ARTDance International Dance Program

Innovative, avant-garde, visionary Dance program sustained and wrapped by a network of international exchange.


Los bellos gestos de los más jóvenes en este amado y apasionante arte de la enseñanza de la danza. Siempre agradecida 🙏❣️


Galerías Saint Hubert, Bruselas. Paseando con mis maravillosos alumnos.


Detail of Koninklijke Balletschool Antwerpen. Grateful for the wonderful welcome!


Junto a mi querido alumno Hugo Martín en el estreno de Don Juan, ballet de Víctor Jiménez, director de LaMov, Zaragoza. Felicidades a toda la Compañía, especialmente a Paula Rodríguez por su gran interpretación y por supuesto a Victor Jiménez por esta creación llena de sublimación.


With my beloved accompanying pianist Santiago Barro at IEA Oriol Martorell Conservatory of Dance. Wonderful teamwork. ♥️🙏 By


And We’ll # keep dancing through piqué arabesque……♥️ Always!!! By


Ready….. 2022-23 By

Photos from ARTDance International Dance Program's post 19/07/2022

Four years of extraordinary experiences, of intense processes and evolution, but above all, of transformation and happiness teaching Pau Bernaus who has graduated with honors and is requested by the most important European universities to carry out the Bachelor of Arts like a Codarts, Royal Conservatory in the Hague, Pôle National Supérieur de Danse Rosella Hightower, where he has decided to pursue his professional career development. His great artistic talent, elegance and refined technique distinguish him. Congratulations Pau!


It has been a great pleasure teaching Maria Llop at the IEA OM. I am happy and proud of her projection as apprentice in CaraBdanza directed by Gonzalo Diaz and as choreographic assistant Luisa Maria Arias. A very talented and hardworker Dancer! Congratulations Maria!!

Timeline photos 29/04/2020

En este día especial, doy las gracias a la DANZA por siempre formar parte de mi vida y de mi misma. Agradezco a todos los que me habéis acompañado en los escenarios y a los que lo hacéis en el presente en las aulas y a través de la pantalla.......FELIZ DÍA INTERNACIONAL DE LA DANZA!!!
Photo by Maxim Franke


Pot ser que hagis sentit a parlar de l’obra “El llac dels cignes”… però l’has experimentat mai? 🙊 Perquè demà a les 20h, a la Plaça Central d’Arenas, tindràs l’oportunitat de fer-ho en les dues sessions que representaran l'Orquestra Simfònica Tekhné, ARTDance International Dance Program i IEA Oriol Martorell! Preparat per un vespre de dansa i teatre? 😉


De nuevo!!! Nuevo formato en Las Arenas!!! ♥️

Les mítiques danses d'"El llac dels cignes" de Txaikovski arriben el proper dimarts a Arenas! 🎶🎻 Us espera un espectacle inoblidable amb els millors talents de de la ciutat! 🤩 No hi podeu faltar!

📆 18 de juny a les 20h
📍 Plaça Central d'Arenas
▶️ Hi participen: Orquestra Simfònica Tekhné, ARTDance International Dance Program, IEA Oriol Martorell

Photos from ARTDance International Dance Program's post 12/06/2019

Our beloved Ramón Taulé as ballet master and choreography assistant, on work!!!!! So grateful for it.
SWAN LAKE, BENEFICENT EVENT, in favor of FEMACPA, Federación española de Malformación de Chiari y Patologias

Photos from ARTDance International Dance Program's post 12/06/2019

The awesome Finale......
BENEFICENT EVENT, in favor of FEMACPA, Federación española de Malformación de Chiari y Patologias asociadas.

Photos from ARTDance International Dance Program's post 12/06/2019

The Swans...
BENEFICENT EVENT, in favor of FEMACPA, Federación española de Malformación de Chiari y Patologias asociadas.

Photos from ARTDance International Dance Program's post 12/06/2019

Swans.... Anna Puigcerver, Ariadna Miró, Emilia Kumpuleinen, Mira Calsapeu.
BENEFICENT EVENT, in favor of FEMACPA, Federación española de Malformación de Chiari y Patologias asociadas.

Photos from ARTDance International Dance Program's post 12/06/2019

ARTDance IDP dancers Marina Solé and Manel Rodríguez, Pas de Deux of Swan Lake with corps du ballet (IEA Oriol Martorell)
BENEFICENT EVENT, in favor of FEMACPA, Federación española de Malformación de Chiari y Patologias asociadas.

Photos from ARTDance International Dance Program's post 12/06/2019

Wonderful performance of the students of IEA Oriol Martorell as a corps de ballet at SWAN LAKE with ARTDance IDP and Tekhné Symphony
So proud of them.....
BENEFICENT EVENT, in favor of FEMACPA, Federación española de Malformación de Chiari y Patologias asociadas.

Photos from ARTDance International Dance Program's post 12/06/2019

BENEFICENT EVENT, in favor of FEMACPA, Federación española de Malformación de Chiari y Patologias asociadas.
ARTDance IDP and the Tekhné Symphony with the collaboration of the dance students of IEA Oriol Martorell, stage the II Act of Swan Lake at the Casino Aliança. The emblematic ballet of Petipa and Ivanov, with the wonderful music of P.I. Tchaikovski live by the Tekhné Symphony, director Josep Miquel Mindán, belongs to the wide dance repertoire that ARTDance IDP offers.
Upcoming performances in Barcelona on June 18th in Las Arenas de Barcelona and 20th at the Joan Brossa Institute.

Timeline photos 02/06/2019

Auditori San Cugat, Barcelona. “Etudes” by Pascal Touzeau. Assistent of choreography Sébastien Mari. On Juny 2th 2019


Swan Lake ARTDance IDP & Simfònica Tekhné

Timeline photos 20/05/2019

The swans.... so beautiful!!!

Timeline photos 20/05/2019

With the director of Simfònica Tekhné, Josep Miquel Mindán at rehearsals with ballet before the Premiere.

Timeline photos 20/05/2019

Concert Simfònica Tekhné & Swan Lake ARTDance IDP. Aliança Poblenou, the Theater was full. Magic energy....

Timeline photos 19/05/2019

Swan Lake.....♥️

Diumenge 19 de Maig 2019, a les 18.00 h. El Llac dels Cignes - Benèfic - Casino L'Alianca 10/05/2019

Diumenge 19 de Maig 2019, a les 18.00 h. El Llac dels Cignes - Benèfic - Casino L'Alianca El proper dia 19 de maig, a les 18:00, l’Orquestra Simfònica Tekhné i la companyia de dansa ARTDance IDP oferiran “El llac dels Cignes” de P. I. Txaikovski al Casino …



Timeline photos 29/04/2019

Agradecidos por tan magnífica acogida y organización, especialmente a Menchu Medel presidenta de la Asociación de Profesionales de Guipuzcoa.

Videos (show all)

Center working
Ay the barre with Ramón Taulé
Thanks a lot Jone for this precious gift.
Traveling exercise, Ballet Class with Jone San Martín framed in «Improvisation skills W. Forsythe» 2018-19 Workshop.
Center work during ballet class with Jone San Martín
Ramón Taule Masterclass
Ramón Taule Masterclass
Masterclass Ramón Taule.


Llança 31