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6 Tips to Avoid Conflicts During a Family Vacation by Piret Maiberg-Nõu:
1. Plan Together: Involve everyone in the planning process to ensure that all family members’ interests and preferences are considered. This helps prevent disagreements during the trip.
2. Set Realistic Expectations: Discuss and align on expectations for the vacation. Understand that things might not go perfectly and be prepared to adapt.
3. Schedule Downtime: Avoid overloading the itinerary. Ensure there is enough downtime for rest and relaxation to prevent fatigue and irritability.
4. Communicate Openly: Encourage open and respectful communication. If a conflict arises, address it calmly and listen to each other’s perspectives.
5. Allocate Personal Space: Make sure everyone has some personal space or alone time, even if it’s just for a short period each day. This can help reduce tension and provide a break from constant togetherness.
6. Stay Positive: Focus on the positive aspects of the trip and practice patience. Keep a sense of humor and try to enjoy each moment, even if things don’t go as planned.
By following these tips, you can minimize conflicts and make the most of your family vacation, creating lasting positive memories!
For more detailed advice, read the full article here:
Piret Maiberg-Nõu has been interested in meditation since her teenage years, with a deeper focus developing later. She researched mindfulness practices for her Bachelor's in andragogy and completed a two-year MBSR teacher training program. Piret now trains people in mindfulness and emotional intelligence and works as a peer counselor. She holds certifications as a Level 6 adult educator, MBSR teacher, and peer counselor.
Get to know our community by sigining up for free already today:
Meil on hea meel teavitada, et juba 15.08 alustab meie hea kogukonna eksperdi Malle Lutsoja eestvedamisel Mashtervise suvekool, kus on sel korral fookuses ennast väärtustav mõtteviis ja heaolu suurendavad tehnikad:
Veel jõuad!
Suvekool | Tervisekoda MASH Selle aasta Suvekooli teemaks oled Sina! Sinu kõige parem "mina". Tule ja avasta, milline see on ja kas saad oma paremale "minale" hoogu sisse lükata!
Taking a break is essential for your well-being. Here are some practical tips to ensure you recharge fully and keep work-related tasks from interrupting your vacation:
9 tips on how to actually rest by our Community Expert Piret Maiberg-Nõu
1. Set Boundaries
2. Delegate Tasks
3. Plan Ahead
4. Disconnect Digitally
Recharging is crucial for maintaining productivity and overall well-being. Enjoy your time off and come back refreshed!
Find out 5 more tips and learn more here:
Piret Maiberg-Nõu has been interested in meditation since her teenage years, with a deeper focus developing later. She researched mindfulness practices for her Bachelor's in andragogy and completed a two-year MBSR teacher training program. Piret now trains people in mindfulness and emotional intelligence and works as a peer counselor. She holds certifications as a Level 6 adult educator, MBSR teacher, and peer counselor.
Get to know our community by sigining up for free already today:
Malle Lutsoja wrote about What is Laziness and Why is it Good?
To be lazy is the flip side of productivity and a catalyst for smart work. By definition, laziness is a form of deep rest—a crucial element for achieving excellent results at work. Laziness allows us to be mentally healthier and more productive in our work.
When your attention is at rest, such as during idle time, your thoughts are distributed as follows:
- 48% of the time, thinking about the future
- 28% of the time, thinking about the present
- 12% of the time, thinking about the past
Read about this and learn about 10 benefits of taking a break from here:
Malle Lutsoja has 25 years of experience in adult training and counseling, she has led a team for 4.5 years, served as a marketing manager for 6 years, and worked as a consultant in stress, self-management, and health behavior for 8 years. Her strengths as a trainer and advisor lie in her ability to listen and create tailored cooperation plans and training programs. Clients often tell her that their training sessions are "the best part of the day.” Discover more about her and our other Experts by registering for free:
Strateegiline laisklemine | Tervisekoda MASH Õpi laisklema, et säästa tervist ja olla tööl produktiivsem! Strateegiline laisklemine võib olla üks tähtsaimaid tööriistu, mida vajad.
I recently read a fascinating study by Erin Westgate, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of Florida. She found that when asked to sit and daydream, 67% of men and 25% of women chose to shock themselves with a mild electric shock instead. Their reason? "It was really boring."
This made me think about boredom and daydreaming. My childhood country house in the South Estonian woods was my happy place. I spent summers there with my grandparents, wandering and daydreaming.
Today, we have so much going on that we've lost the skill to slow down and just dream. We have to relearn how to dream and be comfortable in boredom – a skill we naturally had as kids. Let's rediscover the joy of daydreaming. 🌲✨
Our dear Community member Malle Lutsoja has written why it is so important to to take time off from time to time.
Taking conscious breaks is crucial for mental health and productivity. It allows the brain to recover, boosting creativity and focus. Strategic idleness helps prevent stress and burnout, leading to better problem-solving abilities.
Regular breaks can improve your overall well-being by allowing your mind to wander, fostering innovation, and restoring energy levels. This summer, make it a point to include breaks in your to-do lists to maximize your efficiency and maintain balance in your life.
Learn more on why you should do it:
Malle has 25 years of experience in adult training and counseling and worked as a consultant in stress, self-management, and health behavior for 8 years. Her strengths as a trainer and advisor lie in her ability to listen and create tailored cooperation plans and training programs. Clients often tell her that their training sessions are "the best part of the day.” Learn more about Malle and other well-being experts by registering for free:
Laisklemine, molutamine - oskus, mida kõik vajavad Teadlased on juba ammu tähele pannud, et aju töötab paremini, kui lasta sellel aeg-ajalt laiselda ja pingsast mõtlemistööst puhata. Praktikas kipume aga üsna sageli tegema vastupidiselt. Mida raskem probleem või ülesanne, seda rohkem sunnime oma aju takka - tööta ometi! Anna mulle lahendu...
Our Expert Community member Merle Viirmaa, juhtimiscoach, PCC has written an article about how resting is not a luxury, its a must to avoid burnout. Key take aways from her article:
🗓Plan Ahead: Inform others early about your vacation plans. Prioritize, delegate, and reduce work tension.
✋Set Boundaries: Use clear auto-replies stating you're unavailable. Avoid work calls, emails, and apps.
💪Stay Disciplined: Enlist friends or family to help enforce your boundaries. Use double passwords on work accounts.
😯Handle Exceptions: Set rules for unavoidable situations.
Vajan puhkust, et taastuda … puhkusest🤔
Jagan puhkuse ülistuseks kommentaarides oma artiklit „Puhkamine pole luksus“.
💡„Kes ei otsi ise tasakaalu, ei pea muretsema – tasakaal otsib tema üles, kuigi tavaliselt mitte just meeldivas vormis.“
Kuna kiiremad puhkajad on aga juba tööpostile naasmas, siis lisan mõned mõtted ka teemal, kuidas puhkuse mõju pikendada:
📌Anna endale kohanemiseks aega. Kui vähegi saad, tekita väike puhver kojujõudmise ja tööleasumise vahele. Eriti siis kui on tegemist ajavahega, aga see on hea soovitus ka lihtsaima keskkonnavahetuse puhul. Halvim, mida teha võid, on maanduda pühapäeva õhtul ja asuda tööle kohe esmaspäeva hommikul.
📌 Uuringud näitavad, et abiks on mõne väikese puhkusetaolise tegevuse planeerimine varsti pärast naasmist. Näiteks taaskohtumine sõpradega, kontsert või lemmikmuuseumi külatus paar päeva pärast puhkuselt naasmist.
📌 Planeeri järgmine puhkus. See ei pea olema tingimata p**k puhkus järgmisel suvel, elevus lühipuhkusest sügisel võib olla sama suur.
📌 Väga hea nipp on ka puhkusel kogetud (uute) positiivsete harjumuste ülekanne argipäeva. Näiteks pisut rohkem und, liikumist, kohtumisi sõpradega, spontaansust igasse argipäeva võiks olla sinu uued rutiinid.
📌 Pikenda positiivseid hetki. Jaga puhkuse toredaid hetki, vaata fotosid.
Millised on sinu nipid? Palun lisa kommentaaridesse
Hey there, awesome followers! 🌟
This summer, we're bringing you expert tips and tricks on how to truly unwind and enjoy a restful holiday. 🏖️😎 Keep an eye on our social media for exclusive content from our experts on making the most out of your summer break 🌴💤
Stay tuned and get ready to relax like never before! 🧘♂️🍹
Today kicks off 3 day free AI topic conference by Mindvalley:
Mindvalley AI Summit 2024 - Claim Your FREE Spot Reimagine Your Life In A Recovering World At Mindvalley AI Summit: A 3-Day Free Virtual Event With Today's Leading Teachers, Innovators & Changemakers.
📚 Summer Reading Challenge📚
Share your summer reading list with us! What books are you diving into this season? Let’s inspire each other with some great reads. 🌟
Saadan Sulle video! 🤝🌏
🌟 We are incredibly thankful for our collaboration with ! 🌟
Our latest co-organized session focused on "How to Motivate Generation Z," featuring a case presented by a leading consultancy company. An international audience from various companies and positions came together to brainstorm and explore solutions for this challenge.
Here are the key takeaways for the case holder:
🔹 Mentoring: Regular catch-up sessions, such as weekly meetings, are crucial for Gen-Z.
🔹 Sense of Purpose: It's vital for Gen-Z to feel impactful and connected to meaningful causes (e.g., ESG initiatives).
🔹 Recruitment Process: To attract the right talent, ensure the recruitment process is effective from the start and set clear expectations for both employees and employers.
Thank you to everyone who participated and shared their insights! Let's continue to foster collaboration and innovation together. 💡🌍 h
Tasuta koju kätte tipp ekspertide nõuanded mitmekesisuse teemal. Juba täna kl 15!
Top expert advice on diversity for free. Join us today at 3 pm!
As a business leaders, we have to think about our organizations and our bottom line. Sometimes it may feel like investing in DEI strategies and programs is an overspend, especially in moments of uncertainty. Sometimes, culture is sacrificed for hustle and profits, and we make hiring decisions based on what we know rather than considering potential. We take shortcuts and do what we have always done. It's normal.
These are decisions made with short-term thinking. In the mid- and long-term, are these still the right decisions?
Read more here:
Graphic courtesy of [Personal Finance Club]([0]=AZUQsMbnI1cAoF6likjEXHd8VLOAhpYkg1s0JjeTzPXH0QXiAX3BvWvzVjVNZ9dw2rRM3vLfNYO28BklpBT4580IR5xArpM_5dZK8jwfR8ob4UdhMTW2z3IW6i4uKsruBVKfInYPinuWmvEbRVO-1nKPAcr6zgOyuQw4BL7Gd2WUBjr7fnJQFYqoGUU8lqjl7DM&__tn__=-]K-R)
As a business leaders, we have to think about our organizations and our bottom line. Sometimes it may feel like investing in DEI strategies and programs is an overspend, especially in moments of uncertainty. Sometimes, culture is sacrificed for hustle and profits, and we make hiring decisions based on what we know rather than considering potential. We take shortcuts and do what we have always done. It's normal.
These are decisions made with short-term thinking. In the mid- and long-term, are these still the right decisions?
This graphic from the Personal Finance Club speaks volumes.
- only 8% of companies are led by women
- they outperform the 92% of companies led by men, consistently.
Not all of these companies had female CEOs over the course of the entire 10 years. But something must be going well in their corporate culture to keep women moving up the ladder, and for them to be willing to hire women into the CEO role.
Diversity is good for business.
Not sure how to get started? Coaching can help. Ping me!
Graphic courtesy of Personal Finance Club
Today is the last day of this year's Diversity Week. We are going to share some articles and highlight experts from our community, as well as have some feedback polls. To sum it up, we are planning to have a 📅 live webinar with our diversity experts. Stay tuned—event details will be announced soon.
In celebration of’s Spotlight Week dedicated to diversity, we are thrilled to highlight one of our esteemed community experts, Julija Sovane. Julija’s extensive experience and profound insights into global sales and cross-cultural communication have transformed countless companies and set new standards for success in the international arena.
Join us as we delve into Julija’s remarkable journey and learn how her expertise in intercultural competence has empowered businesses across various industries to thrive globally. Discover the strategic advantages of embracing diversity through the lens of a true industry leader.
Read now 👇
In global business, Cultural Intelligence (CQ) is vital for successful sales. CQ helps reduce anxiety in diverse settings, promotes psychological safety, and predicts inclusive leadership better than Emotional Intelligence (EQ) in multicultural environments. Effective CQ involves more than cultural knowledge; it requires motivation, cognitive flexibility, and adaptability. By enhancing CQ, global sales leads can achieve greater success and foster a culturally intelligent world.
Remember, success in diverse markets comes from openness, flexibility, and a willingness to adapt to different perspectives and business practices.
Read more here written by Julija Sovane:
Effective decision-making is key to global business success, but styles vary across cultures. Understanding these differences aids in partnerships, team management, and negotiations.
*Individualism vs. Collectivism: Western cultures value individual decision-making, while collectivist cultures like Japan prioritize group consensus.
*Hierarchy vs. Egalitarianism: Hierarchical cultures have decisions made by authority figures, whereas egalitarian cultures prefer collaborative decision-making.
*Risk Aversion vs. Risk-Taking: Risk-averse cultures favor stability, while risk-taking cultures embrace bold decisions.
Recognizing these cultural influences helps organizations adapt strategies, fostering strong relationships and effective communication for global success.
Thank you Julija Sovane for these insights!
📖 Read more here:
🌍✨ Spotlight Week: Diversity Day 4 ✨🌍
Today, we shine a light on the importance of International and Intercultural Concepts in Business, Sales, and Communication.
In our interconnected world, understanding and embracing diverse cultures is key to driving success and fostering innovation. 🌐🤝
Join us as we explore:
- The impact of cultural diversity on global business strategies
- Tips for effective communication across different cultures
Let’s celebrate the richness of our global community and learn how to harness its power in our professional lives.
Stay tuned for insightful posts. Let's make diversity our strength! 💪🌟
Why aim for “cultural addition” and not only “cultural fit”? By Laura Sildmäe and MoveMyTalent
In our latest article, discover how Laura Sildmäe helps companies navigate the complexities of a multicultural workforce, driving innovation and profitability through effective diversity management. 📈✨
🌟 Community Expert Spotlight: Laura Sildmäe and MoveMyTalent from Estonia 🌟
Today, we’re excited to highlight Laura Sildmäe and her incredible work with MoveMyTalent, a pioneering organization in Estonia that has been making strides in cultural diversity and international talent relocation since 2014.
📍 About MoveMyTalent:
- Founded in 2014 when foreign colleagues in Estonia were rare.
- Successfully relocated over 3,500 foreign talents and their families from more than 60 countries.
- Supported over 150 organizations in diversifying their teams.
📈 Achievements:
- Estonian organizations have become more culturally diverse.
- The MoveMyTalent team has gained valuable insights and experience in internationalization.
🌍 Laura Sildmäe’s Contributions:
- Personally trained international teams and foreign talents moving to Estonia.
- Noticed a growing interest in diversity among employers, especially cultural diversity.
- Previously, training was more focused on senior foreign employees, with practical adaptation training and insights into Estonian work culture.
- Recently, there has been a significant increase in interest and attention towards cultural diversification across all levels of employment.
🤔 Feels like it's a topic that needs outside expertise, training, or workshops to tackle your company's challenges? Visit to see your matching rate for your needs and availability in just 2 minutes! Enjoy up to a 14-day free trial, no credit card needed.
Join us in celebrating Laura Sildmäe’s dedication and the positive impact of MoveMyTalent on Estonia’s cultural diversity and internationalization efforts!
🌟 Welcome to Spotlight Week "Diversity" 🌟
Day 3: Celebrating Cultural Diversity 🎉
Today, we shine a spotlight on the beautiful mosaic of cultures that make our world vibrant and unique. Our focus is on cultural diversity and the rich experiences it brings to our lives.
🌍 Join us as we explore:
Personal stories and experiences from diverse cultural backgrounds 🌐
Insights into how cultural diversity enriches our communities 💬
Ways to celebrate and embrace cultural differences in our daily lives 🎨
📢 Share your own cultural experiences and stories with us in the comments below! Let's celebrate the richness of our diverse world together.
Is your interview process gender-neutral? 👀
Research by Harvard Business Review shows that unconscious bias can impact hiring decisions.
Here are tips to help you ensure your process is fair and attracts top talent, regardless of gender:
💡 Avoid questions that reinforce gender stereotypes. Focus on skills and experiences relevant to the job.
💡 A diverse panel helps mitigate bias and provides a wider range of perspectives.
💡 Clear rating guidelines based on skills and experiences ensure a fair and objective evaluation for all applicants.
💡 Train your team to recognize and mitigate unconscious bias in the interview process.
💡 By addressing unconscious bias, you can attract top talent, regardless of gender, and build a more innovative and successful team.
Find out more:
Are you aware of your own unconscious biases? 🧠
By Dana Kocane, its important to acknowledge their existence, especially if you hold a CEO or any other leadership position. Why?
Because unconscious biases can result in unfair hiring practices, leading to the oversight of highly qualified candidates simply because they don't fit a certain type. By recognizing these biases, you can ensure that the best person for the job is hired, regardless of their background and of personal feelings towards them. While not all CEOs are directly involved in interviews, they often have the final say in the hiring process. If unconscious biases aren't addressed, they could potentially ignore the recommendations of the hiring team.
See the biases to consider and find out if you recognise any of these:
# Recruitment
Are you taking real action with your DEI practices? 🎬
Challenging times call for open minds and more diverse teams. It's another solution to ensure higher profitability for your business and, besides that, also more successful innovation. According to McKinsey's 2020 report, companies with a mix of cultures and backgrounds achieved a 36% higher profitability!
💡 Diverse teams excel at being creative and solving problems, making smart decisions 87% of the time.
💡 They're also 70% more likely to explore new markets and drive innovation.
Find tips to impove your DEI practice by Tech Recruitment and Dana Kocane: Expert Spotlight Week "Diversity" Day 2 - recruitment.
At, we are committed to highlighting topic-related experts during our Spotlight Week. As we delve into the crucial topic of diversity in recruitment today, we are excited to share our interview with our esteemed community member, Dana Kocane. Dana, the founder of Tech Recruitment, brings over 13 years of experience in driving diversity and inclusion in the global recruitment landscape. Join us as we explore her insights and strategies for creating more inclusive workplaces.
Day 2 Spotlight Week "Diversity": What Does Diversity in Recruitment Mean?
Today, we're exploring what diversity in recruitment means and why it matters. Diverse recruitment involves inclusive job descriptions, reaching a wide talent pool, bias-free screening, and diverse interview panels—enhancing creativity, decision-making, and our employer brand.
"Even if your company is committed to diversity inclusion, you might have hidden biases in your hiring strategies. According to recent research on the hiring practices at several prestigious firms, this can take several forms. For example, you might view unpaid internships more favorably than other types of summer jobs, which introduces socioeconomic bias. And you might think that minority and female candidates are less likely to accept a job if offered because so many other firms are also interested in hiring them (something, incidentally, the research doesn’t bear out); because of this, you might be less likely to pursue those candidates. So, if you’re truly committed to diversifying your organization, take a hard look at your hiring processes and face up the fact that they might not be as effective in practice as they are in intention." (
Let’s share strategies and experiences to make our hiring process more inclusive and effective.
Looking forward to your contributions!
🌟 Embracing Neurodiversity 🌟
Has neurodiversity caught your attention? Want to dive deeper and learn more about it? We've got you covered! Check out these insightful links and upcoming events that might interest you:
🔗 Read More About Neurodiversity:
📅 Events:
1. - If you want to know more about neurodiversity recruitment”
2. - Creating Connections: The Blueprint for Neurodiversity Inclusion
3. - Simon Preston on NeuroEd and Workplace
4. - Navigating Emotional Regulation and Executive Function: An Exploration
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