Lotus Psychology

Lotus Psychology

Inner Child
Trauma and grief
Shadow work
Soul Retrieval
Self Discovery
Mastery of love

Mar de Calahonda 38
Sitio de Calahonda
CP: 296049


Just as in observing a particle or a wave, the observer can change its form, so too in observing yourself can you begin the process of personal transformation 🦋


The great work starts with the decision of: Healing, growing and expanding 🌀
The inner will reflect the outer🦋
As above so below💧as within so without 🔥as the universe so the soul 🌈
Our reality is our creation in companionship with the divine ✨
What do you want to create? 🌱

Photos from Lotus Psychology's post 18/11/2023


Photos from Lotus Psychology's post 16/11/2023

Treasure and love the people that are in real in your life, when the rest fade out they are the ones that hold your heart and appreciate your soul ❤️


Usually we don’t like to hear “
Everything you see in others is a reflection of what you need to see in yourself!
this is not just for the bad, sometimes we don’t even know how to receive a compliment or acknowledge our qualities and values.
This takes a lot of honesty, courage, self awareness, even more important, forgiveness, love and compassion, because only truth will set us free.
Until we leave the victim mentality and consciously choose healing, happiness keeps elusive and momentary, almost false as the foundations aren’t strong enough. Being present to understand our patterns, behaviors and beliefs. Deprogramming ourselves, becoming an observer with the commitment for growth and transformation are the path to become a sovereign being. Reclaiming and embodying our free will and personal power. Transforming our reality and the way we manifest our hearts desires and purpose. Then we create healthy boundaries and finish cycles of trauma and hurt in our relationships and our lives. This will naturally lead us to align with our higher self and enjoy every moment not matter what it brings trusting in our power to overcome any obstacle, flow, create and enjoy a meaningful, fulfilling and abundant life.

Photos from Lotus Psychology's post 11/11/2023

Then you remember, the light that you were seeing was and will be always, inside of you 🔥


Transformation is the path of acknowledging the imperfection of the human nature while embodying the perfection of the divine 🪷✨

Let me assist you on your transformation and healing journey, combining modern and Holistic Psychology with Autohypnosis and Meditation 🌈
Contact me for more info 🍀

Photos from Lotus Psychology's post 28/10/2023

Why am I my own brand?
I’ve come a long way since the moment I stopped being a victim of people or circumstances and took responsibility for myself and my creation. I’m accountable for my thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions into this world. I’m aware of my power and how I will it into this reality. I’m on a healing journey to uncover the layers of wounding, conditioning, unhealthy patterns and limiting beliefs born from trauma and fear.
So I choose truth with both, the freedom and responsibility it requires.
I’m committed to bring light to my shadows. To bring forgiveness, compassion and love to every dimension of my multidimensional being. To find, express and be my unique and authentic self.
Only by being me I can encourage you to find the real you.
Only by consciously working on myself with integrity, honesty and acceptance I can guide and assist you without judgments, with discernment and unconditional love.
So yes, this is what I stand for, this is me, this are my colors, my scars, the reflection of my strength, resilience and wisdom.
My vulnerability, humanity, compassion and love are not only the key to my own happiness but the gift from accompany you in creating your own.
I appreciate you exactly where you are.
I’m grateful for the honor of being part of your journey.
You are special, YES YOU ARE, even if now you are feeling broken and disconnected, you just need to remember that you are not alone and that we are in this together.
So reach out! surrender and ask for help, the universe will answer you trough synchronicities and show you the evidence, that you are ready to reclaim your power, transform and join the dance, the ebb and flow of life.
To access the infinite potential of abundance, the endless possibilities and the unconditional love of the universe manifesting itself trough you in this moment full of hope and eternity.
I’m here for you 🤗

Photos from Lotus Psychology's post 20/10/2023

There are many things that you don’t understand at this moment, be compassionate with yourself because there’s value in the unknown. As you go deeper in your healing journey everything will make sense and you’ll be happy you were patient with yourself and others. This is teaching you to go back to your true self as a loving, kind, multidimensional and infinite being.
Love ❤️ and gratitude

The real challenge is not to remember but to forget who we are…
I’M ✨

Let me know if I can assist you on your healing journey 🪷

Photos from Lotus Psychology's post 18/10/2023

Sometimes the journey is rocky and challenging but it’s worthy when you have a glimpse of freedom and self love 💕 then it’s not turning back, only inward and forward 🙌
Consciousness is our destiny and being here for each other our purpose 🪷
Contact me if I can accompany you on your journey 🤗

Photos from Lotus Psychology's post 18/10/2023

From the girl that didn’t knew how to recognize her own reflection in the mirror to the woman that today appreciates and love every expression line, cell and every part of her body, mind and soul.
It’s being a challenging journey but it’s worth it of every step of the way.
My beauty, my courage, my compassion are not defined but any scars, wounds or shadows.
Once I embraced every part of my fragmented self I became whole again, I reclaim my power in a unique and authentic way, follow by liberation and sovereignty.
My essence will live trough eternity and my love will bring light to the darkest of times.
My spirit and freedom are infinite, my heart the core of the universe.
How can I not love myself or my magic if I see and feel it with every part of my being.
I see it in you and in everything that surrounds and is inside of us.
Once I remember this truth that every bird, tree, star whispers:
I’m awake, Unconditional love you are, I AM 😘❤️ I love you

Photos from Lotus Psychology's post 02/10/2023

The universe is nurturing, protecting and guiding us all the time. Most importantly loving us unconditionally and eternally.
Notice every breath, sensation, emotion, feeling. Every heart beat saying I’m alive, I’m not alone, I’m perfect with my imperfections, I’m worthy, I’m enough.
I’m human, I’m divine, I’m that I’m ❤️

Photos from Lotus Psychology's post 30/09/2023

Estas fotos además de ser una increíble muestra del gran talento y la creatividad de la artista que les dio vida, son un ejemplo del poder de la amistad.
La magia de esas personas que te ven cuando tú no lo haces.
Es el viaje de superación que comienza con unas niñas inseguras, con miedo de expresar su verdad, hasta la realización de unas mujeres hermosas, fuertes, decididas, emprendedoras y comprometidas a reclamar su poder y libertad.
Mujeres que buscan su voz, qué sin importar los desafíos siguen adelante sin rendirse. Las dudas y las heridas las han traído aquí, y ahora, el valor y la intuición las guían hacia el futuro y les recuerdan lo que las hace únicas y especiales. En esta aventura de descubrimiento y transformación, crean un puente que otras que otras podrán cruzar cuando estén listas. Aún con el infinito de mi lado, no me alcanzan las palabras para expresar mi gratitud y admiración a todas esas increíbles mujeres que te recuerdan tu belleza con el reflejo de la suya propia. A esas mujeres que son madres, padres, guerreras, hermanas, hijas, abuelas, trabajadoras, sanadoras, esposas, amigas y mucho más. A esas mujeres que son el amor incondicional del universo, que no sólo nos dan la vida sino que con su presencia la hacen mejor. Gracias a todas las mujeres de mi vida y en especial 🦋 esta mujer tan espectacular cuya luz me ha dado el valor y la inspiración de aceptar y compartir mi propia luz 💖
Con ustedes siempre mi ❤️

Photos from Lotus Psychology's post 23/09/2023

Everything that I’m looking for: I’m already” 💧🔅🦋🍀🔥🪷🌈🩵✨❤️♾️🙏🏻




🔅Holistic Psychology
🔅Hypnotherapy and Psychotherapy
🔅Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy
🔅Counseling: Grief and Addiction
🔅Family Couching
🔅EFT: Emotional Freedom Techniques
🔅PNL: Neurolinguistic Programming
🔅PTSD and Trauma Recovery
🔅Shadow and Light work
🔅Alchemy and Spirituality

✨Knowing Thyself
✨The Healing Journey
✨Freedom and Truth
✨Accessing the Power of Now
✨Improving yourRelationships
✨Tools to Navigate Life
✨Experiencing Inner Peace
✨Learning to be in the State of Flow
✨Feeling Balance and Harmony
✨Abundance and Joy
✨ Creativity and Happiness
✨Living with Purpose
✨Opening to Infinite Potential
✨Reclaiming your Power
✨Expanding your Mind and Heart







Photos from Lotus Psychology's post 14/09/2023



When the Weavers Call Your Name ✨


Going back in time is a reminder to keep moving forward ✨
Thanks so much to Nicole and her great team for this experience 🙏🏻



Photos from Lotus Psychology's post 24/08/2023

We all have those moments in our lives where we have to choose ourselves and that’s when the lesson becomes our new reality. We choose love over fear; one step at the time, one breath at the time.
We reclaim our power, we stop being the victims but rather we remember our power as the powerful co-creators we are.
Then home is everywhere and everyone.
Every smile, word,emotion, feeling and reflection by those we love reminds us the symphony of the universe whispering how loved and infinite we are. For you to come back home ✨

Photos from Lotus Psychology's post 21/08/2023

No matter how long it takes, when I remember who I really Am, right here and right now, in this infinite and perfect breath of eternity. When I remember that ❤️ love is the answer, because it’s always being the question✨


Photos from Lotus Psychology's post 08/08/2023

Our vibration, shapes and creates our reality 🌈

Photos from Lotus Psychology's post 06/08/2023

The present moment is where magic is; a breath from the universe that creates the symphony of life. This is where your power awaits for you to remember who you really are ✨


Just to let you know that I honor where you are on your healing journey ✨ and more important, I LOVE YOU, YES YOU READING THIS POST ❤️ 🌹❤️

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4 you 4 ❤️
Any kind of exercise or practice to move the body and it’s energies, specially in the morning will ignite your motivatio...
When your night out is a few minutes of fun with your friend after a great training session 😅🔥🙏🏻
For everything that is and that I AM ✨❤️✨
When the Weavers Call Your Name ✨@colettebaron_reid ❤️🙏🏻
The present moment is where magic is; a breath from the universe that creates the symphony of life. This is where your p...



Mar De Calahonda 38 Sitio De Calahonda