Veronica Prodis Events - Retreats

Veronica Prodis Events - Retreats

Immerse into your heart. I’m a certified teacher, qualified massage therapist & energy worker. I was born to be a teacher, trainer & counsellor.

I’m a peace loving, caring, sympathetic, compassionate, considerate and I live to love. I help people to open up & make their life easier, comfortable, luxurious, healthy and conscious. My GOAL is to help people on their way to transformation through movement, awareness, love, joy & peace in the body, mind and spirit. My MISSION is to focus on transformation into a conscious way of living with int


During my stay in India I did 5 weeks of Panchakarma treatments. I received several types of procedures, treatments, massages and ayurvedic consultations.
I’m so grateful I could experience ayurveda in Kerala in India where ayurveda was born.

I believe in ayurveda and it’s not only natural medicine which is looking for the cause. Ayurveda also encourages you to be an active participant in your own journey toward healing and understand the cause of your illness.

Here is some short interview with Dr.Kiran about ayurveda, he was so kind and made this interview with me. You can see the whole video on my youtube:
You can also find the link on my profile.

If you never heard about ayurveda, hope this video will bring you more clarity about it and if you feel the call to do some Ayurvedic treatments, Kerala is the right place to be. I provide ayurveda and yoga retreat in India, if you are interested please let me know. Will be very happy to answer your questions, let’s have some call.

with love Veronica


Happy to share exited news.
Yoga & Ayurveda retreat in India 2024.

Thank you everyone who came this year to my yoga classes and trusted in me. 🙏🏻❤️
After more than 10 years of teaching yoga, dance, acroyoga & 15 years of studying holistic way of living, I feel it’s time to share my experiences with all of you. Together with Ayurvedic centre in India, I created healing program with daily yoga classes, meditation & ayurvedic treatments.

This intimate and very special retreat is transformative, healing & detoxing experience. It will take place in beautiful ayurvedic retreat Clinique in KERALA (India).

Come with me for an authentic experience on your journey to healing. AYURVEDA, YOGA & DETOX RETREAT.
I welcome you to balance your inner energy to heal your body, mind and soul. You will find happiness, peace and a deeper connection with your inner self.

A transformational retreat in a community of like-hearted souls. Practising yoga, pranayama, meditation on daily bases, being surrounded by the astonishing nature and incredible energy of India. And to feel the real spirit of ayurveda, in place where AYURVEDA was born (Kerala).

* With Ayurvedic procedures, massages, a healthy Ayurvedic diet and natural remedies…You will cleanse your body, release toxins, stiffness and definitely relax.
* With yoga, meditation and breathing techniques… You will purify your mind, balance your inner energy & stay focused to fully enjoy the Ayurvedic experience.
* Being abroad in a new environment helps you disconnect from your daily routine and toxic connections.
* With healing therapies, ceremonies and incredible nature & spirit of India… You will reconnect with your heart and higher states of consciousness

If you are ready to embark on your new journey of HEALING, REJUVENATION & TRANSFORMATION in your life, then this ayurveda & yoga retreat is the right one for you.
Don’t miss the opportunity & BOOK NOW !!! 🙂

Early bird 🦅 is till the end of December.


Photos from Veronica Prodis Events - Retreats's post 14/12/2023

Yoga & Ayurveda Retreat in India!!!

Immerse into your heart, finding your essence, balance and harmony.

Come join us for the Authentic experience on your healing journey.

This intimate and very special retreat is transformative, healing & detoxing experience. It will take place in beautiful ayurvedic centre in KERALA, 30 min. away from the beach with unforgettable sunsets.

We welcome you to balance your inner energy in order to heal your body, mind and soul. You will find happiness, tranquility & deeper connection with your inner-self. A transformational retreat in a community of like-hearted souls to feel the real spirit of ayurveda, in place where ayurveda was born (Kerala), surrounded by the astonishing nature and incredible energy of India.

A unique program that combines:
✨ Ayurveda treatments & consultations with Ayurvedic DOCTOR
✨ Healthy, ayurvedic food individually prescribed according your Doshas
✨ Daily yoga practise - asanas (postures)
✨ Daily meditations
✨ Breathwork & pranayama
✨ Dance
✨ Acroyoga on the beach 🏝️
✨ Ceremonies
✨ Free time on the beach 🏝️ or by the swimming pool
✨ Optional excursions: to holy Amma in her Ashram, temples &/or elephants.
✨ Personal care

If you are ready to embark on your new journey of HEALING, REJUVENATION & TRANSFORMATION in your life, then this ayurveda & yoga retreat is the right one for you.

Don’t miss the opportunity & BOOK NOW !!! 🙂



Co je to novoluní a jak s touto energií pracovat, aby to fungovalo?

V novoluní se Měsíc nachází mezi Zemí a Sluncem. Jeho osvětlená polokoule je v tuto dobu kompletně otočená od Země, takže z naší planety je Měsíc nyní neviditelný. Je to pravidlený čas, kdy se čistí stará energie a blokády. Vše co nefunguje necháváme být a nastavujeme si nové cíle. Je to velmi silné a plné emocí, které jsou nedílnou součástí našeho života.

Jaký je tedy význam novoluní?
Je to doba, která nám pomáhá se zvednout a podporovat bez ohledu na to, čím právě procházíme. Je to začátek nového lunárního a osobního cyklu, který přináší velké množství energie. Je to úžasný čas, který nás povzbuzuje k opuštění své komfortní zóny a zároveň nám pomáhá změnit svůj postoj k práci a zdraví. To nám dává pocit dobrodružství, zvědavosti a iniciativy. Připojení k těmto lunárním energiím může významně pomoci k uzemnění.

Co dělat během novoluní?
Novoluní je skvělým a osvěžujícím časem pro zamyšlení a stanovení záměrů. Je to ideální výchozí bod pro praktikování vděčnosti, pozitivního nastavení mysli a otevření srdce pro spojení s vyššími energiemi.

Rituál začne sepsáním našeho záměru, po té hlubokou výživnou jógou zaměřenou na dech. Po které bude následovat taneční meditace, zakončená relaxační léčebnou zvukovou koupelí a meditací.

Kdy: 12.12.2023
Čas: 19:00-21:30
Kde: Taneční studio Fontána Karlovy Vary

WhatsApp: +34664352215

Cena: 450,- Kč

Co sebou:
Pohodlné a teplé oblečení, čaj.
Podložky a přikrývky na jógu jsou k dispozici.


Español abajo 🇪🇸


THURSDAY September 14th
6-8pm Lyla in San Miguel

🌙Please join us in honoring the new moon this Thursday and using it as a tool to set up your intentions and let go of things that don’t serve you anymore.

🌙The New Moon in Virgo brings details to our intentions and reminds us that anything worth doing is worth doing well! New Moons hold the space for us to bring shape to our vision. Virgo teaches us to roll up our sleeves and do the hard work needed to manifest the reality we want to live in.
September 14th is the ideal starting point to practice gratitude, positive mind set, higher vibration and heart opening to connect with the devine source.

🌙The ceremony will begin with Osho shaking and dance meditation, followed by deep nourishing yoga and breath-work. Ending with a deeply-relaxing, healing sound bath & meditation.

🌙This takes place in a gorgeous villa in San Miguel, Villa Lyla.

🌙Yoga mats are provided, but need to be booked in advance.

🌙Ceremony will be facilitated by Veronica. About her:

30€ in advance
35€ door

+34664352215 Veronica
+34656771711 Lyla

More informations:

If you any question don’t hesitate to ask us: Veronica & Lyla ❤️❤️


JUEVES 14 de septiembre
6-8pm Lyla en San Miguel

🌙 Únase a nosotros para honrar la luna nueva este jueves y utilizarla como herramienta para establecer sus intenciones y dejar de lado las cosas que ya no le sirven.

🌙¡La Luna Nueva en Virgo aporta detalles a nuestras intenciones y nos recuerda que cualquier cosa que valga la pena hacer vale la pena hacerlo bien! Las Lunas Nuevas nos brindan el espacio para darle forma a nuestra visión. Virgo nos enseña a arremangarnos y hacer el trabajo duro necesario para manifestar la realidad en la que queremos vivir.
El 14 de septiembre es el punto de partida ideal para practicar la gratitud, la mentalidad positiva, la vibración más elevada y la apertura del corazón para conectar con la fuente divina.

🌙La ceremonia comenzará con Osho sacudiendo y danzando meditación, seguido de yoga profundo y nutritivo y trabajo de respiración. Terminando con un baño de sonido curativo y profundamente relajante y meditación.

🌙Esto se lleva a cabo en una hermosa villa en San Miguel, Villa Lyla.

🌙Se proporcionan colchonetas de yoga, pero deben reservarse con antelación.

🌙La ceremonia será facilitada por Verónica. Sobre ella:

30€ por adelantado
35€ puerta

+34664352215 Verónica
+34656771711 Lyla

Más información:

Si tienes alguna pregunta no dudes en preguntarnos: Veronica & Lyla ❤️❤️



THURSDAY, August 31st
7-9 PM sharp.
*Must arrive by 6:45pm or will not be permitted entrance*

🌕 Please join us in honoring the rare “SUPER BLUE” full moon this Thursday, August 31st.

🌕 The blue moon is a term used to describe the second full moon in a single calendar month. It is a rare event that only occurs every two to three years, hence the popular phrase "once in a blue moon." This year's blue moon also coincides with a supermoon, which is when the moon is at its closest point to Earth in its elliptical orbit, appearing larger and brighter than usual.

🌕 You will experience Sankalpa
Nourishing yoga class based on Himalayan ta**ra yoga.
Osho shaking kundalini meditation with dance
Breathwork session & deep relaxation
Sound bath meditation to close

🌕 The blue moon super moon is considered a powerful time to set intentions, release negative energy, and manifest abundance. It is an ideal time for healing, meditation, and spiritual practices.

🌕 This takes place in a gorgeous villa in San Miguel, Villa Lyla.

🌕 Yoga mats are provided, but need to booked in advance.

🌕 Ceremony will be facilitated by Veronica. About her:

🌕 Payment:
Tickets in link below ⬇️
Pay in advance 30€
At door 40€


+34664352215 Veronica
+34656771711 Lyla

More informations:

If you have any question don’t hesitate to ask us: Veronica & Lyla ❤️❤️



WEDNESDAY August 16h

🌙Please join us in honouring the new moon on Wednesday and using it as a tool to set up our intentions and let go of things which doesn’t serve us anymore.

🌙The New Moon in Leo is a
The New Moon is an exiting and refreshing time for reflection & intention setting on August 16th. It’s the ideal starting point to practice gratitude, positive mind set, higher vibration and heart opening to connect with the devine source.

🌙The ceremony will begin with Osho shaking and dance meditation, followed by a deep nourishing yoga and breath-work. Ending with a deeply relaxing healing sound bath.

🌙This takes place in a gorgeous villa in San Miguel, Villa Lyla.

🌙Yoga mats are provided, but need to booked in advance.

🌙Ceremony will be facilitated by Veronica. About her:

in advance 25€
At door 35€

PayPal account:
[email protected]
Please send it as Friends and Family

Or bank transfer to:
ES89 2100 4185 8122 0016 4796
Veronica Prodis

+34664352215 Veronica
+34656771711 Lyla

More informations:

If you any question don’t hesitate to ask us: Veronica & Lyla ❤️❤️


Monday July 17th

🦋Please join us in honouring the new moon this Monday and using it as a tool to set our intentions
and manifesting our goals for the upcoming month🌙 facilitated by Veronica.

🦋You will experience Sankalpa, soft, juicy, nourishing yoga class based on Himalayan ta**ra yoga, with pranayama (breath techniques), breathwork, deep relaxation with sound bath & meditation.

🦋We will work on our manifestation, gratitude, positive mind set, higher vibration and heart opening to call our ,,self,, into the heart manifestations.

🦋About Veronica

+34664352215 Veronica
+34656771711 Lyla

If you any question don’t hesitate to ask us: Veronica & Lyla ❤️❤️

Photos from Veronica Prodis Events - Retreats's post 04/11/2022

What a honour to be part of this beautiful event: Ibiza wellness weekend III. 2022

What a honour to be part of this beautiful event: Ibiza wellness weekend III. 2022
🧘🏻‍♀️Yoga + Funfitt + Mindfulness + Coaching + Showcooking + Art-therapy + Dance + Outdoor activities (paddle, Kaya, biking y trekking) + Music and much more ... Feel grateful to be invited to teach Hatha yoga & pranayama on this beautiful event in Hotel Xereca. Thank you each of you, to be part of this amazing event and thank you 🙏🏻✨💓



Photos from Veronica Prodis Events - Retreats's post 29/10/2022

Live streaming of my Master class, Hatha Yoga on Sunday at 11:00am. 🙏🏻💓✨

👉🏻SAVE THE DATE. Resérvate los días 28, 29 y 30 de octubre porque…✨LA III EDICIÓN DEL IBIZA WELLNESS WEEKEND 2022 YA ESTÁ AQUÍ✨

Felices de anunciar que gracias al Club de Salud, Belleza y Bienestar Ibiza Health & Beauty, la III Edición de Ibiza Wellness Weekend reunirá a grandes talentos del sector del bienestar en la educación de hábitos saludables y, en esta ocasión, diversidad de actividades deportivas al aire libre, cultura y gastronomía.

¿Lo mejor? ¡Sus fines solidarios! Con un pequeño donativo de 50€ dirigido a la Plataforma Sociosanitaria Pitiusa, la cual ayuda a mantener la salud de muchas personas. Podrás disfrutar de un sinfín de actividades y comidas degustación, ¿no es genial? 🙏🏻

🧘🏻‍♀️Yoga + Funfitt + Mindfulness + Desarrolló personal + Showcooking + Arteterapia + Danza + Actividades Outdoor (paddle, Kaya, biking y trekking) + Música + visita al Museo Puig des Molins y

🌐Más información e inscripciones en:

🤔¿Sabías que ese mismo fin de semana se realizará también en Dalt Vila el Festival de Arte & Performance Fantasía, pudiendo disfrutar también de su programa cultural? 👏🏼

➡️Evento impulsado por y con la ayuda del .travel y de colaboradores como el Ayuntamiento de Ibiza y

Si te gusta el plan... ¡Compártelo con tus amigos!👯‍♀️

¿Te apuntas a cuidarte con nosotros y a disfrutar de Ibiza a todo color?☀️🌊


New moon ceremony!!!✨
This Tuesday, October 25th
5:00-8:00pm in San Miguel

Please join us in honoring the new moon this Tuesday and using it as a tool to set our intentions and manifest our goals for the upcoming month🌙 facilitated by Atzaro yoga teacher, certified in Himalayan Ta**ra, Vinyasa, Hatha and AcroVinyasa yoga, as well as Pranayama, Meditation, Dance teacher & Reiki Master, 🤍Veronica Prodis🤍

This event will concentrate on gratitude, positive mindset, higher vibration and heart opening and *manifest what we want into our life. *

We will begin the event with a brief group intro putting our *Sankalpa* down on paper. Following that will be a soft, juicy, nourishing *yoga class* based on Himalayan ta**ra yoga, *breath techniques* and deep relaxation into sunset. This shall be followed by magical *sound bath meditation, *closing the evening with a beautiful *musical bonfire* 🔥under the stars ✨and warm tea.

Suggested donation 33€
This takes place in a gorgeous villa in San Miguel, at Villa Lyla.
Please bring warm comfortable clothes, an extra warm blanket if you have one!
Yoga mats are provided but necessary to book in advance🙏🏼

Reservations: +34656771711 Lyla
More Informations at

If you any question don’t hesitate to ask us: Veronica & Lyla💕


What a beautiful experience to share our Himalayan bliss together at ATZARO last Wednesday.
Himalayan sound bath guided by 🙏🏻💓
I’m very happy I could assist her as an Himalayan Yoga teacher & create this blend of Himalayan experience.

Join me for last yoga sessions at Atzaro this year, we close soon. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

10:00 Vinyasa Yoga Flow
11:15 Himalayan Ta**ra yoga with sound bath

10:00 Ashtanga Fusion
11:15 Hatha, Pranayama, Meditation & Sound Bath

Looking forward to see everybody. 🙏🏻❤️


The human body is replica of universe.
Shiva & Shakti = Brahma (Universe)
Consciousness & Energy = Body

Himalayan Yoga system of ta**ra & yoga coming from Shiva 7000 years ago…is a concept of the whole experience;
body is toned, mind is uplifted, soul is enjoying, when the bliss of soul is experienced.

Ta**ra is about enjoying the life and using all these experiences for spiritual elevation. Everything is divine and expression of consciousness… to expand - that which liberates…

Ta**ra is the spiritual science which liberates a person from the darkness of spiritual ignorance through expansion of body, mind and spirit.
Ta**ra Yoga deals also with chakras, propensities, glands, kundalini & union Shiva/Shakti…

Baba Nam Kevalam 🙏🏻❤️

**ra **rainspiration


Os presentamos el programa de la II EDICIÓN DE IBIZA WELLNESS WEEKEND (28,29 Y 30 de octubre) la cual reunirá a grandes talentos del sector del bienestar en la educación de hábitos saludables y, en esta ocasión, diversidad de actividades deportivas al aire libre, cultura y gastronomía.

¿Lo mejor? ¡Sus fines solidarios! Con un pequeño donativo de 50€ dirigido a la la cual ayuda a mantener la salud de muchas personas; podrás disfrutar de un sinfín de actividades y comidas degustación, ¿no es genial? También puedes reservar las actividades por separado 🙏🏻

11.00 Hatha Yoga, Pranayama, Aromaterapia
o streaming en mi Instagram si no puedes venir.

🌐 Más información e inscripciones en:

🤔¿Sabías que ese mismo finde semana se realizará también en Dalt Vila el Festival de Arte & Performance Fantasía, pudiendo disfrutar también de su programa cultural? 👏🏼

💬Etiqueta a las personas con las que te gustaría disfrutar de este súper eventazo tan enriquecedor para tu cuerpo y mente.

➡️Evento impulsado por con la ayuda del y de colaboradores como el Ajuntament d’Eivissa y


Regular yoga classes at Atzaro.

Come to join us for yoga, pranayama (breath techniques), meditation and relaxation with sound healing & aroma touch, surrounded by the nature in beautiful Atzaro.

I will help you on your way to transformation through the movement, breath, relation, meditation & awareness in the body, mind and spirit with love, joy & peace.

I include some of the following depending on each persons level and yoga style; flexibility, strength, concentration, breath-work, relaxation, natural essential oils (by DoTerra), sound healing, meditation and the effects of each asana (physical posture) of the chakras (vital energy flow) glands & propensities (forms of behaviors), mudras, bandhas (energetic locks) and drishti (eye focus).

My classes are held in English or Spanish.

10:00am dynamic & powerful yoga class
11:00am relaxing & nourishing yoga class

10:00-11:00 Vinyasa from the Heart
11:00-12:30 Himalayan (ta**ra) yoga

10:00-11:00 Ashtanga Fusion
11:00-12:30 Hatha, pranayama, meditation

More informations:

Hope to see you soon...
🙏🏻❤️ Veronica


Video made by 🙏🏻❤️


One of the highest gifts we can have is our freedom.

Internal freedom
Mental freedom
Physical freedom
Emotional freedom
Time & space freedom
Financial freedom


Přijďte si se mnou zacvičit jógu, prodýchat, zrelaxovat a protáhnout v naší Fontáně, krásném tanečním a jógovem sále obklopený přírodou.

Naučíme se, jak dýchat v józe, jak jóga ovlivňuje naší mysl a jak jí zapojit do každodenního života.

Přes 15 let se věnuji osobnímu rozvoji, výuce tance, jógy, přírodní medicíně a léčení. Mým cílem je pomoci vám na vaší cestě k transformaci a dokonalého zdraví.

Lekce jógy:
Zaměřím se na dech a pohyb s vědomím v těle, flexibilitu, sílu, účinky ásan na naše žlázy a čakry. Kromě systému jógových ásan, muder a bandh zařadím hlubokou relaxaci, pránájámu a meditaci.

Lekce Létající jógy:
Bude navazovat na lekci jógy. Kde se nejdříve naučíme jednotlivé cviky a po té přejdeme na létající jógu, zaměřenou na uvolnění páteře a celkové protažení.

18:00-19:30 klasická jóga
19:30-21:00 létající jóga

300,- Kč
200,- Kč
Celkem 500,- Kč


Videos (show all)

During my stay in India I did 5 weeks of Panchakarma treatments. I received several types of procedures, treatments, mas...
Happy to share exited news. Yoga & Ayurveda retreat in India 2024. Thank you everyone who came this year to my yoga clas...
I would like to invite you to my yoga classes at Atzaro. Every Wednesday and Saturday at 10:00 and 11:00.  I’m teaching ...
💥SÍ, YA ESTÁ AQUÍ💥Os presentamos el programa de la II EDICIÓN DE IBIZA WELLNESS WEEKEND (28,29 Y 30 de octubre) la cual ...
Regular yoga classes at Atzaro.Come to join us for yoga, pranayama (breath techniques), meditation and relaxation with s...
Sharing and playing, come to play AcroYoga at Atelier n74 🙏😁❤️#AcroYoga classes and jams: 19:30-20:30 / Sunday & Monday#...
Great number of students in my class 😁 exactly for Base, Flyer and Spotter 🙏🍀@stefania_vassallo_trainer & @wladimir_kral...
Yoga classes by Veronica in AtzaroClases de yoga con Verónica en Atzaro Every Monday 11:00-12:00Every Wednesday 10:00-11...



Atzaro Spa Hotel