Hostal El Ninot

Hostal El Ninot

Hostal a Barcelona

Inn "Hostal el Ninot" is located in the cool neighbourhood called "Esquerra de l'Eixample", that was nominated as the coolest neighbourhood in the world by the TimeOut Magazine. It is very near the center of Barcelona, at a walking distance from famous places like La Pedrera (Casa Milà), Casa Batlló, Catalonia Square, Las Ramblas or Hospital Clínic. Hostal el Ninot is very well rated by his custom


Avui fa 10 anys que vam iniciar aquesta aventura. Qui ens anava a dir que arribariem tant lluny! Vam començar sense saber ni una paraula d'anglès, sense cap experiència en hosteleria i sense saber molt bé on ens ficàvem, però amb moltes ganes i molta il·lusió!

10 anys després, amb uns quants mils de clients hospedats i havent passat dos anys molt complicats per la pandèmia, podem dir que estem molt orgulloses i us volem agraïr a tots el vostre support.

Moltes gràcies i a per 10 anys més!

Joana & Victòria.
We celebrate today 10 years since we started this adventure. Who would have told us that we would get this far! We started without knowing a word of English, without any experience in the hospitality industry and without really knowing where we were going, but with a lot of will and a lot of excitement!

10 years later, with several thousand hosted customers and having spent two very complicated years due to the pandemic, we can say that we are very proud and want to thank you all for your support.

Thank you very much and let's go for 10 years more!

Joana & Victoria.
Hoy hace 10 años que iniciamos esta aventura. ¡Quién nos iba a decir que llegaríamos tan lejos! Empezamos sin saber ni una palabra de inglés, sin ninguna experiencia en hostelería y sin saber muy bien dónde nos metíamos, ¡pero con muchas ganas y mucha ilusión!

10 años después, con unos miles de clientes hospedados y habiendo pasado dos años muy complicados por la pandemia, podemos decir que estamos muy orgullosas y queremos agradeceros a todos vuestro apoyo.

¡Muchas gracias y a por 10 años más!

Joana & Victoria.
Aujourd'hui cela fait 10 ans que nous avons commencé cette aventure. Qui nous aurait dit que nous irions si loin ! Nous avons commencé sans connaître un mot d'anglais (ou français!), sans aucune expérience dans l'hôtellerie et sans vraiment savoir où nous allions, mais avec beaucoup d'envie et beaucoup d'excitation !

10 ans plus t**d, avec plusieurs milliers de clients hébergés et ayant passé deux années très compliquées à cause de la pandémie, nous pouvons dire que nous sommes très fiers et tenons à tous vous remercier pour votre soutien.

Merci beaucoup et à 10 ans de plus !

Joana et Victoria.
Oggi ricorrono i 10 anni da quando abbiamo iniziato questa avventura. Chi ci avrebbe detto che saremmo arrivati ​​così lontano! Abbiamo iniziato senza conoscere una parola di inglese (o italiano!), senza alcuna esperienza nel settore dell'ospitalità e senza sapere davvero dove stavamo andando, ma con tanta voglia e tanta eccitazione!

10 anni dopo, con diverse migliaia di clienti ospitati e dopo aver trascorso due anni molto complicati a causa della pandemia, possiamo dire che siamo molto orgogliosi e vogliamo ringraziare tutti voi per il vostro supporto.

Grazie mille ed eccoci per altri 10 anni!

Giovanna e Vittoria.


Summer is here. Welcome to Barcelona


Plaça Real


We will meet again some sunny day.


another sunset in


Sunset in


Walking in


Hostal El Ninot us desitja un immillorable 2021!
Hostal El Ninot os desea un inmejorable 2021!
Hostal El Ninot wishes you a fantastic 2021!

The world's 10 coolest neighborhoods, according to Time Out 19/10/2020

We are there in #1 !!!

The world's 10 coolest neighborhoods, according to Time Out According to Time Out, these are the world's 10 coolest neighbors for 2020 -- from Wedding in Berlin to Yarraville, Melbourne



The 40 coolest neighbourhoods in the world 07/10/2020

The #1 coolest neighbourhood in the world is.... our neighbourhood where we are !!!!!!

The 40 coolest neighbourhoods in the world Fun, food, culture and community: these places have it all.


I ❤ Barcelona




Carrer Tallers

Timeline photos 29/08/2020

El Born.

Timeline photos 27/08/2020

Maracujà Cheesecake!! 🤤

Timeline photos 26/08/2020

One of the most important squares in Barcelona, at 5 minutes of Hostal el Ninot

Timeline photos 24/08/2020

Now reading....

Timeline photos 20/08/2020

Is not nice? 💕❤🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍

Timeline photos 18/08/2020

This guy has free room in our place 😄

Timeline photos 12/08/2020

Ice cream anyone? This is one of the best ice cream shops in , very near us!

Timeline photos 10/08/2020

Ready for dinner?

Timeline photos 08/08/2020

By the way, we have beach in Barcelona

Timeline photos 07/08/2020

Where is this?

Timeline photos 06/08/2020

This is Diagonal Av. -- Near Hostal El Ninot.

Timeline photos 04/08/2020

Well, this is not Barcelona.... but is wonderful, and is not very far!

¿Quieres que tu empresa sea el Hotel mas cotizado en Barcelona?
Haga clic aquí para reclamar su Entrada Patrocinada.



Muntaner 175 Principal 1a

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 08:00 - 19:00
Martes 08:00 - 19:00
Miércoles 08:00 - 19:00
Jueves 08:00 - 19:00
Viernes 08:00 - 19:00
Sábado 08:00 - 19:00
Domingo 08:00 - 19:00

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