KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage

Collaboration Project
Kassel University & Alexandria University 2021-2022

Within the framework of the German-Egyptian Progress
Partnership Program Line 1: University Partnerships 2021-2022,
the Department of Urban Renewal and Planning Theory of the
University of Kassel in cooperation with the Faculty of Fine Arts
- Department of Architecture - of the University of Alexandria in
Egypt has initiated the project Kassalex - CCH - City, Community
andHeritage: Culture Mapping


**For Arabic Scroll down

We are happy to share a short video summarizing the International Students’ Workshop "Urban Regeneration: City by the Water", organized by the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University, in collaboration with Kassel University, Germany, and The Arab Academy of Science Technology and Transportation, Port Said. The workshop took place in Port Said, then Alexandria between November 5th and 11th, 2023.

** Alexandria University organizing team:
Prof. Dr. Nevin Gharib; Nevin Gharib
Dr. Mirhan Damir; Damīr
T.A. Aya Moussa, M.Sc.; Aya Ali Moussa
T.A. Sara Enany, M.Sc.; @ساره عناني
T.A. Rawan Waleed, Arch. Waleed
T.A. Donia Tayel, Arch. Y. Tayel

** Kassel University
Mohamed ElGamal, M.Sc. Mohamed Anis ElGamal

** Arab Academy, Port Said
Prof. Nader Gharib; نادر غريب
Miraan Shoman, M.Sc.

** Video Material and Editing:
Mohamed ElMaghrabi, Alexandria University الكائن المعماري-المَغْرَّبي
Nada Essam, Alexandria University

يسعداء مشاركتكم بفيديو قصير عن ورشة عمل الطلاب الدولية "التجديد الحضري: مدينة علي المياة"، و التي نظمتها كلية الفنون الجميلة، قسم العمارة، جامعة الإسكندرية، بالتعاون مع جامعة كاسل في ألمانيا، والأكاديمية العربية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا والنقل، بورسعيد. أُقيمت الورشة في بورسعيد، ثم في الإسكندرية بين 5 و 11 نوفمبر 2023.
** الفريق المنظم من جامعة الإسكندرية:
أ.د. نيفين غريب
د. ميرهان دمير
م.م. آية موسى
م.م. سارة عناني
م.روان عبد اللطيف
م. دنيا طايل
** جامعة كاسل:
م.م. محمد الجمال
** الأكاديمية العربية في بورسعيد:
:أ.د. نادر غريب
م. ميران شومان.
** تحرير الفيديو وجمع المادة:
م. محمد المغربي، جامعة الإسكندرية
م. ندى عصام، جامعة الإسكندرية.

Photos from KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage's post 11/11/2023

Second session, Groups are presenting their results of excursions and vision for Mosque Complex and Old Fish Market, as part of the workshop "Urban Regeneration: City by the Water".

CBTW is a 6-day workshop, "Urban Regeneration: City by The Water" an international students' workshop organized by Alexandria University Nevin Gharib Hebatalla Abouelfadl, Mirhān Damīr Aya Ali Moussa ساره عنانى Waleed Dunia Y. Tayel , Kassel University (Mohamed Anis ElGamal), and the Arab Academy of Science Technology and Maritime Transport of Port Said Mohamed Gharib

Photos from KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage's post 11/11/2023

First session, Groups are presenting their results of excursions and vision for Manshia Square, and El-Midan Street Market, as part of the workshop "Urban Regeneration: City by the Water".

CBTW is a 6-day workshop, "Urban Regeneration: City by The Water" an international students' workshop organized by Alexandria University Nevin Gharib Abouelfadl, Mirhān Damīr Aya Ali Moussa ساره عنانى Waleed Y. Tayel , Kassel University (Mohamed Anis ElGamal), and the Arab Academy of Science Technology and Maritime Transport of Port Said Nader Mohamed Gharib


Happening now, the second and final public event of CBTW!
This wonderful event hosted by Geothe Institut Institut as part of the international students’ workshop “Urban Regeneration: City by the Water” organized by Alexandria University Nevin Gharib Hebatalla Abouelfadl, Mirhān Damīr Aya Ali Moussa ساره عنانى Waleed Dunia Y. Tayel , Kassel University (Mohamed Anis ElGamal), and the Arab Academy of Science Technology and Maritime Transport of Port Said Nader Mohamed Gharib).


We are pleased to have such great experts; Dr Zyad Elsayad, Dr Mohamed Adel Dessouki, and Arch. Mohamed Abou Shousha - in both academia and profession. During the panel discussion, they have provided thoughts and reflections on the proposed case studies on the third part of the City by the water workshop.



Thursday, 9.11.2023
16:30 - 17:30

Arch Abou-Shousha is founder and chairman of AGAP. He has been involved in the design of a wide range of projects including grand national projects, public buildings, healthcare, residential, and civic projects in the Middle East, Asia, Africa USA, and Europe. Arch Abou-Shousha approaches each project as a singular creative journey with a focus on integrating architecture, planning, and engineering.

Many of Arch. Abou-Shousha's projects have received numerous awards from different institutions and organizations. He is also involved in advancing the architectural education process as a lecturer at numerous universities in Egypt, sharing his years of experience tutoring architecture Design, planning, and architecture conservation. Arch. Abou-Shousha became a consulting architect in public buildings in 2013 and he earned his bachelor's degree in architecture in 1993 from Alexandria University, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Architecture.


Meet our speaker: Dr. Mohamed Adel Dessouki

Thursday, 9.11.2023
15:00 - 16:00
Mohamed Adel Dessouki is an educator and a visual artist who lives and works in Alexandria, Egypt. He got his bachelor’s degree in architecture from Alexandria University in 2000 and earned a master’s degree from the Arab Academy for Science and Technology in 2003 and a Ph.D. in Architecture from Cairo University in 2012. He is currently an assistant professor of architecture at the Arab Academy for Science and Technology.

Dessouki is a founding member of the Save Alex initiative, which has been advocating since 2012 to protect the built heritage of the city of Alexandria. He also blogs about the city of Alexandria, its endangered heritage, and its history in Gudran Medina Mot’aba (Walls of an Exhausted City).


Meet our speaker: Assoc. Prof. Zyad El Sayad
Thursday, 9.11.2023
14:00 - 15:00

Zyad El Sayad is an Assistant Professor of Architectural Engineering as well as the Executive Director of the Engineering Center at Alexandria University and Director of ELSAYAD Associates Architectural consultancy firm, with a Ph.D. in Intelligent Architecture. Founder of the Virtual Reality lab in AU hosting the second CAVE setup in Egypt, he has done numerous research in the fields of VR and sustainable architecture and cities. He also founded the Studies of the Urban Environment Laboratory “SUEL” and the Laboratory of Advanced Architectural Modeling “LAAM” in AU. On the administrative level, he has been a former member of the technical office of the Educational Development Fund headed by HE the prime minister, and a member of the heritage conservation committee of Alexandria. He has been Alexandria Governorate’s technical representative and consultant in numerous development projects. As a practicing architect with 200+ realized projects, meticulous work has been always given to details focusing on heritage conservation and adaptive reuse projects.


We are pleased to invite you to attend two public events within the framework of the international student's workshop "Urban Regeneration: City by the Water"



14:00-15:00: Public Lecture 01 | Mosque complex in Alexandria: Past, Present and Future Assoc. Prof. Zeyad El-Sayad

15:00-16:00: Public Lecture 02 | The Rise and Fall of Manshiyya Square
Dr. Mohamed Dessouki

16:30-17:30: Public Lecture 03 Fish Market Development Project in Alexandria
Arch. Mohamed Abou Shousha



16:30-20:00 | Final Presentations &Certificate Distribution

Place: Goethe-Institut German Cultural Center in Alexandria.

Address: 10 El Batalsa, Bab Sharqi WA Wabour Al Meyah,
Bab Sharqi, Alexandria.

Please scan the QR code to access the registration form
or by the following link


Photos from ‎Alexandria University جامعة الإسكندرية - الصفحة الرسمية‎'s post 21/12/2022

Happening now Trialog Lounge..

Photos from KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage's post 20/12/2022

Fellowship students presenting their work and experience ✨


First panel discussion by
Prof Hebatalla Abouelfadl
Prof Alaa ElHabashy
Prof Mohamed Adel ElDesouky


Let's start our closing ceremony ✨

Photos from KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage's post 14/12/2022

المقاعد المتاحة محدودة ، يرجى ملء استمارة التسجيل للحضور
limited seats available, please fill the registration form for attendance

Photos from KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage's post 13/12/2022

For English Scroll down__

تحت رعاية كلا من الأستاذ الدكتور عبد العزيز قنصوه رئيس جامعة الإسكندرية، و الأستاذة الدكتورة دينا مندور عميد كلية الفنون الجميلة، ومنسقي اتفاقية التعاون المشتركة كل من الأستاذة الدكتورة نيفين غريب وكيل الكلية لشئون التعليم والطلاب ،والأستاذة الدكتورة هبة الله أبو الفضل.
يسعدنا أن ندعوا حضراتكم لحضور الحفل الختامي لاتفاقية التعاون المشتركة بين جامعة الاسكندرية وجامعة "كاسل" بالمانيا، ويقام هذا الحفل في اطار أنشطة التعاون بين الجامعتين. برنامج التعاون "كاس-اليكس – المدينة، المجتمع والتراث: رسم الخرائط الثقافية كنهج للتجديد الحضري المتكامل واستراتيجيات الحفاظ على الترث. وقد عقدت اتفاقية تعاون لمدة عامين بين جامعة الإسكندرية بمصرو جامعة" كاسل" بألمانيا بدأت من 2021 وحتى نهاية عام 2022، حيث أقيم عدد من الأنشطة الطلابية وورش العمل وبرامج الزمالة المشتركة بين الجامعتين.
ويأتي الحفل ختاما لفعاليات الاتفاقية، و يقام الحفل يوم الثلاثاء، 20 ديسمبر 2022، بمتحف الفنون الجميلة شارع منشا محرم بك، الساعة 9:00 ص ..يشرفنا حضوركم.
الموقع: https://goo.gl/maps/cbeJ2xGaSv8vYsRUA
المقاعد المتاحة محدودة ، يرجى ملء استمارة التسجيل للحضور
Under the auspices of Prof. Dr. Abdel Aziz Qansouh, President of Alexandria University, Prof. Dr. Dina Mandour, Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts, and Project principal investigators of the Joint Cooperation Agreement Prof. Dr. Nevin Gharib Vice Dean for Education and Student Affair, and Prof. Dr. Heba AboELFadl.

We are pleased to invite you to attend the closing ceremony of the Cooperation agreement between the University of Alexandria and the University of Kassel in Germany. This ceremony is held within the framework of the collaboration program” Kassalex – CCH - City, Community and Heritage: Culture Mapping as an approach for Integrated Urban Regeneration and Heritage Conservation strategies”, a two-year cooperation agreement 2021-2022 between Universität Kassel, Germany, and Alexandria University, Egypt.
The ceremony is a conclusion of the agreement, and will take place on Tuesday, 20th December, 2022, at the Museum of Fine Arts, Manasha St Moharam Bek, at 9:00 am.
limited seats available, please fill the registration form for attendance

Location: https://goo.gl/maps/cbeJ2xGaSv8vYsRUA

Photos from KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage's post 30/09/2022

Second coordination meeting held in faculty of Fine Arts, Alexandria University. Which was scheduled for 22/09/2022 And attended by The Kassel University Team, Prof. -Ing. Uwe Altrock, M.Sc .Mohamed Anis, and M.Sc. Mohammed Alfiky, and the Alexandria University team Dr. Nevin Gharib, Dr, Hebatalla Abouelfadl, M.Sc. Hadir Hawash, M.Sc Aya Moussa, Abdelrahman Eltememy, and Rawan Abdellatif. The meeting was scheduled to have a welcoming meeting with head of department Dr. Mona Almasry, then 2022 fellows’ research presentation in addition to a fruitful coordination meeting discussing future within the collaboration framework.

Photos from KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage's post 29/09/2022

Alexandria welcoming tour for the German fellows
Our collaboration team M.Sc. Hadir Hawash, M.Sc Aya Moussa had accompanied the German fellow Students, Helena Cing, and Amadeus Tilly, them through a welcoming tour in Alexandria city. Their visit is a part of a fellowship program within the framework of the collaboration between Alexandria University and Kassel University.

Photos from KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage's post 29/09/2022

Welcoming/orientation tour for the German fellows.
Faculty of fine arts has welcomed their fellowship students From Germany Helena Cing, Francisco Mondaca Molina, and Amadeus Tilly, within the framework of collaboration program between Alexandria University and Kassel University started in 2021 till 2022, Initiated the project Kassalex - CCH - City, Community and Heritage: Culture Mapping as an Approach for Integrated Urban Regeneration and Heritage Conservation Strategies. The fellowship semester is the third in this collaboration and the first to be hosted by Alexandria University.
Dr, Nevin the Principal investigator for this collaboration, had welcomed the students in her office, they had a tour in the museum of the faculty of Fine arts, and then they presented their research proposals in the presence of lecturers of the Department of Architecture.

Photos from KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage's post 25/09/2022

Fellowship autumn 2021 “Egyptian students”

Kassel University has welcomed our fellowship students Ph.D.Riham Rasoul, M.Sc. Hadir Hawash, M.Sc. Mai Eid, M.Sc. Sara Essam and M.Sc. Esraa Samir. within the framework of collaboration program between Alexandria University and Kassel University started in 2021 till 2022, Initiated the project Kassalex - CCH - City, Community and Heritage: Culture Mapping as an Approach for Integrated Urban Regeneration and Heritage Conservation Strategies. The fellowship semester is the First in this collaboration, the duration is four months in which the fellowship students are prospective to working on individual research topics and academic papers, giving public lectures in the department on their field of specialty, participating in the department's academic meetings, and attending workshops The fellowship was between from September 2021 to December 2021.

Photos from KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage's post 23/09/2022

Final DAY _Winter school “Revisiting Heritage Sites through Cultural Mapping Lens”
The teams of each side, Egyptian and German are presenting their final findings. each team has applied cultural mapping methodology to investigate inner city of Alexandria and Hannover. The teams had to days for excursion and 2 days for Data Analysis & Synthesis.

Photos from KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage's post 23/09/2022

Our fellow Hadir Hawash introducing cultural mapping desktop research. During the Winter school-2021 “Revisiting Heritage Sites through Cultural Mapping Lens”, Kassel University, Germany.
Hadir Hawash

Photos from KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage's post 22/09/2022

DAY 2_Winter school “Revisiting Heritage Sites through Cultural Mapping Lens”
Hannover city excursion
Our Egyptian fellowship student Joining the German students in the excursion of Hannover city.
This activity is part of the collaboration program between Alexandria University and Kassel University. As part of cultural mapping workshop to study the method of mapping applied in two different cities.
Nevin Gharib Hadir Hawash

Photos from KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage's post 22/09/2022

DAY 2_Winter school “Revisiting Heritage Sites through Cultural Mapping Lens”
Alexandria city center field excursion
Guided by El-Zahraa Al-Awady, Field visit took place on the 2nd day of the winter school.
the visit started from Khedawy Ismail Statue at Safia Zaghlol St. then moved to Fouad St, with Al-Awady explaining the history layers and richness of this center of Alexandria. The students also had the privilege of visiting The Greek Orthodox Cathedral of St. Saba. Then, they moved to the third part, El-Naby Danial St, which includes layers of Egyptian culture and represents religious tolerance through the co-existence of the synagogue, the church, and the Mosque. the tour ended by visiting The Roman Amphitheater and the archaeological site.

Photos from KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage's post 21/09/2022

Alex-Kass Winter School, a collaboration between Alexandria University and Kassel University, “Revisiting Heritage Sites through Cultural Mapping Lens” winter school took place from the 6th of November to the 14th of November 2021. The workshop took place in two cities at the same time Alexandria, Egypt and Hannover, Germany with two different groups of students. This activity aim was to explore and study the global north and global south applying the same methodology of cultural mapping and get perspective from both sides. This winter school utilized a hybrid of online and in-person activities, and the two teams used online channels to communicate the findings of the case studies during the winter school.

Photos from KِِASSALEX_CCH_City Community and Heritage's post 21/09/2022

“Expert workshop”
We had the pleasure to invite these experts in this online experts’ workshop. In the form of a 2-day online conference, experts from the global north and the global south gave lectures via Zoom. This was intended to deepen the understanding of cultural mapping as an approach to our case study excursion. In the first day, we had Lia Ghilardi, Dr. Nancy Duxbury, and Prof. Dr. Alaa el-Habashi in the first panel. In the second panel, we had Prof. Dr.Markus Schaffert and Prof. Dr.Mehmet Tuncer. On the next day we also had great experts in the field of practice. In the first panel, there were Lisa Nieße and Prof. Heba Abouelfadl. In the second Panel, there were Dr. May al-Ibrashy, Kareem Ibrahim, Ahmed Hassan, Lama Said, and Hadir Hawash. Moderated by Dr.-Ing. Uwe Altrock, Prof. Dr. Nevine Gharib, M.Sc. Mohammed Alfiky, and Prof. Dr. Hebatalla Abouelfadl, the sessions last around 8 hours each day. By the end of the second day, the participants had gained a holistic overview on the topic of cultural mapping and heritage practice both in Germany and Egypt, been exposed to the concept of the workshop and prepared for the next days’ activities.
Hebatalla Abouelfadl Nevin Gharib Aya Ali Moussa Hadir Hawash Abdelrahman Eltemamy Mohamed Anis ElGamal Waleed

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**For Arabic Scroll downWe are happy to share a short video summarizing the International Students’ Workshop "Urban Rege...




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