
ESPRONCEDA, Institute of Art and Culture is an innovative center for contemporary visual and digital art, including education and cultural research.

Founded in Barcelona in 2013. ESPRONCEDA is home of inspiration and creativity. Apart from offering work spaces for artists with different backgrounds, its "Artist in Residence" program aims at providing work space and support for international artists. ESPRONCEDA has opened a dialogue between artists, curators, collectors, culural instituions, all other cultural initiatives and eventually everybo


SAVE THE DATE: 17.09, 19:00 ⚡️
CAT. Estem encantats de presentar IMMENSIVA Expo 2024 i mostrar tres projectes d’art digital que exploren la relació entre la tecnologia i la percepció humana:
🌩️ SUPERCÈL (Rafa Roeder, Fran Macia, Niall Hill): Una nova producció d’ESPRONCEDA/IMMENSIVA, amb el suport de la Generalitat de Catalunya i la UPF/Projecte EMIL XR. Ambientada en un món amb 388 dies de sequera, els participants s’uneixen a una missió tecnològica per sembrar núvols amb realitat augmentada.
🧩 ASSEMBLIES (Rachel Heavey, Gerard Valls, Ryan Cherewaty): Aquesta instal·lació investiga l’impacte sostenible i social del desenvolupament urbà, utilitzant dades del nanosatèl·lit català “Menut” per abordar els efectes de la crisi climàtica.
🧿 GAZE MACHINE: Una obra interactiva de Solimán López, en col·laboració amb l’ONG Ulls del Món i patrocinada per Alcon. Els participants “pinten” amb la mirada, convertint els seus ulls en eines de creació visual, formant una obra d’art col·lectiva.
ENG. We are thrilled to present IMMENSIVA Expo 2024 and showcase three digital art projects exploring the relationship between technology and human perception:
🌩️ SUPERCÈL (, .macia, ): A new production by ESPRONCEDA/IMMENSIVA, supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya and UPF/EMIL XR Project. Set in a world after 388 days of drought, participants, guided by urgent radio instructions, take part in a high-tech cloud-seeding mission using Augmented Reality developed at Pompeu Fabra University.
🧩 ASSEMBLIES (Rachel Heavey, , ) This installation explores the sustainable and social impacts of urban development, using data from the Catalan nanosatellite “Menut” to address the effects of the climate crisis.
🧿 GAZE MACHINE: An interactive piece by , in collaboration with NGO Ulls del Món and sponsored by Alcon . Participants “paint” with their gaze, turning their eyes into tools of visual creation, forming a collective artwork.


SAVE THE DATE: 17.09, 19:00 ⚡️

CAT. Estem encantats de presentar IMMENSIVA Expo 2024 i mostrar tres projectes d'art digital que exploren la relació entre la tecnologia i la percepció humana:

🌩️ SUPERCÈL (Rafa Roeder, Fran Macia, Niall Hill): Una nova producció d'ESPRONCEDA/IMMENSIVA, amb el suport de la Generalitat de Catalunya i la UPF/Projecte EMIL XR. Ambientada en un món amb 388 dies de sequera, els participants s’uneixen a una missió tecnològica per sembrar núvols amb realitat augmentada.
🧩 ASSEMBLIES (Rachel Heavey, Gerard Valls, Ryan Cherewaty): Aquesta instal·lació investiga l'impacte sostenible i social del desenvolupament urbà, utilitzant dades del nanosatèl·lit català "Menut" per abordar els efectes de la crisi climàtica.
🧿 GAZE MACHINE:Una obra interactiva de Solimán López, en col·laboració amb l'ONG Ulls del Món i patrocinada per Alcon. Els participants "pinten" amb la mirada, convertint els seus ulls en eines de creació visual, formant una obra d'art col·lectiva.

ENG. We are thrilled to present IMMENSIVA Expo 2024 and showcase three digital art projects exploring the relationship between technology and human perception:

🌩️ SUPERCÈL (Rafa Roeder, Fran Macia, Niall Hill): A new production by ESPRONCEDA/IMMENSIVA, supported by the Generalitat de Catalunya and UPF/EMIL XR Project. Set in a world after 388 days of drought, participants, guided by urgent radio instructions, take part in a high-tech cloud-seeding mission using Augmented Reality developed at Pompeu Fabra University.
🧩 ASSEMBLIES (Rachel Heavey, Gerard Valls, Ryan Cherewaty): This installation explores the sustainable and social impacts of urban development, using data from the Catalan nanosatellite "Menut" to address the effects of the climate crisis.
🧿 GAZE MACHINE: An interactive piece by Solimán López, in collaboration with NGO Ulls del Món and sponsored by Alcon. Participants "paint" with their gaze, turning their eyes into tools of visual creation, forming a collective artwork.


For those in Stockholm at the end of August, don’t miss the chance to see the performance of ESPRONCEDA’S artists and “Inter Relatio” during the Theatre in Palm Academy - a part of Stockholm Fringe Festival 2024 ⭐️

Inter Relatio is a site-specific installation with sculptures made of reeds, like those found in riverbeds and ravines, forming mobile structures activated live by the performer. Thematically, it revolves around the idea of the ecosystem and interdependence, basic concepts in ecofeminism theory to understand the relationship between living beings and nature, and to redirect our social organization towards sustainability.
A living installation in which body, space, and objects are literally and physically intertwined, elements united and articulated forming a device traversed by movement that shows the public an interdependent system.

⏰ When: 27.08 - 18.00 and 19:00, 28.08 - 16:30 and 17:30
📍 Location: Tranströmerbiblioteket, Stockholm
Price: FREE

Apart from this, the academy will be loaded with training activities facilitated by experienced Swedish and international practitioners representing 12 European countries. Take part in this rich and skill-enhancing program while exploring additional facets of performing arts in an international context. The academy especially welcomes emerging artists seeking to broaden their network and find new career opportunities. The program is entirely free of charge! Follow our link in bio to book the workshops and seminars! 🔝

Co-funded by EU

Partners: .eu .o.c European Theatre and Film Institute .theatrikiomada ylvalagercrantzspindler

Photos from Espronceda's post 16/08/2024

We are thrilled to introduce the incredible ESPRONCEDA artists performing during the Theatre in Palm Academy at the Stockholm Fringe Festival on 26th, 27th, and 28th of August 🎭✨

Ángeles Císcar
Ángeles is a visual dramaturgy and performing artist from Valencia, Spain. Her work crosses artistic boundaries, challenging the concept of “reality” within social, psychological, and emotional contexts. Using video, installations, performances, and scenic narratives, she delves into complex themes. Currently, Ángeles focuses on how art can address social challenges, particularly equality and ecological awareness. Through her art, she aims to foster a deeper understanding of these issues, pushing viewers to engage with the world in a more thoughtful way.

Ana Rosa Manzanera
Ana Rosa’s journey started in rhythmic gymnastics and evolved into contemporary dance. She completed her BA in Dance at the Conservatorio Superior de Danza de Valencia and Anton Bruckner Private University in Austria. Her career includes working with renowned companies like Jasmin Vardimon, DV8, and Hubbard Street Dance Chicago. Ana Rosa has performed at prestigious venues like Valencia’s Opera House Reina Sofia and collaborated with companies like Alleyne Dance (UK). As an independent artist, she founded Cía Manzanera, showcasing her original works. Recognized at festivals like SzólóDuó in Budapest and Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid, she completed a residency with SuMi at Festival Dansa Valencia in 2023. In 2024, Ana Rosa is set to present her work in Brussels at Tictac Art Centre and Barcelona at Freezone, and she’s preselected for the Festival 10 Sentidos Choreographic Contest. She is committed to expanding her dance vocabulary and collaborating with artists globally.

Get ready to be captivated by their unique performances! 🎉 Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity to witness their extraordinary talent at the Stockholm Fringe Festival! 🌟


🔔 PROGRAMA ESPRONCEDA de residències i recerca cultural NEB & INCLUSIÓ

Ets un/a artista català/na i vols millorar la teva presència digital? No et perdis la jornada gratuïta en línia a ESPRONCEDA el 05.09.24! 💻✨

📅Formació en col·laboració amb PMP per reduir les desigualtats i oferir eines clau com el kit digital i oportunitats de mobilitat internacional.

📢 Places limitades! Contacta'ns per privat abans del 30 d’agost si t'interessa participar.
# oportunitatsartístiques

🔔 PROGRAMA ESPRONCEDA de residencias e investigación cultural NEB & INCLUSIÓN

¿Eres un/a artista catalán/a? Mejora tu presencia digital en nuestra jornada gratuita en línea el 5 de septiembre en ESPRONCEDA. 💻✨

📅Formación junto a PMP para reducir desigualdades y ofrecer claves como el kit digital y movilidad internacional.

📢 ¡Plazas limitadas! Contáctanos por privado antes del 30 de agosto sio te interesa participar.

Photos from Espronceda's post 07/08/2024

🌍 IMMENSIVA London - Barcelona: A Journey of Immersive Art 🌍

At the end of June, six artists embarked on an intense week in London, exploring immersive media arts. Organized by ESPRONCEDA Institute of Art & Culture () in collaboration with RCA Digital Direction () and Off Site Project (), the residency included:

🖼️ Exhibitions & Tours:
End-of-course exhibition at AA School ().
Guided tour of ‘Patrick Prince: Digital Art Visionary’ at Victoria & Albert Museum ().
VR Library exploration at Gazelli Art House ().
Immersive experience at 180 Strand’s ‘Reverb’ curated by The Vinyl Factory ().

🤝 Collaborative Workshops & Networking:
Creative workshops and brainstorming sessions.
Networking with artists like Tanya Boyarkina () and Rebecca Edwards (.edwards).
Timeline reconstruction of immersive technologies and discussions on immersion.

🎨 Studio Visits & More:
Technology tour at Gossamer Fog () and Somerset House Studios ().
AI residency insights at Antikythera ().
Final visits to Francis Alÿs’s () ‘Ricochets’ at Barbican () and Anthony McCall’s ‘Solid Light’ at Tate Modern ().
A week filled with art, innovation, and inspiration! 🌟
Follow our networks for more updates and find out how these talented artists are transforming immersive art! 🌟✨

Photos from Espronceda's post 25/07/2024

Join Us Tonight at 19:00! 🌟

We are thrilled to invite you to the presentation of the Immensiva London/Barcelona residents’ final projects! Come meet the talented artists and discover their groundbreaking work.

Shae Myles (.guava), an artist and community facilitator based in Glasgow who graduated from Contemporary Art Practice at Gray’s School of Art in 2020 and has been awarded funding by both the Henry Moore Foundation and Creative Scotland. Through her multidisciplinary practice, Shae subverts playful visual cues with intimate themes that could be considered difficult, shameful, or embarrassing.

Jess Pemberton (), a Cornwall-based digital artist and live visual performer fascinated by the dysfunction between virtual and natural worlds. Playing upon a collage mindset, she aims to create interactive experiences that de-centre the user. Previously she has been part of arebyte Gallery’s () Hotel Generation programme and recently exhibited at the Fluxus Museum () in Paros, Greece.

Adam Cole (.studio), is a computational media artist who works with film, installation and AI technology to subvert the norms of traditional cinema. Examining the complexity of intimacy and identity in the digital age, he creates immersive and interactive experiences to explore desire in the shadow of artificial representation. He has shown at Sheffield DocFest (), SIGGRAPH Arts (), Sonar+D () and SXSW ()

Photos from Espronceda's post 25/07/2024

Uneix-te a nosaltres aquesta nit a les 19:00! 🌟

Estem encantats de convidar-vos a la presentació dels projectes finals dels residents d’Immensiva London/Barcelona! Vine a conèixer els artistes amb talent i descobreix la seva obra trencadora.

Arnau Casanoves (), artista que treballa a través d’una complexa hibridació de tècniques i disciplines, entre les quals destaquen la fabricació industrial, els robots, la serigrafia, el gravat electrolític, l’art sonor i el tèxtil. Acidic i pop, la seva obra oscil·la entre el nihilisme més fosc i l’idealisme més vibrant, lluitant per unir les dues forces.

Didac Navarro (.naso), artista i dissenyador que treballa amb eines Unreal Engine i intel·ligència artificial. Compta amb un CFGM en Programació Web, un CFGS en Gràfica Publicitària i, més recentment, ha cursat un Grau d’Expert en Realitat Virtual, Augmentada i Mixta a la Universitat de Tecnologia i Disseny (.tad).

Gerard Valls Montaño (), que crea experiències híbrides combinant ciència i tecnologia amb materials, llum, so i visuals. Els seus projectes transformen l’espai físic en atmosferes que sovint utilitzen dades com a material, afegint una ressonància social distintiva.


ENG. ⭐️ This Thursday, at 19:00, don't miss the presentation of the Immersive Digital Art projects created during the 3 weeks IMMENSIVA London/Barcelona residency that brought together artists from Catalonia and UK. The residency was coordinated by the ESPRONCEDA Institute of Art & Culture in collaboration with the RCA Digital Direction and Off Site Project.

About the project:
Our unconscious assignment of value to our bodies and others' bodies can be fragmented or collective. This project, driven by the notion of the body as trash, features a fan-operated, living plastic organ confined in a scaffolding structure resembling a rib cage. A video installation subverts notions of performativity and value, contrasting a 1950s starlet with a tacky, blonde tangerine. The lifecycle of collapse and revival links trashy artefacts and archetypes like arteries, raising questions about sensuality and danger, exhalation and desperation, admiration, and revenge.

Arnau Casanoves
Adam Cole
Shae Myles
Didac Navarro
Jess Pemberton
Gerard Valls

Curators: Alejandro Martin, Elliott Burns, and Betty Bigas.

CAT. ⭐️ IMMENSIVA London/Barcelona. Aquest dijous, a les 19:00, no us perdeu la presentació dels prototips d'Art Digital Immersiu creats durant la residència de 3 setmanes que va reunir artistes de Catalunya i Regne Unit. La residència va ser coordinada per ESPRONCEDA Institute of Art & Culture en col·laboració amb el projecte RCA Digital Direction and Off Site Project.

Sobre el projecte: L'assignació inconscient de valor als nostres cossos i als cossos dels altres pot ser fragmentada o col·lectiva. Aquest projecte, impulsat per la noció del cos com a escombraries, presenta un òrgan plàstic viu operat per un ventilador i confinat en una estructura de bastida que s'assembla a una caixa toràcica. Una instal·lació de vídeo subverteix les nocions de performativitat i valor, contrastant una estrella dels anys 50 amb una hortera, rossa i ataronjada. El cicle de col·lapse i renaixement vincula artefactes i arquetips escombraries com artèries, plantejant preguntes sobre sensualitat i perill, exhalació i desesperació, admiració i venjança.


Arnau Casanoves
Adam Cole
Shae Myles
Didac Navarro
Jess Pemberton
Gerard Valls

Comissaris: Alejandro Martin, Elliott Burns and Betty Bigas.


Don't miss this OPEN CALL from our friends from FFundación Épica La Fura dels Baus🔍


¡Compartimos el video de LuzLíquida! 🌟

Queremos agradecer a todos los partners, artistas y colaboradores que hicieron posible el éxito de este evento, parte del proyecto europeo Theatre In Palm y del proyecto Petri-Med, celebrado en Espronceda el pasado mes de mayo.
La finalidad de este proyecto interdisciplinar fue analizar y delinear una poética de las relaciones capaz de visibilizar la interdependencia que existe entre seres vivos (en este caso humanos y plancton) a través del arte performativas y la ciencia.

Estamos emocionados de anunciar que LuzLíquida 2.0 llegará pronto. ¡Gracias por ser parte de esta increíble experiencia!



Benjamín Salvutzky (), Carlotta Storelli

Marco Talone, Vanessa Balagué, Magda Vila, Elisabetta Broglio

COMISARIADO POR: Alessia Gervasone

Gracias al fantastico videomaker Vítor Schietti () por este video maravilloso!

Photos from Espronceda's post 13/07/2024

Estuvimos encantados de participar un año más en el circuito de arte contemporáneo para artistas emergentes con la exposición “Itinerary” de Elise Vlaminck , ganadora del premio de arte Espronceda-ARBA-ESA (Real Academia de Bellas Artes de Bruselas) en 2021.

Las pinturas de Elise y sus miniaturas cuentan la historia de la vida, las identidades de las personas. Una miniatura para entrar en una historia, precisamente una ventana no solo al mundo sino también a nosotros mismos; una ventana como un compañero de viaje que, al caminar por las calles de Bruselas y Barcelona, nos hace compañía, haciéndonos a veces olvidar quiénes somos y perdernos en historias fantásticas que nos sacan una sonrisa o una lágrima.

La ventana, por tanto, como lugar de pensamiento, en el momento en que miramos hacia afuera, o desde fuera observamos el mundo, un callejón, una calle, o nos reflejamos en el cristal de una ventana, en realidad estamos abriendo otra ventana, la de nuestro interior, nuestra alma.

Gracias a y todos los que han hecho posible este evento y a todos los que nos han apoyado!

Curado por



CAT. La convocatòria romandrà oberta fins el 31 de Juliol 🗓️

🔗 Per participar cal inscripció prèvia:

NUBIA LAB ISA 2024 es un programa d'incubació català organitzat per ESPRONCEDA, Institute of Art and Culture, que localitza els 6 projectes més interessants d'art digital emergent o professional. A través d'un procés de mentoría amb una duració de 12 setmanes els participants podràn fer evolucionar el seu projecte.

El programa dincubació està basat en tres metodologies que s'uneixen per buscar l'excel·lència, la desenvolupada per Starts, NESTA i MIT Media Lab, a banda de l'experiència acumulada per ESPRONCEDA.

Penses que compleixes amb el perfil? Doncs no dubtis en apuntar-te! ✍️

Més informació i bases a la web:

CAST. La convocatoria permanecerá abierta hasta el 31 de julio 🗓️

🔗 Para participar es necesaria la inscripción previa disponible en:

NUBIA LAB ISA 2024 es un programa de incubación catalán organizado por ESPRONCEDA, Institute of Art and Culture, que selecciona los 6 proyectos más interesantes de arte digital emergente o profesional. A través de un proceso de mentoría con una duración de 12 semanas, los participantes podrán hacer evolucionar su proyecto.

El programa de incubación está basado en tres metodologías que se unen para buscar la excelencia, desarrolladas por Starts, NESTA i MIT Media Lab, además de la experiencia acumulada por ESPRONCEDA.

¿Crees que cumples con el perfil? ¡Entonces no dudes en inscribirte! ✍️

Más información y bases en la web:

Photos from Espronceda's post 04/07/2024

We are still on cloud nine with our artist residency ( happened during May and June ) from our European project Rise Up.

RISE UP champions minoritised language communities, helping them thrive through a multidisciplinary approach with programs like:
The Voices of Community songwriting residency, hosted by Espronceda Institute in Barcelona, weaving melodies & stories from Aranés, Seto, Cornish, Aromanian/Vlach, & Burgenland Croatian communities.

🎤Participants enjoyed some wonderful music from the Germans Martorell at La Taverna of

🎤We were working all together at Espronceda in a workshop with Felicia Touvenot from Yen to facilitate an engaging workshop on youth outreach, culture and creativity.

🎤We were producing the sound material in Eurecat . Thanks to the whole team, we had the chance to work in a great environment.

🎤We visited Primavera Pro, a very important music industry event linked to the Primavera Sound Festival. There we learnt about the latest innovations in the music industry, legislation and IA.

🎤We attended Sonar + D 2024, presenting Kieli, a digital art piece co-created by the digital artist Ferran Belda. It was an amazing experience. Visitors could interact with it and get to know better the minoritized languages studied by Rise Up.

Many thanks to all participants, collaborators and partners. We are happy with the result and look forward to new and exciting adventures together.



Exhibition Opening: Itinerari
03.06 // 7:30pm
As part of

The Window can tell many stories, talk about people, identities, places, intimacy, pieces of daily life, a mirror towards the inside and the outside.

What is hidden behind a window? A light, a coffee, a table, a chair, a set table, a bottle of wine, smiling faces, soft music and much more. The window is the meeting point between human space and external reality, between culture and nature, between measure and infinity. It is an element that separates two worlds:
there is an external one made of natural or urban landscapes, of air, of light, of sun, of clouds, of wind, of warmth; and an internal one made of people, small rituals, furnishings, curtains, floors and walls.

takes us by the hand with her poetic painting, to tell us about a journey not only between two cities, Barcelona and Brussels, but between cultures and identities, also between urban and rural, between intimacy and everyday life.

An itinerary, a journey without buying a train or plane ticket, an emotional and imaginary journey.

Exhibition curated by , as part of Art Nou.

No reservation required.

Photos from Espronceda's post 26/06/2024

Immensiva London / Barcelona 2024

The art residency started last monday, 24/06, in London.

Between different programs, workshops and events, today we spent the day at the digital session of the Royal College of Art City, also passing through the historic building of Soth Kensington.

The Royal College of Art (RCA) is renowned for its contributions to art and design education, and South Kensington is rich in history and culture.

A visit to the Victoria & Albert museum was also on our schedule… and there is much more to come!


Tomorrow it is!
27/06 , 7:30pm

Don’t miss tomorrow the exhibition of the artist Barry Wolfryd at Al-Tiba9 gallery.

Barry Wolfryd was among our former artists of Cultural Diplomacy Art & Peace promoted by Espronceda in collaboration of the German Consulate of Barcelona.

As ideator of the project affirmed, “the collaboration across artists and gallery nowadays is more and more important, to reflect all together on what we can do together. Quality and reflection on Art and Artists is relevant to questioning ourselves on our society “. Dialogue among generations and culture is the heart of the humanity”.


We are glad to be part of it!! ✨

Posted • ✨THANK YOU 2023! ✨
Here's our most liked instagram posts.

This year has been huge for us, thank you all for being a part of it!❤
This year we've held over 45 events with our amazing project members including Festivals, Digital Coffee Talk- webinars , Residencies, Performances, Theater Lab-workshops and masterclasses. Quite a list!

It has been a year of learning, getting inspired and first and foremost getting artists together and giving them a platform to shine ✨

Stay tuned for the exciting things we have planned for nex year!

Emerging theatre across Europe – feel the story under your skin.


We wish the love that transforms ✨ From all the Espronceda team!

Photos from Espronceda's post 20/12/2023

During the last 2 years (2021 / 2022) Espronceda has been collaborating with with the project of Michelangelo Pistoletto and , where we celebrated Solidarity.

📅On 21st of December, we celebrate for the 3 year the Rebirth-day,

🕢From 12.00 to 19.00h we are waiting for you at Plaza de la Mercé.

The project is curated by and the worldwide coordinator of , Saverio Teruzzi


What is Rebirth-day?
Rebirth-day is the worldwide day of change.
Rebirth-day is the celebration of the Third Paradise
Let’s all work together to change the world.
The Third Paradise can’t wait.


Tomorrow it is!
REBIRTH-DAY , the worldwide day of change

📅 21st December /12 - 19h: Plaza de la Mercé

On the occasion of the closing of the international sustainability festival Drap-Art'23, and in conjunction with the Cultural Diplomacy project in partnership with the German Consulate in Barcelona, we invite you to celebrate with us on 21 December the Rebirth-Day promoted by Cittadellarte and Michelangelo Pistoletto, an annual event that sees the whole world united together to find solutions to safeguard our planet.

We also invite you to discover the artists of the Drap-Art gallery on sustainability.

The project is curated by and Saverio Teruzzi, worldwide coordinator of the Third Paradise of Michelangelo Pistoletto and Cittadellarte.

Photos from Theatre in Palm's post 19/12/2023

Estàs llest per a transformar el teu barri?

La teva visió pot ser l'espurna que encengui el canvi! Participa en la nostra iniciativa única on les teves idees cobren vida. Amb solo uns pocs passos, pots convertir els teus somnis en un disseny tangible. Tria una categoria que millor representi la teva idea i comença a dissenyar. És així de fàcil!

Una vegada guardat el teu disseny, dona-li vida de manera virtual als carrers de Navas. Observa com les teves propostes s'integren en l'entorn real, oferint una visió fresca i emocionant del futur.

Però això no és tot. La nostra exposició és un espai liminal, un encreuament innovador entre el físic i el virtual. Utilitzem tecnologia de realitat mixta per a fusionar aquests dos mons, creant una experiència única i interactiva. És més que una simple exposició; és una finestra al que podria ser el nostre barri.

Uneix-te a nosaltres en aquest emocionant viatge cap al futur de la nostra comunitat!

Photos from Espronceda's post 15/12/2023

Finissage: 16/12/23
⏰15h - 19h

Tomorrow is the last day to visit the exhibition of Kids Guernica in connection with the project Cultural Diplomacy Art, Peace and Solidarity, in partnership with the German Consulate of Barcelona.

A day to dedicate to creativity and dialogue, in discovering the International project of Kids Guernica inspired to the work of Pablo Picasso Guernica, and the Third Paradise of Michelangelo Pistoletto and Cittadellarte.

‼️Guide visit will be with



The Hackathon

When: 16th December, 8:30
Where: C. de Santander, 45 · Barcelona, CT

Are you ready to embark on a journey that fuses technology and culture to pioneer a new digital era? The “Disrupt Open Culture” Hackathon is your gateway to explore the limitless potential of decentralized solutions in the realm of digital culture.

Hackathon explores decentralized solutions for digital culture, with a spotlight on three key topics: 3D, Art and music.

Prize 1 : 500€ worth of $CTX by Context.
Prize 2 : FC Barcelona NFTs by Plastiks

8:30-09:00: Arrival and Breakfast.
9:00 – 11:00: Team Work and Project Development.
11:00-12:00: Conference: “The Role of Open Data in Culture and Social Impact.” *
12:00-13:00: Team Work and Project Development.
13:00- 14:00: Lunch
14:00- 18:00: Team Work and Project Development.
18:00- 19:30:Project Presentations to Judges and winners selection

‼️full info:

Partners: Sonar+D / Context / Protocol / Plastiks / Bmat / Guzzu / Music Tech Hub BCN / Steadynamic / 42 Telefónica

Photos from Espronceda's post 12/12/2023

This evening, at the we had the honour to present, as part of the project Cultural Diplomacy, the Concert de Música per a Piano i Poesia, by the artists and

An event in collacoration with Embajada del Arte d'Ucraina, by


¿Quieres que tu empresa sea el Arte Y Entretenimiento mas cotizado en Barcelona?
Haga clic aquí para reclamar su Entrada Patrocinada.




Carrer D'Espronceda 326, NAvenida 5

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Carrer Nou De La Rambla, 143
Barcelona, 08004

Espacio de promoción del Cine Mexicano en Barcelona . Lo que nos hace especiales es que al final de cada proyección se hace un streaming con l@s creador@s. Hay debate, palomitas, b...

Maru Gutiérrez Maru Gutiérrez

Artes escénicas.

Activitats en Família a Torre Llobeta Activitats en Família a Torre Llobeta
Santa Fe, 2 Bis
Barcelona, 08031

En aquesta pàgina podreu trobar les activitats infantils que es realitzen al Centre Cívic Torre Llobeta i altres propostes que us compartirem per gaudir en família.

Tempus Espectacle Cat Tempus Espectacle Cat
Palau Música Catalana

Un viatge poètic en el temps a través de la cultura catalana. Música en directe, dansa i audiovis

Spotly Producciones Spotly Producciones

Ofrecemos la manera de expresar y exponer el arte en todas sus formas..

Ceci O'Grady Ceci O'Grady

Te invito a que vuelvas a mirar y descubras que estas completo. ¿Te acompaño?

Antigua i Barbuda Antigua i Barbuda
Avenida Litoral 115
Barcelona, 08019

“Antigua i Barbuda” Compañia de Teatro de Máquinas y Construcción.