VERNE Arquitectura

Somos una firma de arquitectura, especializada en proyectos residenciales y espacios de trabajo.


Casa Carmen:
Más detalles del espacio de estar, bajo la luz del atardecer;
Con , 📸

Photos from VERNE Arquitectura's post 05/12/2023

Gerrit Rietveld, "Architecture", 1930.
Estas frases del gran diseñador, arquitecto -y también carpintero- holandés Gerrit Rietveld (1908-1968) resumen perfectamente su visión clara y sintética de la arquitectura y el diseño. Tanto en sus edificios, como en sus célebres muebles, desarrolló una actitud creativa basada en potenciar la esencia de los elementos empleados, la rotundidad de las formas, la geometría lineal de los volúmenes y un brillante uso del color.
Hace algunos meses, publicamos en nuestro blog una entrada donde explicamos y mostramos algunas piezas de mobiliario que llevan su firma:


Casa Hara, 2023:
La fachada sur es mucho más privada e íntima. Por ello, la configuración arquitectónica se vuelve más ligera: el plano de hormigón de cubierta termina en un gran vuelo hacia el jardín, manteniendo su canto lo más reducido posible. Igualmente, la fachada contiene ventanales y huecos mucho más amplios. En definitiva, toda la vivienda en este punto pretende fusionarse en gran medida con el jardín y con la piscina exterior, a través de los grandes ventanales y el porche que produce el vuelo ya mencionado.

Photos from VERNE Arquitectura's post 21/11/2023

Casa Hara:
Fotografía de detalle, donde se perciben los materiales, texturas, colores y mobiliario que conforman este espacio tan singular. La calidez y la luminosidad interior, así como la originalidad en la combinación de los citados elementos son las claves del diseño.
El proyecto ha sido realizado en colaboración con



Carmen House:
Diseñamos contra las aburridas convenciones y la monotonía omnipresente de las redes sociales. En construimos un duplex concebido como un espacio único, capaz de transformarse y adapterse. Diseñamos con texturas, colores y materiales para crear un proyecto auténtico, que destaca por su calidez, luminosidad y sobre todo por su originalidad.
El proyecto ha sido realizado en colaboración con .


Photos from VERNE Arquitectura's post 17/11/2023

Museo Marceliano Santa María, Monasterio de San Juan, Burgos: 1er Accesit.
La propuesta de VERNE + ARROVA para le reforma y ampliación del Monasterio de San Juan, con el fin de alojar en él el Museo Marceliano Santa María ha obtenido el primer Áccesit, por detrás del proyecto ganador y del segundo premio.
Esta publicación muestra algunas imágenes que resumen los aspectos esenciales del proyecto. Aprovechamos la ocasión, también, para felicitar al equipo ganador (y buenos amigos) .v_arquitectos, por su gran

Photos from VERNE Arquitectura's post 16/11/2023

Casa Hara:
Se definen dos planos de hormigón, con potentes vuelos en sus extremos, y escalonados entre sí, que permiten adaptar los espacios a la citada pendiente del terreno. Bajo el primer plano se configura el acceso, vestíbulo, garaje, gimnasio y otras dependencias secundarias; y bajo el segundo plano, que es la cubierta del edificio, se configuran los espacios de vida: habitaciones, cocina y salón-comedor.

Photos from VERNE Arquitectura's post 15/11/2023

Casa Hara:
La cocina es, en esta casa, uno de los espacios esenciales. Busca mantener el carácter natural que persigue toda la materialidad del proyecto, y que se logra gracias los siguientes elementos: todos los paramentos verticales se terminan en mortero de arcilla, color beige claro, mientras que el suelo y varias puertas correderas se realizan en madera de roble. La nota final en esta paleta de materiales se aporta gracias a la pieza central que contiene la chimenea y separa el estar del pasillo de habitaciones: en todas sus caras, esta pieza se reviste de piedra caliza color grisáceo.

Concretamente, la cocina queda completamente conectada con el salón por medio de dos grandes puertas correderas. Gracias, además, al gran ventanal que une la cocina con la terraza norte, se produce a través de ella la posibilidad de conectar el jardín sur con la citada terraza norte.



The Hara House:
This picture shows the interior space and portrays its strong conexion with the porch and garden towards the southern side.

Inside, the natural character of the project's materials is achieved through several elements: all vertical surfaces are finished with light beige clay plaster, while the floor and several sliding doors are made of oak wood. The finishing touch in this material palette is provided by the central piece that houses the fireplace and separates the living area from the bedroom hallway: all its surfaces are covered in grayish limestone.

The furniture naturally complements the architectural space, with the use of noble wood for dining chairs and table; light colors and cream tones for sofas, rugs, and armchairs; and a stone-like appearance for the kitchen island, conceived as a solid block without joints or divisions. The pendant lamps and fixtures, always slim and elegant due to their metallic structure, are chosen in dark tones to stand out as decorative elements floating in space.


BLOG: Kazuo Shinohara’s Umbrella House “The House is Art”

A few months ago the , designed and built by the Japanese architect Kazuo in 1962, has returned to our days. Surprisingly, the Swiss company has reconstructed the work on its famous

Indeed, the umbrella house is a magnificent example that perfectly shows the concept of “ ” and space that Shinohara developed throughout his career. His houses maintain a very strong duality between the Japanese construction tradition and a great abstraction in their forms and aesthetics, while the structure always acquires a special presence and enters into a beautiful relationship with the natural lighting that bathes the spaces. All of this makes Shinohara's domestic spaces deeply move the inhabitant.

More information:


VERNE Headquarters. Our work space in . The structure is built with timber panels . Part of the interior cladding is done too with fir wood panels which have a similar finish, thus the whole interior space is somehow homogeneous. The floor is made with grey terazzo. Furniture by and .


The Hara House:
A work recently finished, whose design is based on two concrete planes with powerful cantilevers at their ends. These two planes are staggered between them, allowing the spaces to adapt to the strong slope of the terrain. The first plane houses the entrance, foyer, garage, gym, and other secondary rooms; while the second plane, which forms the roof of the building, houses the living spaces: bedrooms, kitchen, and living-dining area.

The picture shows one of the Section drawings, where the aforementioned project strategy is really visible.

Full story in our website 👉

Photos from VERNE Arquitectura's post 03/10/2023

The Carmen House: A very recent project that embodies a daring vision of architecture and interior design. We’ve aimed to challenge conventions and embrace creativity in designing this complete renovation of a duplex in .
We believe the result is unique and groundbreaking; we will soon be sharing more content on our social networks!

The project is done in collaboration with


Photos from VERNE Arquitectura's post 02/10/2023

he Andia House / Andia Itxa: the house is placed in Arbizu, and its structure is built with CLT panels, that remain visible in some areas; enhancing thus the effort for creating a sustainable and efficient architecture in terms of energy and climate. The house, in fact, is certified Passiv House.

The exterior aims for an integrated image in the surroundings, reinterpreting local architecture through a high degree of abstraction. Thus, from a construction detail perspective, traditional elements of local architecture are redefined: the eaves are thinner and more abstract than traditional ones, the gutter is crafted to integrate seamlessly with the eave, and the roof tiles are set back to hide their profile at the edge.


The Hara House:
A work recently finished, whose design is based on two concrete planes with powerful cantilevers at their ends. These two planes are staggered between them, allowing the spaces to adapt to the strong slope of the terrain. The first plane houses the entrance, foyer, garage, gym, and other secondary rooms; while the second plane, which forms the roof of the building, houses the living spaces: bedrooms, kitchen, and living-dining area.

The picture shows the southern façade, where the upper concrete plane creates a deep porch. This gesture strenthens the direct relationship among the interior living spaces and the exterior ones: porch, garden and private pool.

Full story in our website 👉

Photos from VERNE Arquitectura's post 28/09/2023

Kazuo Shinohara, “The House is Art”, 1962
These sentences from the great Japanese architect Kazuo Shinohara encapsulate his vision of designing domestic spaces; in other words, houses. Throughout his career, he worked tirelessly to create living spaces that were true works of Art, not so much in terms of forms or aesthetic trends, but because he aimed to evoke emotions in the occupants. This mindset set him somewhat apart from many other Japanese architects (known as "metabolists") who focused more on constructing large-scale infrastructure and works. However, today, Shinohara's spatial references undoubtedly stand as one of the most influential legacies of 20th-century Japanese architecture.

Recently, we explained one of his residences in our blog, the "Umbrella House," which he coincidentally built while writing the aforementioned text, "The House is art."

Photos from VERNE Arquitectura's post 26/09/2023

The Andia House / Andia Itxa: the house is placed in Arbizu, and its structure is built with CLT panels, that remain visible in some areas; enhancing thus the effort for creating a sustainable and efficient architecture in terms of energy and climate. The house, in fact, is certified Passiv House.
The interiors thus combine the CLT presence with white big surfaces in walls, the chesnut wood windows and selected pieces of furniture by (.mobiliario) and lamps by


Photos from VERNE Arquitectura's post 19/09/2023

The Carmen House: A very recent project that embodies a daring vision of architecture and interior design. We’ve aimed to challenge conventions and embrace creativity in designing this complete renovation of a duplex in .
We believe the result is unique and groundbreaking; we will soon be sharing more content on our social networks!

The project is done in collaboration with


The Hara House:
A work recently finished, whose design is based on two concrete planes with powerful cantilevers at their ends. These two planes are staggered between them, allowing the spaces to adapt to the strong slope of the terrain. The first plane houses the entrance, foyer, garage, gym, and other secondary rooms; while the second plane, which forms the roof of the building, houses the living spaces: bedrooms, kitchen, and living-dining area.

The picture shows the north façade, where these concrete planes break at their ends to form two parapets. This makes the north face of the house stronger and more defensive, facing towards the entrance and the public street.


Work in progress: House in Getxo.

The limestone is the main material that configurates the facade and floors of a house we are building near . The house is understood as a sort of “fortress” with a luminous courtyard in its interior; thus the limestone is worked with a rough finish. One that also portrays the strong character of the northern spanish landscape. The other material that counterbalances the roughness of the stone is the iroko wood of windows and facade claddings.

Photos from VERNE Arquitectura's post 17/08/2023

View towards the dining/living room of the Portalegre House, a refurbishment recently finished.
The natural oak wood in the floor () and shelves dialogue with the walnut wood of the chairs ( ) while contrasting with the strong marble leg of the table ( ). In the back, the lamp by

Picture by


Blog: Wright's Taliesin West, 1937-2020

In this blog entry, published a couple of years ago, we intended to pay a small tribute to the great American architect Frank Lloyd Wright (1867-1959); and, in particular, to the Building he built in Taliesin West to house the “Fellowship”. The reason for this tribute was that the aforementioned institution had announced the closure of its activity, more than 80 years after its foundation.

In the middle of the Arizona’s desert, Wright and his students designed and built a magnificent building that would house all the dependencies of the School of Architecture that Wright himself had started years before. The work, which combined strong cyclopean concrete walls with a light wooden structure, was basically a strategy to create spaces protected from the extreme conditions of the desert: the very organic and horizontal shape of the complex was perfectly adapted to the existing terrain, while the light The wooden frames generate perfectly illuminated, ventilated and shaded enclosures.

More information:


Single Family House in Arbizu: the work is about to finish; only the final touches and furniture remain. The house structure is built with CLT panels, that remain visible in some areas; enhancing thus the effort for creating a sustainable and efficient architecture in terms of energy and climate. The house, in fact, is certified Passiv House.


Work in progress: House near Bilbao.
The work on this single-family house is almost finished. There are still some finishing touches, gardening and urbanization, but the complete project can already be perceived.
The concrete cantilevers and the wooden planes on the facade intersect with the steep terrain to generate the living spaces in two floors.
These two pictures show the south facade, where the upper floor generates a sort of spatial continuity with the exterior (the garden, the pool..)


VERNE Headquarters. Nuestro espacio de trabajo en . Estructura realizada en madera


Las oficinas y espacios de trabajo de / . Una obra donde las geometrías onduladas -en los muros de madera o en el mobiliario- se relacionan con el dinamismo y las formas de las .

Mobiliario , floor


Photos from VERNE Arquitectura's post 24/05/2023

Dieter Rams, 70s, “Ten Principles for Good Design”.
This quote that the well known German designer Dieter Rams (1932,-) wrote long time ago summarizes very well his powerful approach to design. For Rams the “good form” of a product, building or object arises when the design task is tackled with logic, modesty, coherence, and proportionality in the means. His ideas are very well portrayed in the decalogue he wrote as a sort of manifesto: the Ten principles of Good Design. However, we could say that, more than in his writings, those ideas were clearly expressed in his designs: all the devices he produced for BRAUN or the beautiful pieces of furniture he created for VITSOE.
In fact, some months ago we did a little entry in our blog about the brand VITSOE and the Dieter Rams’ design ethos that still imbues the company production.


Work in Progress: House in Getxo. The work on this single-family house is entering in its final phase. Although some important materials are still missing, such as the limestone in the patio floor, the essence of the project, its spaces and its materiality can already be appreciated.
The patio, the space that acts as the heart of the house, already shines with strength; as well as the rough and powerful stone walls of the outer shell.

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Calle San Vicente 8, Torre II, 4°C Dcha

Horario de Apertura

Lunes 09:00 - 19:00
Martes 09:00 - 19:00
Miércoles 09:00 - 19:00
Jueves 09:00 - 19:00
Viernes 09:00 - 19:00

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