Miquel Lacomba Architects

Miquel Lacomba Architects

Miquel Lacomba Arquitects es un estudio de arquitectura premiado y ganador de numerosos concursos fundado en Mallorca en 1997.

Especializado en el diseño contemporáneo y vanguardista de viviendas unifamiliares, viviendas plurifamiliares, viviendas de lujo, diseño interior, reformas, paisajismo, urbanismo, así como de la Casa Pasiva ( Passive House) y Bio Construcción.


Thank you very much for this award for sustainable architecture to our Eco-passive house project in Puigpunyent. After all the great efforts for this project of which we are very proud, this award is greatly appreciated.

Photos from Miquel Lacomba Architects's post 16/04/2024

¡Estamos muy contentos de que la Casa Eco-Pasiva en Puigpunyent ha sido seleccionada por el Colegio Oficial de Arquitectos de las Islas Baleares para una conferencia el día 22 y una visita in situ el 26 de abril! Todos los arquitectos colegiados de las Islas Baleares están invitados, conviene reservar porque hay aforo limitado, gracias!

¡We are very pleased that the Eco-Passive House in Puigpunyent has been selected by the Official College of Architects of the Balearic Islands for a conference on the 22nd and an on-site visit on the 26th of April! All registered architects of the Balearic Islands are invited, it is advisable to book because there is limited capacity, thank you!


We are very grateful that our Eco-Passive House project in Puigpunyent, Mallorca, has been selected for ArchDaily’s 2024 Work of the Year Award.

This year, 2024, Archdaily celebrates the fifteenth edition of the architecture’s piece of the Year award: the highest recognition in the world of architecture in Spain and Latin-American countries where the winners are chosen by vote.

The link to vote is in the bio!

Grateful if you vote!

Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House

Location: Puigpunyent, Mallorca, Spain
Area: 215,60 m2
Project: 2017
Completion of work: 2021

Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House/Designed by Miguel Àngel Lacomba

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Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House
All furniture within the house has been custom-designed, utilizing sustainably sourced wood boards from the same forest. These boards have been utilized consistently throughout the residence, including in the construction of wardrobes, kitchen fixtures, and other furnishings. By employing the same wood boards and applying natural oils for protection, this material has served as the foundational element for crafting various pieces of furniture, such as beds and additional amenities.

Location: Puigpunyent, Mallorca, Spain
Area: 215,60 m2
Project: 2017
Completion of work: 2021

Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House/Designed by Miguel Àngel Lacomba

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Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House
Bathroom view of the surrounding nature.

Location: Puigpunyent, Mallorca, Spain
Area: 215,60 m2
Project: 2017
Completion of work: 2021

Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House/Designed by Miguel Àngel Lacomba

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Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House
All the cabinets, shelves, tables, doors, beds and the kitchen have been designed with a single type of firm wood board from reforested forests.

Location: Puigpunyent, Mallorca, Spain
Area: 215,60 m2
Project: 2017
Completion of work: 2021

Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House/Designed by Miguel Àngel Lacomba

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Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House
Interior details.

Location: Puigpunyent, Mallorca, Spain
Area: 215,60 m2
Project: 2017
Completion of work: 2021

Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House/Designed by Miguel Àngel Lacomba

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Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House
The interior is characterized warm tones, wood, natural stone and white walls covered with lime mortar giving the space a warm, natural and cozy feel.

Location: Puigpunyent, Mallorca, Spain
Area: 215,60 m2
Project: 2017
Completion of work: 2021

Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House/Designed by Miguel Àngel Lacomba

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Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House
The kitchen has access to the outside where a vegetable garden and aromatic plants have been planted.

Location: Puigpunyent, Mallorca, Spain
Area: 215,60 m2
Project: 2017
Completion of work: 2021

Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House/Designed by Miguel Àngel Lacomba

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Photos from Miquel Lacomba Architects's post 12/07/2023

Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House
The bookcase-cupboard can be converted into a table creating a new study area by incorporating movement and transformation in its design.

Location: Puigpunyent, Mallorca, Spain
Area: 215,60 m2
Project: 2017
Completion of work: 2021

Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House/Designed by Miguel Àngel Lacomba

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We are very proud to announce the publication of our project Puigpunyent Eco-Passive House on ArchDaily!

Check out the publication following this Link:

You can find the project on our website here:

Miquel Lacomba Architects Miquel Lacomba Arquitects es un estudio de arquitectura premiado y ganador de numerosos concursos fu


Bonaire 9 house
Location: Bonaire, Alcúdia
Area: 281,5 m²
Project: 2011
Completion of work: 2016

Bonaire 9 House /Designed by Miquel Lacomba Architects.

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Dormitorio principal.
Main bedroom.

Alcúdia House /Designed by Miquel Lacomba Architects.

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Ducha de dormitorio principal.
Master bedroom shower.

Alcúdia House /Designed by Miquel Lacomba Architects.

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Dormitorio con vista panorámica.

Bedroom with panoramic view.

Alcúdia House /Designed by Miquel Lacomba Architects.

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Vistas privilegiadas a la bahía de Alcudia desde el porche.

Privileged views of the bay of Alcudia from the porch.

Alcúdia House /Designed by Miquel Lacomba Architects.

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OPEN HOUSE PALMA 6-7 de noviembre 2021. We'll be there!

🥳 Ja tenim confirmats els edificis que obriran les seves portes el 6 i 7 de novembre 2021 a la primera edició d'Open House Palma!

👀 Podràs consultar el llistat d'edificis a la nostra pàgina web openhousepalma.org/edificis

✨Descobreix la millor arquitectura i patrimoni de ca nostra el 6 i 7 de novembre✨

Open House Worldwide Conselleria de Presidència, Funció Pública i Igualtat PalmaCultura Ajuntament de Palma Huguet Mallorca
Cultura, Patrimoni i Política Lingüística del Consell de Mallorca
Unitat del patrimoni historicoindustrial. Consell de Mallorca
ARCA Patrimoni Palmajove Obra Cultural Balear Diari ARA Balears Diario de Mallorca IB3


Espacio único.
Open space.

Alcúdia House /Designed by Miquel Lacomba Architects.

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Zona de entrada. Access area.

Alcúdia House /Designed by Miquel Lacomba Architects.

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En el espacio interior, diferentes materiales conviven en armonía. La madera resalta los elementos principales de la sala, como la puerta de entrada y la escalera. El suelo de piedra crea una sutil continuidad entre el exterior y el interior.

In the interior space, different materials coexist in harmony. Wood emphasises the main elements of the room such as the entrance door and the staircase. The stone floor creates a subtle continuity between the exterior and the interior.

Alcúdia House /Designed by Miquel Lacomba Architects.

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Un rasgo característico de la casa son las persianas móviles que permiten proteger las ventanas de la luz solar y también abrir o cerrar espacios del volumen, creando así una fachada dinámica y diferentes relaciones con el exterior en función de las necesidades.

A charateristic feature of the house are the movable shutters that allow the windows to be protected from sunlight and also to open or closet the spaces in the volume, thus creating a dynamic facade and different relationships with the outside depending on needs.

Alcúdia House /Designed by Miquel Lacomba Architects.

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The bathroom is an intimate space and we interpret it with pure forms. Clarity and functionality are fundamental qualities of this space for everyday use. Organic, simple and soft shapes of the bathtub are in contrast with the straight lines of the sink and the mirror.

El baño es un espacio íntimo y lo interpretamos con formas puras. La claridad y la funcionalidad son cualidades fundamentales de este espacio de uso cotidiano. Las formas orgánicas, sencillas y suaves de la bañera contrastan con las líneas rectas del lavabo y del espejo.

Alcúdia House /Designed by Miquel Lacomba Architects.

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# bathroom


En el exterior, las líneas rectas de la fachada se coordinan con las líneas armónicas de la naturaleza en el fondo. Los volúmenes blancos juegan con la profundidad, alternando luces y
sombras y creando terrazas para disfrutar de la naturaleza mediterránea.

On the outside the straight lines of the facade are side by side with the harmonic lines of the nature in the background. The white volumes are playing with depth, alternating light and
shadows and creating terraces to appreciate the view of the Mediterranean landscape.

Alcúdia House /Designed by Miquel Lacomba Architects.
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El elemento flotante de la primera planta y los dos porches, tanto en la planta baja como en la primera están creando nuevos espacios que amplían las áreas del interior de una manera hermosa, por lo que es posible disfrutar de los espacios exteriores y las vistas que ofrecen.

The floating element of the first floor and two porches in the both ground and first floor are creating the new spaces that extend the areas of the interior in a beautiful way, so it is possible to enjoy the spaces outside and the views they offer.

Alcúdia House /Designed by Miquel Lacomba Architects.

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El diseño biofilico consiste en que, a pesar del contraste del ambiente construido y el ambiente natural, se respete el sentido de conexión que las personas tenemos con la naturaleza.

Biophilic design is based on the fact that despite the contrast of the built environment and the natural environment, the sense of connection that people have with the nature is respected.

Alcúdia House /Designed by Miquel Lacomba Architects.

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