

MELCA-Ethiopia has a vision to see healthy and prosperous people, who preserve their bio-cultural di


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Photos from Ethiopian News Agency's post 28/11/2023

biodiversity day 2023

Establishment of the Ethiopian Food System and Agroecology Consortium 10/05/2023

Establishment of the Ethiopian Food System and Agroecology Consortium

MELCA-Ethiopia and Its partners establish Ethiopian Food System and Agroecology Consortium to work together and achieving a common objective on the gaps of Ethiopian Food System and Agroecology on 9th May 2023. The consortium members are a local and international civil society organizations work in Ethiopia.

As part of its agro-ecology and food system program, and activities under a project entitled “ Citizens for Ethiopian Food Policy Formulation” financed by Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), MELCA-Ethiopia sponsored the preparation of a Bylaw for the establishment of Ethiopian Food System and Agroecology Consortium, and two food system related studies.

A Bylaw for the establishment of Ethiopian Food System and Agroecology Consortium, and two food system related studies have been presented to the participant. After a discussion and correction of the presented bylaw it was approved unanimously.

During the establishment workshop General Assembly Leadership and Board Members has been elected from its member’s organization. The new established consortium invite the new applicant organization who wants working together and to achieve a common goal on the gaps of Ethiopian Food System and Agroecology. Different stakeholders and concerned body from government organizations and institute, private company and individuals have been participated the meeting.

Resilient Community and Ecosystem
Join Us Today!

Establishment of the Ethiopian Food System and Agroecology Consortium Promoting sustainable development, biodiversity conservation, and community empowerment in Ethiopia. Join us today.

Photos from Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute - EBI's post 27/04/2023
ለአካባቢ ተስማሚ የሆነ የኑሮ ማሻሻያ ድጋፍ ማጃንግ ፕሮጀክት ክፍል 3/ Eco-friendly Livelihood Support Majang Project Part 3 13/04/2023

Along with conserving the forest resource in the Reserve, MELCA-Ethiopia carried out several livelihood-related activities at the group and individual levels.

Interventions related to cooperative development, youth livelihood groups, and women livelihood groups are the direct group-level actions performed by the project’s two phases.

Furthermore, through these group arrangements, MELCA impacted households or individuals’ livelihoods. Though there is a need to fine-tune the livelihood interventions to link with forest conservation, the effectiveness of the interventions in terms of livelihood diversification, increasing income, creating assets, promoting saving culture, and motivating beneficiaries to improve their well-being is quite encouraging.

Starting from the project’s first phase, MELCA Ethiopia has promoted the “ “ approach for intergenerational learning and knowledge transfer in Majang Zone. SENGI (which means seed in Oromifa, the languages of one of the major ethnic groups in Ethiopia) and an acronym for “Social Empowerment through Nature and Group Interaction,” is a program that takes young people into a forest in a process facilitated by elders, to connect them with nature, culture and themselves.

Later the youth start a club in their school or community and initiate a range of projects to educate themselves and others about nature and culture and to build leadership. is very well appreciated among the young people around schools and those professionals in the education sector.

ለአካባቢ ተስማሚ የሆነ የኑሮ ማሻሻያ ድጋፍ ማጃንግ ፕሮጀክት ክፍል 3/ Eco-friendly Livelihood Support Majang Project Part 3 Along with conserving the forest resource in the Reserve, MELCA-Ethiopia carried out several livelihood-related activities at the gr...

አሳታፊ የደን አስተዳደር ማህበር ማጃንግ ፕሮጀክት ክፍል 2/ Participatory Forest Management Majang Project Part 2 12/04/2023

As a second project phase, -Ethiopia has been implemented a project entitled “Growth for the Future Program II: Resources Management for Resilience and Economic Development, Majang project” Since January 2019.

This phase aimed to contribute to sustainable economic development, poverty reduction, and biodiversity conservation in Gambella Peoples’ Regional State.

አሳታፊ የደን አስተዳደር ማህበር ማጃንግ ፕሮጀክት ክፍል 2/ Participatory Forest Management Majang Project Part 2 As a second project phase, implemented a project entitled “Growth for the Future Program II: Resources Management for Resilience and Economic...

በማጃንግ ደን ባዮስፌር ሪዘርቭ የፕሮጀክት ስኬቶች ዘጋቢ ፊልም ክፍል 1 / Majang Project Achievements Documentary Part 1 07/04/2023

The Majang forest, found in the Majang zone of Gambella Peoples National Regional State, is one of the of Ethiopia registered by UNESCO, named “The Forest Biosphere Reserve (MFBR).

MELCA-Ethiopia has operated in the area since 2014 and played a facilitation role in the nomination and registration of the MFBR by as a biosphere reserve in 2017.

በማጃንግ ደን ባዮስፌር ሪዘርቭ የፕሮጀክት ስኬቶች ዘጋቢ ፊልም ክፍል 1 / Majang Project Achievements Documentary Part 1 The Majang forest, found in the Majang zone of Gambella Peoples National Regional State, is one of the Biosphere Reserves of Ethiopia registered by UNESCO, n...

Population, Health & Environment Cross Cutting Program #Final Part/ሥነ ህዝብ፣ ጤና እና አካባቢ ፕሮግራም መጨረሻ ክፍል 06/04/2023

Population, Health & Environment Cross Cutting Program #Final Part/ሥነ ህዝብ፣ ጤና እና አካባቢ ፕሮግራም መጨረሻ ክፍል With some 70 percent of its population under age thirty, Ethiopia, home to an estimated (April 2020 WPR), 114.96 million people, leads Africa as the second m...

Eco-freindly livelihood Improvement Program/ ለአካባቢ ተስማሚ የሆኑ የኑሮ ማሻሻያ ፕሮግራም ክፍል 5 03/04/2023

Eco-freindly livelihood Improvement Program/ ለአካባቢ ተስማሚ የሆኑ የኑሮ ማሻሻያ ፕሮግራም ክፍል 5 Eco-friendly social and economic empowerment program intervention encompass creating ecologically conscious communities that vanguard its natural resources ...

Children and Youth Empowerment Program/ ሴቶች፣ ወጣቶችን እና ህፃናትን ማብቅት ፕሮግራም ክፍል 4 30/03/2023

Children and Youth Empowerment Program/ ሴቶች፣ ወጣቶችን እና ህፃናትን ማብቅት ፕሮግራም ክፍል 4 Children, youth and women have key roles, useful knowledge, are custodians of nature and biodiversity, endowed with key roles (notably women) in food and agr...

መልካ ኢትዮጵያ 19ኛዉን አመታዊ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤዉን አባላቱ በተገኙበት አካሄደ 28/03/2023

መልካ ኢትዮጵያ 19ኛዉን አመታዊ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤዉን አባላቱ በተገኙበት አካሄደ ከተፈጥሮ ጋር ዘለቄታዊ ግንኙነት ያላቸዉን ባህላዊ እሴቶቻችን እንዲያንሰራሩ እና የማህበረሰብን እና የስርአተ ምህዳርን አቅምን ለማጎልበት አላማ አድርጎ በ1997ዓ.ም የተቋቋመዉ መልካ .....


መልካ ኢትዮጵያ በዶ/ር ተወልደብርሃን ገብረእግዚአብሔር ሕልፈት የተሰማዉን ጥልቅ ሀዘን እየገለፀ ለቤተሰቦቻቸዉ ለወዳጅ ዘመዶቻቸዉ መፅናናትን ይመኛል!!

የአካባቢ ጉዳይ ተመራማሪ ዶክተር ተወልደ ብርሃን ከዚህ ዓለም በሞት ተለዩ

አዲስ አበባ፣ መጋቢት 12፣ 2015 (ኤፍ ቢ ሲ) የአካባቢ ጉዳይ ተመራማሪ ዶክተር ተወልደ ብርሃን ገብረ እግዚአብሔር በ83 ዓመታቸው ከዚህ ዓለም በሞት ተለዩ፡፡

ዶክተር ተወልደ ብርሃን ገብረ እግዚአብሔር በአካባቢ ጉዳይ ላይ ለዓለም የሚጠቅም ተጠቃሽ ሥራዎችን ሰርተዋል።

በተለይም÷ በብዝሐ ሕይወት፣ በማሕበረሰብ (የአርሶ አደሮችን መብት) ማስከበር እና በዘረመል ምሕንድስና በሚመረት እህል ላይ ያደረጓቸው ምርምሮች በዓለም አቀፍ ደረጃ ዕውቅናና ሽልማት አስገኝቶላቸዋል ብለዋል፡፡

ከሽልማታቸው መካከል “የአማራጭ የኖቤል ሽልማት” እና “የምድራችን ጀግና” በሚል ሲንጋፖር ላይ በፈረንጆቹ 2006 ላይ የተሸለሙት ይጠቀሳሉ ነው ያሉት፡፡

ሕይወታቸው እስከአለፈበት ድረስም አዲስ አበባ ይኖሩ እንደነበር ነው የቅርብ ወዳጃቸው የሆነው ደራሲ ዘነበ ወላ ለፋና ብሮድካስቲንግ ኮርፖሬት የገለፀው፡፡

ደራሲ ዘነበ ወላም ‹‹የምድራችን ጀግና›› በሚል ርዕስ በጻፈው መጽሐፍ የዶክተር ተወልደ ብርሃን ገ/እግዚአብሔርን የሕይወት ታሪክ እና ሥራዎቹን አስቃኝቷል፡፡

ዶክተር ተወልደ ብርሃን የሦስት ሴቶች ልጆች አባት ነበሩ፡፡

እንዲሁም ከ60 በላይ ሌሎች ልጆችን አሳድገዋል፡፡

ፋና ብሮድካስቲንግ ኮርፖሬትም ለሟች ልጆች፣ ዘመድ እና ወዳጆች መጽናናትን ይመኛል፡፡

በዮሐንስ ደርበው

ወቅታዊ፣ትኩስ እና የተሟሉ መረጃዎችን ለማግኘት፡-
ድረ ገጽ፦
ትዊተር፦ በመወዳጀት ይከታተሉን፡፡

ዘወትር፦ ከእኛ ጋር ስላሉ እናመሰግናለን!

Agroecology and Food System Program/ሥነምህዳሪያዊ ግብርና እና የምግብ ስርአት ፕሮግራም ክፍል 3 21/03/2023

Agroecology and Food System Program/ሥነምህዳሪያዊ ግብርና እና የምግብ ስርአት ፕሮግራም ክፍል 3 Such human made actions that have striped Ethiopia most of its green, pave the way for natural phenomenon such as wind and rain to further dilapidate ecologi...

Environmental Governance Program / የአካባቢ አስተዳደር ፕሮግራም / ክፍል 2 20/03/2023

Environmental Governance Program / የአካባቢ አስተዳደር ፕሮግራም / ክፍል 2 This initiative is set with the conviction that the sustainable functioning of ecosystem requires putting good environmental governance mechanism/system in p...

Establishment of MELCA Ethiopia / የመልካ ኢትዮጵያ አመሰራረት / Part 1 / ክፍል አንድ 17/03/2023

Establishment of MELCA Ethiopia / የመልካ ኢትዮጵያ አመሰራረት / Part 1 / ክፍል አንድ MELCA-Ethiopia is a non for profit making non-governmental organization legally registered as an Ethiopian resident charity organization in accordance with t...

Photos from MELCA-Ethiopia's post 06/03/2023

Beekeeping Training for Beekeepers, Farmers, Extension Service Providers, Experts, and Development Agents

Beekeeping is one of the core environmentally friendly income generation (livelihood improvement) activities of the MELCA-Ethiopia program thematic area. The interventions are essentially based on non-timber forest products that work in an ecologically sound manner. The program also engages communities, notably marginalized groups, women, and unemployed youth, and encourages private sector actors’ participation in eco-friendly business and investment options.

In MELCA’s project areas beekeeping activities are a very potential livelihood (income generation) option and a non-timber forest product. Most beekeepers that live in MELCA’s project area (Adaba, Bale, Majang, and Sheka) use traditional beehives for producing honey and hunting honey. Beehive products especially honey attract the best prices making it a valuable commodity for income.

To promote the modern beekeeping system MELCA-Ethiopia have been organized training for beekeepers, farmers, extension service providers, experts, and development agents at end of Feb and the beginning of March 2023.. The overall objective of the training is capacity building of beekeeping practice to the Beekeepers, extension service providers, farmers, experts, and development agents as the trainer of trainer.

The training was conducted jointly by MELCA-Ethiopia and professional beekeeper volunteer came from Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO). Approximately one hundred trainers were able to participate in the training while twenty-five percent of them were female. The three-day training for each project has been provided. Besides the presentation, the training has also included practical beehive inspection during the daytime, simple candle-making methods with bee wax, and apiary site visits.

Photos from MELCA-Ethiopia's post 31/01/2023

Training for Journalists and Media Professionals on Agroecology, Food System and Biosafety Concepts

As part of its agro-ecology and food system program, and with financial support from Alliance for Food Sovereignty in Africa (AFSA), MELCA-Ethiopia and PELUM Ethiopia Consortium has been provided a one day (Jan 30, 2023) trainings on Agroecology, Food System and Biosafety related issues.

The objective of the training is to equip media professionals with proper knowledge and information about the matters and situation of GMO at global level and to biosafety and sustainable food system.

On the capacity building training and orientations agricultural and environmental related journalists from television, radio, print and web journalists including governmental and private media companies are participated.

During the training different papers on biosafety basics and emerging issues, and national biosafety law, on concepts of Agro-ecology and agricultural related problems and solution under community management have been presented.

On presented paper and other emerging issues the training participants has been discussed. It was raised that there is a need for journalists and media experts, civil society organizations and the government to work together on the issues raised in the discussion.


በህገወጥ የደን ጭፍጨፍ ላይ ተከሰው የነበሩ 6 ግለሰቦች እያንዳንዳቸው በ1 ዓመት ጽኑ እስራት እና በ10 ሺ ብር የገንዘብ ቅጣት ተቀጡ።

ሜጢ ጥር 15/2015 ዓ/ም ጎደሬ ወረዳ መንግስት ኮሚኒኬሽን ጉዳዮች ጽ/ቤት።

የማጃንግ ብሔረሰብ ዞን ከፍተኛ ፍርድ ቤት በዩኒስኮ የተመዘገበውን የማጃንግ ጥብቅ ደን ላይ ገብተው የጨፈጨፉ 6 ግለሰቦች ላይ በአንድ ዓመት ጽኑ እሥራት እና በ10 ሺ ብር የገንዘብ ቅጣት እንዲቀጡ ወስኗል።

ፍርድ ቤቱ የቅጣት ውሳኔ ያስተላለፈው በመንገሺ ወረዳ ሶኖይ/ሾኔ/ ቀበሌ ነዋሪ የሆኑት 1ኛ አቶ ዳንኤል አውሬ 2ኛ አቶ አብዮት ማርቆስ 3ኛ አቶ በቃሉ አምሳሉ 4ኛ አቶ ጌታቸው እንድሪያስ 5ኛ አቶ መሀመድ ካሳ 6ኛ አቶ ቆጭቶ ደምሴ በተባሉ ግለሰቦች ላይ ነው።

የማጃንግ ብሔረሰብ ዞን ፍትህ መመሪያ ሀላፊ አቶ ያዕቆብ ሸራተን እንደገለፁት እነዚህ 6 ግለሰቦች በመንገሺ ወረዳ ሶኖይ/ሾኔ/ ቀበሌ ልዩ ስሙ ማኪ ተራራ እና ዋን ተራራ በሚባለው ቦታ ላይ ቀኑና ሰዓቱ በውል ባልታወቀ ጊዜ በዓለም ዓቀፍ ደረጃ በዩኒስኮ የተመዘገበውን ጥብቅ ደን ገብተው በማውደማቸው ነው ብለዋል።

በተለይም የደኑ ወሰን እንዳይታወቅ የተቀባውን ቀለም እና የተተከለውን ታፔላ በመንቀል ደኑ ደብዛው እንዲጠፋ ለማድረግ ብዙ መንገድ ተጉዘዋል።

በመሆኑም የደን ልማት ጥበቃና አጠቃቀም አዋጅ ቁጥር 1065/2010 ዓ/ም አንቀፅ 26(2) ስር የተመለከተውን የህግ ድንጋጌ በመተላለፍ ጥፋተኛ ሆነው በመገኘታቸው የማጃንግ ብሔረሰብ ዞን ከፍተኛ ፍርድ ቤት ጥር 12 ቀን 2015 ዓ.ም በዋለው ችሎት በ1 ዓመት ጽኑ እስራት እና በ10 ሺ ብር የገንዘብ ቅጣት እንዲቀጡ ወስኖባቸዋል ብለዋል።

በህገወጥ መንገድ እየገቡ ደኑን እያወደሙ ያሉ ግለሰቦችና ቡድኖች ከሁለቱ ወረዳዎችና ከባለድርሻ አካላት ጋር በመናበብ በህግ የመጠየቁ ስራ ተጠናክሮ እንደሚቀጥል የመምሪያ ሀላፊው ተናግረዋል።

Photos from MELCA-Ethiopia's post 27/01/2023

Agro-Ecology Promoters Organized the First Ethiopian Agro-biodiversity Seed and Food Fair

The First Ethiopian Agro-biodiversity Seed and Food Fair has been held in Jan 26, 2023 at Addis Ababa. The main goal of the event is to showcase the potential values of indigenous agricultural crops/plants, to encourage the interaction and official recognition of indigenous local crop seed custodians and users as well as supporters and other actors at the national level.

MELCA-Ethiopia's existing local seed producers and conservators association namely “Endelbe” from Woreilu Woreda, and Melka Fota association from Wolmera Woreda participated in the seed and food fair. The members of the associations conducted an exchange of experience with other farmers who participated in the Seed and Food Fair and with other research institutions.

At the Seed and Food Fair, they presented existing seeds and foods made from existing seeds to the participants. In the program senior public and government representative, farmers, civil unions, civil society organizations and Medias have been participated.


Backyard Gardening for Enhancing Agro-ecological Practices and Livelihoods of Women- Wereilu Project

MELCA-Ethiopia with the purpose of strengthening and empowering women through engaging them in agroecology and food system programs have been working on supporting women by engaging them in different eco-friendly livelihood activities. One of the projects working on such activities is its Wereilu project located in South Wello of Amhara National Regional State.

MELCA-Ethiopia selected 24 women from organized self-help group members who lost their properties by the civil war that happen in their area last year. The objective was to treat morally and economically self-help group (SHG) members who damaged their properties and were harmed by the civil war.

The Wereilu woreda agriculture office plant science experts have provided vegetable gardening training collaborating with MELCA-Ethiopia to the women on the benefits of backyard gardening, suitable land selection, how to take care of vegetables, and creation of market linkage. Then MELCA-Ethiopia distributed carrot, cabbage, beetroot, and tomato seeds to the beneficiary women during the last rainy season.

Medina Mohamed is a housewife and a farmer in a rural village in Wereilu Woreda 04 Kebele. She was poor and had nothing to feed her family and she always depended on a meager income coming from her husband. In July 2022, Medina was selected by her self-help group to benefit from her backyard gardening, activities of MELCA.

After enrolling in backyard gardening, Medina learned basic gardening skills and how to grow different vegetables—including cabbage, tomatoes, beetroot, and carrots—creating diversity at her backyard.

Ms. Medina Mohammed explains: “The backyard gardening helps me to provide nutritious food for my family and we are eating well. In addition to what we eat, I am earning additional income by selling the vegetables I have produced in my backyard. From my previous harvesting, I have sold some of my beetroots and got 450 birr and four quintals of carrots. ”

Misaye Alelgn is another subsistence farmer who enrolled in backyard gardening. Like Medina, Misaye also explains: “Thanks to the backyard gardening support, I now have what I need to grow vegetables in my garden for my family. Thank you to MELCA-Ethiopia for this support, which will help me my whole life.”

After seeing the success in her garden, Medina began teaching and encouraging backyard gardening techniques to other women in her village—planting the seeds that will help to generate income and enhance household food security.

Photos from MELCA-Ethiopia's post 08/11/2022

“Watchtowers enabled us to stay longer time in the forest”: Story from Ranger

Shibru Tolla is a clan leader and ranger in Sheka Zone, Masha Woreda, and one of the volunteers who dedicated their time and energy to guarding part of the rainforest situated in Keja Kebele. “Ever since the registration of the Sheka forest as a bio reserve, I’ve been serving as a guard. I educate folks on the importance of the reserve and the need for safeguarding it.”

MELCA-Ethiopia is implementing a project entitled “Enhancing Resilience of Sheka Community to Climate Change through Strengthening Conservation of UNESCO Sheka Forest, Sheka project”, since 2021 and the project financed by SOS Faim Luxemburg.

As part of the Environmental governance program, one of the key aspects of biosphere management includes the protection and safeguarding of the forest from illegal users and sound monitoring and prevention of wildfires that may erupt to inflict unexpected damages.

MELCA-Ethiopia working on supporting rangers in Sheka Zone Masha and Anderacha Woreda by providing training on forest fire protection, descent working material like raincoats, and waterproof boots, building watchtowers and providing mobile phones with air time. And this enables rangers to report if there is any deforestation or other threats to the forest.

Volunteer community members that have lived protecting the forest with a feeling of responsibility were trained and equipped with essential protective gear. Thirty-three such rangers monitor the Sheka Forest Biosphere Reserves round the clock and 15 watch towers have been built in core areas of Sheka FBR Masha and Anderacha Woreda.

The watchtower “is a friend indeed,” says Shibru, adding, “it helped us stay longer in the forest shelter. Heavy rains used to force us to stay away. But now, as shelters are made available, we’ve no problem coming at whatever time we like and staying in deep inside the jungle as much as we want.”

Watchtowers are erected at strategic locations for rangers to watch possible intrusions. “Manned or empty, they serve as a warning against trespassing. Intruders avoid entering the forest as they feel insecure thinking there may possibly be an onlooker nearby,” said says Shibru Tolla, a ranger and clan leader in Sheka Zone, Masha Woreda who knows the forestland from childhood times.

Photos from MELCA-Ethiopia's post 02/11/2022

Practical Training on Newly Improved Natural Compost Preparation

MELCA-Ethiopia jointly with Wereilu Wereda agriculture office provides practical training for Wereillu Woreda Farmers, Experts, and DAs on newly improved natural compost preparation for two days. With the prior objective of MELCA-Ethiopia Agroecology program, farmers’ resilience to environmental shocks and climate variability improved due to enhanced access and control over their locally adapted and nutritious seeds, and healthy inputs.

MELCA-Ethiopia previously Implemented a rural livelihood improvement project in Wereilu woreda and currently implementing a project named Strengthening Sustainable Farming and Local Food Systems through Promotion of Agro-ecological Farming with financial support from AgroEcology Fund.

MELCA-Ethiopia works on the project woreda to improve soil health through reduced cost for chemical fertilizer, contamination, and hybrid seeds, provision and skill building in vermin and compost preparation, and promotion of the use of organic inputs.

The main objective of the training is to introduce, scale up, and familiarize the newly improved natural compost preparation for the farmers, DAs, and experts. On the two-day training 30 development agents, 35 model farmers, and 3 plant and soil fertility experts from Wereilu Woreda (06,07,10,12 and 11 Kebeles) participated.

During the training, natural liquid compost preparation, anti-pest preparation, and improved compost preparation methods were introduced to the trainers, and the participants were eager to follow and enjoyed the training.

Based on the training received from PELUM Ethiopia, where MELCA-Ethiopia is a member of the network has carried out the amendments on natural compost preparation. The newly introduced type of natural compost preparation leads to substituting the old conventional compost most time taking and labor-intensive for farmers. To get enough compost the conventional one takes three to six months or a year however, the newly introduced one only requires 30 to 45 days.

Photos from MELCA-Ethiopia's post 06/10/2022

MELCA-Ethiopia launched a new project in Oromia National Regional State Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne Walmara Woreda.

With the project titled Enhancing the Resilience Capacity of Smallholder Farmers of Welmera through Promoting Agro-ecological Practices and Market Access, MELCA-Ethiopia launched a new project in Oromia National Regional State, Oromia Special Zone Surrounding Finfinne Walmara Woreda with the financial support of SOS Faim Belgium To contribute to national level poverty reduction through building resilience and wellbeing of communities and their ecosystems, the project will implement for coming five years (2022 – 2026).

In the earlier MELCA-Ethiopia has been worked in the woreda and shown a visible change. MELCA comeback to Walmara Woreda with the prior objective of "to support communities engaged in sustainable agriculture and learning practices that improve their life and livelihoods while at the same time protecting their environment and conserving their bio-cultural diversity".

With the presence of Woredas administration representatives and officers, kebeles development agents, community leaders, four kebele farmer representatives and school administration, and SOS Faim representative MELCA-Ethiopia conducted a project launch workshop in Holeta Town on October 06, 2022.

The launching workshop has been opened by community elder “Aba Geda” blessing. And workshop participants express their happiness by MELCA-Ethiopia come back and welcomed the new project, and they give their word to contribute and work together with MELCA-Ethiopia to achieve the planned goal.

The new project's specific objectives are to contribute to conservation of farmers' seed varieties and agro-biodiversity, to increase household income of smallholder farmer families by supporting them to be engaged in agro-ecology and facilitation of market access, to contribute to reduction of unemployment and poverty in the project area by supporting women and youth to be engaged in eco-friendly income generation activities, to enhance bio-cultural diversity awareness of the youth and community for better conservation and management of the local natural resources.


ዉድ የመልካ ኢትዮጵያ ጠቅላላ ጉባኤ እና ቦርድ አመራርና አባላት፣ ማኔጅመንት እና ሰራተኞች እንዲሁም አጋር አካላት እንኳን ለ2015 ዓ.ም አደረሳችሁ፡፡ በዓሉ የሰላም፣ የፍቅር እንዲሁም የመተሳሰብ እንዲሆንልዎ እንመኛለን፡፡

መልካም አዲስ አመት

Photos from MELCA-Ethiopia's post 19/08/2022

Indicative Ethiopian food system study and major food crops and livestock based mapping validation Workshop has been held.

As part of its agroecology and food system program, and with financial support from SWF Immersion Foundation through New Venture Fund, MELCA-Ethiopia conduct Indicative Ethiopian food system study and major food crops and livestock based mapping validation workshop on 19th August 2022 in Addis Ababa.

MELCA-Ethiopia has commissioned a food system assessment or mapping study for major stable food of Ethiopia. The objectives of the assessment including among other: Assessment of major food sources (agricultural crops and livestock based) of the country and their agro ecological distribution: and then develops as an indicative national food-map; To present a broad picture of the country’s food systems and stimulate discussion and set agenda for the need to develop a national food system policy.

During the validation workshop different papers on the study methodology and findings of the stakeholder survey, and root cause of food and nutrition insecurity emerging challenges and the way forward and recommendations presented by Dr. Bayush Tsegaye, Ethiopian food system, and the resource base presented by Dr. Eleni Shiferaw and Indicative map of Ethiopian Food Based on Major food Crops and Livestock Production area presented by Mr. Tariku Geda.

Various stakeholders from government institutions, civic society organizations, and universities participated in the workshop.
In the presented draft study papers workshop participants reflect on their perspectives and give constructive comments.

The consultant team has been recording and collecting the given constructive comments and reflections on the presented study papers. It is expected that the study team will reorganize the indicative Ethiopian food system study and major food crops and livestock based mapping based on given comments, and present the paper to various government and related stakeholders.


መልካ ኢትዮጵያ በወረኢሉ ወረዳ ባከናወናቸዉ የገጠር ኑሮን ማሻሻል ፕሮጀክት የተከናወኑ ዋና ዋና ተግባራትን እንዲሁም መልካም ተሞክሮዎችን የሚዳስስ የሬድዮ ፕሮግራም ከኢትዮጵያ ሬድዮ ጋር በመተባበር አዘጋጅቷል፡፡ የሬድዮ ፕሮግራሙ ረዕቡ ነሀሴ 11፤ 2014 ዓ.ም ከጠዋቱ 03፡30 – 04፡00 ጀምሮ በኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ ራዲዮ እና በኤፍ. ኤም 93.1 ላይ ይተላለፋል ፕሮግራሙንም እንዲያደምጡ ጋብዘንዎታል፡፡

እንዲሁም መልካ ኢትዮጵያ ከወረኢሉ ፕሮጀክት በተጨማሪ በሸካ፣ ማጃንግ፣ ባሌ እና አዳባ ፕሮጀክቶቹ ያከናወናቸዉን ዋና ዋና ተግባራትን እና ምርጥ ተሞክሮዎችን የሚዳስስ ፕሮግራም ከነገ ረዕቡ ነሀሴ 11፤ 2014ዓ.ም ከጠዋቱ 03፡30 – 04፡00 ጀምሮ ለተከታታይ ስድስት ሳምንታት በኢትዮጵያ ብሄራዊ ራዲዮ ጣቢያ እና በኤፍ. ኤም 93.1 ላይ ይተላለፋል፡፡ ፕሮግራሙን እንዲያደምጡት እየጋበዝን የሚኖርዎትን አስተያየት በፌስቡክ ገፃችን እንዲሁም በቴሌግራም ቻናላችን ላይ ቢልኩልን ይደርሰናል::

Vacancy Announcement for Wolmera and Bale Project Offices - MELCA-Ethiopia 01/08/2022

Vacancy Announcement for Wolmera and Bale Project Offices - MELCA-Ethiopia MELCA-Ethiopia is an Ethiopian Resident Charity Organization who works for a healthy ecosystem, vibrant culture and improved lives of communities in Ethiopia through developing and spreading innovative methods. Accordingly MELCA-Ethiopia invites interested and competent applicants for the following....

Photos from MELCA-Ethiopia's post 22/07/2022

The 5th Annual National Biosphere Reserve Network Meeting and Workshop: Defining the Critical Research Agendas has been held in Jimma.

MELCA-Ethiopia collaborating with Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute and National Biosphere Reserve Network conducting the 5th annual national BRs network meeting at July 22, 2022, with the aim to enhance the functioning of the country’s Biosphere Reserves, it has coordinated the establishment of the National Biosphere Reserve Network and has also been working to ensure the functioning of the Network.

One major undertaking in this regard is conducting an Annual Meeting of the Network that provides the opportunity for Members to come together and exchange views and experiences. The platform is envisaged to contribute to the achievement of the objectives behind the establishment of the UNESCO-registered Ethiopian Biosphere Reserves.

And as part of its environmental governance program and a project being implemented in Majang Zone, GPRS entitled “growth for the future program II: Natural Resource Management for Resilience and Economic Development with the financial support from Sida, MELCA-Ethiopia has been conducted a workshop to bring together academic and research institutions in south west Ethiopia to define the research agendas.

The main objective of the workshop is identifying and promoting potential demand driven, problem solving and learning researches that will come up with solutions to key socio-cultural, ecological and economic problems in the sustainable management of the biosphere reserves.

Photos from MELCA-Ethiopia's post 15/07/2022

MELCA-Ethiopia Collaborating with Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute and Farm Africa Conduct Validation Workshop on Draft National Biosphere Reserve Policy

To date exist five biosphere reserves in Ethiopia: Kafa (2010), Yayu (2010), Sheka Forest (2012) and Lake Tana (2015), and Majang Forest (2017) registered by the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme of the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization). MELCA-Ethiopia collaborating with federal and regional governments and with the financial support of Norwegian People´s Aid (NPA) and Sida facilitating, nominating and adopting the Sheka and Majang forest biosphere reserves.

MELCA-Ethiopia with financial support from Sida and in collaboration with Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute and Farm Africa has conducted a validation workshop on the Draft National Biosphere Reserve Policy on July 15, 2022, at Addis Ababa.

In the Validation workshop Dr. Mellese Mariyo Director General of Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI), Ato Asaye Asnake from Farm Africa and Ato Solomon Kebede Executive Director of MELCA-Ethiopia opened the forum with their opening speech.

By focusing on policy background and justification the draft Ethiopian Biosphere Reserve Policy has been presented by some of the study team Dr. Feleke Woldeyes Deputy Director General, Ethiopian Biodiversity Institute (EBI) Dr. Girma Eshetu Director, Ecosystem directorate, EBI, and Ato Fikremariam G/Melaku Associate researcher and Senior legal expert.

In the validation workshop, various stakeholders from government institutions, civic society organizations, and universities participated in the workshop. In the presented papers and the draft national biosphere reserve policy workshop participants discussed with the group and reflect on their perspectives and give constructive comments.

Additionally, the participant remarks the draft policy should present to the policy makers' government bodies to approve the following draft policy and that it is important to focus on the implementation of the policy.

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