Rüütel & Matilda English Bookshop
Independent English Language Bookshop in Tallinn
(ENG below) Adam Thorpe - inglise kirjanik, kes on rohkem elanud mujal kui Inglismaal, ning keda on kiidetud inglise keele taaselustamise eest - on oma tiitlid ära teeninud. Kui ta väidab, et keeruliste probleemide mõistmiseks tuleb tunda ajalugu ja konteksti, siis seda ta oma raamatuid luues ka teeb. Iga paik, kus sa viibid, tõuseb (või langeb) sinu mõistmise tasemele, ütleb peategelane Jack tema raamatus “Kahe hingetõmbe vahel”, kirjeldades Tallinna aastal 1999. Suurem osa selle mõnusalt loetava ja intellektuaalset naudingut pakkuva teose tegevusest toimub Eestis. Ka tema luulekogu “Balti hommikud” ei tohiks meid külmaks jätta, kuid nüüd on meie poes kättesaadavad ka Thorpe’i käsitlus
salapäraseimast Inglise kääpast nimega Silbury Hill, klaustrofoobiline
psühhodraama teisest maailmasõjast “The Rules of Perspective”, autori
Aafrika lapsepõlvemaad kirjeldav ja tema ajaloolise põhiteemaga Ulvertonis kokku põrkav “Pieces of Light” ning irooniline sissevaade filmimaailma äpardustesse, kus lööb särama autori näitlejakooli talent,
Adam Thorpe - an English author who has lived most of his life out of the country and still been praised by John Fowles as making the English language live again - has earned his salt. If you loved Joyce’s
Ulysseus, the flow-of-consciousness language of Thorpe’s "Still" is a walk in the city park, the twists of plot in "Pieces of Light" takes the reader from author’s childhood Africa to fictional Ulverton. Silbury hill casts light on the secrets under this mysterious largest human-made mound in Europe and "The Rules of Perspective" keeps us on the edge of
our seats to find out what happens in the basement of a WWII German museum. We have all those books in stock, but first of all we invite you to read "Between Each Breath". For inspiration, Adam Thorpe lived in Estonia and weaved our pre-millennial tragedy and comedy of life into
the fabric of the plot. "Wherever you are, however exotic, gets submitted to your own level," says the main character composer Jack and falls for an Estonian maid while trying to decipher Arvo Pärt’s three note cadences.
(ENG below) Augusti lõpus toimus meie raamatupoes leedu kirjanduse õhtu, mis kujunes äärmiselt menukaks ja meeleolukaks! Täname südamest külalisi, kes tutvustasid oma loomingut ja kirjandusajakirja Vilnius Review ning publikut, kelle hulgas oli ka Leedu suursaadik Raimonda Murmokaitė!..
In the end of August we had a literary event in the shop dedicated to Lithuanian Literature. A heartfelt thank you to our guests Jurgita Jasponytė, Austėja Jakas, Marius Burokas and Saulius Vasiliauskas and to the fantastic audience including the Lithuanian Ambassador to Estonia Raimonda Murmokaitė!
A selection to fly you to South-Africa through pages.
South African literature reflects the country's complex history, multicultural society, and ongoing struggles with issues like race, identity, and social justice. Rooted in the oral traditions of indigenous peoples, South African literature evolved over centuries, absorbing influences from colonization, apartheid, and post-apartheid realities.
South African literature has been shaped by the country's colonial past and the brutal system of apartheid that institutionalized racial segregation and oppression from 1948 to 1994. During apartheid, literature became a powerful tool of resistance, with many writers using their work to expose the injustices of the regime and advocate for change.
Some of the most prominent South-African authors are Alan Paton with his famous novel
"Cry, the Beloved Country" (1948) addressing the devastating effects of apartheid on black South Africans, Nobel Prize winner Nadine Gordimer, who explores the complexities of life under apartheid in her works, and J.M.Coetzee, who delves into the moral and psychological impact of apartheid.
Post-apartheid literature reflects the challenges of a new South Africa, grappling with issues like reconciliation, corruption, and ongoing inequality. Writers like Zakes Mda and NoViolet Bulawayo have gained prominence for their work on these themes, while young voices continue to emerge, exploring contemporary issues such as gender, migration, and identity in a rapidly changing society.
We offer you a gateway into South African literature reflecting this country’s resilience and the enduring power of storytelling in the face of adversity.
(ENG below) Ootame 20. augustil kõiki leedu kirjanduse õhtule algusega kl 19.00! Neli leedu kirjanikku ja luuletajat - Marius Burokas, Austėja Jakas, Jurgita Jasponytė and Saulius Vasiliauskas - tutvustavad oma loomingut ning ingliskeelset kirjandusajakirja Vilnius Review. Seda sisukat ja kauni kujundusega ajakirja on väikese pausiga välja antud alates 1994. aastast ning selle aasta sügisel ilmub ühtlasi ajakirja prantsuskeelne versioon! Pärast ametlikku osa kuulame leedu muusikat ja pakume klaasikese veini. Üritus on tasuta...
We'll have an event coming up on 20th of August at 7 pm at Rüütel & Matilda English Bookshop ! Join us for a literary evening dedicated to the Lithuanian literature and the presentation of Vilnius Review, an English-language journal of Lithuanian literature in translation. The event will feature the following writers: Marius Burokas, Austėja Jakas, Jurgita Jasponytė and Saulius Vasiliauskas, who will read their poetry and prose both in English and in Lithuanian. Vilnius Review is a high-quality literary magazine magazine originally launched in 1994 with the roots of the magazine dating back to 1978. In autumn 2024 a special issue in French will be out! Event starts at 7 pm, doors 6.30. After the presentation we would like to invite the guests to stay for a glass of wine and some cool Lithuanian blues.
This week's theme is Czech literature! 🇨🇿💙
Czech literature encompasses a rich tradition spanning over a millennium, marked by its resilience and diversity. It began with medieval religious texts, such as the chronicles of Cosmas of Prague. The Renaissance and Baroque periods saw a flourishing of Czech language and literature, despite political upheavals.
The 19th century was pivotal, marked by the Czech National Revival, which rekindled Czech language and culture.
The 20th century brought global recognition with authors like Franz Kafka, whose existential works, including "The Trial" and "The Metamorphosis," delve into the human condition. The post-World War II era saw a rise in dissident literature, with Václav Havel, a playwright and later president, becoming a symbol of resistance against totalitarianism.
Modern Czech literature continues to thrive, exploring contemporary issues while drawing on a rich literary heritage. Authors like Milan Kundera, known for "The Unbearable Lightness of Being," place Czech novels among the pinnacles of world literature, blending philosophy and narrative in profound ways.
Contemporary Czech literature continues to evolve, drawing from a rich cultural heritage while addressing modern themes and global issues. Post-communist freedom has given rise to a diverse literary landscape, characterized by experimentation and a re-examination of national identity.
Milan Kundera remains one of the most internationally recognized Czech writers. His novels, such as "The Unbearable Lightness of Being," explore themes of identity, existentialism, and the complexities of human relationships. Kundera's works, often written in French, transcend national boundaries, offering a unique blend of philosophical inquiry and narrative.
Jáchym Topol, known for his novel "City Sister Silver," represents a younger generation of writers who delve into the chaotic and surreal aspects of post-communist life. His works often feature fragmented narratives and vivid imagery, reflecting the turbulence of modern Czech society.
Petra Hůlová, another prominent contemporary author, explores gender and social issues in her novels. Her debut, "All This Belongs to Me," portrays the lives of Mongolian women, blending cultural exploration with personal narratives.
Contemporary Czech literature is also rich in poetry and drama, with poets like Petr Hruška and playwrights like Michal Viewegh continuing to innovate and captivate audiences. This modern literary scene, vibrant and multifaceted, engages both Czech and international readers with its diverse voices and perspectives, inspiring us to offer you a selection of Czech books.
(ENG below) Hiljuti Eestit külastanud the Guardiani ajakirjanik Kevin Rushby leidis siit eest põhjamaise paradiisi, mis tuletas talle meelde Tove Janssoni "Suveraamatut”. Jagame selle toreda artikli linki https://www.theguardian.com/travel/article/2024/jul/18/baltic-beauty-exploring-estonias-northern-coast ning anname teada, et ingliskeelne *Suveraamat” koos mitmete teiste Tove Janssoni lugude ja elulooraamatuga on müügil meilgi!
“Sunny beaches, summer cabins and mossy marshes surrounded by flowers” - Kevin Rushby from the Guardian recently visited Estonia and wrote this wonderful article about our northern coast, where he found many similarities with the idylllic life described in Tove Jansson’s ‘The Summer Book’. The whole article is available here https://www.theguardian.com/travel/article/2024/jul/18/baltic-beauty-exploring-estonias-northern-coast
If you are looking for perfect summer reading, we currently have both “The Summer Book” and also some other stories by Tove Jansson (incl. her biography) in stock!
Baltic beauty: exploring Estonia’s northern coast Mossy marshes, sunny beaches and summer cabins surrounded by flowers recall the childhood idyll of Tove Jansson’s The Summer Book, set in the Gulf of Finland
(ENG below) Oleme oma maailmakirjanduse fookusesse sel nädalal võtnud INDIA. See maailma suurima elanikkonnaga riik on rikas ka kirjanduslike traditsioonide ja erinevate keelte poolest. Kui sanskritikeelsed veedad ja eeposed kuuluvad inimkonna vanimate kirjatükkide hulka, siis ka hindi, bengali, marathi, tamili, telugu, assami või urdu keeltes on tekste loodud sajandeid. Koloniaalajastu pärandina on tänases Indias palju inglise keeles kirjutavaid autoreid, kuid ka neid, kes ise oma kirjandust mõnest kohalikust keelest tõlgivad. India päritolu kirjanikke leiab kogu anglofiilses keeleruumis ning lisaks on see suur maa pakkunud
inspiratsiooni autoreile kagemaltki. Näiteks meiemaine Mathura, kes hindi keelest tõlgib ja India-jälje oma luulesse jätnud on. Ootame külla!..
Introducing our theme weeks of reading by country over summer! Find our thematic windowsill at the back of the store. First week brings us to INDIA.
Indian literature reflects the complex social, political, and cultural
landscapes of modern India. It is produced in a multitude of languages, including but not limited to Hindi, English, Bengali, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Gujarati, Urdu, Punjabi, and Assamese. Each language has its own vibrant
literary tradition and contemporary authors contributing to its
Indian literature spans the whole variety of literary genres. Vedic and epic sanskrit stand proud among the oldest written texts in the world, and today India contributes to the world literature both as home for numerous renowned authors and as inspiration for context and subject.
Important themes of contemporary Indian written works are topics of identity, colonial legacy, and the postcolonial experience. This includes the impacts of British colonialism and the partition of India in 1947. English is the language of many Indian authors both home and abroad, but Indian literature is not limited to that. Some multilingual authors do the translations of their own work to and from English.
Often addressed are social issues such as caste discrimination, gender inequality, communalism, economic disparity, and environmental concerns.
The effects of globalization, urbanization, and modernity on Indian society are frequently examined, showcasing the tension between tradition and modernity but hand in hand with those go nature poetry, romance and humour.
We are happy to offer you a glimpse of this vast heritage with books from and about India!
(ENG below) Tutvustame meie suvist praktikanti Irist, kes valdab lisaks eesti keelele ka vabalt inglise ja prantsuse keelt. Iris on lõpetanud Tallinna Gustav Adolfi Gümnaasiumi ning õppinud aasta Prahas ajakirjandust ja kommunikatsiooni. Poes vastutab Iris klienditeeninduse ja sotsiaalmeedia eest. Sügisel jätkuvad tema õpingud Kanadas. Iris ütleb enda kohta järgmist: "Jagan ennast looduse ja seikluste ning raamatute, tee ja kunsti armastamise vahel."
Meet our summer trainee Iris! She completed her secondary education at Gustav Adolf Grammar School in Tallinn and has just finished her first year of university studies at the Anglo-American University in Prague. In addition to her mother tongue Estonian Iris speaks fluent French and English. In the bookshop she is responsible for customer service and social media. In the autumn she will continue her studies in Canada. “My favorite authors range from Elizabeth Gilbert to Saint-Exupéry," Iris said. In 2023 she was a jury member selecting the Estonia Goncourt prize in cooperation with the French Embassy! We wish her best of luck and a wonderful summer!
(ENG BELOW) Kaunid lillekastid meie aknalaudadel on valminud kunstnik Tanel Saare ning raamatupoe koostöös. Materjaliks raamatud, mida enam ei loeta ja mis muidu lõpetaksid prügimäel või makulatuuriveskis. Lõigatud raamatuseljad on immutatud polüvinüülatsetaadiga, kaetud läbipaistva ilmastikukindla lakiga ja kinnitatud erimeetodil niiskuskindlast vineerist kastidele. Regulaarse väikese hooldusega kestab paber nii aastaid ja tuletab möödakäijatele meelde, et lisaks surematule sisule on raamat ka oma füüsilisel kujul asi, mis ei tohiks meie silme alt 21. sajandil ära kaduda. Valmistame selliseid lillekaste ka müügiks, huvi korral saatke oma sooviga kiri aadressil [email protected]..
Book flower boxes are now available for sale! The beautiful flower boxes decorating our shop windows are handmade with cut-off book spines, salvaged from the landfill. The spines are infused with polyvinyl acetate glue and fixed with special technology to water-proof film-layer laminated plywood. The boxes are provided with a drainage system and spines finally covered with two layers of clear UV resistant spray laquer. They are taylor-made to fit the length and width of the window sill.
If you would like to buy your own book flower box, we can custom make one for you. Please send us an email with your request at
[email protected]
Ilusat jaanipäeva! Happy Midsummer! We are open today from 12-6, welcome to the shop to grab some summer reading!
(ENG below) Käimas on sõltumatute raamatupoodide nädal, mis sai alguse Suurbritanniast ja Iirimaalt ning mida nüüd tähistatakse üle maailma. Ka Eestis on kõigil võimalik käesoleval nädalal väikseid raamatupoode avastama minna – neid polegi nii vähe! Võiks arvata, et kaubanduskeskuste ajastul pole kellelgi enam väikepoodi asja – suur on ju suurepärane – kuid on midagi, mida ketipoodidest ei leia. Näiteks nišikirjastuste väljaandeid, millele suured tegijad müügiedu ei ennusta. Raamatud, mis on mujal sortimendist välja võetud, viimased eksemplarid ja haruldused – pigem leiate selliseid just mõne tagasihoidliku väikepoe riiulitelt. Lisaks on sõltumatud raamatukauplused omanäolised, hubased ja peegeldavad oma tegijate vaimu. Jagame allpool ühte poe algusaegadel tehtud lugu, kus tutvustatakse, kuidas sai alguse Tallinna ainus ingliskeelsete raamatute pood Rüütel ja Matilda ning kes on selle asutajad. Tulge külla!..
It’s the Independent Bookshop Week – a worldwide celebration of indie stores still thriving in your neighbourhood and offering what big chain stores don’t have – a feeling of uniqueness, above all. But also cosy and varied atmospheres, books that are out of print or hard to get, indie publishers’ titles and funny enough – a smaller selection to ease up the pressure of decision making. Also small shops present an image of their owners. Rüütel & Matilda English Bookshop is the only fully English-language bookshop in Estonia featuring a choice for varied tastes from cookbooks to classical novel with a particular focus on everything Estonian ever published in the English language. You can read more about the owners and how the shop began here, thank you ERR News for noticing us back in January 2022!:
Second-hand English-language bookstore opens in Tallinn Old Town A new English-Language second-hand bookstore has opened in Tallinn's Old Town.
Uus suvine loovkirjutamise kursus neljal juulikuu õhtul! Get your pen ready for summer romance! This creative writing course at Rüütel & Matilda English Bookshop will help you explore love from every angle. 📖✨
Join us for 4 Tuesdays of writing and sharing with Biblionaut Berit Kaschan - a poet, writer and a bibliotherapist. Turn your love story into a masterpiece! 💖
🗓️ 4 tuesdays
🖋️ small group, all levels welcome
📍 communication in English, write in any language
💌 280€ (incl. coffee, tea, snacks)
📧 to book your spot write to [email protected]
Tõnu Runneli “Eesti” on Eesti elu kujutav raamat 100 fotolooga eesti ja inglise keeles. Argipäev, maastikud, majad, tänavad ja inimesed neljas aastaajas. Soovitame!
“Eesti” by Tõnu Runnel.
“Landscapes, houses, streets, and people in four seasons. If you want an album of everyday life Estonia, this is the one.”
Uued raamatud "Best of Granta" sarjast!
Newcomers from “Best of Granta” series.📚
Sensing that he would be prevented from completing The Original of Laura, Nabokov drew up instructions that the manuscript was to be burned after his death. For thirty years his wife, and then his son Dmitri debated whether to follow the writer’s wishes. Now available for the first time, this novel - almost destroyed - is accompanied by an introduction by Dmitri Nabokov on his father’s final great book, and the difficult decision to publish.
Ilmunud on uus ingliskeelse kunsti- ja kultuuriajakirja "A Shade Colder" number!
There's a new "A Shade Colder" issue out! Two remaining copies of the earlier editions are also available.
POETRY NIGHT IN ENGLISH! Ootame reedel, 26. aprillil, kl 18.30 kohtumisele Iisraeli- Kanada poetessi ja tõlkija Gili Haimovichiga, kes on muu hulgas heebrea keelde tõlkinud ka Jaan Kaplinski luulet. Ingliskeelset vestlust juhib Mathura, luulet kuuleb heebrea, inglise ja eesti keeles. Üritus on tasuta, kõik on teretulnud! Loe pikemat Gili Haimovichi luulekogu arvustust siit: https://www.sirp.ee/s1-artiklid/c7-kirjandus/kohkleva-paikese-karehell-peegeldus/
POETRY NIGHT this Friday, 26th of April, at 6.30 pm. Gili Haimovich is an acclaimed Israeli-Canadian poet and translator whose work has been awarded several national and international prizes. “Kõhklev päike” (“Hesitant Sun”) is her first collection of poems in Estonian translation. Insightful, striking and sensitive, the book contains also some poems about Estonia, with Haimovich having visited the country several times. Poems will be read in Hebrew and English as well as in Estonian translation. Conversation between Haimovich and the book’s translator Mathura M Lattik will take place in English. Read more here: http://elm.estinst.ee/interviews/33/
Meil on ära anda suur hulk pappkaste, kas kellelgi on kolimiseks tarvis? We have lots of cardboard boxes to give away, pick up today 12-6, tomorrow 12-5 or Sunday 12-5.
Sel kevadel toimub veel üks ingliskeelne loojutustamise kursus! Unlock the storyteller within! 📖✨ Join 'The Story So Far,' a creative journey where we delve into the fabric of our experiences and weave them into captivating tales. 🌟
Over four Sundays in April and May, embark on a voyage of self-expression at the cozy Rüütel & Matilda English Bookshop in Tallinn. Led by Berit Kaschan Biblionaut – an experienced writing facilitator, bibliotherapist and a forever curious poet.
From warm-up exercises to sharing sessions, our intimate group of up to 7 like-minded individuals fosters a supportive environment. By journey's end, you'll craft your own short story or prose piece, enriched by personalized feedback from peers and our guide.
Indulge in literary delights with complimentary coffee, tea, and snacks as we explore the boundless realms of storytelling. The course fee of 280€ includes these treats, with the option to split payments for your convenience.
Don't just tell stories — live them. Reserve your spot today and embark on a journey where words become worlds. 🌍✍️ For registration and inquiries, email [email protected]. Let's write our tales together!
(ENG below) “Persepolis” on Marjane Satrapi pildikeeles jutustatud elulooline romaan, milles ta annab ülevaate oma lapsepõlvest ja varasest täiskasvanueast Iraanis islamirevolutsiooni ajal 1980ndatel ja pärast seda. Progressiivsete vaadetega peres kasvanud Marjanele on uue režiimi ja selle piirangutega kohanemine raske. Raamatu algust kajastab lapsjutustaja, peategelase nooruspõlv viib meid aga Euroopa kultuuriruumi Viini, kus valitseb küll usuline vabadus, kuid ka vabadusest tulenevad ahvatlused. Hiljem Iraani naastes peab ta kohanema fundamentalismist juhinduva, soolistel alustel lõhestatud ühiskonnaga. Satrapi kunst on julge joonega, minimalistlik ja napp, ümbritsevat hullumeelsust kujutades aga ometi kaasakiskuv ja humoorikas. Marjane Satrapi on ka 2008. aastal Oscarile kandideerinud, Cannes'i žürii eripreemia pälvinud ning mujalgi pärjatud täispika animafilmi «Persepolis» stsenaariumi üks kaasautoreid ja -režissöör. Soovitame soojalt!..
“Persepolis” is a graphic memoir written by Marjane Satrapi, depicting her childhood and early adulthood in Iran during and after the Islamic Revolution. Through powerful black-and-white illustrations, Satrapi narrates her personal experiences, offering a unique perspective on the tumultuous political and social landscape of Iran.
ERR kultuuriportaalis alustas uus sisukas intervjuusari "Kogu lugu", mille esimene külaline oli kirjandusterapeut ja luuletaja Berit Kaschan Biblionaut, kes tutvustas oma kirjanduslikke lemmikuid ning seda, kuidas jõuavad raamatud tema koduraamatukogusse. Berit ütleb Ester Urbalale antud intervjuus, et “raamatutega täidetud ruum on tolerantne ja rahulik koht”, millega saame ainult nõustuda. Meil on väga hea meel, et fotod (Ken Mürk) intervjuu juurde otsustati teha meie poes.
The national broadcaster ERR started with new book-themed interview series, check out the story with their first guest bibliotherapist and poet Berit Kaschan, who says that “a room filled with books is a tolerant and peaceful place”. We couldn’t agree more and we're very happy that the beautiful photos by Ken Mürk were taken in our shop!
Berit Kaschan: raamatutega täidetud ruum on tolerantne ja rahulik koht Kuidas jõuavad raamatud ühe kodu raamaturiiulisse ja mis otsustab nende edasise saatuse? Mida teha siis, kui peale tuleb raamatuhäbi ja kuidas leida parimaid lugemiselamusi? Kultuuriportaalis alustab uus intervjuusari "Kogu lugu", mille esimene külaline on biblionaut ja luuletaja Berit Kaschan.
Juba sel pühapäeval, 7. aprillil saab meile jälle tulla kirjutamise töötuppa, mida juhendab Biblionaut Berit Kaschan.
Atmosfäär on mõnus ja vaba, töötuba sobib igas vormis kirjutamisentusiastidele ja kirjanikele. Räägime inglise keeles, aga kirjutada võid igas maailma keeles.
Harjutame muretut kirjutamist ja proovime kevadet lähemale meelitada. Töötoa tasu on 30€, milles sisalduvad ka snäkid ja kohv/tee.
Kui oled huviline, kirjuta meilile [email protected] ja broneerime sulle tooli meie sõbralikus laudkonnas! 🌼
Come write with us at our shop already this Sunday April 7th, at 10-12.
We have some free spots remaining! This carefree writing workshop is suitable for writers and writing enthusiasts of all paths and levels - we are going to explore our inner landscapes in a fun and inspiring way.
The atmosphere is relaxed. We communicate in English, but you can write in any language you like.
Participation fee is 30€ and includes snacks and coffee/tea as well. If you are interested, just write to [email protected] or DM .ee
Let’s try to bring the spring closer!
Photos: Eva Bronzini ∘ Photographer
Hygge, fika ja lagom, need taani- ja rootsikeelsed sõnad on vaikselt leidnud tee ka teistesse kultuuridesse, sõnade taga peitub põhjamaade elufilosoofia, mille keskmes on tasakaal, hubasus ja rahulolu, tulge viige end lähemalt kurssi!
Delve into the concepts of lagom and hygge - Scandinavian lifestyle philosophies centered around balance, coziness, and contentment. These books provide practical tips, ideas, and anecdotes for incorporating lagom and hygge principles into daily life, whether it’s through home decor, cooking, socializing, or self-care practices.
Tulge leidke kevadvaliku seast oma lemmik! 📚
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Rüütli 4
Opening Hours
Monday | 12:00 - 18:00 |
Tuesday | 12:00 - 18:00 |
Wednesday | 12:00 - 18:00 |
Thursday | 12:00 - 18:00 |
Friday | 12:00 - 18:00 |
Saturday | 11:00 - 17:00 |
Sunday | 12:00 - 16:00 |
Mustakivi Tee13
Tallinn, 13912
Магазин детских развивающих книг и игрушек в Таллинне
Esimene funktsionaalne Eesti koorimuusika seadetega kitarrikogumik! Kogumik on loodud ühise ristmeediaprojekti raames eesmärgiga tuua Eesti koorimuusika tagasi muusikaõpingutesse ...
Tallinna 32. Keskkool
Tallinn, 12918
Oleme 4 Tallinna 32. Keskkooli õpilast , kes teevad õpilasfirmat nimega Teekond .Meie tooteks on Seiklushimuliste raamat.
The Estonia Books online shop aims to offer interesting books and other merchandise about the most northern of the three Baltic nations.
UKU Kirjastus toob eestikeelse lugejani arendavat ja kõrgetasemelist kodumaist kirjandust.
Tallinn, 10111
OSTAMME JATKUVASTI KIRJOJA, KOTIKIRJASTOJA; MYÖS KUOLINPESIEN KIRJASTOJA. Asiantunteva arviointi, suuret erät noudamme kauempaakin, käteismaksu. e-mail: [email protected] http://www...
Sõpruse Pst 249/251
Tallinn, 13412
Raamaturinglus ostab ja müüb kvaliteetseid kasutatud raamatuid.
Tõnismägi 2
Tallinn, 10119
4. – 8. detsembrini toimub Eesti Rahvusraamatukogus juba traditsiooniks saanud jõulukuu raamatun?