Portus Magic

Portus Magic

Welcome To Portus Magic. We specialise in custom making Orgones to shield you and your living envir

Photos from Portus Magic's post 17/08/2022

Much prefer making Orgones to trying to build a website.. especially now as I want to be able to offer things for sale on it.. it’s an exciting direction but boy is it complicated and long winded..


Don’t be afraid to be different.

Normal just doesn’t work for me. Fitting into societies version of what’s considered right or “normal” just doesn’t do it.. and that’s ok.. in fact it can be pretty cool.
Think of it this way..
The timber merchants grow forests full of trees for wood. They want them all to grow straight and tall and expect them to all be similar and to mature in the same way at the same age, so they can chop them down and make planks out of them.. they can harvest some at as little as five years old, but the average is between 20 and 30 years which is not a very long life.
However when they come across a misfit, a tree that’s all twisted and warped they leave it alone to grow. It’s not turned out how they expected it to so it’s just left to do it’s own thing. It’s not worth the bother of cutting down. It doesn’t fit into what they consider to be “normal” so as far as the timber marchante is concerned it’s useless.
It might continue to grow for hundreds of years. In that time it sees life. It might get scarred from people carving their initials into it, it might get climbed on or people might use it to
shelter under in a storm on picnic under in bright sun. Its useful because it’s different. It just continues growing and doing what it wants.. it continues to live and to be of more use than the “normal” ones that have been chopped down.
So,, in a world full of straight, normal trees m, be that twisted one.. continue to grow and go your own way.. in other words don’t let anybody turn you into a plank 😉

Photos from Portus Magic's post 06/08/2022

Well last night was our first night market. We were really pleased with the nice comments and reactions we got to the stall and our Orgones and crystals. It was however a long night!! We get there at 5:30 Friday afternoon to set up and finally got home at about 3 in the morning. A great big Thank You to everybody who came along to see us and support us. You made the night worth the effort. Unfortunately I don’t think we will be able to do another one until my health improves so I’m going to concentrate on the website and put some of my Orgones up for sale on there and here. Thank you again for supporting us and a huge thank you to Julie for doing most of the setting up and sorting out. I really could not have done it without you and my love is overflowing for you ❤️❤️❤️. @ www.sole2soul.es. www.Portusmagic.com


Hope to see you tomorrow at the night market on La Torre Golf Resort


Really looking forward to our first market on Friday evening at La Torre Golf Resort. We don’t really have a proper stall so we’re having to improvise.. a garden gazebo for shelter and a couple of garden tables. Hopefully my orgones will speak for themselves 🙏

Photos from Portus Magic's post 01/08/2022

We are doing our first market 😁. We were asked earlier in the year if we would be interested in a stall at the evening/night market at La Torre Golf Resort..
so this Friday we will be there with some
Orgones, and some of the other bits I’ve been making. We will also have some of the crystals and minerals we’ve found in the mines.. The market is well worth a visit, not just to see us 🤣😂, although that would be good. There is live entertainment, lots of interesting stalls and also some nice street food stalls.. It’s open to the public from 8PM


At a night market,, looking at the possibility of having a stall here with my Orgones, and various crystals and minerals… The only problem I have is parting with the crystals after digging them out of the local abandoned mines.. Have also been trying to build a website whilst trying to design a giant portable meditation pyramid ..


This is what gives me the inspiration to make the Orgones..
Waking up to this view every morning 😁


I’ve now started making wooden bases for my Orgones with a remote control light built into them so that the orgones can be litup at night.,🙏

Photos from Portus Magic's post 09/07/2022

Meditation pyramid with a very special Orgone. This was made for a customer who had seen the one we have at home.

Photos from Portus Magic's post 15/05/2022

This is one of my mobile phone holders. They are perfect for blocking the EMF given out by your mobile phone. They are made so that your phone can either sit on the stand landscape or portrait. This one has a quartz crystal point wrapped in copper and Galena to ground the energy. I made the copper triskalions to look good and to act as aerials helping direct the EMF into the Orgone


I just love this image

Photos from Portus Magic's post 12/05/2022

Been busy experimenting with various different resins. Quite pleased with some of them. I’ve got three new resins to try this week in between working on the pieces that have been commissioned by people.

Photos from Portus Magic's post 10/04/2022

Casting some new designs and sanding and polishing some ready for a clients order. If you’re going to work on a Sunday work somewhere with a nice view.,. Quite excited about the new ones I’ve started casting. They are going to be quite different 🔼😉..

Photos from Portus Magic's post 08/04/2022

The latest version of our EMF blocker,, Charlie our cat! Julie is well protected now 😹😹😹


How amazing is this?? Looks like a work of art ! I suppose it is really or a labour of love anyway. It’s actually a sheet of my rubbing down paper that I was using to polish the latest Orgone generators I’ve cast. You can see the places I’ve stopped to rest. The pyramid shape of the Orgone is clear to see but what I didn’t notice before was the energy lines in the water/resin left behind on the paper. The more you look at it, the more you see. Quite amazing. Think this is going to get framed and put in the wall..what do you see in it ??

Photos from Portus Magic's post 06/04/2022

I’ve had quite a productive day again today. I’ve been hand finishing some of the Orgone Generators I’ve recently cast and have been practicing making Triskelions to include in my next batch. Have got quite a few of the small wearable ones made now so just need to add the hanging loop and they will be ready to go. They work well either as a pendant or hanging off your keys. The phots is only a few, I’ve done lots of different designs incorporating lots of different crystals and minerals..

Photos from Portus Magic's post 01/04/2022

Was finally ready yesterday to start casting. The small items will dry in 24 hours,, the large Orgones will take longer as they are built up in layers.. it’s going to be another busy day 😁

Photos from Portus Magic's post 30/03/2022

I have spent the day sorting and cleaning crystals and minerals. Each one that goes into one of my Orgones has been gathered by myself from old mines . I select each piece for its energy and of course it’s beauty. They then get hand cleaned by me using various techniques and tools and are then polished to bring out their best qualities. Each one is cleansed before going in the resin cast. Each piece that goes into one of my Orgones has a purpose. I thought I would share some photos of collecting and cleaning the crystals.
I’m also trying to set up a website with all of the information about the collecting of the crystals, their properties and how I make the Orgone generators and what they do..


This was the first Orgone I made. The energy and the love that goes into making them is multiplied a thousand times and given back everyday in the healing energy and protection they give out. I originally wanted to make these to block the harmful EMF (Electromagnetic Fields) which we all come into contact with everyday. I’ve carried out many experiments to find out what are the most effective materials to use for blocking EMF. I will be posting more about this later. One of the main benefits of my Orgones is their ability to take negative energy including EMF and transform it into positive energy or life energy otherwise known as Chi.
If you really want to learn more about EMF and the effects it has on us then I’ve put a link with a comprehensive scientific paper published about the effects of EMF. Be warned its long and hard going, but even if you just skip through it you will see why I have become so concerned about the harmful effects of EMF.
It’s probably best to just skim the first section and go down to No1



We are very lucky to live in a beautiful peaceful place. We often talk to people about where we live because it is so special and we feel so connected to it. Its Called Camping Naturista El Portus, in Murcia, on the Costa Calida, in Spain.
Its set in a beautiful bay surrounded on three sides by the ever changing vista of the magnificent mountains and has the mediterranean Sea to the front where it breaks on a small secluded beach. We live halfway up one of the mountains overlooking the sea and the surrounding area. Our home is a little unconventional in that we live in a Mongolian Yurt. We call it The Posh Tent on The Mountain. The small plot of ground its set on we call The Sanctuary. It truly is a Magical place to live and its the reason we decided on the name for our site. Welcome to Portus Magic.

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El Portus

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