Teshea Lloyd Branding

I help ambitious women with clear goals achieve confidence to consistently show up.


Remembering when I did this interview with Laura Dowrich-Phillips 5 years ago!

My first time being interviewed on camera....talk about going out of my comfort zone!!

So thankful for Laura for giving me this opportunity years ago.... it was such an important step in my Personal Branding journey.....becoming more comfortable showing up, talking about the way I give value to others and living my passion at that time.

Take a look at how nervous I was during this interview and see my platforms today and you'll see that it doesn't start perfect....and that's OK! The most important thing is to START!


Life just happens right!?!?

So how do you manage life and everything that comes along with building your legacy?

Tomorrow is International Women's Day and and I are going to talk about what so many women deal with on a daily basis.

We're here to help because we believe in you!!

Tune in as we go live today at 5! Set the reminder so you don't miss out on this one.


Confused about how to use your Personal Brand with your business?

We're here to help!

Join us LIVE today at 5!



Confused about using your Personal & Business brand?

and I are here to chat today at 5:00 p.m. about using your Personal Brand to grow your business brand.

You won't want to miss this one, add the reminder & we'll see you later!!


Be social on social media.

Let's tell you how.

Just us today at 5pm!



Here it is!

Happy to have contributed to the 3rd Issue of the Pursuit Magazine by Debbie Jollie.

My "From Beauty to Branding" article is featured and I know you'd find something in there that you can relate to.

Check it out and leave your comments!



5 Lessons I wish I knew when I was just starting my Corporate career.

Last Friday while chatting with during The Unfiltered Series (DM me and I'll send you the link for the replay), one of the first things we talked about was the benefits of staying in your Corporate job before chasing after your Entrepreneurship dreams.

That topic got me thinking about all the lessons I learnt during my time in the Corporate world and thought it would be great to share some of those with you in my very first blog post.

Go check it out! I think you will be sure to get some great takeaways from my experiences.



Time to get real about the Beauty Business!

Happy to be collaborating with Jamila Bannister on this new series talking the hard facts about topics related to the Beauty Industry & Personal Branding.

Share with persons who are serious about their Beauty Business.

Comment or DM any questions before the session so we can ensure to include in the discussion.

Photos from Teshea Lloyd Branding's post 24/01/2022

The Retrenchment Process that taught me so much about Personal Branding.

I looked on as one by one my colleagues were called into our conference room.

For a couple months before we knew the possibility so we were not fully shocked. But it didn't make it any easier when the HR representative from Head Office arrived that morning.

Then to see the conference room number come up on your extension. Talk about belly flops!

At that time I made a decision that will forever change my life. I decided to accept the fact that it was time for a huge change and I declined the job offer.

The true lessons came the months after leaving. Actually I am still learning... that never stops.

If you're in corporate LISTEN UP!

I made alllllll the mistakes so you don't have to.

Swipe and Save!

Watch this reel by teshealloydbranding on Instagram 15/01/2022

Watch this reel by teshealloydbranding on Instagram teshealloydbranding • Original Audio | Mo Effect


This actually happened to me.

When I started taking my Personal Branding journey seriously and I launched all new profiles within a few minutes of each other I didn't expect anyone to notice.

I was really surprised by the feedback😲.

Here's what I think I did that would really help YOU have that BIG IMPACT effect:

📌 Use high quality images where you are smiling -
People react positively to smiles. Also, try not to overdo on the makeup and hair where you look so different that persons don't recognize you when they see your content or see you on other platforms.

📌 Use the same image for all profile changes -
At least for the initial month so wherever people are looking for you they can easily recognize your face on every platform. All the other shots can be used for your social media content, website, etc.

Every single platform which is searchable should be updated. This includes your Whatsapp image, personal & business Facebook profiles (YES your personal profile shows up in searches) AND all banners as well (i.e. the landscape images or cover photos for platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn).

📌 Make all the changes on the same day (within a couple hours) -
Do you remember waking up one morning and seeing the brand everywhere, billboards, tv ads, social media, etc. It was as if they appeared over night. That's the effect you want.

📌 Talk the same language -
Update your bios with your consistent brand message. You should be talking the same language and using similar key words on every platform.

📌 Follow-up -
Don't do the big impact "launch" then disappear. The real effort comes after when you have to show up consistently and do the work to give value and engage. I see you cringing but it must be said.

Save these tips and you'll be sure to make your 2022 the perfect year to make that BIG IMPACT.


Always great to have the opportunity to share some knowledge and value with others.

Watch this reel by teshealloydbranding on Instagram 28/12/2021

Are you making a list of unattainable goals?

Watch this reel by teshealloydbranding on Instagram f.r.i.e.n.d.s.reels • Original Audio | Foxy Effect

Photos from Teshea Lloyd Branding's post 30/11/2021

You're doing the shoot where?!?!

Trying to think of a location is just one of the things that can give you a headache in planning for your Branding shoot.

Don't worry that's what I'm here for!

These are just a few of the locations which can be utilized for your next shoot.

Make it fun! Make it YOU! Don't wait to tell your Brand Story.. you can start right now!

If you need help planning your shoot I can help! Book a discovery call via the link in bio and let's get to it!

Photos from Teshea Lloyd Branding's post 24/11/2021


I've realized that many of my clients hesitate to start their Personal Branding journey because they are scared of being on camera.

Now while being on camera certainly isn't a prerequisite for the perfect it definitely pushes you forward faster than showing up faceless.

Here are some tips that has helped me and many others.

Make sure to save this post for motivation.


Very unpopular opinion coming through!

I'm not going to sugar coat this one. Everyone else may say that Personal Branding is for everyone but I totally disagree.

Some people simply don't care to show up OR to give value to others OR want to be the expert in their field OR live their purpose OR control their online brand and all that "mumbo jumbo". And you know what that's perfectly OK! It may just not be a priority for them right now...... or ever.

If you are here on my page then most likely you're not one of those people.

Which one listed are you?

Photos from Teshea Lloyd Branding's post 19/11/2021

It's not as hard as you think.

Simple steps will go such a long way when it comes to Personal Branding.

Have the mindset that you are ready and willing to make the effort and start showing up consistently. One step at a time.. One day at a time.

Need help? Check out my website and let's chat.


You need a hype woman like this in your life.

When I first started last year like any new business owner I had many fears.

Then came my friend with this voice note.

As entrepreneurs we need some hype from time to time to keep us going. Thank you Kems for being that for me!

Do you have a hype man or woman you can count on to help motivate you?

Photos from Teshea Lloyd Branding's post 09/11/2021

5 types of Personal Branding images for Virtual Assistants.

One great thing that came out of the pandemic was the rise of Work-From-Home jobs. Many skilled persons who lost their jobs or persons looking for more flexibility now had the opportunity to utilize their skill sets to support other businesses who didn't need or couldn't afford a full time hire.

We have a virtual assistant and I LOOOOVEEE her!!! On behalf of all the small businesses who you work for I have to say a huge THANK YOU to all the hard working VAs out there!!

As this career becomes more popular you need to differentiate yourself in order to grow your business. Along with a strong Personal Branding Strategy (which is always the foundation right!!), great images which will attract your desired clients are a MUST.

Here are a few ideas of images you need (for your website, social media content, etc.) to build your Personal Brand and attract your ideal clients.

Any other careers you would like me to cover?


How to get comfy with your flaws.

When I was going to secondary school I was skinny, timid and very much lacking self-confidence.

It was only just before going to university when I started modelling that I gained some self-esteem... That skinny frame was good for something eventually 😜!!

Up to this day I have my insecurities but the only way I am able to shelf them and show up is by keeping my bigger Purpose on the forefront.

K so I have a huge forehead... I can let that stop me from showing up on camera or I can put that aside and tell my story so others are inspired to do the same.

Whatever is stopping you from taking action think about your big WHY and I'm sure that flaw wouldn't seem as serious as you make it out to be.

Comment with a 👍🏽 if you agree.

Photos from Teshea Lloyd Branding's post 29/10/2021

A sure way to connect with your target audience??

Including images other than headshots is one of the key elements in executing a solid Personal Branding strategy.

If you didn't know before I have a true passion for empowering women and I started my entrepreneurship journey as a full time makeup artist. Yeah.. it was a crazy transition going from the board room to the makeup studio. All I knew is that I loved making other women feel beautiful and empowered.

The industry comes with its challenges. The key to a successful career in this very saturated market is differentiation and being known as the expert in your niche and that's why Personal Branding is so important.

Here are 5 types of images that will form part of a successful Personal Branding strategy for the MUAs. Each MUA I know is so unique in their own way and I love seeing them perform their art.

Comment with your profession so I can share a list of the best images to differentiate you in your industry.

Photos from Teshea Lloyd Branding's post 20/10/2021

The ONE profile we forget about the most.

Some time ago I was looking for a new hire for one of my businesses. I received some recommendations and proceeded to ask for contact numbers in order to reach out to them for interviews. You don't know how important little details are sometimes until you're in the exact position where it hits you like a ton of bricks.

I picked up the phone and as I was about to call one of the prospective new hires I noticed their Whatsapp profile image and had to hold in a BIG SCANDALOUS LAUGH!!! "What is this?!?!?" 😲😲😲

The person came very highly recommended but the image I saw was definitely NOT in line with what we wanted our clients to see if they had to contact that person directly. I didn't even bother to call.

I realized right then and there that I too needed to have a better appreciation for, not only my Whatsapp profile, but all other profiles as well.

Have you ever encountered a situation like this one where someone's profile image motivated or deterred you from contacting them?


The ONE thing you have to remember as an Entrepreneur.

I celebrated my eldest son's 10th birthday this past Saturday. It got me thinking about life, motherhood, entrepreneurship and family life.

You make countless sacrifices as an Entrepreneur. Many missed events, limited spending, many sleepless nights working yourself to the bone and you often think... Is it worth it?!?

Remember this... Your WHY? Why are you making these sacrifices? What are you working toward? Why does it need to happen?

Then you would realize he who has a WHY to live for can bear almost any HOW.

What helps you when you are questioning if it is all worth it? Hearing how you cope can definitely help others too!


Not very many people know this.

A close acquaintance of mine referred me to a committee of persons who assist those who have experienced domestic violence. In my first conversation to one of the team members I spoke about having very clear memories of childhood experiences. I was about 3 or 4 at the time but the memories are clear as day!!

The person told me that I was clearly deeply affected by that trauma. I never even really saw it that way until she said that to me.

So in my discussion with recently about Personal Branding I had to mention that Personal Branding is not just about being the expert in your industry. It is only truly effective when you know your deeper purpose in life.

I have seen so many women struggle and for me that is the reason why I have this deep passion to help other women, especially moms, succeed.

Ask yourself what is your WHY?
Why do you have the specific goals that you have and dream about?
What is the bigger reason for doing what you do??

Find that and your Personal Branding strategy is a must-win!

Do you need help with that strategy? Head to the website in bio and book a call for us to chat about how I can help.


"I will never go to an interview with my natural curly hair!" ❌👩🏽‍🦱

Cue movie clip from "Two can play that Game" with in her business suit with her long straight ponytail. So is this the image employers prefer?? Really??

Very recently I've had conversations with my network about natural hair in the workplace. One of them made the initial statement and it got me thinking,
"Is natural hair really the most professional look?"
"Is there a line that should not be crossed when it comes to the choice of Natural hairstyles for the workplace?"

Long before the most recent movement was the and professional women have demanded that their capabilities be not judged based on the style of their hair. They rock locs, curls and various types and colours of hair and noone can tell them a dam thing about it.

So that's the US.... Let's bring some Caribbean perspective to the discussion. Why are we still having awkward moments in the office with peers and managers because of our natural hair?!?! Even the simplest natural hairstyle can be met with some disdain or a sarcastic, "Your hair looks nice that way!" 🙃

But that is not everywhere!! I have definitely seen instances where the highest executives and most successful business women are rocking their various natural hairstyles with no flack from anyone around them. There better not be!!

What has been your experience with your natural hair in professional settings? What are your thoughts about natural hairstyles for these types of settings? Is there a specific way natural hair should be styled to look more professional??


This may come as a HUUUUUGGGGE shock to you....

My personal branding business is not only about images...GASP!! 😲😲😲

With more than 15 years marketing & branding experience I couldn't give a service to you which only comprised of taking nice pics.

That is a great part of the experience for sure but the BEST part is the Personal Branding Strategy which really sets the foundation for everything else. The images will do absolutely NOTHING for you if there is no STRATEGY.

You may be thinking, "Oh gosh that sounds like too much effort!"

Guest what?!?!
All that you want in life simply isn't going to appear out of nowhere. It takes effort to achieve your goals.. actually effort and a whole mix of other things.

Sharing this list of the important inputs into your Personal Branding Strategy and I want you to remember:

"Build a strong foundation and you can reach even the most unthinkable heights."

👍🏾 if you agree.


Top 3 reasons why investing in yourself is worth every penny.

1️⃣ The return on investment is phenomenal.

When you show up in the right way you start getting the attention of the right people and you make the way for great opportunities.

As a business owner this means more revenue & working with clients you love.

If you're employed this means opportunities for a better salary, improved benefits or various ways to attract other streams of income.

2️⃣ The emotional rewards.

When you start showing up for yourself vrs. other people you feel a great sense of accomplishment, especially for those that are hesitant to show up online.

Simply the act of jotting down your accomplishments before you even post them reminds you of your value and is an instant confidence booster.

3️⃣ Pave the way for the future.

You are building your legacy for your children and mentees to follow. Others are being inspired by you, unbeknownst to you.. They see what you are doing and while you are hard on yourself they see your strengths & amazingness.

They are all motivated by you simply because of who you are and what you do.

What are you waiting for to tell your brand story?

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