Manzanera Fertility Clinic - Spain

Manzanera Fertility Clinic - Spain

Fertility clinic based in Logroño, La Rioja (Spain) First clinic which offers the chance of undergoing all the Assisted Reproduction techniques.

Advances in embryo quality classification | Centro Médico Manzanera 18/07/2024

Time-lapse incubators and non-invasive genetic embryo testing help grading the embryos.

Advances in embryo quality classification | Centro Médico Manzanera Advances in embryo quality classification News Knowing how to assess embryo quality is a significant factor in the laboratories of assisted human reproduction because this knowledge helps to select the embryos that have high implantation potential and can evolve into a successful pregnancy. Some yea...

OVERWEIGHT AND ASSISTED REPRODUCTION | Centro Médico Manzanera 03/07/2024

We bring you a new article about the impact of high body weight for yoir fertility.

OVERWEIGHT AND ASSISTED REPRODUCTION | Centro Médico Manzanera OVERWEIGHT AND ASSISTED REPRODUCTION News We hear daily about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and its influence on the general quality of life. From the point of view of eating habits and body weight, it is advisable to maintain weight within the acceptable range. Changes in corporal weight am...

Photos from Manzanera Fertility Clinic - Spain's post 24/05/2024

Dr Lorenzo Manzanera and Daniel García, responsible for our laboratory, are at the National Congress of Nursery in Assisted Reproduction at La Coruña. The presenters spoke about the microbiome, the importance of vitamin D in fertility, chronic endometritis, etc.

Uterine Fibroids and Fertility - Centro Médico Manzanera 15/05/2024

Fibroids are a common issue among women. Their location can affect the success of your treatment, so it is important that your gynaecologist assesses the case and advises you on the possible solutions if they are necessary. Click on the image to read more.

Uterine Fibroids and Fertility - Centro Médico Manzanera Uterine fibroids (also known as myomas) are benign tumours found in the muscular layer of the uterus. Around 20% of Caucasian-origin women have them, although they are more common in African-origin women with the frequency of these tumours varying between 50-80%. Fibroids are generally diagnosed via...

ASSISTED REPRODUCTION VOCABULARY (PART II) - Centro Médico Manzanera 17/04/2024

Today, we are sharing with you the second part of fertility vocabulary. We hope this will be helpful for all of you!

You can read the first part here:

ASSISTED REPRODUCTION VOCABULARY (PART II) - Centro Médico Manzanera This article will be useful for you to better understand the terms used in assisted reproduction in relation to the gametes of both sexes. S***M OR SEMEN, S***MATOZOIDS S***m is the seminal liquid that comes out from the p***s at ej*******on and contains the s***matozoids. How the s***m quality is e...


Did you know that artificial intelligence is also used in many of the treatments? Incubators with integrated Time-Lapse technology take real-time photos of the embryo development and send those photos to a huge database. AI helps to select the best embryos that can be transferred into the uterus and have higher chances of giving pregnancy.

ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ADVANCES APPLIED IN ASSISTED REPRODUCTION - Centro Médico Manzanera When talking about artificial intelligence (AI) it is impossible to avoid thinking about the dark world of Blade Runner or the future dominated by the machines from Terminator. However, the reality is that AI is a tool which brings breakthroughs and helps us to advance in all spheres of work. AI ena...


S***m DNA fragmentation and a genetic test in s***m FISH are not obligatory, but they provide extremely useful information about the health of a male's s***m. These two tests reveal crucial details about the s***m which a usual s***m test cannot give. If some alteration is found, there are solutions which can increase your chances of becoming pregnant and diminish the risk of transmitting genetic disorders to your future child.

When the DNA has breakages, Fertile chip can be used to select the healthy s***matozoids.

In case of alterated chromosomes found in s***matozoids, the solution is more complicated because a preimplantation genetic test may be required.

Our doctors encourage men over 45 and especially smokers of any age to do these tests.

***mtest ***mDNA

FISH AND FRAGMENTATION IN S***MATOZOIDS - Centro Médico Manzanera 14/02/2024

S***m DNA fragmentation and a genetic test in s***m FISH are not obligatory, but they provide extremely useful information about the health of a male's s***m. These two tests reveal crucial details about the s***m which a usual s***m test cannot give. If some alteration is found, there are solutions which can increase your chances of becoming pregnant and diminish the risk of transmitting genetic disorders to your future child.

***mtest ***mDNA

FISH AND FRAGMENTATION IN S***MATOZOIDS - Centro Médico Manzanera When a couple comes for a fertility consultation, one of the first tests done is the s***m test. This analysis provides information about a variety of s***m parameters: concentration, volume, motility, pH, viscosity, colour, etc., giving an initial idea about the sample. Nonetheless, other not-so-ba...

ADENOMYOSIS IN REPRODUCTION - Centro Médico Manzanera 17/01/2024

Adenomyosis is often underdiagnosed because the symptoms are written down to other conditions or completely disregarded.

What solutions and treatments exist for adenomyosis? Read our article to find out.

ADENOMYOSIS IN REPRODUCTION - Centro Médico Manzanera Gregorio Manzanera Bueno Adenomyosis is a uterine condition that is characterised by the internal uterine layer (endometrium) growing in the muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium). A similar condition is endometriosis when the endometrial tissue appears not inside of the uterus but outside of it....


Our clinic offers IVF treatment with donor eggs but we also give a possibility to adopt embryos donated by other couples who already fulfilled their dream to become parents.

In treatment with donor eggs, we select the donor based on patient's physical characteristics to match them as much as possible.

When selecting embryos for adoption we also pay special attention to patient's phenotype, however, it cannot be as precise as using eggs from a matched egg donor.

HE**IN AND AMPHETAMINE IN REPRODUCTION - Centro Médico Manzanera 15/11/2023

He**in, like any other narcotics, have a great impact on fertility. Luckily, methadone can help to reverse or at least reduce the effects of he**in.

HE**IN AND AMPHETAMINE IN REPRODUCTION - Centro Médico Manzanera He**in is an opioid which is obtained through morphine treatment with chemical substances. Therefore, this is a derivative of morphine, a chemical compound extracted from o***m. Currently, the consumption of he**in decreased greatly. According to numerous surveys, it is believed that the consumption...

RESEARCH IN NURSING - Centro Médico Manzanera 18/10/2023

Our nurse Cristina writes about the importance of clinical research in nursing:

RESEARCH IN NURSING - Centro Médico Manzanera Nurses base their practice on scientific evidence. On numerous occasions, we as nurses cannot receive the acknowledgement of their findings as our own and must turn to the studies carried out by other disciplines to focus on our praxis. Therefore, it is our responsibility to assume the importance of...

SURROGATE MOTHERHOOD - Centro Médico Manzanera 13/09/2023

The surrogate motherhood topic is a tough one. We receive emails from people looking for surrogacy every now and then, but we cannot help these people for the time being. It is prohibited in Spain.

SURROGATE MOTHERHOOD - Centro Médico Manzanera In surrogate motherhood, a woman with no fertility issues and in an altruistic form receives the embryos of a couple who for multiple reasons cannot carry a baby to term. This child is given to their parents at birth. The couples that would benefit from surrogate motherhood are diverse: from heteros...


IVF vs ICSI - what is the main difference? Which is better for embryo development? Many do not even know that there are two different techniques of egg fertilisation in the lab. You can find out more about these different techniques in our new article.


FERTILISATION IN VITRO OR INTRACYTOPLASMIC S***M INJECTION, WHICH IS BETTER? - Centro Médico Manzanera After your first contact with the clinic and evaluation of your test results recommended by our doctors, the team of Manzanera Fertility Clinic meets together to study the peculiarities of your case and plans how to carry out the cycle of assisted reproduction (IVF or reception of donor eggs). Among...

CO***NE AND REPRODUCTION - Centro Médico Manzanera 29/06/2023

It is obvious that drugs are harmful not only in assisted reproduction treatments but for global health too. But what exactly does co***ne affect directly? Read our article to find out.


CO***NE AND REPRODUCTION - Centro Médico Manzanera Co***ne is an alkaloid extracted from a coca plant. It is usually consumed mixed with diverse adulterated substances like talc, flour, amphetamines, detergents, formol and other products. The purity of the substance reaches between 5-50% and depends on the ingredients used. Depending on the making p...

VOCABULARY IN ASSISTED REPRODUCTION (PART 1) - Centro Médico Manzanera 07/06/2023

We talk daily with numerous people over email, phone or in person and we understand that certain words can be unheard of or barely comprehensible. That's why our colleague Charlotte compiled a small vocabulary which any of you will find really helpful to understand fertility treatments better.


VOCABULARY IN ASSISTED REPRODUCTION (PART 1) - Centro Médico Manzanera Assisted reproduction is a broad field with terminology that patients must learn to understand all the processes involved in their treatment. If you already started treatment or plan to go through one, this article can help you to understand some of the basic concepts in the world of assisted reprod...


Artificial intelligence is spreading into every part of our lives, and assisted reproduction is no different. Read our article to find out where it is applied.

BIG DATA AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN ASSISTED REPRODUCTION - Centro Médico Manzanera In 2001, Steven Spielberg produced a film through which the term “artificial intelligence” was introduced. This film told us about the distant future where robots controlled by artificial intelligence eased life for humans. This future is now, and AI is developing in every area of our society. A...

MATCHMAKING BASED ON BLOOD GROUP - Centro Médico Manzanera 26/04/2023

For your curiosity: why does it matter to match the blood groups of a receptor and a donor?


MATCHMAKING BASED ON BLOOD GROUP - Centro Médico Manzanera When a couple comes to Manzanera Fertility Clinic and it is decided that they need to opt for the gametes of a donor (oocytes, s***m, or both of them), the major worry of the couple is the physical similarity of the future child with them. As determined by the current law of assisted reproduction (L...

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS IN REPRODUCTION - Centro Médico Manzanera 05/04/2023

Find out how different chemical products that we are exposed to daily, affect the reproductive system.

ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS IN REPRODUCTION - Centro Médico Manzanera It is believed that environmental factors may create toxic environments which can affect reproduction. The possible outcomes can be bad functioning of go**ds (ovaries and testicles), ge***al malformations, endometriosis, formation of fibroids in the uterus, premature ovarian failure, polycystic ovar...


As science evolves rapidly, the non-invasive genetic diagnostics of embryos soon will replace the invasive techniques which still do a little harm for the embryos.

Non-invasive techniques still offer less reliability, but soon this will also change.

Click on the picture to read more.

DIFFERENCES BETWEEN INVASIVE AND NON-INVASIVE PGD - Centro Médico Manzanera Technologies advance rapidly – all of us can observe that daily. These advances do not escape the assisted reproduction field either. One of the techniques which evolved the most in the past few years is the preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD). It consists of the analysis of various cells of a...

What is egg donation? - Centro Médico Manzanera 22/02/2023

Sometimes couples and single women who freshly embark on a fertility journey are unaware of what we call OVODON. Is it for women who are willing to donate their oocytes? And what is an oocyte?

Oocyte (in Spanish ovocito) is what we also call an egg produced in a woman's ovaries. So, OVODON is ovocito + donate. Ovodon is the treatment where a young woman donates her oocytes so other women who have trouble getting pregnant can achieve their dream.

Read more about the process in our new article.


What is egg donation? - Centro Médico Manzanera One of the possible treatments in assisted reproduction centres is egg donation or, scientifically, oocyte donation. In this treatment, apart from the receptor (a woman who receives the embryo transfer), a second woman comes into play – a donor who will provide oocytes for the treatment. The cycle...

Vitamin and mineral deficit in reproduction - Centro Médico Manzanera 26/01/2023

In this article, you will find the information about some of the key vitamins and minerals in reproductive health.

Vitamin and mineral deficit in reproduction - Centro Médico Manzanera Diet is one of the key factors in embryo and foetus development. A deficient diet produces adverse effects both in natural and assisted reproduction. Although there are studies in animal research, the results in human populations are scarce and sometimes contradictory, so, we will discuss further th...


Worried about what to do to make your dream to become a mother come true? Well, first of all and the most important, relax. Not everything depends only on you, but we still advise you to read our recommendations prior and after the embryo transfer.

Remember: keep your thoughts positive!


ADVICE AND RECOMMENDATIONS AFTER THE EMBRYO TRANSFER - Centro Médico Manzanera The embryo transfer is the last step in In vitro fertilisation, be it IVF or IVF with egg donation. The embryo is introduced into the uterine cavity where, if all goes well, it will implant and continue its development. Several considerations exist regarding the measures to be taken to increase the....

TURMERIC AND REPRODUCTION - Centro Médico Manzanera 30/11/2022

The quality of s***matozoids is directly related to success in achieving pregnancy both in natural and assisted reproduction. Changes in s***m DNA, like single or double-chain fragmentation, can prevent oocyte fertilisation or result in baby malformations.

What does turmeric have to do with s***m quality? Read our article to find out!

TURMERIC AND REPRODUCTION - Centro Médico Manzanera The number of couples facing difficulties having children is increasing. Approximately 15 per cent of couples of reproductive age in Spain are affected by infertility. A significant factor in this increase is low-quality s***m. Currently, a s***m test determines s***m quality and its properties, whi...

WHAT IS VITRIFICATION ABOUT? - Centro Médico Manzanera 11/11/2022

Sophisticated terms aren't uncommon in assisted reproduction either. In this article - more about what is that magic word that always goes with the embryos: VITRIFICATION.

WHAT IS VITRIFICATION ABOUT? - Centro Médico Manzanera When an assisted reproduction treatment is finished (IVF-ICSI, IVF with egg donation), the embryos which are not transferred fresh must be cryopreserved. Frozen or vitrified? Is it the same? What is the difference between both techniques? Freezing and vitrification are techniques which permit the pr...

TO***CO AND REPRODUCTION - Centro Médico Manzanera 19/10/2022

We all know that to***co and passive smoking are harmful to our general and reproductive health, but to what extent? Click on the photo or the link and read about it:

TO***CO AND REPRODUCTION - Centro Médico Manzanera Numerous experimental studies reveal that to***co is responsible for alterations at the reproductive level, but this fact oftentimes does not translate in the same way in clinical practice. Most of the experimental studies test only one substance, especially ni****ne, even though substances like cad...


A doctor informed you that your or your partner's semen contains no s***matozoids? Find out about different types of azoos***mia and possible solutions:***matozoides-azoos***mia/

NURSING GUIDE FOR FERTILITY TREATMENTS - Centro Médico Manzanera 14/09/2022
You will find answers to some of the most commons questions regarding treatments in this article. Donation anonymity, hormone administration, exercise during stimulation, etc.

NURSING GUIDE FOR FERTILITY TREATMENTS - Centro Médico Manzanera The team of nurses has a fundamental role in assisted reproduction treatments. They are in constant contact with the patients and are in charge of a communication bridge between the patient and the rest of the multidisciplinary team. Patients tend to have many questions during different stages of th...


In this article, we compare different infertility treatments: artificial insemination, IVF with own oocytes, and IVF with donor's oocytes.

COMPARISON: ASSISTED REPRODUCTION TREATMENTS (INSEMINATION, IVF/ICSI, EGG DONATION) - Centro Médico Manzanera Artificial insemination (AI) AI is the simplest treatment in the field of assisted reproduction. We can distinguish between insemination with a partner’s s***m or with a donor’s s***m. In this technique, the s***m is prepared in the laboratory and inserted directly into the woman’s uterus. AI ...

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