Hyrmas Mining, Cairo Videos

Videos by Hyrmas Mining in Cairo. Mining and Geological Services , Quarries Management , Technical Studies , Mineral and Material Analysis.

Happy mothers' day
DR Nihad El Nogoumy

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Happy mothers' day DR Nihad El Nogoumy

Peter F. Drucker once said: "The spirit of an organization is created from the top… The Leader who can safeguard company culture from a downward spiral, as he believes that, the people (the most valuable resource of the enterprise), spirit, and performance. Eng. Ahmed Hammad, CEO of HYRMAS Mining Company one of transformational leaders’ idol, he involves developing a grand vision and rallying employees around it. He allows all HYRMAS Family to see clearly the vision and goals for the organization, that creates workplace harmony as everyone is working together, and the lines of communication are always open. This is Our Vision (How to create the change or IDEA), and our core values as credibility, integrity and sustainability with agile solutions, they prove our ability to stand by an idea. Welcome to HYRMAS, Next Generation project management Everyone wants to become more agile, it means high speed fast results, our solution adapted to what our clients really need, implement changing requirements immediately, that means highly motivated teams and software that enjoys working with… We call it Next Generation project management or Simply… Hyrmas Mining

#Portable_XRF XRF provides an ideal tool to quickly collect and analyze geochemical data onsite and in real time to enables the analysis of samples in the field that are my too large, unwieldly, or costly to transport to the lab & Support decision making onsite in real-time Discover HYRMAS Engineering Solutions *No boundaries for quality but many for costs *Dynamically target high-payoff intellectual capital for customized technologies. Objectively integrate emerging core competency innovations. We’re proud of our reputation as One stop consultancy Without integrity there is no credibility. In Hyrmas Mining… Completely synergize people needed with scientific background and business knowledge via Optimized Program needed to encourage Quality and save time. Look no further Delivering beyond possible solutions #mining #engineering #quality #XRF #exploration #HYRMASMining #business #data

HYRMAS always gets the job done The ever-changing commodity market is constantly generating new challenges that have triggered a quest for more cost-reducing in exploration and mining technologies and services. HYRMAS is actively continuously developing innovative and robust solutions from Foundation stage GIS is one of the most important division in HYRMAS Mining Application of GIS & Remote Sensing •Agriculture. •Geology •Urban and Town Planning. •Oil Spill. •Health •Disaster Management. •Mapping and Navigation. •Reservoir and Dam Site location. •Deforestation and Vegetation Management. •GIS for Business, Marketing, and Sales. Intrinsically incubate intuitive opportunities and real-time potentialities. Appropriately communicate one-to-one consultancy Dr. Nihad El Nogoumy, GIS Dept. Manager is affiliated with a worldwide network of well-established industry professionals, enabling us to fulfil client requests for services outside of our traditional standard core competencies.

تشهد مصر اليوم حدثا كونيا هاما يستحق الدراسة لما له من تأثيرات هامة, في خلال الدقائق القادمة نترقب ظاهرة كسوف الشمس في هرماس للتعدين نؤمن بأهمية المعلومات التي توضحها الخرائط الجيولوجية ليس فقط على الصعيد العلمي بل في استخدامات البشر اليومية, من جهة أخرى مهمتنا هو تعظيم الاستفادة من هذه المعلومات واتاحتها بأبسط الوسائل, إيجاد حلقة الوصل بين العلم و التكنولوجيا و استخدامهم لتطوير المشاريع الصناعية وهو اقصر طريق لذلك قدمت شركة Esri نموذجا لنوع من الخرائط يوضح مواقع الكسوف الشمسي في الفترة بين 1601-2200, و اليوم نسلط الضوء على هذا التطبيق ايمانا منا بأهمية العلم و قوة استعراض البيانات بصورة جذابة و هادفة, واعترافا منا بدور نظم المعلومات الجغرافية و طرق الاستشعار عن بعد في تطوير أي مشروع جيولوجي بالإضافة لاستخداماتها الغير محدودة في شتى المجالات GIS and Solar Eclipse GIS and power of visualization… A spatial system that creates, manages, analyzes, and maps all types of data In HYRMAS Mining, our slogan is “Making geological map data for the earth accessible” We believe that the features could be detected, studied and verified from the geological maps are very powerful tool used daily as GPS applications., On other hand How to maximize the profit from these data, Connecting the dots between science and business, this the shortest way for Empowerment Today, an important event of universal phenomena that deserves observation and study occurs, Solar eclipse estima

"When money realizes that it is in good hands, it wants to stay and multiply in those hands." This quote is definitely describing one of the most important Pillar in our company We are delighted to introduce Mr. Mohamed Nagaty as CFO of HYRMAS Mining Company You can touch the real mean of passion in his words, Mohamed explains the difficulties challenges and how he could overcome these barriers. the nature of work here, is completely different

حدث يضم نخبة من المتخصصين في مجال التعدين مع مجموعة متميزة من أوائل طلبة كليات العلوم بأقسام الجيولوجيا و كايات هندسة التعدين من 9 جامعات مختلفة ننقل لكم بعض اللحظات المميزة من اول حدث طلابي تفاعلي مع اللحظات الاولى لبداية استقبال اول مجموعة