusväärne digipartner Digiagentuur, millel on suur kogemus veebiarenduse, turunduse ja disaini valdkonnas. Meid kutsutakse digitaalse kogemuse loojateks.


TÄHELEPANU! Spämmerid-pahalased saadavad meie nimel õngitsuskirju, pealkirjaga "[Zone Media arveldus] Uuenda oma tooteid".
Kinnitame, et sellise pealkirja ja sisuga kirju Zone ei saada ning soovitame kõigil, kes sellise kirja saavad, seda tungivalt ignoreerida ning kiri esimesel võimalusel kustutada!
Ühtlasi tuletame meelde, et kõik meie poolt saadetavad kirjad tulevad .ee aadressidelt. Kahtluse korral võta palun ühendust meie klienditoega.



Dear Friends! Attention! ⚠️
On behalf of the hosting portal Zone Media, phishing emails are sent to steal personal data, or rather bank card data.

This time, the attackers did their best and made an email very similar to the original. ‼️

What you should pay attention to: 🧐

1) Sender's e-mail address. In our case it was [email protected]. Zone Media will not send any emails from strange/other domains. The real Zone Media domain for bill receiving is [email protected].

2) Bill number. It is necessary to go to the https://my.zone.eu/en/ portal and see current bills there. From our example, bill number #109139236 simply doesn't exist in our Zone Media account.

We kindly ask you to make a repost and warn your loved ones who have websites. 🔐

If you need any help, you can contact us by Facebook, or:
[email protected]
+372 555 23 777


Kallid sõbrad! Tähelepanu!⚠️
Interneti tugiteenuste pakkuja Zone Media nimel saadetakse andmepüügi e-meile isikuandmete ja pangakaardi andmete varastamiseks.

Seekord andsid ründajad endast parima ja koostasid originaalile väga sarnase meili. ‼️

Millele peaksite tähelepanu pöörama: 🧐

1) Mis aadressilt kiri tuli. Meie puhul see oli [email protected]. Zone Media ei saada e-kirju teiste ettevõtte aadressilt. Õige Zone Media domeen arvete saatmiseks on [email protected].

2) Arve number. On vaja minna https://my.zone.eu/et/ portaali ja vaadata seal jooksvaid arveid. Meie puhul pole arve numbrit #109139236 meie Zone Media kontol üldse olemas.

Palun jagada antud postitust ja hoiatada oma lähedasi, kellel on veebisaite. 🔐

Kui vajate abi, võite meiega ühendust võtta Facebooki kaudu, või:
[email protected]
+372 555 23 777

Photos from Digielu's post 11/11/2022

We decided to create a new activity/hobby for ourselves, so we started recovering data from various broken drives (SSD, HDD, USB, SD, etc.). 🔓

To do this, we created a simple, but custom WordPress / Elementor based website. Look at the speed indicators, they are impressive! We made this site in 1 day only.🔥

So if one of you suddenly breaks a hard drive or flash drive with vacation photos, then welcome to our new website - https://taasta.ee ! 😎

And if you want the same page speed indicators (you can test speed here: https://pagespeed.web.dev ) on your website, then contact us - https://digielu.ee/ or [email protected] 👈



Surely you have noticed fish snacks from EuroAsia in almost any grocery store. Look at the photo and you will understand what we mean. 🐠

We made a new WordPress base website with a custom theme for them! 🔥

We didn't change the design much. Just improved its UX (user experience) and added a mobile version. 📱

The biggest changes are hidden from the eyes of normal users, in backend. The website was fully written in HTML before and it was complicated to change the content (translations, photos, texts, products, etc.). 🤯

Now all content is dynamic and easy to change, which improves the quality of content and speeds up the workflow, so all guests can see up-to-date well optimised website. Welcome! 👋



We have good news! 🙂

Digielu | https://digielu.ee is now an official partner of Zone Media | https://www.zone.ee ! 🎉

For more than 10 years we have tried different hosting companies around the world depending on the client. 🤯

And summing up, comparing each experience for 10 years...

Zone Media has the best and instant technical support, the best price offers, servers that have never let us down and, of course, the insanely beautiful and user-friendly design of the system itself. 🔥

We recommend Zone Media to our clients and continue to use Zone Media for our websites. 😎

By the way, anyone can use our code to get a small bonus when registering a domain or hosting in Zone Media: DIGIELU 🎁

Digital agency | DIGIELU | Your reliable digital partner 29/09/2022

Hello! 🙂

My name is Denis Melamed | https://melamed.ee and I am the lead developer and board member of Digielu | https://digielu.ee .

My IT journey has started over 10 years ago, learning from the best teachers | https://www.eek.ee and gaining experience from the best craftsmen | https://www.blueglass.ee .

My friends and relatives are professionals in their fields, and thanks to them it became possible to create own IT space for everyone. We specialize in different fields such as web development, digital marketing and web design.


Digital agency | DIGIELU | Your reliable digital partner Digital agency with extensive experience in web development, digital marketing and web design. We are called creators of the digital experience.

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Türi 10d

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 17:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 17:00
Thursday 09:00 - 17:00
Friday 09:00 - 17:00

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