Outback English
También te puede interesar
English language consultant for students of all ages. I teach children, general English, exam preparation and business English.
I have a degree in Psychology, and a Masters in Applied Linguistics. I also am a consultant for schools and language academies.
Demà tornem a l'escola. Em fa molta il.lusió poder continuar fent comunitat amb vosaltres. Tinc moltes ganes de començar. Ens veiem demà!
Congratulations to my student, A, who received his B2 First Certificate results today. I am so proud of him. He worked himself into exhaustion with his TDR, got a setback in June, but never once gave up on his dream of passing the First Certificate exam. He gave up his summer to study and gave himself his best chance at passing. Today we know that his hard work and dedication have been successful. Congratulations A!
Ja hem arribat a l'estiu! Què tingueu unes bones vacances i ens veiem al setembre amb molta il.lusió.
Per les families que volen fer alguna cosa a l'anglès aquest estiu, us he preparat un parell de cosetes. Posa SUMMER en els comentaris per tenir una còpia.
Per les families que volen pasar un bon moment junts, us he preparat un joc de Bingo. Posa FAMILY en els comentaris per tenir una còpia.
Unexpected gifts! Today my face to face summer classes finished and I was surprised with these amazing gifts for myself and my daughter as a thank you. This means the world to me because of the thought behind these gifts. I don't teach in the hope of getting anything in return, I teach because it's my passion and nothing makes me happier than watching my students smash their goals and become the confident English speakers I know they can be. It doesn't get any better than this. Moltes gràcies families, de tot cor. Us estimo molt!
Moltes gràcies families! Aquest any tenim una retenció de 95% dels alumnes pel proper curs 2024-2025. I per primer cop tinc 45 alumnes confirmats per setembre, que és més alumnes que mai hem tingut. Gràcies per les vostres recomenacions a les altres families. Junts fem comunitat.
Estic molt agraïda perquè gràcies a vosaltres jo puc fer la cosa que més estimo: ajudar als nens i les nenes convertir-se en persones amb confiança, primer en ells mateixos, i després en persones que poden parlar anglés amb naturalitat i fluidessa. Em fa molta il.lusió veure als meus nens i a les meves nenes conquistar al mon.
En les academies els professors es canvien cada curs. Aquí a Outback English puc acompanyar als alumnes durant molt temps. He vist com infants de 5 anys s'han fet adolescents, i he vist com adolescents s'han fet adults responables. Quina sort que tinc.
Us estimo moltíssim,
Em fa molta il.lusió compartir amb vosaltres aquest notici. Formo part de l'equip d'APAC, la associació de professorat d'anglès de Catalunya. Nostre objectiu principal és donar suport als professors i les professores de les nostres escoles perquè aprendre anglès sigui divertit pels nens i les nenes i que tothom tingui accés a una educació d'anglès d'alta qualitat. Junts fem English
The best gift is one that arrives unexpectedly. This week my beautiful Monday group gave me this gorgeous gift as a thank you. This means so much to me because of the thought behind the gift: my hard work is seen and recognised and most importantly it's valued. These parents didn't need to get me anything because they have already given me the best gift: allowing me to be the person that guides their children along their English journey until they become the confident English speakers I know they can be. I'm the luckiest person to be able to do a job from the heart. Moltes gràcies families, de tot cor. Us estimo molt!
I'm super excited that my proposal to speak at the Colloquium has been accepted. My talk will be on the transition from primary to secondary school focusing on English language education.
Moltes gràcies a totes les families per compartir amb mi les vostres experiències
Summer Classes in using Inquiry Based Learning Last Question: Why do we travel? Thanks to for your amazing material, the students loved "travelling" and learning about different people and cultures. Finishing up with birthday celebrations with
Thanks to
Classes d'estiu que fan servir aprenentatge basat en la investigació. L'última pregunta: per què viatgem? Heu vist el material de ? És excepcional pels nens! .outbackenglish
Today my awesome Proficiency students received their C2 exam results, and I am so proud of these ladies. It is a culmination of years of hard work and dedication and they should be celebrated for their individual achievements today. MJ you are both an inspiration to all English learners. It has been great following you on this journey together, and I am beyond proud of you both. Us estimo i sempre us estimaré ❤️❤️❤️
Summer Classes in using Inquiry Based Learning Third Question: How can we explore the past Finishing up with the Nigeria Atlas Crate from
Thanks to
Classes d'estiu que fan servir aprenentatge basat en la investigació. Tercer pregunta: cóm podem explorar el passat? .outbackenglish
Summer Classes in using Inquiry Based Learning Second Question: What makes a community special ? Finishing up with the India Atlas Crate from Using an inclusive approach
Thanks to
Classes d'estiu que fan servir aprenentatge basat en la investigació. Segona pregunta: què fa especial una comunitat? .outbackenglish
Summer Classes in using a structured approach to Inquiry Based Learning thanks to First Question: Why do we need to protect animals?
Classes d'estiu que fan servir aprenentatge basat en la investigació. Primera pregunta: per què cal protegir als animals? .outbackenglish
Tenim l'últim Live per aquest curs escolar. Part 3 de com ajudar a les families portar anglès a casa.
This week the students of 6è from and will do their exit exams here at to know what level they have achieved as they finish primary school. We wish them much success
Ja hem tingut la última sessió amb pares i mares de per acompanyar millor els alumnes del 6è fer el canvi a l'ESO. Estic molt agraïda poder compartir amb les families aquest viatge. Què tinguin molt éxit a .sabadell . Moltes gràcies com sempre a per les galletes, em fa molta il.lusió poder donar suport al seu negoci d'alta qualitat aquí a
Today's second parent session for families with students in Grade 6. Information session on how to prepare your child to transition from Primary school to ESO in regards to English education. Thanks so much to for the yummy bikkies! Today's students from are preparing to go to
Avui hem tingut la segona sessió per families amb alumnes de 6è. La sessió informativa és de com preparar vostres fills i filles fer el canvi de primaria a l'ESO sobre el tema d'anglès. Gràcies a per les galletes deliciosos! Els alumnes d'avui de s'estàn preparant per anar a
Link 🔗 Matricula aquí
Today's first parent session for families with students in Grade 6. Information session on how to prepare your child to transition from Primary school to ESO in regards to English education. Thanks so much to for the yummy bikkies! Today's students from are preparing to go to
Avui hem tingut la primera sessió per families amb alumnes de 6è. La sessió informativa és de com preparar vostres fills i filles fer el canvi de primaria a l'ESO sobre el tema d'anglès. Gràcies a per les galletes deliciosos! Els alumnes d'avui de s'estàn preparant per anar a
Bona diada de Sant Jordi 🌹🐉 May the magic of books forever light your way
Celebrem Sant Jordi a Outback English! Si voleu comprar uns llibres en anglès veniu a veure'ns la setmana que ve.
Today we finished our Unit in Italy and made our own Pizzeria thanks to Geography crate. We love using English to explore the world.
My students today were from school and they have the most amazing English level. Together we are preparing these students to be confident English speakers
We are preparing a surprise book sale of English books for children and adults here at Outback English.
3 years ago, I decided to eliminate exams at Outback English and focus on student’s progress for my primary school courses. Why did I do that? Simply because learning a language takes time, and children learn at different rates and in different ways.
If we only set goals to pass exams, we are ignoring the process needed to achieve these goals. The purpose of focusing on the system of language learning is to put our children in a better position to be able to continue learning English in the future. It’s about the cycle of refinement and improvement.
Then the question becomes: Who is the type of person that can learn a new language? Answer: someone who is consistent and reliable, it’s how often students practise English, how they face difficulties with the language, and how they respond to their teacher’s feedback. Each action the students take is a demonstration of the type of person they want to become. Each time they practice English, they are an English learner. Each time they speak English, they are an English speaker.
These habits contribute to your child’s overall improvement. At first (and especially with children) these habits may seem insignificant or like the child is not progressing, but soon these habits build on each other to create a larger system.
This change is not about having something, but about becoming someone. They are becoming a confident English speaker who is better able access work and success in the long-term future in a globalised world.
This is why there are no exams. My 2 semester reports focus on what the children can do at that moment, acknowledging that learning a language is not about a pass or fail. It’s about hard work and creating healthy habits that create a leaner not only of English, but a leaner of life.
Tancem per vacances de nadal. Tornem dilluns 8 de gener amb molta il.lusió. Merry Christmas and happy New Year
Watch my first Instagram live .outbackenglish hope to see you in November
Classes extrascolars d'anglès pel curs 2023-2024. DM pel link per poder matricular
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