Ehab Kandil Designs

Architecture Innovations & Interior Design - Urban Planning - Presentation Services


تهنئكم أسرة Ehab Kandil Designs بعيد القوات المسلحة المصرية
أعزنا وأعزكم الله بنصره وأعاد علينا وعليكم الفخر


كل عام وانتم بخير

وُلِـدَ الـهُـدى فَـالكائِناتُ ضِياءُ

وَفَـمُ الـزَمـانِ تَـبَـسُّـمٌ وَثَناءُ

الـروحُ وَالـمَـلَأُ الـمَلائِكُ حَولَهُ

لِـلـديـنِ وَالـدُنـيـا بِهِ بُشَراءُ

وَالـعَـرشُ يَزهو وَالحَظيرَةُ تَزدَهي

وَالـمُـنـتَـهى وَالسِدرَةُ العَصماءُ

وَحَـديـقَـةُ الفُرقانِ ضاحِكَةُ الرُبا

بِـالـتُـرجُـمـ انِ شَـذِيَّةٌ غَنّاءُ

وَالـوَحيُ يَقطُرُ سَلسَلاً مِن سَلسَلٍ

وَالـلَـوحُ وَالـقَـلَـمُ البَديعُ رُواءُ

نُـظِمَت أَسامي الرُسلِ فَهيَ صَحيفَةٌ

فـي الـلَـوحِ وَاِسمُ مُحَمَّدٍ طُغَراءُ

اِسـمُ الـجَـلالَةِ في بَديعِ حُروفِهِ

أَلِـفٌ هُـنـالِـكَ وَاِسمُ طَهَ الباءُ

يـا خَـيـرَ مَن جاءَ الوُجودَ تَحِيَّةً

مِـن مُرسَلينَ إِلى الهُدى بِكَ جاؤوا

بَـيـتُ الـنَـبِـيّينَ الَّذي لا يَلتَقي

إِلّا الـحَـنـائِـفُ فـيهِ وَالحُنَفاءُ

خَـيـرُ الأُبُـوَّةِ حـازَهُـم لَكَ آدَمٌ

دونَ الأَنــامِ وَأَحــرَزَت حَـوّاءُ

هُـم أَدرَكـوا عِـزَّ النُبُوَّةِ وَاِنتَهَت

فـيـهـا إِلَـيـكَ الـعِزَّةُ القَعساءُ

خُـلِـقَـت لِبَيتِكَ وَهوَ مَخلوقٌ لَها

إِنَّ الـعَـظـائِـمَ كُفؤُها العُظَماءُ

بِـكَ بَـشَّـرَ الـلَهُ السَماءَ فَزُيِّنَت

وَتَـضَـوَّعَـت مِـسكاً بِكَ الغَبراءُ

وَبَـدا مُـحَـيّـاكَ الَّـذي قَسَماتُهُ

حَـقٌّ وَغُـرَّتُـهُ هُـدىً وَحَـيـاءُ

وَعَـلَـيـهِ مِـن نورِ النُبُوَّةِ رَونَقٌ

وَمِـنَ الـخَـلـيلِ وَهَديِهِ سيماءُ

أَثـنـى المَسيحُ عَلَيهِ خَلفَ سَمائِهِ

وَتَـهَـلَّـلَـت وَاِهـتَـزَّتِ العَذراءُ

يَـومٌ يَـتـيهُ عَلى الزَمانِ صَباحُهُ

وَمَـسـاؤُهُ بِـمُـحَـمَّـدٍ وَضّاءُ

الـحَـقُّ عـالي الرُكنِ فيهِ مُظَفَّرٌ

فـي الـمُـلـكِ لا يَعلو عَلَيهِ لِواءُ

ذُعِـرَت عُروشُ الظالِمينَ فَزُلزِلَت

وَعَـلَـت عَـلـى تيجانِهِم أَصداءُ

وَالـنـارُ خـاوِيَةُ الجَوانِبِ حَولَهُم

خَـمَـدَت ذَوائِـبُها وَغاضَ الماءُ

وَالآيُ تَـتـرى وَالـخَـوارِقُ جَمَّةٌ

جِــبـريـلُ رَوّاحٌ بِـهـا غَـدّاءُ

نِـعـمَ الـيَـتيمُ بَدَت مَخايِلُ فَضلِهِ

وَالـيُـتـمُ رِزقٌ بَـعـضُهُ وَذَكاءُ

فـي الـمَهدِ يُستَسقى الحَيا بِرَجائِهِ

وَبِـقَـصـدِهِ تُـسـتَـدفَعُ البَأساءُ

بِسِوى الأَمانَةِ في الصِبا وَالصِدقِ لَم

يَـعـرِفـهُ أَهـلُ الصِدقِ وَالأُمَناءُ

يـا مَن لَهُ الأَخلاقُ ما تَهوى العُلا

مِـنـهـا وَمـا يَـتَعَشَّقُ الكُبَراءُ

لَـو لَـم تُـقِـم ديناً لَقامَت وَحدَها

ديـنـاً تُـضـيءُ بِـنـورِهِ الآناءُ

زانَـتـكَ في الخُلُقِ العَظيمِ شَمائِلٌ

يُـغـرى بِـهِـنَّ وَيـولَعُ الكُرَماءُ

أَمّـا الـجَمالُ فَأَنتَ شَمسُ سَمائِهِ

وَمَـلاحَـةُ الـصِـدّيـقِ مِنكَ أَياءُ

وَالـحُـسنُ مِن كَرَمِ الوُجوهِ وَخَيرُهُ

مـا أوتِـيَ الـقُـوّادُ وَالـزُعَماءُ

فَـإِذا سَـخَوتَ بَلَغتَ بِالجودِ المَدى

وَفَـعَـلـتَ مـا لا تَـفعَلُ الأَنواءُ

وَإِذا عَـفَـوتَ فَـقـادِراً وَمُـقَدَّراً

لا يَـسـتَـهـيـنُ بِعَفوِكَ الجُهَلاءُ

وَإِذا رَحِــمـتَ فَـأَنـتَ أُمٌّ أَو أَبٌ

هَـذانِ فـي الـدُنيا هُما الرُحَماءُ

وَإِذا غَـضِـبـتَ فَإِنَّما هِيَ غَضبَةٌ

فـي الـحَـقِّ لا ضِغنٌ وَلا بَغضاءُ

وَإِذا رَضـيـتَ فَـذاكَ في مَرضاتِهِ

وَرِضـى الـكَـثـيـرِ تَحَلُّمٌ وَرِياءُ

وَإِذا خَـطَـبـتَ فَـلِـلمَنابِرِ هِزَّةٌ

تَـعـرو الـنَـدِيَّ وَلِـلقُلوبِ بُكاءُ

وَإِذا قَـضَـيـتَ فَـلا اِرتِيابَ كَأَنَّما

جـاءَ الـخُصومَ مِنَ السَماءِ قَضاءُ

وَإِذا حَـمَـيـتَ الماءَ لَم يورَد وَلَو

أَنَّ الـقَـيـاصِـرَ وَالمُلوكَ ظِماءُ

وَإِذا أَجَـرتَ فَـأَنـتَ بَـيتُ اللَهِ لَم

يَـدخُـل عَـلَـيهِ المُستَجيرَ عَداءُ

وَإِذا مَـلَـكـتَ النَفسَ قُمتَ بِبِرِّها

وَلَـوَ اَنَّ مـا مَـلَكَت يَداكَ الشاءُ

وَإِذا بَـنَـيـتَ فَـخَيرُ زَوجٍ عِشرَةً

وَإِذا اِبـتَـنَـيـتَ فَـدونَـكَ الآباءُ

وَإِذا صَـحِـبتَ رَأى الوَفاءَ مُجَسَّماً

فـي بُـردِكَ الأَصـحابُ وَالخُلَطاءُ

وَإِذا أَخَـذتَ الـعَـهـدَ أَو أَعطَيتَهُ

فَـجَـمـيـعُ عَـهدِكَ ذِمَّةٌ وَوَفاءُ

وَإِذا مَـشَـيـتَ إِلى العِدا فَغَضَنفَرٌ

وَإِذا جَـرَيـتَ فَـإِنَّـكَ الـنَـكباءُ

وَتَـمُـدُّ حِـلـمَـكَ لِلسَفيهِ مُدارِياً

حَـتّـى يَـضيقَ بِعَرضِكَ السُفَهاءُ

فـي كُـلِّ نَـفسٍ مِن سُطاكَ مَهابَةٌ

وَلِـكُـلِّ نَـفـسٍ فـي نَداكَ رَجاءُ

اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك علي سيدنا محمد
فريق عمل Ehab Kandil Designs يتمني لكم مولد نبوي مبارك وأن يعيده الله عليكم بالخير
This amazing Calligraphy by: Callimuhammad


One of our projects in Shiekh Zayed, Egypt. Share with love 💝

EVector | ScriptSpot 25/07/2024

EVector is on scriptspot now 🥰

EVector | ScriptSpot ScriptSpot is a diverse online community of artists and developers who come together to find and share scripts that empower their creativity with 3ds Max. Our users come from all parts of the world and work in everything from visual effects to gaming, architecture, students or hobbyists.


رحم الله أبي، لله ما أخذ وما أعطى.
شكرًا جزيلاً لكل شخص قد جاء (أو أتصل أو أرسل) وقدم لي واجب العزاء والمواساة، اللهم أجرنا في مصيبتنا، وأخلف لنا خيرًا منها بقلوب راضية بقضائك يا الله. شكرًا لتعازيكم ودعائكم الصادق، ولا أراكم الله مكروه في غالي عليكم.
لا تنسوه من دعائكم.
اللهم ارحم فقيدنا واجعل قبره روضة من رياض الجنة.
اللهم ارزق والدي ثواب قراءة كل حرف من القرآن في هذه العشر الأوائل.
اللهم اجعل والدي في حفظك الدائم، وارزقه استجابة الدعاء في هذه الليالي المباركة.
اللهم اسكنه الفردوس الأعلى من الجنة بغير حساب ولا سابقة عذاب.
اللهم تقبل توبته واغسله بالماء والثلج والبرد، ونقه من الذنوب والخطايا كما ينقى الثوب الأبيض من الدنس.
اللهم اكرمه بواسع رحمتك وأدخله فسيح جناتك.
اللهم انصره وثبته عند السؤال واجمعنا به في الجنة برحمتك يا أرحم الراحمين.
اللهم اغفر له ولنا ولجميع المسلمين.
اللهم ارزقنا الصبر والسلوان اللهم آمين يا رب العالمين.


Tired of tracing your renders for a cad drawing?
We have made a script to help you, EVector.
Check the website for more of our scripts:


EVector is meticulously crafted software intended to facilitate the creation of 2D lines from 3D objects within 3ds Max. It adeptly projects your models, including groups, onto 2D splines, offering an array of customizable options within a remarkably stable environment. The resulting splines can be seamlessly exported to DWG or DXF formats, ensuring impeccable compatibility with AutoCAD and delivering pristine lines aligned with your desired projection direction. Check our website for more info :


🎉 ECollapse 1.10 Update Announcement! 🎉

We’re thrilled to introduce the latest version of ECollapse, your go-to 3ds Max script for efficient object collapsing! 🚀


Enhanced Group Handling: Now, working with groups is smoother than ever. ECollapse 1.10 ensures seamless group operations, making your workflow more efficient.
Improved Object Detection: Our team has fine-tuned the detection algorithm for attachable objects. Say goodbye to unexpected behavior when collapsing complex scenes!
Smart Icon Behavior: ECollapse’s icon now adapts dynamically. If you select fewer than two objects, the icon gracefully disables itself, preventing any accidental clicks.
Resolved Pivot Issues: We’ve squashed the pesky pivot bug that occasionally caused headaches. Your collapsed objects will maintain their correct pivot positions.
Instant Viewport Redraw: No more waiting! ECollapse 1.10 automatically triggers viewport redraws after collapsing objects. No extra clicks needed—just smooth transitions.
🔗 Download Now for Free: 🔗

Upgrade today and experience the power of ECollapse 1.10. Let us know how it enhances your 3D workflow! 🎨✨


🎉 Exciting News for 3ds Max Users! 🎉

We’re thrilled to announce that our powerful script “ECopy” is now fully compatible with 3ds Max 2025! 🚀

🔥 ECopy: Seamlessly copy and transfer objects between scenes with precision and ease. Whether you’re working on architectural designs, animations, or visualizations, ECopy has you covered in 3ds Max 2025.

Existing Clients: If you’ve already purchased ECopy, you’re eligible for a free upgrade to the new 3ds Max 2025 version. 🎁

🛒 To get the latest version of “ECopy”, visit our digital store here:
Thank you for your continued support! Let’s create amazing 3D magic together. ✨


🎉 Exciting News for 3ds Max Users! 🎉

We’re thrilled to announce that our popular scripts are now fully compatible with 3ds Max 2025! 🚀

🔥 EDim: Enhance your modeling workflow with precision and ease. EDim now supports the latest version of 3ds Max, ensuring accurate dimensions every time.

🔥 EBatcher: Streamline your batch processing tasks effortlessly. Whether you’re rendering multiple scenes or optimizing your assets, EBatcher has you covered in 3ds Max 2025.

🔥 ECollapse: Simplify complex scenes by merging objects seamlessly. ECollapse maintains material IDs, centers pivots, and optimizes your models—all while supporting the latest 3ds Max release.

Existing Clients: Good news! If you’ve already purchased these scripts, you’re eligible for a free upgrade to the new 3ds Max 2025 version. 🎁

🛒 To get the latest scripts, visit our digital store here:

Thank you for your continued support! Let’s create amazing 3D magic together. ✨


Considering an update for 3ds Max 2025: We are currently deliberating whether to roll out an update for our scripts at this time. Given that the Corona renderer is just two days old, we want to ensure its compatibility and stability before proceeding. Your patience is appreciated as we make an informed decision.❤️


عيد فطر مبارك إن شاء الله
أعاده الله علينا وعليكم بالخير واليمن والبركات ❤️


Discover the firsthand experiences of EKD®tools EDim buyers! Dive into the insights shared by Muhammad Nagy, CEO at NAG® studios in Egypt. 🌟🇪🇬
Not sure what EKD®tools EDim is?
Watch how it works ▶
🆕Buy EKD®tools EDim software now! ᐅ

Photos from Ehab Kandil Designs's post 23/03/2024

🌿 Nestled in the heart of a sprawling estate, our latest urban design project celebrates the seamless integration of functional farm life with serene living spaces. From the meticulously crafted stables that echo the rhythm of rural life to the verdant farms that promise sustainability, every corner tells a story of thoughtful architecture.

💧 The centerpiece, a tranquil pond, serves as a mirror to the sky, while the adjacent fishing deck invites moments of reflection and leisure. This is where architecture not only respects the land but enhances it, creating a sanctuary for both humans and nature alike.

🏡 We believe in designs that honor the past, embrace the present, and anticipate the future. This farmhouse is more than just a dwelling; it’s a testament to living in harmony with our surroundings.

Swipe to explore the haven we’ve created, where every sunrise brings new inspirations and every sunset, a sense of fulfillment.

🔗 Explore Further, Check our website:

Photos from Ehab Kandil Designs's post 02/03/2024

🌟 New Heights in Design: We’re thrilled to unveil our latest architectural masterpiece—a stunning hotel elevation in Mecca! 🕌✨

Renovation & Reuse: This project breathes new life into an existing building, transforming it into a captivating oasis. Our team’s vision harmoniously blends tradition and modernity.

🏛️ Andalusian Splendor: Inspired by the Andalusian architectural style, also known as Alexandrian Mediterranean, our design pays homage to the rich heritage of southern Spain. Think intricate arches, delicate tilework, and lush courtyards.

🔍 Details Matter: Every element has been meticulously crafted—the ornate doorways, the geometric patterns, and the soothing color palette. It’s a symphony of elegance and functionality.

📸 Swipe for Inspiration: Check out our design pictures for a glimpse into this architectural marvel. From the grand entrance to the rooftop terrace, each space tells a story.

🔗 Explore Further, Check our website:


Attention Faculty of Fine Arts students at Alexandria University! 🎨✨ We’re excited to offer you complimentary access to all our meticulously crafted scripts. To get started, simply send us a direct message on WhatsApp or click the WhatsApp icon on our website. Attach a photo of your student identification card along with your academic email, and we’ll promptly provide you with a personalized license. This license will be valid for the duration of your remaining college years. Thank you for choosing us!

Note: We are committed to using your data solely for the purpose of sending you your free license. Your privacy is our priority! 🙌🔐

Explore our diverse collection of scripts at: “link on the first comment”


Guess what? We’ve just unveiled the latest EDim 1.51 update for 3ds Max, and it’s a game-changer! 🚀 Here’s what’s new:

🔹 Customizable Single Object: EDim now creates a single object that you can link to your source object.

🔹 Enhanced Toolpanel Features: With this update, EDim supports adding suffixes, prefixes, override text, and changing element segments—all accessible right from the modify toolpanel.

🔹 Unified Text Color: While the EDim object remains a cohesive whole, you can still move text along the axis using the modify panel.

Ready to experience the power of EDim 1.51? Check it out now: EDim 1.51 🌟

Photos from Ehab Kandil Designs's post 24/02/2024

Unveiling our latest architectural marvel - a harmonious blend of urban design and functionality. 🏙️🚗 Our meticulously designed car service station, restaurant, and supermarket complex stands as a testament to modern urban living. Every element, from the sweeping arches of the service station to the inviting ambiance of the restaurant and the efficient layout of the supermarket, has been crafted with the urban dweller in mind.

Dive into our world of design at Ehab Kabdil Designs® . Keep your eyes peeled for more awe-inspiring projects! 🚀

Photos from Ehab Kandil Designs's post 17/02/2024

Feast your eyes on our latest project - a restaurant design that marries functionality with aesthetics. 🍽️🎨 Every corner, every detail, echoes our commitment to delivering designs that not only look good but also serve their purpose beautifully.

Find more of our work at Ehab K Designs Stay tuned for more exciting projects! 🚀

Photos from Ehab Kandil Designs's post 10/02/2024

Unveiling our latest masterpiece - a restaurant that’s a symphony of form and function. 🍽️🎨 Every nook, every cranny, is a testament to our dedication to designs that are as practical as they are pleasing to the eye.

Dive into our world of design at Ehab Kandil Designs® . Keep your eyes peeled for more awe-inspiring projects! 🚀



Curious about the experiences of NAG®IN buyers?
Take a look at what Claudio Siqueira da Rocha, freelance 3d artist from Brazil has to say. 🇧🇷
What's NAG®IN Script?
NAG® Inside Node is an automation 3ds Max script for linking 3D libraries organized by NAG® ALL. It's specialized in automating the processes of cleaning and converting 3D library files, as well as renaming them with unique names, collecting, and relinking their maps.
🆕Buy NAG®IN script now! ᐅ
🆕Buy NAG®ALL software now! ᐅ
Visit EKD® tools Store ᐅ

Photos from Ehab Kandil Designs's post 03/02/2024

Presenting our latest creation - a modern hotel elevation design that stands tall in the heart of Mekkah, KSA. 🏙️🕌 This architectural marvel, with its sleek lines and contemporary aesthetics, is a testament to our commitment to innovative design. Every detail, from the grand facade to the intricate interiors, has been meticulously crafted to offer a unique blend of luxury and comfort.

Explore more at Ehab Kandil Designs® . Stay tuned for more awe-inspiring projects! 🚀


تبعث أسرة ®Ehab Kandil Designs بخالص التهاني للسيد الدكتور المهندس/ إيهاب قنديل لحصوله علي درجة الهندسة الإستشارية في تصميم المباني العامة (السياحية) وتتمني لسيادته المزيد من التوفيق والتفوق بإذن الله.

ECollapse 07/12/2023

We have made a small script, that might help you, it's free,
if you like it, check out our work on gumroad or the website, and support us ^^

ECollapse ECollapse is a small maxscript, that helps you attach all the selected objects and groups, it will maintain materials, move pivot to the lowest point on the Z axis and centers it on the X&Y axis. if you like it, you can offer a small amount or Check our other scripts, Our Website ^^

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Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.

Videos (show all)

Tired of tracing your renders for a cad drawing?We have made a script to help you, EVector.Check the website for more of...
Experience the power of Ebatcher/Econverter 1.9 today. It’s a game-changer that can relocate and gather your scene asset...
Please allow us to introduce our latest script ECopyYou can find more information on our website: https://ehabkdesigns.c...
Our store now offers EDim1.3 with full support for 3ds Max 2024. You can purchase it now by clicking on this link:https:...




Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 5pm
Tuesday 9am - 5pm
Wednesday 9am - 5pm
Thursday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am - 5pm
Sunday 9am - 5pm

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370 طريق الجيش، سان ستفانو، قسم أول الرمل
Alexandria, 21500

نحن مجموعه من المهندسين تم اجماعهم تحت مسمي nolimit عشان تفيدك في تساعدك سوء كونت طالب - خريج

Design Podium Design Podium
8 Ali Zou Fakar, Kafr Abdo
Alexandria, 00000

Architecture & Interior Design Studio

Pixel Design Studio Pixel Design Studio
Alexandria, 21500

Reshape your home, Elegance your way.

Creative design Creative design

Interior & Exterior Designs كل ما يخص أعمال الديكور، والتشطيبات الخارجية، والداخلية..

Shery George - Interior Designer Shery George - Interior Designer

Interior design studio - Home Decoration - 3d design and ex*****on drawings

Inspire Inspire
40 خلف مساكن الشيرتون، المندرة بحري، قسم ثان المنتزة، الإسكندرية
Alexandria, 21500

you desire... we inspire

RABEA  Architects Creative Design Group RABEA Architects Creative Design Group
10 Kmal Eldin Salah, Smouha

We are a group of architects specialized in exterior and interior design and construction supervisio

Cadic Furniture Cadic Furniture
601 El Horaya Road/Zezenia
Alexandria, 21531

Studying, measuring, each details and outcome of new project. reduces the risk of loss.