KEITH BARRY Spanish News

KEITH BARRY Spanish News

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The UK ambassador to Spain is leaving us, No reason why? No mention of being replaced. But he did say "You must change your green residencias to TIE cards" You have been warned.

Morocco’s Cloud Seeding Plans Raise Concerns in Spain 30/08/2024

Morocco’s Cloud Seeding Plans Raise Concerns in Spain Days after French media outlet Vert Eco criticized Morocco’s reliance on desalination to combat severe drought, a Spanish report has now raised concerns about the North African country’s plans to increase rainfall through artificial cloud seeding.

Photos from KEITH BARRY Spanish News's post 30/08/2024

SPANISH NEWS DAY 1161 We have made it to the end of August, most of the Tourists will go home and kids go back to school. I hope all businesses had a good summer.

AIR POLLUTION IN OUR SKIES More than 130 people from Alicante die each year due to ozone pollution. Heat and pollution trigger a chemical reaction that worsens respiratory and cardiac pathologies. The air brings harmful particles to the province, even from fires in the USA. Heat waves and the burning of fossil fuels, mainly nitrogen dioxide and volatile hydrocarbons, as a result of the traffic that increases in summer with tourism and travel typical of holidays, trigger an intense chemical reaction when it collides with the intense ultraviolet radiation on the shores of the Mediterranean, which leads to the formation of ozone (O3). With such an accumulation of polluting particles in the atmosphere, the air remains stagnant on the surface. Since spring, the province of Alicante has been recording high concentrations of ozone, above the 100 micrograms per cubic metre of air recommended by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Since 1 April, this has been exceeded on 50 days in Elche, 75 in Alicante, 88 in the Villena and Alcoy areas, and 96 in Elda, according to data collected by Ecologistas en Acción from the Valencian Government's measuring stations spread across different regions. Tropospheric ozone is harmful to people. Its impact is estimated at an average of more than 130 premature deaths each year attributable to exposure to this pollutant in the province alone, according to a study published in June by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health on the entire European Union. The main air pollutants are fine particles, such as dust, soot, smoke and liquid droplets, which vary in size from less than 0.1 microns in diameter to 10 microns, or 1/7 of the diameter of a human hair. They pe*****te the lungs the most and cause more than 400 deaths a year. Nitrogen dioxide is the second major pollutant, responsible for another 250 premature deaths. And ozone has already become the third most serious pollutant from a health point of view. Between the three, they account for some 800 deaths in the province attributable to pollution each year.
Altered lung function As the air warms due to summer heat waves, ozone production increases, representing a risk factor for health as worrying as high temperatures. High and persistent exposure increases the number of visits to the Emergency Room by people with altered lung function due to previous chronic cardiorespiratory diseases; or vulnerable people such as children and the elderly. High levels of O3 in the troposphere are associated with a series of adverse effects on human health. How is it perceived? It can cause coughing, irritation in the pharynx, neck and eyes, as well as dryness in the throat; and respiratory problems and infections, although there are more and more studies that link O3 with cardiovascular damage, depression and diabetes. Doctor Eusebi Chiner, head of the Pulmonology Service at the Sant Joan d’Alacant Hospital, confirms that it is scientifically proven that an increase in ozone concentrations compensates for chronic respiratory diseases such as asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), apart from decreasing lung function. It can also aggravate heart failure. But it is not only local factors that can activate the reaction triggered by ozone, especially in urban areas, explains the pulmonologist. The abundance of large forest fires in summer can favour the dissemination of particles even over very great distances. As an example, he cites the California fires, whose emissions could reach Europe, and therefore the province. “Not the smoke, but it is possible that airborne particles could do so and create concentration points.” “We must take into account not only what is domestic but what is imported. There could be changes due to transpacific or transoceanic contamination through the air crossing the seas, especially from combustion zones and from a lot of emissions from other countries,” says the doctor. "There may be changes due to transpacific or transoceanic pollution through the air crossing the seas, especially from combustion zones and from a lot of emissions from other countries"
Doctor Eusebi Chiner. Chiner recalls that ozone production is triggered by nitrogen dioxide particles and precursors of volatile organic compounds, and from a respiratory point of view they can cause non-specific symptoms, from persistent cough to chest pain, "respiratory problems that are not entirely well defined, but one of the key aspects is that ozone, like combustion particles from gasoline or diesel, also predisposes to allergies and bronchial asthma." The cause is that "it carries pollen particles more easily, "These pollutants are not related to cancer, so they can reach the alveoli better, which are the most distal (remote) areas of the lungs." At the moment it has not been confirmed that it is related to cancer but "it is very possible that in the long term it is a factor in itself that can cause it. Ozone concentrations have been increasing over time and it must be observed between 15 and 20 years in order to establish that there may also be a relationship with tumors." In the province there are twelve stations measuring pollutants spread over four areas (Alicante, Elche, coastal area and inland). Miguel Ángel Ceballos, spokesman for Air Quality at Ecologistas en Acción, recalls that the current legal limit for ozone emissions in Spain is lax and is at 120 micrograms per cubic meter of air compared to the 100 established by the WHO as a dangerous limit for health. "In Alicante, the limit has been exceeded on average 75 days so far this spring and summer across all stations; in Elche, 50 days; In Benidorm, Orihuela and Torrevieja, the average is 88 days; and inland (Alcoy and Villena) 81 days. The worst situation is in the area of Elda and Pinoso, with an average of 96 days, that is, more than half of the days of the danger period. These are very high risk levels for this oxidising gas, above the levels recommended by the World Health Organisation».This pollutant does not only increase in August. «Unfortunately, this is happening more frequently in spring because the meteorological summer in the Spanish Levant does not last three months but is becoming increasingly longer and since the end of March there have been high levels of solar radiation which, in the presence of atmospheric pollutants emitted by traffic and industry, cause an increase in ozone levels.» In winter there is also O3 but its levels do not affect health. In the province, a determining factor is the high volume of metropolitan traffic that is usual on the Alicante-Elche axis together with emissions from industrial activities, and in summer it worsens in coastal areas such as Benidorm or Torrevieja due to the increase in traffic derived from tourism.
Reduce emissions. Environmentalists warn that things will get worse in the province because "these episodes will extend to longer periods in the future. The only way we have to fight against ozone and pollution in general is to drastically reduce emissions from both transport and industry through the burning of fossil fuels by promoting clean alternatives to road transport and private cars in cities, such as electric trains and buses for public transport"; as well as bicycles, other means of personal mobility and pedestrian travel for individuals.

WILL THE N332 EVER BE DOUBLED? The CV-95 widening at the Torrevieja Hospital leaves out a 200-metre stretch. The Generalitat requests the project only for 870 metres from Los Balcones to the access to the N-332 because the rest up to La Veleta is the responsibility of the Government. The Generalitat Valenciana has asked the company that will be in charge of drafting the CV-95 widening project in the section of the Torrevieja Hospital to include the route from the roundabout of the health centre to the junction with the access to the N-332 variant. It is 870 linear metres, which leaves out almost 200 more metres of the same stretch of road between that point and the roundabout of La Veleta with the avenue of Desiderio Rodríguez. Sources from the City Council's governing team, who together with President Carlos Mazón presented the tender for this long-awaited work at the end of July, indicated that the section that is being discarded is part of the project to double the bypass of the National-332, which must be addressed by the Ministry of Transport of the Government of Spain. Because at that point a roundabout must be built to provide safe access to the ring road. The current one forces a dangerous left turn from the median strip for vehicles travelling in the direction of Torrevieja. The Generalitat asks the drafting team to design a pedestrian and cyclist access parallel to the new road when the City Council had already commissioned and paid for a project with the same objective
The same sources indicate that this forces the ministry headed by Óscar Puente to speed up the duplication of the bypass - a project that has been stalled for more than a decade - because otherwise a bottleneck would be created with a 200-metre section with only one lane in each direction of travel on a road with four. In addition, the project report indicates that pedestrian and bicycle access will be incorporated in the section of the CV-95 to be doubled. Something that overlaps with a municipal initiative in the same sense of connecting the Cemetery and the Hospital bordering the desalination plant. At least in the case of the section that runs parallel to the CV-95 and whose project is drawn up and paid for. The widening of this section of road will not be a reality until 2027. The ex*****on period for the drafting of the project is 12 months from its award and, hopefully, it will be ready by the end of the year. All of 2025 will be devoted to the preparation and, if the deadlines are met, the works could begin in 2026. The Generalitat's budget only includes five million euros for this objective within a multi-year period. An amount that seems insufficient for the infrastructure entity and that will in all probability rise significantly above that figure. The new CV-95 bridge in San Miguel de Salinas has already cost more than half of that budget, with 2.6 million euros, for a section of about 50 metres, which includes the demolition and reconstruction of the passage. The widening of the road aims, on the one hand, to improve road safety on the CV-95 in the section between the Torrevieja University Hospital and the N-332 road, by creating a central median separating the widened roads, increasing capacity and obtaining a road capable of supporting, under acceptable service conditions, the increases in traffic that may occur over the next few years. On the other hand, it aims to improve pedestrian and cyclist accessibility as well as acoustic quality in the area around the Torrevieja University Hospital. The contract award proposal, which was published on August 8, nine days after Mazón said it was being put out to tender, reveals that the Botànic Government carried out a project to build the widening in 2015 and another to adopt anti-noise measures on the same section in 2017. Both, the Generalitat admits, could be used as a basis for the one to be tackled now.
The report for awarding the project speaks of "quasi-congestion" on the road in summer and the fact that it is like this when it is the route for emergency vehicles to the Hospital. The daily traffic of vehicles is 18,000.

TUNNEL TO MORROCCO The proposed underwater tunnel between Morocco and Spain is an ambitious €6 billion project that aims to create a direct rail link between Africa and Europe. This groundbreaking initiative seeks to connect the two continents through a tunnel beneath the Strait of Gibraltar, offering a high-speed rail journey between Madrid and Casablanca in just five hours—eliminating the need for air travel between these major cities. The project is part of a larger vision to enhance connectivity between Southern Europe and North Africa, fostering economic ties and cultural exchange. With a target operation date of 2030, the tunnel is expected to be completed in time for the 2030 FIFA World Cup, which will further highlight its significance as a symbol of progress and unity between the two regions. Once operational, this rail link would represent the first of its kind, providing a seamless connection between Europe and Africa and opening up new opportunities for trade, tourism, and cooperation. Studies and planning for the tunnel are ongoing, with growing momentum and interest from both governments and private investors who see the project as a transformative infrastructure development for the future.

SUPPOSED CLOUD FROM ICELAND A huge cloud of sulphur dioxide reaches Spain due to the eruption of a volcano in Iceland. This gas is colourless and can only be perceived by its characteristic smell of rotten eggs. In Iceland there is an erupting volcano with an almost unpronounceable name: Sundhnúksgígar. This is the sixth time it has erupted since last December and has forced the evacuation of the town of Grindavik, located in the southwestern tip of the island, once again. So far, the news is nothing extraordinary, although it may seem unbelievable: the country has 33 active volcanic systems and is prepared and accustomed to the effects that this entails. The fact is that this time it is not only releasing lava in abundance, but it is also releasing huge quantities of sulphur dioxide that have already reached Spain and will remain in the atmosphere until today.
After an "intense series of small earthquakes", Sundhnúksgígar erupted on Thursday afternoon, reported the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO). Specifically, a 3.9-kilometre-long fissure opened up, followed by smaller ones on the Reykjanes Peninsula, a volcanic area that had been dormant for 800 years. However, intense seismic activity began in early 2020 and magma emerged in 2021. Since then, there have been nine eruptions.It can cause irritation to the eyes and respiratory tract. The most common symptoms are sore throat, cough, runny nose, burning eyes, tight lungs and difficulty breathing. In contact with the skin, it can cause redness and blisters. However, terrestrial concentrations of this gas cloud are modest and do not pose a real health hazard: only a slight sulphur smell may be perceived.

ALICANTE AIRPORT IS BAD Low-cost airlines are the main complaints from travellers in Alicante. Ryanair accounts for more than 50% of complaints for issues such as charging for hand luggage or seat selection for its passengers. Low-cost airlines, mainly Ryanair, account for the vast majority of complaints submitted to the Ministry of Tourism during 2024 by travellers at the Alicante - Elche airport. The Irish operator alone already accounts for more than half of the complaints, as is the case in Valencia and Castellón, where it is also among the most "conflictive". Specifically, according to data provided by the department headed by Nuria Montes, the territorial Consumer services in Alicante have received a total of 41 complaints between January 1 and August 11, 2024, with 20 of them filed this summer. Of the total, Ryanair is the subject of 22 complaints, while 6 are directed at Aena (the same as Iberia) and four are against Vueling. The list is closed by Norwegian, Volotea and Menzies Aviation, with only one file each. In addition, 25 requests for arbitration have been registered with the Benidorm Regional Government and, for the moment, none in Alicante. As for the reasons, the regional government is competent to deal with complaints about luggage, quality of service, charging for a second suitcase and hand luggage or payments for seat selection, among other issues, while complaints about cancellations or delays (the most numerous) must be directed to the State Agency for Air Safety. Although Alicante-Elche airport is not the only one where low-cost airlines concentrate the bulk of the complaints. In Valencia (where 103 files have been opened in the same period), Ryanair is also at the top of the list, with 40; followed by Vueling (13); and Volotea, with 8 complaints. In Castellón, which has only received 5 complaints this year, they are divided between Vueling (3) and Ryanair (2). The charge for cabin bags that some airlines have started to apply on all their flights has caused a great stir among travelers who usually use low-cost operators. According to recent rulings by different national courts and even the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU), airlines cannot charge for hand luggage, provided that it has a reasonable weight and dimensions and does not pose a danger to security. In fact, last year, the Ministry of Consumption fined four "low cost" companies 150 million euros for this practice. Despite this, the charge for hand luggage has not disappeared. Jorge Domínguez, a lawyer, explains that "until there is a clearer and more unified rule in Europe, companies will not stop charging for this service." And in many cases, "even though there are rulings and sanctions in this regard, it is more profitable for airlines to risk a claim because very few passengers are willing to go to court for 50 or 60 euros."

UK AND SPAIN INSIST ON INJECTING KIDS The flu vaccine will arrive this year to schools to immunize 22,500 schoolchildren in the province of Alicante. The Generalitat will launch the campaign from October for students of Infant and Special Education. The flu vaccination will arrive this coming year to schools. From October 1, the Generalitat will start an immunization campaign in educational centers aimed at students of Infant and Special Education, with the forecast of protecting 22,500 schoolchildren in the province of Alicante and about 72,500 throughout the Valencian Community. This is an estimate by the Ministry of Health, since it is a voluntary decision that depends on families.
The president of the Consell, Carlos Mazón, has announced this measure with the aim of "facilitating vaccination by intranasal route, without the need to travel to health centers to promote family conciliation." The target population of this vaccination campaign is children born in 2020 and 2021, enrolled in the Early Childhood Education stage of public and subsidized schools, as well as all students in educational centers for people with disabilities, which are attended by children and young people up to 22 years old.
The reason why the regional Administration has limited the initiative to the age range of three and four years is because the flu vaccination is recommended for children between 6 and 59 months, as justified by Marciano Gómez's department, where they added that for children older than that age it is only recommended if they belong to risk groups, hence the campaign focuses on Early Childhood students. With this, schoolchildren in Primary and the following educational cycles belonging to risk groups will be able to be vaccinated, as always, in health centers, as well as the rest of the people belonging to risk groups. Along these lines, paediatricians consulted by this newspaper agree that children under the age of five are more likely to transmit the disease than when they are older, which is why they recommend vaccination to help prevent the spread of the virus to other children, adults or the elderly.

SPANISH TIK TOKKER INFLUENCER MAKES UP WAY OF FLIRTING IN MERCADONAS Supermarket Flirting – The Latest Trend in Spain! Alright, everyone, buckle up because we’re about to dive into the latest (and possibly greatest) flirting trend in Spain – Mercadona dating! We know many of you aren’t necessarily looking for a Spanish novio or novia, but when we heard about this, we just had to share it with you. It’s too good to keep to ourselves! Here’s how it works:
1. Grab a shopping cart. This is essential – no cart, no love connection!
2. Place a pineapple backwards in your cart. Yes, the pineapple is your love signal.
3. Head straight to the wine aisle – this is where the magic happens.
4. Now, the big moment: casually bump your cart into someone else’s cart who also has a backward pineapple. If they don’t have one, they’ll probably think you’re a little loco, but hey, it’s all in good fun!
5. Prime Time: The best time to try your luck? Between 19:00-20:00 – when everyone’s picking up those last-minute dinner essentials and maybe, just maybe, looking for a little extra company.
We have to admit, this beats online dating apps in so many ways:
• No filters, no lies! You see the person exactly as they are, fresh from the veggie section.
• Healthy vibes: You can check out how healthy their diet is before you even say “Hola!” A cart full of veggies? Yes, please. A cart full of junk food? Maybe not so much.
• Cheaper and more efficient: No app fees, no endless swiping – and you’re getting your grocery shopping done at the same time! Win-win!
To be honest, we’re now a bit scared (and curious) to go to Mercadona for wine. Although, if you’re looking for a cheap but decent white wine, “El Pescaito” is one of our faves – less than 2€ and perfect for dinner. But rest assured, we won’t be buying any pineapples for now (happily married life and all).
But seriously, what’s your take on supermarket dating? Are you ready to try out this fruity flirting method? Just remember, if you go to Mercadona today, you’re going to have that catchy “Mercadoooona-Mercadoooonaaaa” jingle stuck in your head – sorry, not sorry!

NEW LAWS FOR TOURIST RENTAL PROPERTIES The 10 days in the new decree on Tourist Accommodations of the Valencian Community. Much is being said about the new time limit introduced by the new Decree Law 9/2024 of the Generalitat Valenciana. From now on, tourist accommodation can only be rented for a maximum of 10 days to the same guest or tourist. In this article we clear up many of the questions that owners of tourist accommodation have and shed light on possible solutions to address this limitation. 1) Interpretation of the 10 days in the new law of the Valencian Community. The new regulations establish that a tourist accommodation is considered as such if it is rented for a period of less than or equal to 10 consecutive days to the same tenant. This measure aims to limit the intensive use of housing as tourist accommodation, differentiating between what is considered a tourist rental from a seasonal rental or long-term rental or a habitual residence. 2) What happens if it is rented for more than 10 days?
If a tourist accommodation is rented for more than 10 consecutive days, it would no longer be considered under the tourist accommodation regime according to the new law. This means that: The lease is classified under another type of contract (seasonal lease).
The lease is subject to the Urban Leasing Law (LAU) - Law 29/1994, of November 24.
It is necessary to sign a seasonal rental contract with tourists, with efficient legal clauses to protect the owner.
The property cannot be advertised on OTA portals (AirBnB, Booking, Rentalia, etc.).
It cannot benefit from the specific conditions of tourism (for example, being able to evict guests who do not comply with the Rules of Coexistence or the House).
Guest data cannot be uploaded to the mandatory Traveler Registry (ex-lodges). Now Royal Decree 933/2021.-
The help of the Civil Guard will not be available in the event of incidents or problems with guests.
A reservation of more than 10 consecutive days can only be accepted within the period of time that the tourist accommodation is outside the tourist availability period. The future is even bleaker A very strict regulation by the government is soon expected for short-term rentals,prohibiting seasonal rentals for vacation or tourist purposes, and leaving only rentals for study, work, medical treatments, etc. with express indication and documented proof of the cause of the temporality.
In conclusion on this point, and in my opinion, vacation rentals for more than 10 days will only be the responsibility of the hotels. 4) Since when does this 10-day limitation apply to reservations for tourist accommodation?
This limitation is already in force (for reservations taken after August 8, 2024).
Therefore, as owners of tourist homes we could NOT accept reservations through the platforms (AirBnB, Booking, Rentalia, etc.) for more than 10 days. We would have to reject them due to the legal impossibility of complying with the holiday rental contract.
Some have tried to force the letter of the law, claiming that the deadline for this limitation would be 5 years from the publication of the regulations in the BOE, however the same legal body establishes, and without a doubt, that this 5-year extension is only for the presentation of the cadastral reference or the adaptation to the new standards of habitability, leaving the discussion settled. 6) Deregistration from the Tourist Accommodation Registry for renting for more than 10 days - That is, if during the period of time in which we have declared the property as "tourist" (for example from June 1 to September 30), we rent it for more than 10 days with a seasonal contract to some travelers, once the Administration is informed and after processing the appropriate file, in which the interested party will be given a hearing, the registration in the Tourism Registry of the Valencian Community will be deregistered.

ILLEGALS CONTINUE TO FLOOD INTO SPAIN AND SANCHEZ SAYS SEND THEM BACK OMG! Sánchez assures that the return of illegal immigrants is "essential"
The president launches the 'Africa Advances Alliance' initiative to promote investments in Senegal during the last stage of the tour that has also taken him to Mauritania and Gambia. The president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, reiterated this Wednesday the beneficial effects of regular migration, but warned that it is "essential" for those who arrive in Spain illegally to return to their countries. "Mainly - he said - because this return sends a clear, strong and discouraging message to the mafias and those who put themselves in their hands, but essentially because European and Spanish legislation requires it."
Sánchez referred to the need for these returns of irregular migrants in his speech at an event at the Instituto Cervantes in Dakar where the 'Africa Advances Alliance' initiative was launched to promote investments in Senegal and which was the first on his agenda in this country, the last stage of the tour that has also taken him to Mauritania and Gambia.
This speech is the first in which the President of the Government has referred publicly during the tour to the need for the return of people who arrive in Spain illegally. To continue taking steps in this direction, he considered that security is a top priority and therefore he will continue to support Senegal in this area in general and in particular in relation to migration. Sánchez regretted that the criminal networks that traffic in human beings do not stop growing and playing with the lives of thousands of people and are associated with other illicit trafficking and with terrorism. To combat this threat, he described the return of those who arrive in Spain illegally as "essential." A message that he conveyed to the Minister of Economy of Senegal, Abdourahamane Saarr, who spoke at the presentation of the 'Africa Advances Partnership' initiative.

MORROCOS CHEMTRAILS AFFECTING SPAIN Morocco’s Cloud Seeding Plans Raise Concerns in Spain. Morocco’s Al-Ghaith cloud seeding program, internationally recognized since its 1984 inception, faces renewed scrutiny as a Spanish report raises concerns over its potential regional impact.
Days after French media outlet Vert Eco criticized Morocco’s reliance on desalination to combat severe drought, a Spanish report has now raised concerns about the North African country’s plans to increase rainfall through artificial cloud seeding.
According to a report from Spanish weather agency El Tiempo, Morocco has allocated nearly €10 million since 2023 to boost its cloud seeding program, aiming to generate artificial rain and alleviate the structural drought affecting the country.
The goal is to increase precipitation in specific areas by up to 15% through a total of 20 cloud seeding projects. However, the report highlights that altering weather patterns artificially could have unpredictable consequences for the entire region, especially in nearby areas like southern Spain and the Spanish enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla.
Abundant rainfall in places unaccustomed to such conditions could lead to flooding, soil erosion, and deterioration.
Furthermore, cloud seeding might disrupt the atmosphere’s relative humidity, potentially causing droughts in unexpected locations or intense downpours.
The report warns that geoengineering could even increase the frequency of extreme weather events like storms, lightning, hailstorms, and tornadoes.
The Spanish media also raises the possibility of geopolitical conflicts arising between affected states, such as Spain and Morocco, due to one country’s decision to alter environmental conditions.
Despite these concerns, cloud seeding is not a novel practice in Morocco. The country has been investigating methods to augment water supplies through climate modification, also known as climate geoengineering, since the 1980s.
In fact, Morocco’s Al-Ghaith program, which has been operating since 1984, is currently exploring a project to extend the reach of artificial seeding to various regions of the country.
Between 2021 and 2022, the program conducted 27 artificial seeding operations, while 22 operations were carried out between 2022 and 2023.
Experts estimate that seeding technology can boost precipitation rates by 4%, potentially improving agricultural productivity by up to 20%.
The Al-Ghaith program has garnered recognition from reputable international organizations, hosting the Eighth International Conference on Industrial Rainfall in Casablanca in 2003 and receiving the Hassan II Award for Industrial Rainfall in the United Arab Emirates in 2007.
Morocco’s commitment to addressing water scarcity was further underscored by King Mohammed VI in his recent speech commemorating the 25th anniversary of his ascension to the throne.
The King emphasized the urgency of the water crisis in the speech, calling for innovative solutions and improved governance to tackle the challenge head-on.
He highlighted Morocco’s declining water availability and stressed the importance of the National Program for Drinking Water Supply and Irrigation 2020-2027.
The King also called for the accelerated implementation of major water transfer projects between hydraulic basins and the construction of seawater desalination plants, aiming to mobilize over 1.7 billion cubic meters annually by 2030.
As Morocco grapples with its sixth consecutive year of drought, recording a 70% rainfall deficit in January compared to the average of the last 30 years, the kingdom is turning to a range of solutions to secure its water supply.

RECAP The government are complaining about the state of the quality of our skies in Costa Blanca, yet continue to spray us from military planes. Ask your self this , where have our Blue Skies and white fluffy clouds gone? Also they are blaming the air quality on heart attacks, I call elephant in the room. The road in front of Torrevieja main hospital is a bottle neck, yet the town hall are more interested in building a cycle lane rather than widening the road. What happened to the N332 being widened as well? Is not widening the roads yet building cycle lanes, ask your self why so? I hate the dates 2030 , this is the date we are doomed to lose all possessions, yet Spain are building a tunnel directly to Morocco to be opened in 2030. Even more ways for illegal immigrants to get into Europe! The new is reporting a massive cloud that’s come all the way from Iceland that smells like chemicals, yet my daughter who spent a week in Iceland said they had blue skies and fluffy white clouds every day she was there, so who is lying? I included some of her night photos so clear you can see the stars. Alicante airport is getting a bad reputation for losing luggage. The cheap airlines are getting bad mouth for charging extra for baggage and seats. There are massive campaigns on the TV in the UK and Spain to inject your children. This cant be right, the amount of footballers dropping dead suddenly after their injections is skyrocketing!! Parents don’t do it !! Its NOT LAW! My wife cant understand why Im actually offering to go to mercadona at 7pm any night!! I always put two pineapples in my trolley as im looking for a th*****me! Lol. Governments continue to make travel harder. Now they are banning tourist stays in rental apartments to 10 days stays , any longer and you will be fined. The first article today about the poor air quality, the 3rd article today the cloud from Iceland and finally the Truth! Chemtrails from Morrocco are starting to affect Spain , the weather man says it is Sahara Dust see photo from yesterday with the date on! Yet no one will admit it’s the chemtrails!!!

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