Hyrmas Mining

Mining and Geological Services , Quarries Management , Technical Studies , Mineral and Material Analysis.


Welcome to 2024! 🎉 "May the coming year bring you success, laughter, and the fulfillment of all your dreams."

Reflecting on the hard and fulfill year of 2023, we're sincerely grateful for the collective achievements that have shaped this year with special honor and appreaciatipn for our brave team in Sudan and thier families.

In the last hours in this year want to Recognize of the tireless efforts of the Site miners in who work to extract the resources that power our society and drive innovation in Big mining projects as NEOM, for all members in HYRMAS' Family in all projects in Mining and Earth operation, in all sister companies.

The trust placed in us by partners, customers, and colleagues has been pivotal to our shared success, as they belive in our spirit of entrepreneurialism and culture of discovery have guided us ever since our founding. We strive to be the consultancy of choice in pushing the boundaries of science and engineering.

Here's to leaving behind the old and embracing the new with hope, courage, and enthusiasm.

Happy New Year 2024

بمزيد من الفخر والامتنان تشارك هرماس للتعدين عملاؤها و فريقها من صانعي المستقبل بابتكار عن طريق عملهم الدؤوب في مشاريع التعدين الضخمة مثل مشروع نيوم وغيرها لتنمية مجتمعهم

كانت سنة تحمل الكثير من الاوقات الصعبة و المثمرة أيضا, فهي الحاضر الذي صنعناه بفخر ليرسم مستقبلا أجمل يضم عملاؤنا الذين كانوا دوما شركاءنا في النجاح لايمانهم بروح الريادة النابعة من علم و عمل صادقين

لكم جميعا عاما نصنع فيه المستحيل بخطى ثابتة بمزيد من الأمل و الشجاعة

Happy New Year 2024


بمناسبة حلول عيد الاضحى المبارك أسرة هرماس للتعدين تتمنى لكم عيدا مباركا! اعاده الله عليكم باليمن والخير والبركات .
كل عام وأنتم بخير .

HYRMAS Mining extend the warmest greetings on the joyous celebration of Eid Al Adha.
Wishing you and your families peace, happiness.


𝗛𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗟𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗗𝗮𝘆
𝗖𝗲𝗹𝗲𝗯𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝘄𝗵𝗼 𝗸𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗹𝗱 𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴.

Today, on Labour Day, HYRMAS for Mining want to take a moment to recognize the tireless efforts of the miners who work to extract the resources that power our society, for all members in HYRMAS' Family in all projects in Mining and Earth operation, in all sister companies in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Arabian Gulf Countries and Sudan.
Special honor and appreaciatipn for our brave team in Sudan, We congratulate ourselves and their families for their safe return, as the top managment and administration team has devoted all thier efforts around the clock to follow up the situation until all of them has been returned safely.
Thank you to all the miners out there for your hard work and dedication.

تهنئ شركة هرماس للتعدين جميع العاملين بقطاع التعدين الذين يعملون يوما بعد يوم بمناسبة عيد العمال في جميع المواقع بجمهورية مصر العربية والشركات الشقيقة بالمملكة العربية السعودية، دول الخليج العربي.
ونود أن نتقدم بتكريم خاص للعاملين بمشاريع الشركة بدولة السودان الشقيقة لعملهم الدؤوب على مدار السنة والصعاب التي واجهها الفريق بسبب الأحداث الأخيرة، ونهنئ أنفسنا وعائلات جميع العاملين بعودتهم سالمين لأرض الوطن بفضل مجهودات المسؤولين وتعاون الجميع والمتابعة على مدار الساعة لحين عودتهم بصحة جيدة دون وقوع أي خسائر
مرة أخرى شكرا لكل العاملين بكل القطاعات و خاصة قطاع التعدين لعملهم الدائم و المثابرة الدائمة


Wishing you all the blessings of the holy month 🙏 🙏

أسرة هرماس للتعدين تتقدم للأمة الاسلامية بأرق التهاني وأصدق الأمنيات بحلول الشهر الكريم, تقبل الله منا و منكم صالح الأعمال


Happy mothers' day
DR Nihad El Nogoumy

Photos from Hyrmas Mining's post 21/03/2023

In recognition of Women’s role in the society and coinciding with the celebration to Women’s Month, HYRMAS Mining Company present all appreciation to its precious female employees in this special day.

In this year, Dr. Nihad El Nogoumy is selected to be honored on behalf all females in the company not only for her achievements and important role that she plays in our business but also as ONE of the "Ideal mothers" in the world, as all of them quite aware that working women are not the perfect mother but actually about all of them are more than perfect, and also to take an opportunity to express our appreciation and highlight her role in many social charity organizations, also shared in youths' training program- Synapse 2022, so she deserves to be elected as an outstanding Mother

HYRMAS’s strategy to promote field works in mining for women with secured conditions and based for more appropriate and has more qualification for the task not only based on gender.

Equality diversity in the workplace, bridging the gender gap, empower women to reach top-notch managerial positions, and celebrate their efforts in achieving our goals is one of our goals.

We are proud with all our mothers and females working in mining field specially with all its challenges and all women in the world


Photos from Hyrmas Mining's post 02/01/2023

2023 Starts from HERE ....
باجواء عائلية احتفلت اسره Hyrmas Mining بالعام الجديد وبداية عامها الثالث بتدشين شركتها الجديدة وحصولها علي عدد اتنين من اشهر العلامات التجارية في مجال المطاعم ومجال المنتجات الغذائية براس مال يقوق المئتي مليون جنية مصري .
1- تم الاستحواذ علي العلامة التجارية وهي امتداد لسلسلة مطاعم عالمية تحمل نفس الاسم تقدم وصفات من المطبخ الكاربيي وتنفرد بخلطات مميزة يتم تصنيعها وتوريدها خصيصا لسلسلة المطاعم لتسمتع بتجربة فريدة لتعيش مغامرة خاصة في الجزر الكاريبية
في خلال ايام سيتم افتتاح الفرع الاول من السلسلة في مصر بمجمع البنوك بمدينة التجمع الخامس ك حجر اساس لنقل العلامة التجارية للاسواق المصرية في ظل خطة انشاء 50 فرع ليغطي مختلف الانحاء بجمورية مصر العربية خلال السنوات القادمة.
2- كان ذلك متزامنا مع الاستحواذ علي العلامة التجارية Exterafood لتوفير الخلطات و المكونات المساعدة بنكهات ومواصفات عالمية ومعتمدة من منظمات الصحة العالمية تتناسب مع اشتراطات الجودة المطلوبة لافتتاح المطاعم, وفي ظل التوسعات تم انتاج اكثر من 65 منتج من المواد الغذائية تشمل مكونات الطبخ, المقبلات, بدائل الطهي الخالية من الجلوتين و اللاكتوز وتم التعاقد مع محلات الأكل الصحي والسوبر ماركت الكبيرة مثل كارفور لتوفير منتجاتنا لاكثر من 90 فرع بجمهورية مصر العربية ك جزء من السوق العالمي لهذه المنتجات التي يتم تصديرها لعدد من الدول العربية والافريقية .
كل عام وانتم بخير بعام جديد سعيد كله تفاؤل ونجاح


Peter F. Drucker once said: "The spirit of an organization is created from the top…
The Leader who can safeguard company culture from a downward spiral, as he believes that, the people (the most valuable resource of the enterprise), spirit, and performance.
Eng. Ahmed Hammad, CEO of HYRMAS Mining Company one of transformational leaders’ idol, he involves developing a grand vision and rallying employees around it.
He allows all HYRMAS Family to see clearly the vision and goals for the organization, that creates workplace harmony as everyone is working together, and the lines of communication are always open.
This is Our Vision (How to create the change or IDEA), and our core values as credibility, integrity and sustainability with agile solutions, they prove our ability to stand by an idea.
Welcome to HYRMAS, Next Generation project management
Everyone wants to become more agile, it means high speed fast results, our solution adapted to what our clients really need, implement changing requirements immediately, that means highly motivated teams and software that enjoys working with…
We call it Next Generation project management or Simply… Hyrmas Mining


XRF provides an ideal tool to quickly collect and analyze geochemical data onsite and in real time to enables the analysis of samples in the field that are my too large, unwieldly, or costly to transport to the lab & Support decision making onsite in real-time

Discover HYRMAS Engineering Solutions
*No boundaries for quality but many for costs
*Dynamically target high-payoff intellectual capital for customized technologies. Objectively integrate emerging core competency innovations.

We’re proud of our reputation as One stop consultancy
Without integrity there is no credibility.
In Hyrmas Mining… Completely synergize people needed with scientific background and business knowledge via Optimized Program needed to encourage Quality and save time.

Look no further

Delivering beyond possible solutions


Built to last companies typically develop and promote leaders from within, rather than hiring outsiders. This ensures an understanding and agreement with the core values and ideology, which is not guaranteed when hiring an outsider.

We are delighted to introduce one of Company men and loyal soldiers who started his real journey with a big challenge such as the difficult raw materials and mining factors in Sudan as well as the circumstances surrounding the business there.

Geo. Ahmed El-Soghayar, is the General Manager of HYRMAS-Nile Mining Company-SUDAN, the right answer for the most important question in leader selection “First Who, then What?”

He mixes personal humility with professional will as he engages in dialogue and debate, not coercion, builds red flag mechanisms that turn information into information that cannot be ignored

On the other hand, he became aware of emerging market trends and potential problems

Determine what drives the economic engine with the extreme change in the prices, deals with different cultures in Sudan.

He is insisting despite obstacles, has the will and faith to achieve success.

يسعدنا ان نقدم أحد جنود شركة هرماس المخلصين, بدأ رحلة عمل شاقة بإدارة المحاجر في السودان ومواجهة تحديات التشغيل في خامات لها طبيعة خاصة والتغلب على جميع المعوقات المحيطة بظروف العمل

كانت الإجابة عند اختبار الشخص المناسب لهذه المهمة هو الجيولوجي. أحمد الصغير, حيث تجمع شخصيته بين التواضع و الإدارة الفنية الحازمة, بالإضافة لفن إدارة الأزمات من تغيير حاد في الأسعار و التعامل مع ثقافات متعددة بشكل يومي

ايمانه بالنجاح كان الدافع الأكبر وراء إصراره ومحاولاته المستمرة


HYRMAS always gets the job done
The ever-changing commodity market is constantly generating new challenges that have triggered a quest for more cost-reducing in exploration and mining technologies and services. HYRMAS is actively continuously developing innovative and robust solutions from Foundation stage
GIS is one of the most important division in HYRMAS Mining

Application of GIS & Remote Sensing
•Urban and Town Planning.
•Oil Spill.
•Disaster Management.
•Mapping and Navigation.
•Reservoir and Dam Site location.
•Deforestation and Vegetation Management.
•GIS for Business, Marketing, and Sales.

Intrinsically incubate intuitive opportunities and real-time potentialities. Appropriately communicate one-to-one consultancy

Dr. Nihad El Nogoumy, GIS Dept. Manager is affiliated with a worldwide network of well-established industry professionals, enabling us to fulfil client requests for services outside of our traditional standard core competencies.


تشهد مصر اليوم حدثا كونيا هاما يستحق الدراسة لما له من تأثيرات هامة, في خلال الدقائق القادمة نترقب ظاهرة كسوف الشمس

في هرماس للتعدين نؤمن بأهمية المعلومات التي توضحها الخرائط الجيولوجية ليس فقط على الصعيد العلمي بل في استخدامات البشر اليومية, من جهة أخرى مهمتنا هو تعظيم الاستفادة من هذه المعلومات واتاحتها بأبسط الوسائل, إيجاد حلقة الوصل بين العلم و التكنولوجيا و استخدامهم لتطوير المشاريع الصناعية وهو اقصر طريق لذلك

قدمت شركة Esri نموذجا لنوع من الخرائط يوضح مواقع الكسوف الشمسي في الفترة بين 1601-2200, و اليوم نسلط الضوء على هذا التطبيق ايمانا منا بأهمية العلم و قوة استعراض البيانات بصورة جذابة و هادفة, واعترافا منا بدور نظم المعلومات الجغرافية و طرق الاستشعار عن بعد في تطوير أي مشروع جيولوجي بالإضافة لاستخداماتها الغير محدودة في شتى المجالات

GIS and Solar Eclipse

GIS and power of visualization… A spatial system that creates, manages, analyzes, and maps all types of data

In HYRMAS Mining, our slogan is “Making geological map data for the earth accessible”

We believe that the features could be detected, studied and verified from the geological maps are very powerful tool used daily as GPS applications., On other hand How to maximize the profit from these data, Connecting the dots between science and business, this the shortest way for Empowerment

Today, an important event of universal phenomena that deserves observation and study occurs, Solar eclipse estimated to potentially have a significant impact on the power system, Gravity anomalies, ..etc

Esri foundation as one of the most important of the global market leader in geographic information system (GIS) software, location intelligence, and mapping that developing a new mapping module for solar eclipse detection

The Solar Eclipse Finder map underscores why people are enthralled by these rare, fleeting celestial events. This map is your guide to one of nature’s most spectacular shows, detailing eclipse duration and the path of the moon's shadow. A quick demo shows how to use the map. A binary color scheme (green for past and orange for future) simplifies the experience and makes a legend unnecessary. We love how you can click a location to reveal any of the 905 solar eclipses between the years 1601 to 2200.

Here is a great example of the notion that sometimes “the map is the interface.” Within the Solar Eclipse Finder map, details emerge as you explore each location and each solar eclipse path. Rather than plot the paths as solid blocks, the map author uses gradient effects and line tapering. The map works because it gives an accurate portrayal of events and provides an evocative experience. Going beyond standard techniques, the map’s gradient effects capture the graceful and sweeping nature of an eclipse

Today, We share this information in recognition of the importance of this application and the role of GIS uses worldwide.

Photos from Hyrmas Mining's post 17/10/2022

“They call it a budget so you don’t budge from it”. Mission always starts from here…

We are honored to introduce Eng. Mamdouh Abdel Hamid as one of HYRMAS’ secrets to success, He supports and shares his practical experience, the true meaning of (Know-How) to make a successful Budget and business financial model

“Budgeting is the most vulnerable form of honesty. You must admit how much you actually have, and use that amount”, this is the way, the art has been made to complete the mission

He provides technical & administrative information to the others working on a project to ensure that the work complies with all engineering standards, codes, specifications, and design instruction

He has Critical Duties as
- Planning and maintaining project budget and schedules
- Prepare technical material submittals
- Attend progress meetings, discuss and suggest technical proposals

We are delighted that Eng. Mamdouh Abdel Hamid, is the Technical Office Manager of HYRMAS Mining Company and also, He is a key speaker of HYRMAS Mining Academy about "The role of Strategic Planning and Costs assessment in Mining projects”


"When money realizes that it is in good hands, it wants to stay and multiply in those hands."

This quote is definitely describing one of the most important Pillar in our company We are delighted to introduce Mr. Mohamed Nagaty as CFO of HYRMAS Mining Company

You can touch the real mean of passion in his words, Mohamed explains the difficulties challenges and how he could overcome these barriers. the nature of work here, is completely different


On the occasion of the birth of Prophet Muhammad, El-Moled El-Nabawy, HYRMAS Mining would like to extend its warmest regards




“Human Resources isn’t a thing that is done. It’s the thing that runs our business."

We are delighted to introduce Mr. Ezzat as HR & Admin Manager

He belongs to a Lawrence Bossidy's school specially his quote that says

"I am convinced that nothing we do is more important than hiring and developing people. At the end of the day, you bet on people, not on strategies.”

We trust that Mr. Mohamed will run his role successfully to support our people that are our most valuable asset.

Photos from Hyrmas Mining's post 02/10/2022

In a family atmosphere, A warm welcome was awaited NADA...

Here, Hyrmas' family would like to convey thanks to you for your ultimate love and support.

We come today with a lot of emotions to address our greetings, thanks and appreciation. Furthermore, We have a lot of beautiful memories of this place which shall remain with us.

You've made your mark here now it’s on to the next! Wishing you all the best in this next phase of your career! Best of luck!

We are glad to introduce Mr. Mohamed Ezzat as a new member in this family. We know you’re going to do amazing things, and we can’t wait to see you in action.

Photos from Hyrmas Mining's post 27/09/2022

Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced.
Experience without theory is blind, but theory without experience is mere intellectual play.
We are honored that Dr. Mohamed Madbouly as one of experts that are counted on the fingers in this field of specialization combines experience and academic knowledge and the greatest Pyramid in HYRMAS Co, who supports and share his academic and practical experience.
We are delighted that Dr. Mohamed Madbouly Research Dept. Manager in HYRMAS Mining Company will be a key speaker at our SYNAPSE Event on "Structural Geology and Geological Investigation Program "

Photos from Hyrmas Mining's post 26/09/2022

Nihad El Nogoumy


We are delighted that Dr. Nihad El Nogoumy GIS Dept. Manager in HYRMAS Mining Company will be a key speaker at our SYNAPSE Event on "GIS and Remote Sensing Applications"

Photos from Hyrmas Mining's post 22/09/2022

Meet future mining leader

من اللحظات المميزة اللحظة اللي بيخرج فيها كل طالب من فكرة المحاضرة و يفكر في دوره في عملية الانتاج
اول يوم كان كل طالب بيعرفنا بنفسه اسم / جامعة/ كلية / تخصص بعد بداية الكورس الهدف يكون فيه مهندس انتاج كل واحد بقى له دور ابحاث او تشغيل مكتب فني و غيره
اتعرف اكتر على مبدعين اليوم و صناع لغد

Photos from Hyrmas Mining's post 22/09/2022

In the nervous system, Synapse is a structure that permits a neuron (or nerve cell) to pass an electrical or chemical signal to another neuron or to the target effector cell.

No boundaries for quality but many for costs
geology survey mapping combined as a set of tailor made reports and design enrichment via plus components related with cost reduction throughout good networking in mining field and effective management and communication
this is our SYNAPSE Technology in HYRMAS Mining
في الجهاز العصبي، المشبك العصبي بالإنجليزية: synapseأو التشابك العصبي، هو مبنى يسمح لخلية عصبية توصيل شارة كهربائية أو كيميائية لخلية أخرى (عصبية أو غير ذلك). الخلايا العصبية هي ليست مستمرة على مدار الجسم، ولكن تتواصل مع بعضها البعض، وهي فكرة تعرف باسم مبدأ العصبية.

من هنا جاءت فكرة البرنامج التدريبي لتعمس مدى أهمية التواصل المستمر بين التخطيط و للدراسات العلمية الأكاديمية و التنفيذ العملي في المواقع للحصول على نتائج فعالة مناسبة و مصممة بعناية لتلبي الكفاءة الفنية مع الحفاظ على سعر منافس لمواجهة تحديات الصناعة


حدث يضم نخبة من المتخصصين في مجال التعدين مع مجموعة متميزة من أوائل طلبة كليات العلوم بأقسام الجيولوجيا و كايات هندسة التعدين من 9 جامعات مختلفة

ننقل لكم بعض اللحظات المميزة من اول حدث طلابي تفاعلي

مع اللحظات الاولى لبداية استقبال اول مجموعة

Photos from Hyrmas Mining's post 21/09/2022

We are delighted that Ahmed Hammad CEO & Founder of HYRMAS Mining Company will be a key speaker at our SYNAPSE Event on 'The role of Strategic Planning and Quarry Management


Making Geological map data for the Earth accessible and effective for all … this is the slogan

38 Outstanding students, 9 Faculties of Geological Sciences and Mining Engineering are joined in ONE EVENT with Very Distinctive Experts in Mining Field

Together we made boundless connections in-person and virtually through the geological and mining community feature for 1st premiere innovation event that are sponsored by

Discover, & Engage everything and Guess What We Can DO….


The stage exploration is the first step in any successful project, especially in the field of mining, throughout the ages the main conclusion is extracted from research is that youths are the real treasures worth digging for.
So We continue to connect with youth & the academic community and in recognition of Our Professor’s role in Company Success, the first training program introduced to geology and mining in cooperation with Faculty of Science- Ain Shams University, Geophysics Dep. undergraduates Under the direction of Dr. Ahmed Abd EL Gawad- The Head of Geo-physics Dep

مرحلة البحث والاستكشاف هي اول خطوة في أي مشروع ناجح وخاصة إذا كان يتعلق بمجال التعدين، النتيجة الأهم التي اثبتتها الأبحاث هي ان الشباب هم الكنوز الحقيقية التي تستحق التنقيب عنها
ايمانا منا بأهمية التواصل مع الجامعات والمنصات العلمية واعترافا بدور اساتذتنا في نجاح الشركة تتشرف هرماس للتعدين بتقديم أولى برامجها التدريبة لطلبة كليات العلوم الجيولوجية وهندسة التعدين برعاية د. احمد عبد الجواد – رئيس قسم الجيوفيزياء بكلية


HYRMAS Engineering Solution is a special Division in Our Company. Dynamically target high-payoff intellectual capital for customized technologies.
Objectively integrate emerging core competency innovations. that offers high quality tailored services particularly for cement & mining industry and governmental authorities with sister companies in the MENA region.
OUR experts have the ability to create out new initiatives SO....
It is our great pleasure to introduce HYRMAS MINING ACADEMY as one of this division achievements
HYRMAS Experts are passionate about serving the learning values to the fullest, while continuously growing and innovating, with competencies across multiple Geology and mining related industries
We have come to realize that investing massively in training is the one of HYRMAS core competency.
“how to train and how to learn”

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Videos (show all)

Happy mothers' dayDR Nihad El Nogoumy
Peter F. Drucker once said: "The spirit of an organization is created from the top…The Leader who can safeguard company ...
#Portable_XRFXRF provides an ideal tool to quickly collect and analyze geochemical data onsite and in real time to enabl...
HYRMAS always gets the job doneThe ever-changing commodity market is constantly generating new challenges that have trig...
تشهد مصر اليوم حدثا كونيا هاما يستحق الدراسة لما له من تأثيرات هامة, في خلال الدقائق القادمة نترقب ظاهرة كسوف الشمسفي هر...
"When money realizes that it is in good hands, it wants to stay and multiply in those hands."This quote is definitely de...
حدث يضم نخبة من المتخصصين في مجال التعدين مع مجموعة متميزة من أوائل طلبة كليات العلوم بأقسام الجيولوجيا و كايات هندسة ال...




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تصنيع جميع انواع المعادن

Remaal egypt Remaal egypt
13 Abd El-Aziz Talaat, Al Manteqah As Sadesah, Nasr City, Cairo Governorate 4450475
Cairo, 0020

our company provides industrial fields with mining and costruction products

AlManar for Industry, Trade and Mining AlManar for Industry, Trade and Mining
Cairo, 35517

We are Al-Manar for Mining and Trade, a leader company in the field of Silica Sand, founded in 1999,

Misr Phosphate - شركة فوسفات مصر Misr Phosphate - شركة فوسفات مصر
9 Ahmed Hassan Street From Mostafa El Nahas St. , 9th District Area No. 2, Block C Services

Misr Phosphate Company was established in October 2009 under Egyptian Law 159 for the year 1981.

ForeFront Egypt ForeFront Egypt
20 Samir Abdel Ra'ouf , Extension Of Makram Ebeid, Nasr City


Nile Mining Company Nile Mining Company
3 AbdAllah Nour
Cairo, 11341

Specialized in extracting raw materials

شركة فوسفات مصر شركة فوسفات مصر
9 Ahmed Hassan St. From Mostafa El Nahas St., 9th District Area No.2, Block C Se

Misr Phosphate Company was established in October 2009 under the Egyptian Law 159 for the year 1981.

Benchmark Benchmark

Benchmark scope of services covers all cement industry needs from feasibility studies, quarries oper