Centro Semilla Holistic Centre

Holistic Centre in the heart of Russafa, offering Holistic massages, treatments, natural therapy’s

Our Aim is
To help you on an inner quest
To give direction back to your life
By living more consciously


This month, we having summer sales and offering a 25% discount on The Manduka yoga mats. They are 4mm ecological rubber from high quality.


👉 Special offer for the opening of our new center 👈

🎁 Book 1 hour massage and get a 20-minute singing bowl session for free.

🎁 Book 1h30 massage and get a 40-minute singing bowl session for free.

This is an offer if you book this week. Massage must be redeemed this month.

More information www.ro-ki.net or +34655250402 Robert


We are extremely happy, Centro Semilla and Ro-Ki massages to announce to you that after 10 months of renovations, licenses, we are back open to us clients and therapists for collaboration. It took us blood tears and sweat but the results are worth it. I personally think the new centre looks even better than our previous one in Russafa. We are now located in Nazaret, next to Cabanyal https://maps.app.goo.gl/oCYPRRSJ3RuXYxYj7 easily accessible by metro and easy to park. For the moment, we are not yet open for group classes but that will change soon. Feel free to contact us for more information. Robert www.centrosemilla.es and www.Ro-Ki.net Hope to see you soon.

Photos from Centro Semilla Holistic Centre's post 24/10/2023

IMPORTANT NEWS: We are moving to Nazaret (Valencia) EN/ES

Some of you already know, it's our last week. We have a new location in Nazaret. So Centro Semilla and Ro-Ki massages are relocating. After more than 4 years, we decided to change neighborhood. We have the metro, so easy access via transport and there is plenty of parking. We are not quite finished with the renovations yet, but we will keep you updated with an incredible inauguration and our 5th open house. In the meantime, we are working on new products and workshops. Ro-Ki massages will come to your home during this period of relocation for your treatments and there is possibility of collaboration for your retreats. We would like to thank everyone, clients, teachers and therapists for all these years of cooperation and trust in us. We are incredibly motivated and excited to welcome you to our new place soon. For more information, please contact us at +34655250402 Greetings Robert

NOTICIAS IMPORTANTES: Nos trasladamos a Nazaret (Valencia)

Algunos ya lo sabéis, es nuestra última semana. Tenemos una nueva ubicación en Nazaret. Así que Centro Semilla y Masajes Ro-Ki se trasladan. Después de más de 4 años, hemos decidido cambiar de barrio. Tenemos el metro, por lo que el acceso a través de transporte es fácil y hay un montón de aparcamiento. Todavía no hemos terminado con las reformas, pero os mantendremos informados con una increíble inauguración y nuestra 5ª jornada de puertas abiertas. Mientras tanto, estamos trabajando en nuevos productos y talleres. Masajes Ro-Ki irá a tu casa durante este periodo de traslado para tus tratamientos y hay posibilidad de colaboración para tus retiros. Queremos dar las gracias a todos, clientes, profesores y terapeutas por todos estos años de colaboración y confianza en nosotros. Estamos increíblemente motivados y emocionados por daros pronto la bienvenida a nuestro nuevo lugar. Para más información, póngase en contacto con nosotros en +34655250402 Saludos Robert



Necesitas relajar y calmar la mente y el cuerpo? Conoces a alguien que lo quieres regalar?

El masaje californiano es un masaje relajante, con aceite en un ambiente
agradable para relajar y reducir el estrés, liberarnos de las tensiones musculares y desbloquear contracturas.

No dudes en escribirme si tienes alguna pregunta!

Info y reservas solo por privado:
Facebook: Zara Loe

Lo doy en el hermoso lugar de Centro Semilla de Valencia.



The new weekly classes for September! These are recurrent classes. For one-off workshops see events on our page.
[𝑬𝑺] ¡Las nuevas clases semanales de Septiembre! Estas son clases recurrentes. Para los talleres puntuales ver los eventos en nuestra página.


El masaje californiano es un masaje relajante, que elimina el estrés y libera las tensiones musculares.
Cuáles son los beneficios del masaje californiano?
* Aliviar tensiones diarias, reduciendo el estrés.
* Sirve para desbloquear las contracturas, tensiones musculares.
* Mejora la circulación sanguínea, ayudando a oxigenar cada parte de tu cuerpo.
* Eliminas toxinas.
* Mejora tu tono muscular, posición corporal, crea amplitud del cuerpo, toma consciencia de la respiración.
* A nivel psicológico recibir este masaje genera sensación de bienestar, vitalidad, alegría, renovación...
* Da apoyo en un momento de estrés emocional.
* Recomendado para las embarazadas durante el embarazo.


Hello everyone, I hope you had an incredible summer! I am so happy to announce you that we are open again and our classes and workshops will resume. I can't wait to see you all again and until then take care 🥰


Hello everyone! The time has come, our annual holiday has arrived. We will be closed in August and we look forward to seeing you in September. We wish you a nice summer holiday and we will see you soon 🙏


The new weekly classes for July! These are recurrent classes. For one-off workshops see events on our page.
[𝑬𝑺] ¡Las nuevas clases semanales de Julio! Estas son clases recurrentes. Para los talleres puntuales ver los eventos en nuestra página.


🌜Join me for Vinyasa Flows where we explore a complete and strong practice, move with the breath, strengthen and open the body to feel wonderful inside and out!
🌜Beginners are welcome, dm if you have questions, and I look forward to seeing you on the mat! ☺️✨
🌜As you can see there are options for outdoors aswell as (away from mosquitos and distractions) instudio if it suits you better, you might enjoy the fact that it comes with equipment, I love both! 🤗🍃

Centro Semilla Holistic Centre


Did you know that in ancient China the doctor played a preventive role: he was paid to protect the health of the citizens. In case of illness the patient did not pay. Medicine was purely preventive.

Now here in the West, we haven't quite adopted this mentality yet though we are getting pretty close. And that is where I would like to make a contribution.

My experience as a therapist is that people usually come when the pain becomes physical, stagnant or even worse.

When was the last time you took time for yourself?

As working people in this society, we are usually pushed to the limit. We run from A to B, we are completely alienated from being in the here and now and we live for the past and the future. What if I told you I could change that. Using several centuries-old techniques, I have been able to help thousands of people. You can find some more information about me on my website www.ro-ki.net.

Of course, I also want to do my bit for people who would like to maintain their health rather than cure it.

What's new, I have new cards, come 9 times and I'll give you the 10th session for free. If you buy the card all at once I will give you 20% off the price. This is my contribution to motivate you to keep your mental and physical body healthy. Because we all know that a good emotional balance keeps the doctor away. You can reach me on the 655 25 04 02 Robert for more information.

8 Benefits Of Thai Massage 24/05/2023

Thai yoga massage benefits. 🥰

8 Benefits Of Thai Massage Benefits of thai massage are increased energy flow, better circulation, and improved flexibility. It also washes away anxiety, back pain, and boosts your mood.

Photos from Centro Semilla Holistic Centre's post 19/05/2023

Yoga and massage studio to take over in Ruzafa.

It is official, I move to my own space. With mixed feelings I am selling my business.

What's in the price:
-Official yoga and massage studio of 160
square meters in Ruzafa with license.
-Well running studio with 4000 clients.
-3 rooms for massages or therapies.
-1 office.
-1 large room for yoga or workshops.
-1 patio in the back
-website and different social media pages.
-Furniture and materials included.
-The studio has been there for 4 years and is ready to move in.
-A good rent for the area.

For more information you can contact me at the following number:
Robert +34 655 25 04 02


Wilhelm Reich observed that people with emotional and psychological problems also had chronic tension in their muscles (basically in the connective tissue).
Further research led him to discover that this was all related to the autonomic (vegetative) nervous system.
Chronic tension and pain can be traced back to the inability to spontaneously regulate the sympathetic nervous system (which triggers fighting and fleeing when threatened).
The corrolary of this has to do with the parasympathetic nervous system. Where the sympathetic nervous system leads to tension ('tightening for action'), the parasympathetic nervous system has to do with relaxation and expansion. To the extent that contraction is translated by the system as 'safe', expansion (trusting life, facing the unknown, trying things out...) is increasingly translated as 'unsafe'.
Contraction is the mechanism behind pain; expansion the mechanism behind pleasure.
The natural flow of life energy in the body is experienced as pleasure. It is what we identify as vital, alive.
That is FLOW. To the extent that the natural flow of life energy is inhibited by contraction in the connective tissue, the capacity for pleasure and adventure also decreases.
Indeed, pleasure/adventure/release is increasingly unconsciously rejected as unsafe.
Reich discovered that the state of energy flow in the body is thus more fundamental to the condition of the human organism than thoughts and emotions. Someone who is depressed, for example, cannot change his (her) emotional state by thinking positive thoughts. He (she) needs to change his (her) energy state. The rest will then follow.
The core problem of behavioural and health problems is the sum of all obstructions to the free flow of energy (spontaneous energy) in the body.
Without understanding the body as a bio-energetic ecosystem, only secondary, tertiary, etc causes are addressed....
It is chronic resistance in the organism that contains the primary causes of disharmony THAT - with more and more resistance to the intelligent life energy - the SELFFORGANISING POWER of the human ecosystem also decreases by leaps and bounds.
More and more 'external' interventions are then (seemingly) necessary, but they never solve the fundamental problem: the disruption of the self-organising ecosystem.
So what is the purpose of learning to let go of resistance? It is to restore our natural flow state (and thus our spontaneity, vitality, creativity, zest for life, etc)! 'In resistance' is 'out of flow'. 'In resistance' is 'out of connection'. 'In flow' is 'in connection'. So.

Wilhelm Reich observeerde dat mensen met emotionele en psychische problemen ook chronische spanning hadden in hun spieren (in feite in het bindweefsel).

Verder onderzoek leidde hem tot de ontdekking dat dit allemaal te maken had met het autonome (vegetatieve) zenuwstelsel.

Chronische spanning en pijn zijn terug te leiden tot het niet meer kunnen spontaan reguleren van het sympathische zenuwstelsel (dat aanzet tot vechten en vluchten bij bedreiging).

Het corrolarium hiervan heeft te maken met het parasympathische zenuwstelsel. Daar waar het sympathische zenuwstelsel leidt tot spanning (‘aanspannen voor actie’), heeft het parasympathische zenwustelsel te maken met ontspanning en expansie. In de mate dat contractie door het systeem wordt vertaald als ‘veilig’, wordt expansie (het leven vertrouwen, het onbekende tegemoet gaan, dingen uitproberen...) meer en meer vertaald als 'onveilig'.

Contractie is het mechanisme achter pijn; expansie het mechanisme achter plezier.

De natuurlijke stroom van de levensenergie in het lichaam wordt ervaren als plezierig. Het is wat we identificeren als vitaal, levendig.

Dat is FLOW. In de mate dat de natuurlijke levensstroom wordt afgeremd door contractie in het bindweefsel, vermindert ook het vermogen tot plezier en avontuur.

Sterker nog plezier/avontuur/loslaten wordt meer en meer onbewust afgewezen als onveilig.

Reich ontdekte dat de staat van de energiestroom in het lichaam dus meer fundamenteel is voor de conditie van het menselijke organisme dan gedachten en emoties. Iemand die depressief is bijvoorbeeld kan zijn (haar) emotionele staat niet veranderen door positieve gedachten te denken. Hij (zij) dient zijn (haar) energiestaat te veranderen. De rest zal dan volgen.

Het kernprobleem van gedrag- en gezondheidsproblemen is de som van alle belemmeringen van de vrije energiestroom (spontane energie) in het lichaam.

Zonder het lichaam te begrijpen als een bio energetisch ecosysteem wordt alleen op secundaire, tertiaire, etc oorzaken gewerkt...

Het is de chronische weerstand in het organisme die de primaire oorzaken bevat van disharmonie OMDAT - bij meer en meer weerstand tegen de intelligente levensenergie - ook het ZELFORGANISEREND VERMOGEN van het menselijke ecosysteem met grote sprongen afneemt.

Meer en meer ‘externe’ ingrepen zijn dan (schijnbaar) nodig, maar ze lossen nooit het fundamentele probleem op: de verstoring van het zelforganiserend ecosysteem.

Wat is dan het doel van weerstand leren loslaten? Het is het herstel van onze natuurlijke flowstaat (en dus van onze spontaniteit, vitaliteit, creativiteit, levenslust, etc)! ‘In weerstand’ is ‘uit flow’. ‘In weerstand’ is ‘uit verbinding’. ‘In flow’ is ‘in verbinding’. Zodus...



Buenos dias a tod@s, con vuestro permiso os comparto la próxima sesion de Shaktipat o Kundalini Activation en Valencia.

En ella prepararemos nuestro cuerpo físico y energetico con unos sencillos ejercicios de Kundalini Yoga, breathwork y meditación para luego centrarnos en la transmisión energética, que va a activar tu energía Kundalini, este proceso se realiza por resonancia simpatía y va a producir una gran liberación emocional, va a activar toda tu vitalidad y empoderamiento y te va a liberar de tu estrés diario.

Experimenta la parte más divina de tu ser y Únete a la energía que está transformando en mundo🙌.

‼️Sábado 13 de Mayo


🕉️Info y reservas por privado o por WhatsApp: 653798664


Yin yoga in 🇪🇸 & 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 (Ruzafa)
¿Qué te dice tu mente? ¿Cuáles son los pensamientos que te filtra? ¿Y cuántas veces muerdes el anzuelo al día?
No todo lo que pensamos es cierto solo porque esté dentro de nuestras cabezas. Los pensamientos son muuuy poderosos y deberíamos elegir cuáles son nuestros sabiamente.
El Yin Yoga es un viaje hacia la sabiduría y paz mental, es sentarse en medio del caos sin reaccionar y esperar a que pasen las turbulencias, es tomar las riendas y decidir por ti mismx "qué sí" "qué casi sí" y "qué no". Es un camino para valientes, pondrás a prueba tu resiliencia y lo llevarás a tu vida cotidiana.
Para lxs que no sepan lo que es el Yin Yoga: se trata de mantener una posición de estiramiento entre 2 y 3 minutos. ¿Qué pasa con esto?. El cuerpo es tan mágico que almacena energía en ciertas partes, a través de los estiramientos liberamos esa energía guardada y esto se puede traducir en rabia, tristeza, incomodidad... A través de las asanas (posiciones) y la respiración te deshaces de todo lo que ya no te sirve y al acabar cada práctica, te levantas de la esterilla 10 veces más ligerx que cuando empezaste.
Esto puede no ser fácil ni cómodo si te resistes a ello, pero si lo aceptas, lo abrazas y te rindes puede ser una de las experiencias más maravillosas y útiles de tu vida.
Cada martes y jueves en Centro Semilla (Ruzafa), trabajaremos en los fundamentos reales del Yoga tradicional: mente, cuerpo y espíritu. Si estás dispuestx a echarle coraje y bailar con tus demonios, esto es para ti, Yin Yoga será tu aliada y encontrarás las herramientas para descubrir todo aquello que no sabías que querías o podías acceder.
Te espero en la esterilla ☮️
- Idioma inglés y español
- Martes 18:30h YIN YOGA FUSION
- Clases sueltas 12€
- Opción pack mensual (4 clases al mes) 40€
- La última práctica del mes incluirá CUENCOS TIBETANOS. (Si es clase suelta tendrá un coste adicional de 2€ más, si es por pack mensual se mantiene el precio).
- Para más info 695170010
Únete a nuestro grup de whatsapp: https://chat.whatsapp.com/BRLRQExyqJ6AzqM7NtyKqW


If you would like to join this event it is this Saturday. Don't forget to register the places are limited. Thank you!


“We are not bodies that have souls, we are souls that have bodies”

2-4 weeks intensive programs
We help you to formulate your request correctly and choose more appropriate specialists.
Are you going through a difficult time in your life, such as heartbreak, the loss of a loved one or struggling with a certain disease? This programme helps you to find resources during this difficult period.

We guide you in healing past traumas, blockages that limit you from using your full potential and bring harmony to the mental, physical and spiritual body.

Goals and effect

-Help detoxification of the body
-Increase blood circulation, blood pressure, and breathing
-Good for muscle relaxation, increase flexibility in your muscles, increase mobility
-Improves posture, balance, corrects body alignments and dissolves energy blockages
-Improves athletic performance
-Help arthritis and back pain
-Help tone the body, strengthen joints and fight diseases, including -chronic joint problems
-Prevents illnesses and alleviates degenerative diseases
-Slows the aging process
-Immune booster
-Improves emotional balance
-Helps concentration and creativity/ Mind and body concentration
-Helps you gain mental clarity
-Reduce and relieve stress and anxiety
-Helps boost energy and stamina
-Develops self-awareness
-Improves overall health and vitality
-Working on Psycoemotional programming traumas
10 h (5 individual sessions, 3 group sessions)

If it feels like “stressed out” is your new normal, you are not alone. According to a survey (March 2022) 87% of adults live under chronic stress at least the past two years. Stress doesn’t only make us feel awful emotionally, unproductive, anxious, it may cause or make worse illnesses. Get total relaxation and reduce stress tension on your mind and body. We can’t remove all the stressful things from your life. But we can change how you respond to them.

Unblock your body with Yin Yoga classes (2 sessions)
Free your mind with mindfulness techniques (1 sessions)
Reiki (1 session)
Neuroenergetic kinesiology individual sessions will help you to diagnose with muscle testing where stress is located in your personal system and release it (2 sessions\1,5h)
Shiatsu massage or sound healing will give you deep relaxation and harmonize energy (2 session\2h)

11,5h (6 individual sessions, 4 group sessions)

To break free of white noise, brain fog and intrusive thoughts to see things more clearly we need to practice meditation for 20+ years OR get the boost to this process at our complex approaches program. To make the right decision, to choose the correct pathway, to move in the direction to your purpose, to separate the wheat from the chaff you should first clear your mind. Concentration or focused attention assists in studying, enables faster comprehension, improves memory, focusing on goals, and enables to ignore irrelevant thoughts. Where attention goes, energy flows – that is why it’s so important to manage this process and perform better. Great changes for the better are ahead!

Practice concentration at mindfulness technique sessions (meditation) – (2 sessions)
Thai Yoga massage (1 session)
Hatha Yoga classes (2 sessions)
Brain Gym and EQ session (1 session\1h) works on concentration, cerebral hemispheres integration, emotional self-control
Reiki (2 sessions)
Individual neuro kinesiological session releases stress out of brain formatting, neuro emotional , primitive reflexes, neurotransmitters’ pathways (2 sessions\1,5h)

We’ll find the best compilation of specialists and modalities to meet your request so that you may feel first results as soon as it’s possible.

More information Robert +34 655 25 04 02

¿Quieres que tu empresa sea el Compañía De Salud Y Belleza mas cotizado en Valencia?
Haga clic aquí para reclamar su Entrada Patrocinada.

The aim of Centro Semilla

My aim?

I help therapists to develop
In professional team
Through the use of your own practice space
As part of a network


Russafa! I offer different massage and teaching spaces to alternative therapists who are ready to develop professionally within a very-well located centre in the heart of Valencia.


Calle Del Riu Odiel 30

Horario de Apertura

Martes 10:00 - 14:00
17:00 - 21:00
Miércoles 10:00 - 14:00
17:00 - 21:00
Jueves 10:00 - 14:00
17:00 - 21:00
Viernes 10:00 - 14:00
17:00 - 21:00
Sábado 10:00 - 19:00

Otros Medicina holística y alternativa en Valencia (mostrar todas)
Pluma_mb Pluma_mb
València, Comunitat Valenciana, Espanya
Valencia, 46002

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Salud a través de Moléculas Redox Salud a través de Moléculas Redox

La salud y el bienestar natural se abre al mundo. Me gustaría presentártelo.

Blue Morpho Yoga Blue Morpho Yoga
Luis Santangel 23
Valencia, 46005

Centro Holístico en Ruzafa | We speak English | info: BlueMorphoYoga.es | +34 627 449 625

La aventura de sentir La aventura de sentir

Apertura y lectura de Registros Akashicos Reiki

Bio descodificación Biológica Bio descodificación Biológica

La descodificación Biológica es una terapia de acompañamiento que sirve para ayudar a la persona

LuxTerra LuxTerra
Carrer Dels Centelles, 28
Valencia, 46004

LuxTerra, más que un Herbolario, es donde sembramos la semilla del nuevo ser en el que nos queremos convertir.

LuzamAura LuzamAura

✓Canalizadora✓Facilitadora Emocional✓Método LuzamAura✓Regresión✓Barras de Access✓Registros Akáshicos

Charo_Terapeuta Holistica Charo_Terapeuta Holistica

Especializada en Terapias Holísticas Personalizadas, uniendo, la parte física, emocional, energética y espiritual, dependiendo de lo que necesite cada persona en ese momento y acom...

El gran árbol de la vida El gran árbol de la vida

Me dedico a las terapias alternativas, con aceites esenciales, como quiromasaje, maderoterapia, bioemocional, etc.

Centro Hypnos Centro Hypnos
Valencia, 46001

Penta.ser Penta.ser
Calle San Juaquim
Valencia, 46950