

Play videos in email marketing campaigns to increase your revenue. Host, embed and personalize your videos at scale. Track your results.

Recover abandoned shopping carts with transactional video emails.


⭐ Descarga esta guía gratis para implementar una estrategia de contenido para email marketing, combinando 3 elementos clave: IA + Personalización en Tiempo Real y Video Marketing.

¿Buscas mejorar tu embudo de email marketing?

Consíguela aquí 👇


I wish there was a way to share videos directly in an email and have them play automatically like on social media... Wait! There is!

To embed videos in the body of the email, just follow these simple steps:

1. Create a free account at
2. Upload your video to the platform.
3. Copy the embed code provided by the platform and paste it into your email template.

And that’s it, you can now send your campaign through your usual CRM or ESP.

Tell us if you’ve tried it and let us know how it worked for you.


Cuando intento explicar todo lo que hago en Email Marketing.


✨ Mejora la experiencia de tus suscriptores con cada campaña de email marketing.
Cada vez más empresas, como Trainingym, están viendo cómo sus resultados de marketing por correo electrónico se disparan con la integración de videos. 📈

Nuestra potente tecnología es súper fácil de usar y se encarga de todo el trabajo, adaptando tus videos para cada destinatario en tiempo real. 🛠️

Prueba GRATIS nuestra tecnología y ofrece a tus suscriptores contenido que los cautive en cada envío. 🎯
Regístrate en y empieza a ver cómo tus resultados mejoran. 🚀


¿En qué momento el email marketing pasó de ser fácil y directo a convertirse en un rompecabezas en el que nos dejamos el cerebro para crear contenido tan irresistible que el consumidor no lo mande directo a la papelera?


How important is the content within an email?


🔥 "Email is easy"... really? 🔥.

You think sending an email is
just type and hit "send?",

Let us tell you that there is a lot of work behind that email.

Behind every email you receive, there is a strategist who planned it in detail: the Email Marketing Manager.

It's not just about creating a nice design or writing a good subject line. It's

✅ Compliance.
✅ Data management.
✅ hashtag
✅ hashtag
✅ hashtag
✅ hashtag
✅ Analytics

A constant fight against the dreaded spam.

All so that, when you open that email, you feel that it speaks to you, and only to you.

Each campaign is a small work of digital art that connects brands with people.

Next time you see a well-crafted email, remember: there's a genius behind that magic.

🙌 Let's applaud those who keep email marketing alive, one send at a time.

hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag


Wait, what?... We did it. Viewed is a finalist in the Growth Stage category of the

See you at hashtag on October 23-24 at the City of Arts and Sciences in Valencia.



How many times have you believed your ex would change?

If you’ve believed that before, you might also believe that using GIFs in your emails is beneficial for your email marketing campaign results. Well, let us tell you, that’s also a myth. 🚫

Generic GIFs, besides being a low-quality format that gives a bad impression of your brand, are very heavy files. This means they are likely to be detected by SPAM filters, which can prevent your email from landing in the inbox. In some cases, the loading time might be so long that your users get bored waiting and just ignore your email. ⏳📩

A better option is to deliver multimedia content in real time. This way, the content of the email is delivered only when the user opens the email, reducing file size and avoiding those annoying email client filters. 📧✨

Plus, with this technique, you no longer need to send low-quality GIFs. You can send videos that are embedded and playable right inside the email. Who wants to send a simple GIF when you can send a much cooler video? 🎥😎

Try our technology for FREE for a limited time! 🚀


The Hard Hit
of Filters
on Your Email

The fight to reach the inbox without your content getting lost in the process.

For your next email campaign, avoid:

❌ Using unauthenticated domains
❌ Misleading subject lines
❌ Irrelevant content
❌ Broken links
❌ Absence of an unsubscribe button
❌ Excessive images
❌ Maintaining invalid, incorrect, or inactive email addresses

Instead, try this:

✅ Implement domain authentication practices
✅ Use clear, specific, and personalized subject lines
✅ Provide relevant content that resonates with your audience
✅ Ensure functional links
✅ Always include an unsubscribe button
✅ Optimize and balance your images
✅ Create and manage your audience intelligently
✅ Embed autoplay videos -

And remember, the most important thing is to encourage interaction with your hashtag to improve the deliverability of your future campaigns.

PS: If you found this information useful, don’t forget to share it.


Breaking News 📢 The Valuable Lesson that Shooter Yusuf Dikec Left for Video Marketing👉


Email is
the new king
of video...

Remember when everyone said email marketing would die with the rise of social media? 🙄

We heard it too, and honestly, for a moment, we believed it. With Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok dominating, it seemed like email would be forgotten. But surprise, the king is still the king. 🏆

Did you know that for every dollar spent on email marketing, the average ROI is $42? Yes, that's right. 📈

Some time ago, we decided to experiment and give our emails a twist. We developed technology that allows videos to be adapted and played in our messages. At first, we weren't sure if it would work, but the results were incredible.

Imagine this: instead of waiting for someone to stumble upon your video on social media, it goes straight to their inbox. Videos grab attention instantly and deliver your message in a way that text simply can't.

If you haven't tried this technique yet, you're missing out on an incredible opportunity. It's time to innovate and take your marketing strategy to the next level.

👉 Create your free account at and start revolutionizing your communication today.

It's not magic, it's strategy. 💡

hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag hashtag

Photos from Viewed's post 01/08/2024

No, Riley, espérate
a crear campañas
de email marketing


You should give every one of your contacts an iPhone 📲 when they subscribe to your newsletter so you can always ensure they see your emails correctly.
Sounds absurd, right? 🤔 Well, it’s even more absurd to send the same content format to your entire database and expect everyone to see it correctly.

The biggest mistake we can make when trying to send a video or a GIF via email is sending it in the same format to our entire database. ❌📧

Unfortunately, not all devices or email clients are compatible with every multimedia format out there, which means if you send a single video format, say MP4, it’s likely that only 40% of your database will be able to view it. 📉

And now you will think that it’s impossible to create countless formats for the same content and predict from which device, browser, or inbox your contacts will open the email. It’s practically madness. 🤯

That’s why we developed VIEWED, an easy-to-use platform that not only hosts and adapts your content but also detects in real time the type of technology each of your contacts has when they open the email and delivers the ideal format for them to enjoy your video. 🎥✨

If we told you it’s FREE, would you try it today? 🚀


Anyone else
tired of opening
endless emails? 🙋‍♂️

We understand you, and you're not alone. Nowadays, with the time we have to read each email, it feels more like a struggle.

A couple of years ago, we realized something crucial. Every time we sent an email with just text or images, we received no responses; often, the messages ended up in the SPAM folder or the content didn’t display properly. It was frustrating to see our efforts dissipate with no real impact.

Then, we came up with a solution that seemed simple yet revolutionary: ✨🙌 videos in emails🙌 ✨

At first, we were skeptical. Would it really make such a big difference? We worked to develop the necessary technology to easily play videos within emails.

The response we got was overwhelming. Engagement skyrocketed. Our clients and their clients were no longer just reading the content, they were experiencing it! And the best part: conversions increased significantly.

This isn’t just our experience. Numerous studies show that videos in emails improve open rates and engagement.

If you haven’t tried sending videos by email yet, you’re missing out on a powerful technique.

👉 Create your FREE & UNLIMITED account at and start transforming the way you communicate.

🔮 It’s not magic, it’s strategy. 💡


When email marketers manage to beat their CTR ✨️😎👊✉️..


Want everyone to grab a slice of your pizza?
Then start doing video email marketing the right way.

To create a smooth user experience, stop sending static images linked to a video hosted on . This will only decrease your and lose the attention of your recipients as soon as they dive into the vast sea of videos on YouTube.

Instead, embed directly into the body of the so they play as soon as the user opens it. This way, you'll capture their attention immediately.

Auto-play videos within the email are the best way to communicate with your audience, improve interaction with your email content, and increase conversion rates by up to 200%📈.

69% of people say they prefer to learn about a new product or service by watching a short video. What are you waiting for? Give your audience what they’re looking for!

TikTok, Who? Email is the New King of Video! | How to Add Video to Your Newsletter 02/07/2024

En la pasada edición del Digital Enterprise Show, nuestro CEO y Fundador, Ramón Anadón, desafió la idea de que los videos solo tienen éxito si se comparten en redes sociales como o Instagram.

La charla "TikTok, Who? Email is the New King of Video" rompe con la idea de que para tener éxito en tu estrategia de video marketing es necesario invertir grandes cantidades de dinero en publicidad pagada a través de redes sociales o colgar un vídeo y esperar a que el usuario lo encuentre. Gracias a Viewed y su innovadora tecnología, es posible llegar a toda nuestra base de datos con una sola campaña de .

TikTok, Who? Email is the New King of Video! | How to Add Video to Your Newsletter Did you know that email video is one of the most effective marketing tools today? In this video, we summarize the key takeaways from the talk "TiTok, Who? Em...


¡Alerta de a bordo!

Damos la bienvenida a Marc Shields, nuestro nuevo Email Marketing Strategist 🎉

Marc se une a nosotros con una amplia y valiosa trayectoria profesional en el mundo del marketing. Su experiencia y conocimientos serán invaluables para guiar a otros profesionales del marketing hacia el éxito de sus campañas de .


Este año, el nos dio la oportunidad de acercarnos a cientos de profesionales del marketing, agencias, consultores y directores de marca interesados en innovar en sus campañas de email marketing y mejorar sus resultados.

Fue una experiencia increíble poder compartir nuestra experiencia y solución en video email con un público tan cualificado.

Estamos muy contentos del gran interés que despertó nuestra propuesta y de las numerosas conexiones que pudimos establecer.

Photos from Viewed's post 11/06/2024

Potente charla la que ha dado nuestro CEO, Ramón Anadón ante más de 100 personas que han visitado este año el Green Innovation Theatre del Digital Enterprise Show.

Photos from Viewed's post 07/06/2024

Recién salidos del Madrid 2024, con la mente aún vibrando de ideas innovadoras.

Nos vemos la siguiente semana en I Digital Enterprise Show - Malaga

Photos from Viewed's post 05/06/2024

¡Menuda experiencia la que vivimos en AntiCon este año!

Tuvimos la suerte de charlar con Aaron Ross, el autor de “Ingresos predecibles”, y empaparnos de sus ideas para crear un motor de ventas infalible. ¡Un tío genial y un crack del marketing!

Además, compartimos con la audiencia del AntiCon una charla sobre Innovación en Email Marketing presentando Viewed, nuestra plataforma que te permite agregar videos a tus emails. ¡Fue genial ver el interés de la gente!

Lo mejor de todo ha sido conectar con otros profesionales del sector, aprender de sus experiencias y compartir las nuestras. ¡AntiCon es una cita obligada para todos los que estamos a la vanguardia del marketing y las ventas!


¡Consigue tu 🎟 pase GRATIS para el Digital Enterprise Show! 🎁

Te invitamos al , el evento líder en transformación digital que se celebrará en Málaga del 11 al 13 de junio.

Solo dale me gusta a esta publicación y rellena el siguiente formulario

Pero date prisa porque solo nos quedan 10 Business Pass 🏃‍♂️ 🏃‍♀️


We are going to London! 👝 🛫

We are excited to announce that we are a finalist in the pitch off by 79+ to be held at the transformation anti-conference, AtiCon.

We look forward to meeting you there. There are a limited number of comp passes currently available via this link 👇


En el marco del , reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con la igualdad de género, diversidad e inclusión. Es crucial recordar la importancia de trabajar juntos para construir un futuro más equitativo.


🎬 ¡Viewed presenta:: 'Amor Prohibido'! 🎥💔 Cuando el video se cuela en tu email y desata una revolución de emociones. ¿Estas listo para una comunicación disruptiva?

TikTok Noticias: Adiós a la Música, Demonetización y Más 06/02/2024

¿Qué está pasando con TikTok? En los últimos meses, TikTok ha estado en el centro de las noticias por diferentes acontecimientos que ha sucedido dentro de la plataforma, como el cierre total del fondo para creadores y la eliminación de la música de Universal Music de esta plataforma, entre otros.

TikTok Noticias: Adiós a la Música, Demonetización y Más TikTok noticias, una recopilación de las últimas novedades de la plataforma que todo amante de la creación de contenido debe conocer.

Campañas de San Valentín: Guía de Email Marketing para Enamorar 23/01/2024

¿Has experimentado la sensación de corazón roto 💔 en tu bandeja de entrada✉️? durante San Valentín, el flujo de correos electrónicos ocupa el SEGUNDO lugar en volumen del año lo que dificulta resaltar en medio de una avalancha de correos electrónicos.

Para ayudarte a triunfar en esta fecha tan especial, te compartimos nuestra Guía de Email Marketing para San Valentín. 🎁📧 Descubre cómo crear campañas irresistibles, aumentar tus conversiones y enamorar a tus suscriptores. ❤️✉️

¡No olvides compartir con tus amigos y colegas! 🤝📩 Juntos podemos conquistar el mundo del Email Marketing en San Valentín. 💪❤️

Campañas de San Valentín: Guía de Email Marketing para Enamorar Descubre estrategias efectivas y prácticas irresistibles de Email Marketing para tus campañas de San Valentín. Guía completa para enamorar a tus clientes.

Tendencias Antispam 2024: Requisitos de Yahoo y Gmail para Remitentes de Correos 16/01/2024

¡Hola a todos! ¿Cómo van los primeros días del año para su marca? Aquí, en el equipo de Marketing, hemos tenido que usar uno de nuestros 12 deseos de Año Nuevo para asegurarnos de que nuestros correos electrónicos del 2024 lleguen directamente a la bandeja de entrada de nuestros usuarios. ¿Por qué? Resulta que Yahoo y Gmail están reforzando sus filtros de seguridad una vez más 😣.

Estas plataformas han anunciado que, a partir de febrero, los remitentes de correos masivos deberán seguir ciertas directrices para evitar que sus mensajes sean filtrados como spam. Por eso, queremos compartir con ustedes todo lo que hemos aprendido en este proceso, a través de un artículo que ofrece información detallada sobre las nuevas directrices y las mejores prácticas de email marketing. Creemos que esta información puede marcar la diferencia para ustedes también.

Tendencias Antispam 2024: Requisitos de Yahoo y Gmail para Remitentes de Correos Explora las Tendencias Antispam 2024 y los nuevos requisitos de Yahoo y Gmail para remitentes de correos masivos.

¿Quieres que tu empresa sea el Empresa De Publicidad Y Marketing mas cotizado en Logroño?
Haga clic aquí para reclamar su Entrada Patrocinada.



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